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Topics - alrelax

Follow the Bead Plate when it is strong.  I have said it before and when you are at the B&M table and engaged, go with it.  We did after the 3rd and 4th blocks of the 1st line with the pure chop-chop for the remainder of that line.  Likewise we all did the same for the 4th block on of the solid Banker line on the 4th one down.  It was hard not to wager on other hands, but we managed.  As well the Fortune 7 on the 14th Banker hand came on that same line!  A real nice touch.  When the advantage is there, take it, do not disregard the gimmie wins. 

Vision--Consciousness & Recognition of Funds

Whether it is bank roll or buy-in or win funds.  Does not matter.  A portion of players will handle their funds extremely consciously, very intelligent and with the knowledge and constant recognition, that the funds they possess, on the table, in their pocket, or those that are available,  should not govern them in their decision making processes, whatever that may be.  Pretty much straight forward and simplistic to the easiest ABC's and Gambling 101's.

However, I have asked many people that do play baccarat, as to their views and thoughts on 'win' money in particular.  The rest of the money situation and how each thinks about it, really is too varied and too complicated to understand without knowing those people 24/7 for huge amounts of time.  So, here it is from the 'horse's' mouths as the saying goes.

I asked H-Money the other night.
  Me: "Say you won $100,000.00 from the casino and left with it, went and purchased two cars for $50,000.00 each.  Then you went back next week to any casino and lost your payroll check of $1,500.00 that night.  Would you be down $1,500.00 or what"?  H-Money:  "No, I would be up $98,500.00 if that was my second time gambling". 

He further went on to say,
"You have to keep a running total in your head, as to the amount you are up or down, because you are free to play if you are still and you have to be careful and play more cautiously if you are down until you get up again". 

WOW!  I actually heard almost that same thing from another two baccarat players that played the game for a couple of years or so.
  Interesting!  I do believe that money management systems and thought/beliefs about 'win' money, go hand in hand--with how a player thinks, cashes out and gauges his play/session times at the table. 

I have definitely concluded for myself that,
'refreshing and resetting' during the sessions as well as at the end of the session, no matter the outcome (win or lose) is vitally important and in your favor tremendously. 

No "resetting and refreshing" is extremely dangerous;
Viewing 'wins' as not yours is extremely dangerous;
Viewing 'cash outs' as 'up' money is extremely dangerous;
Running tab---of wins and losses and gauging yourself according to same, is extremely dangerous.

The above leads most players to,
'have to make'; 'have to earn'; 'pressure'; 'false positive reinforcements'; 'forced sessions to produce'; 'visions that cannot be seen or realized are even happening in front of them'; 'possible reinforcing of negativity or caution that hampers their winning ability'. 
LOL, it is reality.  Where Junk prevails because Junk is King along with all the twisted and junk that one idolizes. 

#1)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh8ttUKS9WQ

#2)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KL5M1zI_PA

And, the next one is like the unintelligent f**k at the baccarat table that primarily plays online and occasionally visits a B&M but is a bit out of touch with reality:

#3)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgMudF7JM4A

The next one.  "Do you know who I am"?  Let's get some bystanders to start a scene:

#4)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZrVyxkJDio

Forced to retire with full benefits.  Read the I-Net bro and go play baccarat in Atlantic City and learn the fool proof 7 column scoring technique, you will be wealthy in no time!

#5)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKTVVVuZeso

The next one is full of today's intelligent, gathered from endless hours of watching the I-Net and learning the vital skills to interface with society:

#6)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtcMo3M7PXA
Can you learn-Can you benefit by Forums?

Face value.  On your own.  With discussion and interaction with another or several.  Trial and error at the casino.  Research and understanding what can as well as, what may not happen.  Which the latter is where most people fail in their actual casino play at B&M casinos. 

Lots to think about, lots to explore.  Lots to learn.  Lots to have in your mind to base whatever it is you are pursuing or attacking, etc., etc. 

To sit down, say go to learn.  An actual learning session of some type.  Look, read, make notes, explore, read and research many versions of the same area or topic, etc.  Then suddenly the light goes off right above your head, "BOOM".  What?  Really?  And there it is, that is learning.  At least that is the way I view it.  Can one sit down, read a gambling forum and learn---each and every time?  Can that proverbial light always be going off?  I do not seriously think so.  Can you read and explore and try for it to?  Absolutely.  But there is a difference with the general banter and made up or assumed writing as compared to the actual writing of those posting actual results and their takes on them. 

There most certainly can be Subject A and Topic A.  The subject is writing about an instance of casino gambling at a casino and its results, etc.  Can that instance apply to you and your endeavors.  Absolutely.  Can the same instance apply to another 10 members reading the same exact writing?  Maybe not.  As well, how is that topic interpreted and understood by each person?  Different of course.  Has to be, the same as being in a classroom. 

Then there most certainly is a Subject B and Topic Bs as well.  And those my friends are the downsides and downfalls of the internet.  Sitting there enrolled in a school for some and a recreation yard BullS**T session for the others.  Enough said about the Subject B and Topic Bs, we have a few around, mostly banned or moderated here now anyway, but elsewhere they do exist and are very concerned and carry on topics about BelSelection and us here.  LOL, jealousy sucks as well as it irking your and bothering the heck out of you all the while those can not shake it off.  Sad to the max! 

Of course, the downfall and the sidetracking are another thing.  But hey, no difference than most classrooms with the class clowns, rejects, soon to be drop out as well as the failures waiting to happen.  No different anywhere in the world.   

Still takes Trial & Error, Trial & Error times 50 Xs or 100 Xs or more!  But, go ahead and believe you can read someone's postings on a casino forum as to how they track columns or events or anything else, multiple and divide as well as wait for a certain presentments of events, then they win and they never lose or they guarantee to win more than they lose.  Go right ahead.  Baccarat will never repeatedly with consistency provide pathways to wins based upon the same presentment producing them.  Go spend years testing, researching and playing, you will also come to that very same result. 

Then you have the special ones, the special people.  Those are the ones that say they expose everyone else who is full of Bulls**t and/or are Sock-puppets, etc., they are actually among the largest con/scam or just plain street corner beer drinking show stoppers that dwell on controlling any board or section of a board.  For without their evident power they seem to possess wherever they might control at the time, they are pretty much non-existent in anything else, (meaning-they live to talk about others and be hypercritical to the millionth power).  In other words, their forum presence is their everything and one can easily tell by their day in and day out regime of dazzle along with their degeneration and attempt at humiliation of others. Simple, there is no contesting that without doing exactly what I just outlined.  To the real players, to the real genuine posters that all take things seriously and pretty much tell the truth on the boards, those types would never waste their own valuable time maintaining evil grudges, journeys to humiliate or chastise others.  After all, you are just a reflection of what you really write in so many words.  The only problem is on the internet that does not exist in person among classmates, friends or family members, is when pun or a Saturday Night Live TV skit is attempted, how another will turn that very thing around and use it to support their made up, fictitious and degrading BULLS**T they write.

Of course, those types are banned or moderated in many cases these days on most forums.  It is easier rather than having to repeatedly warn, make announcements and chase away the good members, etc.  You know in all actuality, it does not matter what the individual writes about; If you like it, enjoy it, learn from it, get entertainment from it, great.  Read it and support the individual.  If you do not, skip it, move on and use your valuable time wisely and for other things.   

But you will certainly notice that the small group of outspoken, 'Little Boys', will dwell, notably call out, accuse, twist and turn writing in detail about most aspects of another's life when they never even met the person they are writing about, as well as calling out things about the other.  No reason except for the apparent and self-professed jealousy and proving themselves a hypercritical puppet of a small online casino gambling burned out little boy's club of sorrowful losers.  Someone that wastes their time to copy and paste and write things up, with the attempt at degradation, humiliation and chastising others.  That alone proves their true colors in every single way, no question about it.

Sad but true. 

Good Luck and Happy Learning, Alrelax/Glen
Wagering & Intricacies / 8-4-19 Bac 1 Shoe Started
August 05, 2019, 01:05:52 AM
WOW!  What a great start and play out!  H-Money is a bit calmer now and starting to understand, take the money and run and cool the heck off!  Stop the emotions and the need to win it back or win tons more and get the greed dose of excitement, right now, hook or crook-- as they say!!!


Wagering & Intricacies / Casino with H-Money 8-4-19
August 04, 2019, 06:49:58 AM
Another strong and totally predictable couple of shoes that proved extremely profitable:


Shoe Buy-In: $1,400.00
H-Money Shoe Buy-In:  $900.00

Shoe Profit: $3.640.00
H-Money Shoe Profit:  $2,180.00
Wagering & Intricacies / Casino with H-Money 8-2-19
August 03, 2019, 02:18:59 PM
Here it is, the two shoes we played.  Full tables out of the few bac tables they have.  Began a new shoe and H-Money and I got a couple of seats.  This time he followed me, LOL!  But true!  He actually followed me and did not resist is normal 100% self.  I just tried to call him and no answer, which is unusual, hoping he did not go back after I dropped him hone late last night.  Anyways, onward.

AGAIN.  I wish to reiterate as I get asked this all the time.  "How do you know where to mark the Section and Turning Points at"?  Well, I have explained it and through members twisting and turning and assuming everything but, they misunderstand and expand upon something ultra simple and factual, into drama and wash women laundry room banter.  Well, Sections and Turning Points are going to be a little individual to you style of wagering and play as well.  But basically, every 20 hands (12-25) for a solid 4 Sections per shoe, could be 3 or 5 as well. Sections are to keep you focused on the immediate and stop the dwelling on what was and what is not.  Few words for great drama, I realize but those doing just that are the same ones that say my posts and explanations where extremely long, did not read and then those exact same people go on other boards and their own writings dwarf mine, ROMAFL!!!!!! 

As I have explained before and conveniently left out in other's rebuttals against my ways with Sections & Turning Points, the Turning Points are drawn on your card right after they happen (probably backing up 2 or 3 hands to put your line) with your individual style and beliefs in the shoe.   You have to have the experience and the willpower as well to use them.  Repeating, opposite, rare already happened, the (+ - 10) to the  (+ - 20 count),  and numerous other things you are conscious of and waiting for to happen or not happen, etc., etc.   

First Shoe:


Second Shoe:


Short segment on tracking cheaters and related matters at the casino.

General Discussion / On-Line Casino Info Site
July 28, 2019, 07:34:12 AM
I will leave this up temporarily.  Looks like it might be good info.  Did not check it all out.

I am not a on-line player of anything as most know.  Let me know if this is good info or not.

Looks like they answer numerous questions I see all the time posted here and elsewhere.

Thanks, Alrelax.

Just one of a few similar sites that casinos use to post their info about players.  Just FYI.  And it is not about skilled or advantage or anything of the likes.  It is about players that are connected through one means or another to scams, illegal activity, etc. 


Regarding the Baccarat and Blackjack scams they did and how they did it with good portions of the survelience tapes released:

Play with the shoe.  Stop trying to change it, stop believing all the garbage on the internet and system books.  Stop believing the preaching about the highest percentage of this or that, especially with the 1s and the 2s.  Of course they contribute more percentage numbers than anything else, but might not be even 50% of the time you are sitting down playing.  The biggest thing of following anything, weak, strong, 1s, 2s, etc., etc., is making up your losses.  In flat betting and the grind, those losses will be greater than your wins, I do not care and I do not engage in combating those claiming otherwise any longer.  It is an insult what those people preach to others. 

As far as winning with larger wagers with progressions and parlays, etc., extremely addictive and increases your greediness and everything else that goes along with that.  I have written about this plenty of this site and the psychological effects and consequences of it all.  Look it up and re-read it. 

Anyway, last night here is a prime example of easy to make great money as well as easy to lose your buy in or bank roll, etc. 

Said it before, many times, 0-1-2 Ties or Low/No Ties, stays stronger than versus lots of ties more frequently. 


Reference the 10 Banker Streak.  After that 5th Banker with the natural, the majority of all the players stack it up on the Players Side with wagers of $500 to $1,000.00 each.  Then they Marty as well.  Most stuck on the Bankers Side and continual lost whatever they won and most if not all of their buy ins and bank rolls brought.  At least 4 of the 5 that kept wagering to change the shoe, did get wiped out.

Player became stronger as you can see.  People only got hurt when they continually progressed with it or went Banker and then did the Marty.  Some survived, others got wiped.  But there was a consistent 1 Banker for the 4 times.  Sections, just look in Sections rather than the whole previous outcome, etc.  Then the double Banker and the triple Banker came.  Everyone went wild once again with visions of another Banker Streak, etc., etc., etc. 

Most would begin to ride the Players but they all went extremely light and flat bet.  What I fail to understand of most Players is their reluctance to wager heavy on the Players and also stick with the Players side, especially when the Players Side is coming on strong.  The stick with the Banker for a little bit then most believe in the cut and only in the cut.  Years ago, it was never like this. 

The start of the Players Streak, two people parlayed 2 or 3 times and then just kept pulling down their winnings.  The rest of the table (the majority of them anyway) went on the Bankers Side wagering with larger and larger bets or that gut stabbing Marty and they got wiped out, either the ones that survived from the beginning or other people sitting down citing, "Has to cut, Has to cut", or "Banker coming back like the beginning", etc., etc.

Also, what you are not seeing, are Hands 78-82.  Went like this:  78=Player, 79=Player, 80=Fortune 7 Banker, 81=Player, 82=Player and last hand, 83=Fortune 7 Banker.  Yes, 3 Fortune 7s within the last 10 hands. 

Two green circles I made are the Fortune 7s.  I did not have time to snap a picture of the board at the very end with hands 78-82 as described above.

Be careful, stop trying to change the shoe, play with it no matter if it is weak or strong. 

Last night, here is what happened within this shoe:


On that first circled 'Fortune 7' (hand #6, the first Banker hand) the first two cards were; Players had two monkeys, Bankers had a 2 and a 4.  Dealer gives the 3rd Players card to the Player wagering the most and he flops a 6 and yells out, "Tie Hand".  He had the only Tie wager out there and he was wagering as well on the Players side. 

No one caught that the Bankers side still had to pull.  I have seen this many times, but usually when the Players side flops a 7 rather than the 6 for a total of 6, or even the one more mistakenly handled is the 7 on top of a 1 or a 2 showing for the Players side.  But anyway.....

On this particular hand, there was one person out of about 6 or so at the table wagering on the Fortune 7 and like I said, no one said anything.  Dealers pushes both sets of cards out front and motions for a Tie.  Pays the Tie and scoops up the cards and is dropping them and that is when someone said, "wait, you made a mistake you have to pull for the Banker".  Floor guy comes over and the dealer dropped the cards as that was being said.  Dealer turns to the floor and says, "I should have pulled, had a 3rd card of 6 for the Players and Banker had their first two cards with a total of 6".  Floor looks at everything and has one of those moments where whatever he does, not everyone is going to be happy.  Most people were on the Bankers side, a couple on the Players side. 

The Floor tells the dealer to pull the shoe in, he is calling surveillance to check the hand and then he will tell her what to do.  So after a few minuets he gets the call.  He says, "Surveillance told me that we have to finish the hand, put all the bets back, give the dealer back the Tie payout and we will place the cards back on the table".  The floor had the dealer empty the bucket on the table, there really was hardly any hands already played out, and she put the 5 cards back on the P and the B sides.  The floor said, "Is everyone in agreement, that this is what was on the table when the Players third card was drawn"?  Everyone agreed.  The dealer pulls one more card for the Banker and it was given to the person on the Banker side wagering the most.  He just motioned for the dealer to flip it and get on with the game.

The dealer flops an Ace for the Fortune 7 win.   
Initially, your assumption that I just don't get it, has you all wrong, and shows you do not understand what is charming, a pun or a factual statement.  What you wrote about is tedious, made up and derived from your pure assumptions.  After a while it gets tragic. Why you would go off on a tangent about drug cartels and bankers is beyond me, but a fine example of what hasn't worked for you here.

Since you consistently like tangents I'll mention this: recently two representatives were involved in a fracas in the US Congress. One, a "typical" white guy congressman, was telling the black congresswoman that he knew more about prejudice than she ever would. Do you get the absurdity? Do you see how offensive that is?

That congressman and you have something in common - you don't really listen, it's all output. Didn't I refer to a movie line recently with something along the lines of; "You need to set your motherfucker to receive!"  I'd have to find the movie to get the context, but in my head, it sounds appropriate.

Do you understand the phrase; "The meaning is the message"?  It means whatever your audience understands is the message, even if it differs wildly from what you think you meant. Speaking up in public (a lost career of mine) carries the reality that people will hear what they hear and it is rarely the same as what you say. When you avoid listening and show up telling us about our lives and what we should do to make it better, you already lost your audience, just like the congressman. It's where they got the term "mansplaining."  Even here, while you acknowledge my intellect, you explain the most blatantly obvious things as if I'm an unintelligent.  Of course you do not spell it out that same way, but you do in a roundabout way because you have exposed your absolute overwhelming ignorance, totally consumption of your ultra-obvious hatred of myself, that proves your jealously and admiration of my accomplishments that you will never realize. It is what it is bro.  Always has been and always will be.
The thing is, simply, that you haven't listened to the people you are dictating to. That's not a misunderstanding; the actual events that keep repeating are evidence and proof. It's also not a "conviction" or any other overwrought thing. It's incredibly common and we put up with it  ALL THE TIME.

So you show up and tell us things that we live every damn day. Good for you for knowing that we are marginalized in casino gambling, business, employment, and many other things, but telling us that as if you know more than we do (Such as; Glen, we live this way every day!) is insulting and got you the reputation you now love to complain about.

Your "I'm sorry BUT I'm right and you're wrong" doesn't do a lot for me. Taking out the tangents from your note, that's almost all you said, with the only additional thing being, "And Glen is crazy or a retard."  Actually if you look it up in any psych 101 book or research material, you will find that repeatedly dwelling on calling someone crazy and spending countless hours detailing out why that person is crazy or retarded, is only the true reflection of yourself and what you are actually about. That is actually the best part of all those hundreds and hundreds of posts and comments made by roughly 5 or 6 X-members here on various other boards.

Those banned members of our message board here actually proffered themselves while exposing what they are truly about and how they are consumed by myself.  Such a shame but by their own admission they exposed themselves, their jealousy and their worthless gambling endeavors. 

Care to step up your game?
Here is an Email I received this morning.

"The perfect movie for everyone to watch is "WHAT ABOUT BOB?".  The movie portrays you Alrelax being played by Bill Murry as the movie character "Bob Wiley".  While 21 Aces is played by Richard Dreyfuss as the character Dr. Leo Marvin" the movie is you two without a doubt.  Stay well, XXXXXXX   XXXXXXXX.

Here is the take from each of the stars:

It's entertaining----everybody knows somebody like that Bob guy. (Richard Dreyfuss and I) didn't get along on the movie particularly, but it worked for the movie. I mean, I drove him nuts, and he encouraged me to drive him nuts.

----Bill Murray, March 19, 1993 interview with Entertainment Weekly

How about it----Funny movie. Terribly unpleasant experience. We didn't get along, me and Bill Murray. But I've got to give it to him: I don't like him, but he makes me laugh even now. I'm also jealous that he's a better golfer than I am. It's a funny movie. No one ever comes up to you and says, "I identify with the patient." They always say, "I have patients like that. I identify with your character." No one ever says that they're willing to identify with the other character.

----Richard Dreyfuss, October 8, 2009 interview with The A.V. Club

Note From Alrelax:  Replace the word golfer with baccarat player.

Really 21A, I am human crazy glue???  Sounds like you to the 'T'!!!! ROMAFL!

Does Perception Alter Reality At The Baccarat Table?

Our thoughts can alter our perception. Our perception can clearly alter our thoughts.  This can have a great impact on our own reality and even affect every decision we are making in anything and everything we are doing at the baccarat table. Perception and thoughts are our vital links to virtually everything in our arsenal as a player.  Money management, betting strategies, triggers, conscious timing of how long we want to be there, wins, losses, our plateaus, even our own experiences that can assist us in winning or harm us when we are losing.  Everything is effected with our perception and thought process.   

What is Reality?

Reality, in the sense we are using it, is both the physical world around us and our perception of that world. Reality can also be used to mean, 'what really is' rather than perception, what is real. In this case, we are including it to mean 'perceived reality' as well.  Which is so vital at the casino table, it is beyond me---why anyone would choose willing to alter it.  Unlike sports and other competitive hobbies-events-outings and competitions, I do believe for gambling it is hugely adverse to change the reality as to the physical world around you.  Some say they remove themselves from the physical setting of the casino and such, allows them to concentrate and tune out the bothersome and annoying people around them.  To me, it is vital to stay within that world of reality with 100% consciousness and vision.  Not so much to stay awake or something of the like, but to allow yourself to take advantage of something that could benefit you with great profits and strides to win.  Baccarat's great player advantage, is its short bursts and patterns or trends as we call them.  If you cannot recognize what is actually taking place or allow yourself to ride another?s coat tails that already identified such player advantages, then you will most likely find yourself facing frustration and aggravation setting in.

So in all essence, reality is the actual picture what is happening at the baccarat table.  Not the, 'what if', or the 'probably will', or the 'it has to be', so and so-with all the other remembrances and hopeful dreams concerning the shoe production of prevailing or the losing hands and what may or may not happen.   

How Can My Thoughts Keep Me In Reality Without Altering It?

Maintaining a clear mind, non-clouded and completely open.  Non-aggravated and non-frustrated.  Conscious in every aspect of money management, my 1/3rd win hold guarantee, my 1 + 4 side parlay wager, progressions and all the other betting triggers and strategies I employ.  In other words, the correct 'frame-of-mind'.

I discount all the other drama and second guessing nursery rhymes at the table from the other players.  I don't (try my best) criticize, while staying friendly with the people I normally associate with.  I continually remind myself about staying conscious and within reality, versus altering reality and slipping into the non-controllable and unconscious state of mind.  I think to myself at varying times, how that state of mind whacks the side of my head when I lose with a baseball bat right after it allowed me to lose all the accumulated win and buy-ins I had.

Bottom line:

Thoughts are very powerful on their own, but when you put in physical and mental effort throughout the shoe, then add in the effects of other people and the entire scene, you greatly increase your intake level to huge gullibility threats.

I wish it was so easy that I could write a punch list of 10 or 12 items with how to avoid gullibility threat at the baccarat table.  But I cannot.  Seasoned players with extensive experience should have no problem in understanding what I am saying.  The newer player, although intelligent and full of common sense, will fall prey to the common threats that will change your state of reality along with your thought process, all too easy.

Last week I observed a player at the baccarat table win many times his buy-in with perfect, well thought out, precision play.  Then the next chain of events was extremely sad.  That same player got sucked up in everything that could have went wrong that was solely generated by other players winning with no idea or clue as to why they were actually winning.  The power and the overwhelming 'reality' of the additional wins and the situation, ingrained itself as reality into the player I was first referring to.  His aura, his stance and his perfect play became tarnished.  He wound up losing all of his win monies and repeatedly bought in numerous additional times during the next couple of hours.  He depleted all of those funds also.  I talked with him shortly after that point.  He admitted to me as to being caught up and falsely led into a belief by the other player's good luck.  Then how everything combined overwhelmed him into a false sense of security, thinking he could increase his wagering by two and three fold and extend his time gambling those subsequent and large wagering amounts.  He knew better and I know that he actually did.  I never saw him play that long or hard after such a great win. 

I am not placing the blame on any technical reason or tangible betting methods.  This is strictly an intangible problem faced by the highest majority of baccarat players worldwide. The reason that player lost everything is because he lost sight of reality and his own great thought process along with his perception on reality.  He slipped away and failed to adhere to staying conscious, alert and in 100% unaltered reality.  If he did, and knowing him the way I do, he would have cashed out, left the casino and reset on the subsequent visit while holding those large wins he unconsciously gave back by putting himself in an altered state of reality. 
1-3-2-6 Back Again Plus 4 Win Parlay--Purpose and Direction

Yes sir.  More and more. 

Call me crazy, call me the Rain Man with this repetitive talk.  But you know what, it freaking works. 

Haphazard sucks and willpower and devotion to flat betting is like seeing how far a knife can stick into you without passing out.  The list truly goes on. 

Wager 1:  $100 wager and win.  $200 in front of you.
Wager 2:  $300 wager and win.  $600 in front of you. ($200 back in buy-in, $200 next wager/$200 side)

If you did lose at this point, you only invested the 2 units of your buy-in, say you bought-in with $1,000 and got your 10 black chips.  If you won at this point you have a $400 win.  Think about it---you are going to wager anyway, why not have a plan and a way to capitalize if it does go your way, instead of just throwing your chips into your buy-in and keep trying for more and more??? 

Here comes the best part, if you won--you are on the casino's money (yes it is yours but you want to gamble like me and you want to win something more than a couple hundred, or if you are in a larger gaming jurisdiction--say Vegas, AC, Connecticut or Florida you can make that $100/1 Unit, $500, etc.)  To me, at this point it is Money Management to a point because you are certainly managing and maximizing your bank roll and chances. Wagers 3 and 4 are the best, '2 free chances' now that you paid your dues on the first two, no further risk on the these two.

Wager 3:  $200 wager and win.  $400 in front of you.  (You now have $600 win and you have nothing
                                                                                 from your original buy-in at risk)
Wager 4:  $600 wager and win.  $1,200 in front of you.  (If you lost, oh well, back to the one unit, even
                                                                                    you won, back to one unit, the same or higher)

Now, if I won Wager 3, I would take at least one more unit from my buy-in, and in this case, that would have been $100.  I would also wager my 4 parlay 'side wager'.  Yes, on top of my 1-3-2-6 wagering bet of course.  With the 4 time parlay, I would set that aside and probably not wager it consecutively, just here and there.  Wager the first time and parlay 4 times.  So with this, I attempt the $100, $200, $400, $800, $1,600 wagers.  If I am successful on that, the ultimate before pocketing, would be $3,200 for a $3,100 profit. 

And, like I mentioned--I don't wager this '1 and 4 parlay' every hand, but it is my separate wager of sorts whether combined with another one or by itself. 

That way, I have extra action-motivation and things going on.  For myself, it works out a heck of a lot better than haphazardly wagering.  Thus, giving yourself real purpose and direction in wagering goals and a plan of sorts.
Alrelax's Blog / The Other Night At The Bac Table
July 07, 2019, 10:10:00 PM
The game of emotions, fits, tantrums, and release for some.  Others sit with their heads in their hands and bathe in their own sorry-dissent or tiny section of their unfriendly world.  It never changes. 

Myself and another white person with the remainder of a full bac table being Viet or Laos people.  One of my favorite players was next to me, a Viet lady.  She owns an Asian restaurant about 75 miles away in a larger metro area and comes to play bac usually 2 or 3 nights a week.  We usually meet up on Thursday's and Friday nights for the game. 

She is a little bit younger than me in her late 40's, very long hair and relatively attractive to say the least.  Not the casino's largest player buy up there anyway. We made some pretty wins on this shoe and we most definitely caught the first little run of 6 Players with 4 out of the 6 being natural's.  Then we both caught the almost adjacent little run of 5 Bankers and the Tie to the right of those Players.  We get down to around hand 67 or so and we both were up considerably in this shoe. 

You have to understand what happened just prior to this to make the whole picture.  She was on her 2nd super large Freeze Cappuccino 'Starbucks Unicorn Multi-color' imitation drink that is nothing but pure sugar and whipped creme and tons and creamy syrups and sprinkles and coloring to copy that weird thing Starbucks just recently had out.  It was made in the casino at their coffee/pastry shop.  We both had about 3 or so packages of Little Debbie Snack Cakes and I was on my 3rd or 4th coffee by this time.   So pretty obvious we are both there hyped and ready to roll.  The others at the table were either with their hands in the palms of their hands or sitting back waiting for something to happen. 

An x-dealer from the other casino not too far away, the one I was banned at twice, once for picking up the shoe and throwing it into the middle of the pit because of the way the dealer was talking and acting to the players, was there dealing.  Don't forget here, unlike the other place nearby, the dealers get to keep their tips 100% to themselves, so a rude dealer at another casino around here, gets a job here and suddenly he/she has a one million percent improvement overnight with their new personality! 

So, here we are ready to rock n roll and the dealer is letting the players set the pace and saying nothing, taking a super long time between hands and there was another player wagering table min and keeps putting his hand out over his wager to stop the dealer as he thinks, rethinks and keeps thinking if he should wager the $10.00 he was wagering, $10.00 to $2,000.00 max table.  I mean like this guy is holding up the dealer like a good solid 45 seconds to a full minute almost every hand.  The lady and I both agree table max for the next 4 Players and then switch immediately to table max for the next 4 Bankers. Our reasoning was, Yeah stupid but this is what it was---there was just 2 Bankers preceded by 2 Players and all four hands won with 7's-8's or 9's against weaker numbers.  2 and 2 equals 4, so there would be 4 Players followed by 4 Bankers.  Okay, whatever.  It easily could have been chop, or doubles or 10 of one side or another.  But that is how we assumed and what we geared up for.  I push my $2k out on Players and she pushes her $2k out on Players and we each throw up a green chip for the dealer.  She clearly says to the dealer, ?give us some cards to win with and you get a quick $100.00?.  Dealer nods.  My Viet friend is like 'Dit-Me, Low-Dit' don?t know if I spelled those exactly correct, which they mean, Dit-Me (Mo-Fu) and Low-Dit (As* hole).  The others pop their heads up and snicker, the dealer knew nothing.  The dealer was not into it at all and just being a puppet.  So she peeks at the cards for the Players and without turning them over, my Viet friend snatches back the green chip and the dealer has a fit and yells for the floor person.  The floor person comes over and puts his hands on his hips and says, "what did you two do now"?  He knew something was wrong and he is the coolest floor person there.  In fact at the casino there is only one floor person that is a nightmare and you don't want to mess with him.  So the dealer says, "that lady removed the tip/wager she placed next to her wager after the cards came out".  My Viet friend gets up and says, "The lady is acting like a complete bitch and we don't deserve it".  The floor person asked if she could just put it back and she said absolutely not.  The floor pleaded with her and she came back and said, "I will put it on top of my stack and since I will be over the max, if I win you kick it back and if I lose, I get it back also.  It is a compromise".  The floor told her, "okay put it on top and the dealer will say player takes and not break down your chips".  Then the Viet lady says to the dealer, "be nice and don't be a dead puppet and you will make money also from us".  The dealer doesn't say anything.  The Viet lady slams down a natural 9 and the Banker hand was turned over with a 7.  The dealer broke down her chips and took her first finger and thumb and flicked the quarter chip back to the Viet lady.  She looked at her and kept say, 'Aayh-Aayh-Aayh' and the whole table cracked up which means F***, etc.   

We repeat the same thing and then we each put up $50.00 in red for the dealer.  The Viet lady puts her hand out over her chips and looks at the dealer and says, "be nice, be on our side, can you be like that instead of being a puppet"???  The dealer got into it and smacked the shoe and smiled.  If she really didn't change she sure did an expert theatrical rendition of changing personality in about 2 minutes. 

Everyone is on the Players anywhere from a couple hundred to table max like the both of us were.  The dealer slides the cards to the Viet lady and she passes them sideways to me.  I look, blackjack and I toss them in and just say, 'wrong table'.  The Viet lady motions the dealer to flip the Bankers cards and she turns them over with an 8 showing on top.  She pauses and shrugs her shoulders.  Before she slides the card sideways to reveal what is under the 8, the Viet lady jumps up, the back of her legs knocks her chair over on the floor and points to the 8, and starts screaming for 'nothing' to be under it and continuously waves here hand as to blow away anything good from appearing.  The dealer does the same thing, totally into the game and no doubt thinking about her $200.00 if we win.  A duce is underneath and the Viet lady and the dealer fist bump.  The dealer slides me a card and I slide it to the Viet lady.  She picks up her chair and sits back down.  She takes a huge bite of a Little Debbie Snack cake and starts to slowly chew it.  She peeks at the card and half the Little Debbie cake is coming out of her mouth and then she is cussing under her breath.  She said, 'not good'.  So, I am thinking a monkey or an A-2-3 card.  Regardless, the Banker has to pull, she tells the dealer to pull and flip the Banker card as she slides her card we still didn't see up to the Players side.   

The dealer flops a monkey and the Viet lady is screaming.  LOL!  I know I can't do justice to this in wording but everyone from all the other tables are looking, laughing and holding beer bottles up cause they know we are winning, just a bunch of customer camaraderie going on.  The dealer sits back and crosses her arms and says, "I did that just for you".  The floor person said, "you are lucky because I know that player and you probably would have been wearing that funky looking freezie drink she has in front of her".  Then we get to the next hand, oh lord!  Time for dealer change and the dealer gets tapped out.  The Viet lady and I ask the floor person can she deal one more hand and he said no.  Normally they do most times, but he said she could not.  Then the Viet lady pleaded and he finally said okay.  Now everyone is on the Players of course for the 3rd hand.  The others with little chips are putting up everything they have on it.  The Viet lady and I and another have table max and I put up 3 green chips and the Viet lady does also for the dealer.  The other guy puts up one green chip next to his wager and the Viet lady yells at him not to be so darn cheap and he finally puts of 3 quarters as well.  The Viet lady looks at all our wagers and tells her, you have $235.00 up so $470.00 if you give us some good cards?.  The floor person is laughing his butt off and telling her, "you better take her advice or I know you will be wearing that drink". 

The dealer slides the 2 cards for the Players right between us and she said, "you guys decide".  I take one and the Viet lady takes one.  She flops a monkey and I tell her mine is a 4 sided card and she immediately starts blowing with her head close to the card I had.  I don't take long and I flop the 9 over.  The dealer quickly flops a 5 for the Bankers.  Of cause now everyone is pleaded with the floor person for the same dealer to deal one more hand and he firmly says he cannot.  She pleads and pleads for the dealer to stay and the dealer didn't get up out of her chair yet, and the floor person says switch.  So the new dealer sits down and says, "let's continue this, I am ready".  Bad thing is, he is the official cooler of the casino as we always tell him and everyone.  We look at each other and say we are f***ed.  The dealer says, "come on think positive".  The dealers are in rotation from the next table game beside our table, so it is not like the floor or management has an option to pick any dealer to come in, etc. The whole table looks at the dealer and says, "we tried thousands of times and you always mess it up".  Floor person walks away and says, "have fun, call me if you need me" and walks away.  We were actually going to wager on the Banker and then we said, "we agreed on the Players already and we won 3, if we switch up and lose we are totally as*holes to the millionth power".   Dealer says, "stick with it, I am dealing you a Player".  We all look at each other and we decide to stick Player.  We actually said we were okay to continue Player because there was other 5 and 6 Players small runs and we are only asking for a 4 repeater.  So after we convinced ourselves that it will be player, we wagered the same once again.  We all stuck a quarter or some red chips up for the new dealer, whom we all knew very well.  Then I say, no way and I pull my chips down and the lady calls me a fool.  She said, she knew we would have the 4th Player in there and why chicken out.  I point to the dealer and say that's why.  The dealer laughs, he always does.  He is an okay guy, not rude or anything, just never lets no one win at the game.  So I stay out and everyone else stays put. 

No one is on the Bankers and the Viet lady gets the first two cards.  The Viet lady flops over a 2 and a 9 and the Banker is slowly revealed by the dealer for a 6 and a 4.  "Can we get something please", a couple of the players say.  The dealer is shaking his head yes.  They get the first card and it is a frigging 9 reducing her hand to zero.  She just turned red, real quick.  She stands up and is yelling for a monkey, no in fact--everyone at the table is yelling for a monkey.  The dealer flops an Ace.    She goes to play smack the dealer with her hand, as in a back hand motion and winds up knocking her large frozen drink right into the dealer's chip tray.  He yells for the floor person and we can hear the floor person saying, "what now I only been gone for one minute from you guys".  The Viet lady is freaking out and yelling and cussing up a storm calling the dealer a 'Goo', or something like that that means 'dick'.  Security comes running up, most likely called by surveillance and the floor person did not call and everything is shut down.  After a complete transfer of chip trays, about 20 minutes later, the game resumes. 

Now, we are talking once again.  Four Bankers is said, I say, "Can we just please go with the original 4 Players and 4 Bankers scenario, we already have the 1st Banker out"?.  She points at the dealer and the dealer is cracking up.  The floor person says, "Can I please go over to the blackjack tables they need me there, please you guys help me and be good".  We all wave our hands for him to leave and the dealer is laughing.  The Viet lady hunched over the table with her hands on the rail and says, "Please---can you please be nice to us".  The dealer says, "sure, yes". 

Well he gave us the 3 more Bankers with the last two being natural 9's.  We wagered for him and each time he is saying, "See I am not so bad, huh"?

Then the last hand was a Fortune 7 and no one wagered for it after being burned out trying to get it numerous times.  Did well and called it a night.  Walking out, I had to laugh about some of the stuff that went down and just snickered a bit to myself.

(The first shoe from the first post in this thread is the shoe I am referring to here in this)
Turning Points

(NOTE:  Turning Points coincide with Sections.  Without Sections, Turing Points are worthless for the most part, without Turning Points, Sections are worthless for the most part as well.)

There are two ways to assist in determining where a Turning Point should be.  One, is by a definitive amount of hands played out; And two, is by the values of the hands being played out in each hands total.

1)   There will be at least 2, but usually 3 or 4 Turning Points per shoe, coinciding with the 3-4 or 5 Sections.  You cannot get the Sections and the Turning Points confused or fail to recognize them.  They will both exist and always be there in each and every single shoe.   

The definitive amount of hands will be somewhere from 15 to 25 per Section separated thereafter by a Turning Point.  The Turning Point is not defined by what we wish, desire or need to be presented in order to match up to your schedule of wagers we set according to anything.  Turning Points are to be set by the shoe's presentments.     

2)   The more complicated part and as well, subjective to one's interpretation, are the values of the hands being played out.  To me, as well as many others that I regularly play baccarat with, are the hand values.  Determining hand values and how those can and will identify a section within a Section, also known as clumping, will usually present itself, somewhere within the highest majority of most shoes.  You must be alert, conscious of what it is, looking for it, neutral and the many other things I have identified and written about that will lend advantages to you in the recognition of just that. 

Above all else, you must not attempt to change the shoe presentments and wager according to a pre-scheduled mechanical and thought out chain of event you wish to happen.  That will only produce false-positives that will lead you down a path you wish you never entered.  Realizing values of the presented hands are essential to capitalizing on the advantage that will allow you to literally, "Pounce on It". 

I am not going down the road of math, statistics or scientific probability of computer generated, long term testing or research results, etc., or anything of the like.  If you believe in those, STOP reading now and move on.  We do not see eye-to-eye or anything that will allow us to interface and learn from each other.  Reason being, anyone into math, statistics, or scientific probability measured in percentages can justify just about anything outside of the casino and away from actual play.  The long term simply does not matter/apply to a random game where a person is only playing a few shoes, even 10 shoes or so, even 15.  All the math and all the stats apply far less than 50% of the time with the amount of shoes or hands a player will sit in front of for a session.  If you are neutral and open minded and desiring to gain an advantage in baccarat, read on, comment, implement and discuss.

Either P or B, or both, can clump within a Section.  A great advantage to a person wagering is being able to get on the right side or the right events within any Section with some strong positive progression or parlay wagering.  For example the shoe below had a strong Section 2 as well as a strong Section 1.  Sections 3 and 4 would be the harder ones for myself to play.  After Sections 1 and 2, myself--I was done with the shoe and cashed out. 

3rd Card continuous additions or reductions in hand value.  Pay attention because this is what more clumping and more streaks or chop-chop or any other section of events with consistency is made up from.   

As an example I will post a shoe from the other night at the casino.  4 Sections with 3 Turning Points.  The first clump came at the beginning of the 2nd Section. 

P                                      (Section 1)

B-B-B-B                                     (Section 2)

P-P                                             (Section 3)

P                                       (Section 4)

Panda 8s=2
Fortune 7s=3
3 Card 8/9s=1

Section 1=Player 9, Banker 10
Section 2=Player 21, Banker 16
Section 3=Player 31, Banker 21
Section 4=Player 39, Banker 30

Please refer to the + - 10/+ - 20 Count I have detailed in other threads.  This sticks more than almost anything other consistent happening throughout the shoe, IMO, experience and witnessing over the years.
This particular shoe finished with a Player +9.  Use the + or - as one guideline, coupled with others that are presenting themselves, will allow you to gain a certain advantage and be there when something develops on the correct side.  Rather than joining most everyone with the verbal astonishment's and open mouth disbelief's as for example, how the Players side can present 12 straight Players with 5 naturals, and the other 7 Player wins having a 3rd card bring the Players side total to either 8 or 9 nearly every time. 

Turning Point #1 placed between hands 19 and 20 because of the following.  1) The number of hands.  2) Player began to dominate as realized by the two natural ties and the 3rd Player presented.  3) Nothing strong appearing in first Section.  4)  Player continuously winning for 3 hands straight with surviving the cut of 2 Natural Ties.
Turing Point #2 placed between hands 39 and 40 because of the following. 1)

Turning Point #3 placed between hands 57 and 58 because of the following. 1)

Comments for Section 1:

Comments for Section 2:  Player/Banker tie natural 8/8 hand 22. Player/Natural tie 9/9 hand 23.  Hand 24 Play increases to a 2 card 9 over Banker 2 card 7.  Hand 25 Player increases to 3 card 8 over Banker total of 0. 

Comments for Section 3:

Comments for Section 4:

Alrelax's Blog / Martingale or Martinigale, LOL
July 06, 2019, 01:55:09 AM
I was unpacking some boxes from my recent move and found a couple of shirts.  One was a Tommy Bahama button down shirt with the brand's take on the Matingale System renamed The Martinigale System.  The other one is from Atlantic City, a T Shirt from The Steel Pier.



Wagering & Intricacies / Things to think about
June 30, 2019, 02:08:13 PM
The Balance
The Settlement
Beginning of Shoe
Middle of Shoe
End of Shoe
Ask questions, talk to others

If you are not on it, you cannot win it.  Looking and witnessing whatever is coming up only adds false positives to your mind frame, and that holds true with countless computer testing.

Myths and Theory's that do appear but will fade without you actually realizing what happened and why it happened.

It is a commodity until there is an error or a drastic change of events due to normal and perfectly repeatable presentments.

What is in one shoe is different than another shoe.  When some chain of events repeats itself in another shoe, your false positives will drastically raise and I promise you will lose more than you win if you continue to wager based upon events that match up to your pre-scheduled wagering.

Perfect Knowledge.  Absolute Conclusions.  Opinions.

Without perfect knowledge, you cannot and do not know what is within the shoe, the section, after the turning point, etc., etc., and so on.  None of us will ever have perfect knowledge of baccarat.  Sorry, I know that is not what many want to hear, but that is reality, stone cold and real-life baccarat reality.

We only know what has been exposed and presented within a shoe when we are playing.  Reality is that we can never know absolutely what will come out.  Through whatever means, Sections and Turning Points, an occasional hand or two through process and elimination, etc., etc.  We fool ourselves into a wager, some of us with large amounts of money and others with trivial amounts of money.  But the psychological process of wagering in this game of baccarat is hugely affected by numerous items as I have written about.  Do not forget that or fail to recognize just that.

It has been attempted countless times to match unknown and waiting to occur situations/presentments with a generated theory based on technology opinionated and concluded by the author presenting it as, "Perfect Knowledge", it is not.  It is a rouse, it is an opinion, it is an educated guess, it is anything, but an advantaged piece of knowledge so purported to be as such.  And that is where so many get confused as to what is what with this game of baccarat, decision making, strategy and wagering.

Look at it as a path or a hallway.  It must end, but what are the twists and the turns along the way.  That is why I began to break everything down into Sections & Turning Points, just makes things more manageable and acceptable, because before you complete a long path you must take the short journey along the way within that long run, no?  Hence, my Sections & Turning points.

Stop the reactions, because they will provide you with tons of false positives.  Those false positives are influential, realize that!  Very much so!

There are usually counter reactions to the presentments as they occur, most do not even realize it.  Pay more attention and attempt to look in from the outside, rather than submersing yourself in the game the way almost all do.  Like walking down, a hallway, when no one is walking with you and seven abreast walking right at you.  Your very first reaction(s) are, your pace changes, you look at which way you will start to divert your path and are they aggressive or just plain friendly and unintelligent?  You ask and answer many questions subconsciously and react as well, again subconsciously.  The same at the game of baccarat, learn it and realize what you do without even rationalizing it out and deciding upon it with knowledge, opinion and conclusion.

When it is in order, versus out of order, your process of realization is enhanced.  But few of us stay ultra-conscious when we are playing baccarat, especially in a live casino, with the absolute neutral state of mind at the table.  You may say you do, but you do not.  Visual impact is very very overwhelming. 

A standard method developed is not wise to follow, because the results yet to occur have no path to follow.  Correct?  The whole basis of everyone?s reasoning?s are, the sheer number of models tested.

Take 10 sets of eight.  Eight hand Sections that is.  Write them out.  Do that for say 100 shoes.  Come on your not that lazy are you?  Invest in 8 decks of cards, $15.00 or so at most.  Play them out.  Keep doing it.  Write down the Sections, every 8 hands.  Look at hands 108 through 116 and compare those to hands 208 through 216 and then look at hands 1008 through 1016.  Find something?  Keep looking and looking.  Come on what is the big deal.  You put more work in trying to put together an edger machine and learn how to use it on your lawn than something like this?

When you realize the results follow no path, then you will start to understand this game.  That is when you might just see the versatility and the use of Sections & Turning Points, 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd money management methods or my 1 + 4 Side Parlay random wagering side bets without much thought, except getting enough win money to divide up and let those ride every so often. 
                       Interpretation Alters the Reality With the Game Of Baccarat

By: Alrealx/Glen.

Each shoe is a series of events, and with each event we attach a meaning. With each event we decide upon an interpretation and then we believe what we just interpreted and rely on that for the next matching event. It is with these interpretations or attached meanings that we define what will happen and how we will wager. Then we go about collecting evidence to confirm and validate these interpretations and merge them into our gaming plan and strategy.  Which normally causes the highest majority of people to lose much more than they win.

The baccarat shoe is a series of events, and with each event we attach a meaning. With each event we decide upon an interpretation. It is with these interpretations or meanings and definitions we attach to them, that we define when and what to wager with the grand plan to win money. Then when we do win with those, we convince ourselves of the evidence to confirm and validate those interpretations our great minds have finally found and substantiated.

In truth, each event you experience within a shoe of baccarat, might or might not repeat itself nearly the same or more frustrating, exactly the opposite. It is the interpretation of the events that shape your thought process and how you view what you just sat through. In other words, it is not what happened in the shoe that made the difference, it was what you decided about what happened and how it happened, that made all the difference. It was what you decided caused or did not come about, that affected your decision-making process. You just became a victim of your own interpretations, your own narrative, you own realization of the game of baccarat. You became fixed in your experience and continued to feed the events with further interpretations that shaped all your beliefs, which then compelled you to act them out even if it was detrimental to yourself and your bank roll. Because after all, you found all of this, your ego and money are at stake and you cannot be wrong, everyone else is.  Of course, no?  You will not chastise yourself, you will not admit you do not know, you will not realize for many years of playing baccarat that the game will produce exactly what you discovered, did not discover and in no particular order whatsoever.  All that happens is you maintain hope because at times you get it correct and with greater volume, you are completely wrong.

It is from this realm of interpretation that your reality of the game of baccarat was shaped, ground into your thought process and interpreted by yourself as a beatable, easy game that is just there waiting for suckers that do not know what you have discovered.

It may have appeared that events you have discovered and highlighted within the game of baccarat are either distinct from each other or similar.  That you move your wagers from one to another, separated by some degree of special knowledge you claim fame to. From this point of view, things seem not to be random any longer to you, just leading you to win after win and reinforcing the interpretation you have formed and now believe.  And that my friend is how we get sucked in.  No matter the experience or not, receiving free money and winning will play with your mind at the table.  Some say no, but the reality is, it most certainly will.

Now if you were to take a step back and really look at the game with an open mind and some distance, you will see the totality of the game as it really is and not as a single flowing event. If you step back further, you will see that the game will produce anything and everything in no particular order.  You have a right and ability to harness and experience whatever you do believe with the game of baccarat. That belief can only take place from experience and not from computer technology to figure out what will or will not show up over hundreds of thousands or millions or hands.  This awareness alone is tremendously valuable, yet so few believe it.  They are convinced the game is based on numbers and numbers will govern the game to a balance that they can certainly be figured out.  Sorry, it cannot and will never happen that way.  But pursue what you desire and find out for yourself.

When you make the distinction between the event and the interpretation of the event, you will begin to operate from awareness -- that in each moment and event is an infinite field of possible reactions and responses. You choose. And whatever choice you make will cause and direct all your future experiences, which will be your interpretations of the game you formed.  You will no longer see the game of baccarat as it is presented, you will only see what you have interpreted as the game of baccarat.  And that my friend is the real dangerous part.  That part will cause you to capitalize on some of the game sometimes and when the real opportunity presents itself, you will certainly miss it because that opportunity will certainly not match your interpretation of the game you have formed.

Forget about interpretation.  Interpretation of the game of baccarat will not prove profitable to the player.  It will confuse you and misalign you with your false beliefs.

View the baccarat shoe as one seamless limited event with Sections and Turning Points, that brings into focus of how important all single moments are and not repetitive and/or scheduled, because they are not.  In these moments you have the power to transform your wagering into something that could prove profitable and redundant to a certain point. This moment is there to be capitalized on with your recognition and experience, not your interpretation of a baccarat shoe.  Part of its ceaseless flow, its limitless potential, will occur sporadically during moments offering you an infinite realm of possibilities.

Only in being of the frame of mind that does not rely on interpretation of unknown events, you will allow yourself to recognize certain shoe presentments when it is presenting certain Sections and Turning Points, no longer based on negative interpretations and the past. This is the essence of playing a shoe that can and will produce anything and everything no matter how frequent or rare the event might be.

That is why it is so important to learn to, be in the moment, in order to experience the genius of yourself, who you really are and what a baccarat shoe can and might  present. No doubt there is a bigger picture out there; it is up to you to master the art of the no interpretation and the reality of baccarat.