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Topics - alrelax

To the BetSelection Board and an open letter to Gizmo/Mark:

The following was written by Gizmotron/Mark here on BetSelection Board June 8, 2018:

"So I'm getting requests to teach again in my PM's. Interesting. Nobody knows my newest method and why I went back to EC's. But what a few really want is to become experts at hunting the global effect. I don't blame them too. I sort of put a bull's-eye on myself to the math guys as a major challenge to refute the existence of it.

PM me if you want private tutoring. This could be the moment when trends become the fashion regardless of what the probability states what should happen. I'd like to focus just on the global effect and the skills needed to beat this game while hunting them. This time it will be private email and not a school for all to see. I will cut and paste questions and answers to this group. I have found that almost everyone has the same questions while learning. I hope that at least five students will sign up for this. I will share the cost among this limited group. If I get 5 students then all will get in for a reduced and shared price. It will take at least six weeks just to get to the point where each student can prove to me that they know how to do this. My goal is to turn out Roulette winners. It will be my success story. I have my reasons. The math crowd is starting to consider this after 12 years. Once they have it, the world will change. And i really enjoy opening peoples eyes."

The following was written by myself here on BetSelection Board June 16th, 2018:

"But since the forum has a new owner, perhaps a review of the rules regarding advertising and/or selling might be in order? There are several members doing this, including Gizmotron who is now looking for more students. I quote : "PM me if you want private tutoring." -- Gizmotron. (https://betselection.cc/albalaha's-exclusive/for-those-who-think-house-edge-or-negative-expectation-is-the-sole-culprit/msg63571/#msg63571) "

And it was posted by 'Mike'.  He has the same thing or variations of it posted in about 3 member's threads, Vrsedge's, Albalaha's and Gizmo's. 

I will clarify.  Refer to the Board's Rule #6 please.  More specifically, just a few words within that you in particular need to focus on, understand and absorb.  Here, I will make it a tad bit easier for you:

"No sales or published links of any kind to any commercial cause/website/program or item, without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators.

No direct selling or linking to a member's or member's affiliate of any kind without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators. "

Without going further into too much detail, I will explain the purpose of writing this and posting it.  Gizmortron (Mark) and I have a history for a number of years on the board here.  Yes, we has ups and downs and yes I know privileged stuff, nothing of national security or anything like that--just posts never released and other things along those lines.  And yes, I did take sided in a business dealing of types that Mark had with another board member.  It is on the board and I locked the thread, still visible. 

Mark has accused me of many things in the past.  So be it.  Some true with a twisting of the truth, facts and interpretations.  I blew up at one series of them, erased hundreds of my posts and quit the board here, Vic talked me back.  A few others talked me into calling it a clean slate with Mark.  I eventually did.  Mark even apologized with a really heartfelt apology and I accepted.  Then another round developed and I called Mark on it.  I apologized and he never accepted it, not genuinely accepted it anyway.  BTW, the apologies are on the board here, both the ones from Mark to myself and mine to Mark.  So, we existed here together.  That really bothered me by the way.  But once a dog bites and you hit the dog, I guess the relationship is really ruined?  I guess. 

Down to business.  The past couple of days, I am receiving some communication from an idle board member here and an active two other persons at another message board.  I received well over 25 copies of things Mark has posted in great detail about me and this board, BetSelection elsewhere.  I read the majority of the ones I sent to me and I also verified that they are up and visible on other message boards and there are.  I am very surprised and I am also, very appalled!  I will leave the emotional end at that and kind of "set it aside" for the time being. 

Mark believes I am someone else, a sock puppet and also believes there are a few of us banded together and against him.  All of it, the furthest thing from the truth.  I have far too many things going on at the moment with my personal life, dissolving a 5 year partnership in a viable & profitable business, starting my new restaurant down south, the taking over of BetSelection Board, and several other things, way too much at the moment. 

Three Things.  1)  I am trying to remain neutral in this latest drama ridden filled thing with Gizmo/Mark and the ugly, twised & disgusting words/posts and lies he is spreading about myself and a few others.  The same as I highly preach and recommend in baccarat, remain neutral in order to keep clear vision.  2)  Gizmo is definitely against me and BetSelection and I do not believe I gave him just reason for being so.  3)  What Gizmo/Mark does, whom he contacts, the PM's or emails he sends and receives, the teaching or tutoring he offered on this board and elsewhere, I have no idea or insight to.  I never did.  I never will. 

I welcomed him with open arms after several upsets and disputes we had.
  I thought he was a friend at one point but I learned a while back, he truly was not.  He is influenced and bands together with whoever is popular on whatever message board he is writing on, IMO anyway.  I have not moderated him or banded him in anyway, yet.  I did give thought to it and that was my initial desire last night.  The emails I received this morning are even more disturbing. 

If I felt the way he obviously thinks I do about him, I never would allowed him to post or offer anything about his tutoring on the message board here, as I cited above.  I also would have moderated him as well.  I did neither.  He is putting me into an awful and uncomfortable situation.  He can continue his 2 sided personality about me and BetSelection on his current course or he can come back and apologize and make up to me as he did before.  The latter will probably be another fake attempt to exist on this message board as he proved in his last fake apologetic postings to me as evident by his own writings and outright ugly accusations he is currently posting.   

I took the time to write this with my heart, thought and justification.  Why?  Because my friendship (unlike what I am witnessing and experiencing on his part) is not fleeting or temporary.  That comes from my heart and maybe I should have kept that a secret or whatever, but I speak my piece, we all know that don't we?  So-----Mark, as the saying always goes, the ball is in your court. 

So be it.  Thanks, Glen

General Discussion / Fallacy & Belief in Brief
July 27, 2018, 03:38:37 PM
Fallacy & Belief in Brief

What is Fallacy and Belief?  In the casino and outside of it.  It is really basically the same, at least IMO.

Say a person goes to a restaurant and eats there.  He or she does not like it for whatever reasons.  Maybe the food was good but the experience was bad?  Maybe the food was not up to their expectations?  Maybe something happened alongside with the trip to the restaurant and no matter what 100 other people would factually think about the food, the person that just entered had other things going on within themselves that no matter what was served to them the opinion would be totally negative. 

Here is another example.  My son and I really like a certain mall.  It is a very popular mall and by no way, antiquated, secluded or off the beaten path, etc.  It is easy to park, lots of space, lots of other things around it, clean, a great play place for him that he really enjoys more than even the Mall of America with the huge and over the top, Nickelodeon Amusement Park in the middle of it.  A great Barnes & Noble store.  Countless food options, great restrooms, a huge movie theater with all the extras.  The list is long.  The wife does not like the place in her opinion and she has not really spent any time there.  She just does not prefer it for some reason as compared to other malls in the region.  Ask her, and she will say everything negative, too far, no good, I don't like the place and many other things except a real valid reason for not liking it or wanting to go there.  But if one was to really know her, she has little tendency to agree, cooperate, go along with, merge with others, or anything of the like.  She has a need to lead, retaliate, disagree with, set her own way, always make the discovery and not believe anything represented regardless of research, experience, warranty, etc.  At times nothing wrong with that attitude, especially in business to a certain extent.  But as an overall subscription and operating principal, I don't think that is the best way. 

Why do I say those things?  Because you just might be missing something, losing a great find, stepping on your tail and everything else along those lines.   You might very well be correct in every way, but then again, how would you really know for sure? 

Some people will draw their conclusions from just listening to others.  And IMO, that is subscribing to fallacy.  Yet, other people will not, they remain neutral wanting to experience whatever it is and basing their own advantages or disadvantages from that thing on their own.  They are not outright believing fallacy.

As far as gambling.  Let's set something straight please.  So many on this board and the ones that left the board going to another board, with their same redundant attacks and statements, accuse me of gambling fallacy.  I admit, one cannot beat the math.  But, that is my point!  I have always agreed about that.  But, we play to win.  The dealer is there for the long run, meaning 24/7, the dealers seat is always being played, the customers change for various reasons.  Running out of money, win and leave, being called away, etc.  Mostly running out of money, IMO. 

If you play 10 hands and you happened to win on 6 of them with great positive progressions and parlays, you should by all means, rethink everything going on.  I call that, resetting and refreshing.  Is it possible to win 6 or even 7 out of 10.  Sure!  Is it possible to repeat that every session within the exact time frame you choose on a regular basis?  No way!  Never ever will happen.  Even if it happens within a computer theory program you discovered. 

The math people will probably define it as Probability and Variance, or the house edge, etc.  Like I defined in my other postings, I don't really care about all that, seriously.  I focus on Decisions and Reality as well as the management of what I am engaged in and facing with the shoe presentments.  I do not attempt to beat the casino or the game; I do not attempt to outsmart the casino either.  I just shoot for that section of time where some type of opportunity is presenting itself and I try my best to match up my desires and reality with that.  The programming and the theories will side track you something awful, IMO.

So there is a bit about Fallacy and Belief.  We all have it, no matter what walk of life you come from or what your experience is at the casino.  When you sit down and actually play the game, you will be somewhat influenced by what you have been exposed to, what your knowledge, research, beliefs and desires are.  I cannot see any way around all that.  Maybe you can and maybe you subscribe to engaging in a scheduled wagering pattern according to something you saw on the internet or found on your computer.  But, I just cannot see how that will translate itself to the time frame with the shoes you are playing at the casino?  There is less than a 50% chance of you winning if you believe in the math and greater than a 50% chance of the casino winning your money.  There is no way around all that, including a set schedule of progressions. 

Unless, you work on certain presentments with some type of progression and/or parlays and then totally reset and refresh when you fall off the win section.  You have to give yourself a much larger chance with the accumulated wins to far outweigh your losses and the risk capital, rather than a +1 or a -1 or a +2 or a flat bet, etc.  That will only grind you down.  Reason being, you are attempting a mathematical revenge in reverse on the game to accumulate wins.  It will not work. 

Part 2 will have a brief synopsis of my thoughts and successful progressions and parlays.  To be continued..........
Maybe it's just me and my imagination. But I have noticed that almost all of the people that are relatively new to the message boards and or gambling, they'll come on a message board and say how great they are doing. So many have one common denominator which is they can't reveal their whole wagering selection or system whatever you want label it.

They'll give you a few things and then say how great they're doing and how much they are making and people will press them for what it is. The more you press on the more conversation and posting back and forth.

Eventually the person that was doing so great, just fades away.  Again maybe it's my imagination?  Kind of comical, at least that's the way I find it.
Can anyone figure this out as to how many possible outcomes exist?

You know, just the possibilities of what can happen in a bac shoe are in the multi billions, IMO. 

That is staggering if you really clear your head, sit down and think about it.

I could not even think of how to set up that math equation, maybe one of the math gurus here can??

8 decks of cards, remove the first 2 to 11 as the burn cards, cut off the last 15 or so.  416 cards minus, say 25 or so.  How many possibilities on a declining scale does a player actually face?  Huge amounts!  Especially when you are not looking to have optional draws like BJ, etc.
"An Edge Without A Physical Bias" (??)  << The Term Quoted from: Nickmsi

My Thoughts, As Follows:

That is what wins the game for me, when I concentrate and truly adhere to all the things I spend time to detail and write about on the board.  Some will go into dialog about my posts are too wordy, too long, too hard to understand, etc.  But, I am very sorry, there is no other way for me to explain as there are just numerous variables I have found that play parts together to make up each session's outcome.  And yes, I do throw in analogies and a few other things as well, you can always skip my threads, no problem.  Thanks, Glen.

Physics?  You just cannot grasp anything to do with it?  Mathematical and statistical adherence to what the pros (the real ones [LOL] you know, they are the bonafide and certified ones) say the test results produced and yet you still lose?  Complete failure to understand anything to do with those?  Perhaps you understand it is sheer greed and if you can only control yourself with a tiny bit of profit you can multiply that by 30 and make a heck of a great living sipping drinks all day and lounging at the casino table without a boss, the way certain members of many gambling forums claim that they do, especially the ones that post repetitively the same short concise statements saying that they do.  You know you actually over-stay every session you play and yet, you still stay when losing no matter how much you already won and when winning, you can never leave---so you are totally convinced that you have it all figured out and will literally beat the casino but somehow you just can't pull it off.  Those are just a few of the scenarios that exist in everyday real life at the casino but there are so many more. 

I have spent decades gambling in Brick & Mortar casinos, never on-line.  I have numerous family members in all 3 of the largest gaming jurisdictions of the USA in some type of upper management positions, mostly in marketing or in table game operations.  I know about gaming and I know about players as well, I know about casinos.  IMO, it is no different than a retail store or a service business that has specialties they offer to the industry.  Marketing, salesmanship, industry press releases, perception, what the market will bear, and so on will set the prices, the need, the willingness to support one or more businesses of the same type, the poor quality business and the high quality class act ones as well. 

Stores selling merchandise at below inventory wholesale costs, to attract customers that will usually wind up spending far in excess of what the business would lose if people failure to act on impulse, desire, greed, desire, eye-candy and many other factors of the same nature.   Value has a lot to do with gambling and something few of us actually think about.  Basically, I say when you don't have it or never did, there really is not much value when you actually get it.  Meaning, you don't have the slightest clue what you have because you already have it.  Sounds contradictory, but I plead with you, that it is probably 99% spot on in most every case. It's just the way our desires, emotions, greed and everything else mixed up inside of us, works and governs each of us at the casino table!  Especially with money and hard assets.

An attempt to understand the casino system and what their largest ammunition really is, would be the understanding of the following: "People are under the illusion that they can outsmart the system".  That sentence holds true to the hundredth power in any casino, police/detective work, retail offering, and employment background screening investigation, liquor licensing applications and thousands of other things as well!  Once you really understand that sentence and how you look at things you learn, research, attempt to apply and will wager with, then you are starting your journey down the correct path. 

But it all boils down to the human brain, with desires, greed, lust and a host of other things along those very same lines.  Fortunately, for the casinos and unfortunately for the players, almost every single one of us has those things instilled in us from a very early age.  It all started with your mom and dad and their "rewards", for yourself when you were good and those same things taken away when you were bad.  Then you learned how to milk the system and then manipulation you taught yourself without even knowing it.  You found the sweetness of self-rewarding yourself with the "fruits of your desires", sort of saying.  Each of us has it and each of us deals with that in many different ways, some good and others not so good. 

'Gamblers have a stronger misperception of randomness and are so willingly to bet on it'.  Please understand the words, Misperception, Understanding, Interpretation, Inaccurate and Inadequate) they are specifically different and very relative to gamble, but in the attempt to keep this from being way too long, I am saying, Misperception. ("A wrong or incorrect understanding or interpretation"). I have termed it, probability matching, and that is a side effect all humans are subjected to at the gaming table.  Especially when they are winning large or losing large.  It was instilled in our pre-human ancestors when they were out hunting and searching for food.

Evolution has primed us to have a low threshold for detecting patterns.  That is the physiological bottom line.  You would learn that in Psych 101.  That is medical science, nothing I made up.  So that very same thing will affect your gambling decision making thought process.  And that is exactly my point in all this.  It is not reality sitting at that table and almost all of you think it is.  It is different, virtually the opposite and then once you have it all figured out, it reverts back the other way.  And those my friends are all the parts that throw the mathematical and statistical data right into the garbage can every time.   

The down sides and why there are actually down sides you can detect.  Because it is that we get a lot of false alarms.  In the casino, that equates to losses.  In almost everything else, we chalk them up to and use them as rejections, mistakes, learning, improving, necessary happenings, etc.  But in the casino, they equate to devastating losses and missed wins/profits.  That is the key element to the entanglement of your mind and its ability to continue to play, figure out and stick to whatever can win and get away from what cost you not to wager on correct presentments, etc. 

Generally, those false alarms are harmless to most, but that is not always the case.  In so many player's agendas, they will convince themselves what is correct to wager upon, as to what is coming out or what has not came out, or what is supposed to happen according to the numbers, etc.  That is the key triggers that so many, most all will fall prey to.  Gamblers place money on those, no matter if they admit or not that was their reasoning.  Some will wager large amounts of money and other will grind it slowly with smaller amounts.  And no matter the value of their wagers, it does not matter.  They will do it repetitively and consistently.  Then they win some or lose some and that does not even matter.  They will wager against whatever they were wagering on that won, then they continue to lose.  Or they lose when they actually convinced themselves, that they were supposed to have won, but they did not follow doctor or wizard, 'so and so' math and stats that proved rightfully correct.  So then they lose their intelligence per-se and they become controlled by their desires, their emotions, and other factors that cannot and will never be able to match with certainty, their wager with each upcoming presentment.  The more the play, the more they lose.  Even when they win, they only fueled themselves with false fuel to keep going. 

Then what happens?  Well I have observed, that right about the time the people will point to whatever allowed them to feel that they choose the right side by matter of intelligent choice, nothing really existed that will allow them to repeatedly use just that in upcoming presentments that will be a solid 51% or greater positive experience on a consistent basis from thereon out.  Please re-read that and understand that, because that right there is a major key in understanding yourself and the reason for control in the game of baccarat.  And there is a double whammy to this as well.  That is, the strongest patterns and trends are always the worst for most players these days.  Because they challenge the strongest parts and have either convinced themselves or had themselves convinced, that baccarat is a true 50-50 game, a game that always equals itself out and you can prevail if you only wager against anything that is repeating itself or dominants. 

Then the losses start, their impulsiveness starts as well.  Reducing or increasing pattern recognition becomes the key to success which will not ever come about the conventional way.  Meaning, by reading the books by the doctors, the wizards, the self-proclaimed professional gamblers, the X dealers and casino personnel, etc.  Buying systems guides or being exclusively mentored and tutored or joining a $50.00 a month elite club of wanna-be millionaire gamblers, etc.  It will not happen no matter how much you believe that it just might.  Sorry, but that is the cold hard truth of the day. 

And if you can even begin to really understand what I just said, then you might be one of the few, the very few that might survive the "Flip of the Switch".  We all seem to unknowingly inflict ourselves with false fuel, continued torture and just plain, guaranteed losing when we found ourselves with that last, "all in" wager, or the other one, "all or nothing", types of wagers.  Winning and losing without letting yourself get beat down, by using a buy in which is only a smaller percentage of a bank roll and a bank roll that is administered properly is the start.  The rest of it will depend on your ability to remove yourself from everything I mentioned, desires, emotions, the mindset that allows yourself to think you have an edge to beat the casino, etc.  We continually let ourselves literally lose our money, the casino does not take it, you give it to them with the decisions you made.  The blame only adds more false fuel and further bad intelligence to your game.  I promise you that.

We give them our money because of our blatantly wrong information, data and beliefs we choose to believe.  Almost all gamblers will do the proper research, engage in training, obtain the proper information for almost all their non-gambling activities such as, seeding and fertilize their lawns, sports, hobbies, crafts, etc.  But when it comes to gambling, once again, almost everyone believes in that, "I can outsmart the system" type of intelligence that will only repeatedly hurt them until they are broke. 

What is the, "Flip of the Switch"?

"Flip of the Switch", is complicated, but for sake of keeping it to a couple of sentences, it is the player's thought process that will govern him with the recognition of patterns, trends, and whatever else he is convinced will be the next presentment from the shoe.  His wagering on that without regards to reality and then being sucked into gambling fallacy, LOCK, STOCK & BARREL.  The gambler has no idea that he actually wagered on his impulse and not on a tangible pattern, trend, or other defined presentment as he was really thinking he was doing.

Hence, "Flip of the Switch".  In other words, the lights were turned out on the player.  He lost once again.  Simple.  As well, once the action starts, say 4 Bankers appear, half the gamblers next to him just know and say out loud, how it has to cut back to the Players side and begin to wager for such.  The other of the people there, just know it has to continue and streak with the Banker.  So a switch gets flipped in the person's brain somewhere, changing the way we each define the game. 

And when you don't have the experience, the knowledge, the insight and much more, the compelling biases are truly overwhelming, "Flipping of your Switch", when you're in the game playing, actual play with actual money.  And if you lose and are losing more than you are winning, it is not the auto shuffler, it is not the unlucky dealer, it is not you lost count of the VIN/SAP Counts, it is no the failure of the Banker to continually excel the way it is supposed to, it is not the failure of the shoe to produce an exact replication of those 1,000,000 shoes broken down to the 3 or 5 or 10 you sat down to gamble at, etc., etc., and so on.  It was the fault of your wagering in direct conflict with what legitimately came out of the shoe, no matter if you wagered or not. You were just convinced to wager on the losing side because of the numerous factors I wrote about earlier and those factors turn very quickly into strong compelling biases that almost everyone has no idea what they are or how to figure them out.

And therefore, with yourself deep into biases, you play and play and play and believe compelling biases that cannot and will not hold up on a regular and a consistent basis totaling the majority of your play. Unless and only unless, you can twist, turn and manipulate the same system that legally, with precision and a well-planned entire scenario, relies on human nature to wager with their desires coupled with greed, that governs the player based on their beliefs that wreak havoc on their emotional and financial life.
Fooled by Reality--Fooled by Desires

What is so sad, is that we really just fool ourselves. 

Be careful what you fail to check at the doors, as you walk through the entrance of the casino!  I have written about it before and specifically, I am talking about consciousness and reality.  I am not talking about being awake and alert, I am talking about remembering, being 100% conscious of and putting your knowledge and experience right there in front of you, recognizing them and paying extreme attention to them while you are playing.  Not an easy task.

The highest majority of the players sit down at the casino table, buy-in and then, 'game-on'.  Not much else really happens until the player begins to lose.  Then the emotional and the reactions come about.  Rather than being constantly pro-active, they become reactive to their deluded minds.  Sheer reactions to attempt damage control, getting even, recouping previous losses, trying to place themselves in another player's frame-of-mind and virtually everything except, playing the game the way it should be played. 

Problem being, as I see it, is that there are two different forms of, 'Probability', 'Variances' and most importantly, 'Dealing with our Ignorance'.  First of all, the highest majority of all players enter a new session with an attitude and belief that they have been there, done that and although handled too many sessions the, 'wrong way', they suddenly convince themselves that everything has changed and really nothing at all has.  When they win, they get more obnoxious, more de-tuned and more self-righteous than ever before.  Because they have all convinced themselves they are finally on the right track and that special time has come.  When really nothing at all did, they just failed to allow themselves to deal with their own ignorance.  They also coupled that with locking themselves into uncertainty failing to actually apply themselves to what is about to happen. 

Whatever you want to entitle the upcoming shoe presentments, 'Variance', 'Results', 'Randomness', etc., it will happen.  It does not matter one bit what side you are wagering on, what side you did not wager on or in fact, if you sat out and did not wager at all.  It will happen.  That is when the damage occurs the highest majority of the time.  Say a player believed what he read on a gambling message board or in his, 'elite pay-per-month internet club' of professional baccarat players that it is wiser to wager on 1's and 2's because they happen the most rather than streaks, patterns, trends and other presentments that also happen.  So here this player bought in with several thousand dollars and got into a wagering war with himself of going for 1's and 2's at the baccarat table.  Just about the same time he was doing that, the shoe presented 2 long streaks of say 8 to 12 Bankers in a row, followed by the same amount of Players in a row as well.  The person repeatedly wagered for the, 'cut' because of the proven statistical odds (The probability) that what just happened, should not have happened at all.  But it did.  And, it could have been one of several other shoe presentments such as, 1's and 4's, 2's and 6's followed by 3's and 5's with one long streak.  Countless other presentments that do come about. 

The damage happens when that player has just lost a straight $1,700.00 and has $300.00 remaining of his buy-in.  His mind is clouded, his vision is blurred and his frame-of-mind is extremely dangerous.  Now, he observed a player that caught the highest amount of the past 20 or so hands and won well over $10,000.00 with just a few hundred on the table, when he sat down.  That other person says something like, "Now the cut is coming, it has to because it was too strong", all the while pointing at the score board.  So, you are down the $1,700.00 or so, the guy that just won what you desired to and knew you could, is speaking and you are gullible.   Here is what you really do not realize, here is what really happens with 'Probability' and the computation of the odds of shoe presentments coming about in baccarat.   Probability is not a computation of the odds of making winning and losing hands based upon what has happened or based upon what has not happened.  It is actually, accepting the lack of certainty of your knowledge and dealing with the reality of your ignorance.  In other words, harsh and real words--you beat yourself, you talked yourself out of wagering what would have won.  Simple and done.  Of course, that is like saying you are unhygienic and physically unattractive and unpleasant to be around because you are simply gross.  But our brains will not allow us to really do that, even if it was factual and 100% true. 

Here, let me explain where I am coming from.  Outside of textbooks and casinos, probability and variance really never continually presents itself as a problem or something that constantly has to be figured out.  Yet, within a casino, it always does, 100% of the times we play.  Here is where it is complicated on one hand and yet, not really so.  IMO, there are really two areas that have to be realized and addressed.  1)  Randomness and Non-Randomness, and 2) Certainty and Uncertainty.  This is where 100 gamblers will have 99 varying methods to decipher, understand and convince themselves that they are on the right track and will soon be on 'easy-street'. 

Simply, 'randomness' is what the shoe will present, or the dice or the slot machine wheels, or anything else within a casino.  Randomness is not in any way purely mathematical, neither is non-randomness.  If you view randomness and non-randomness as skepticism, rather than attempting to apply and decipher it down to micro-managing levels mathematical interpretations, you will be far better off.  As well, 'probability'.  It is not in any way purely an engineering theorem and able to be broken down as well, you would be far better off viewing it as a type of applied skepticism. 

And the problem most all will not or ever admit, is that when they are wrong according to their methodical and probability deviant, they were merely taking the educated and best guess as to what should have won.  When they do wager and won, they build their persona into a larger and more destructive belief that they have it all figured out and that is when the real destruction can do greater damage to their play.  Basically, if you really do decide something with uncertainty that was in your belief decided upon with risk-based method, rather than ignorance or outside the textbook mathematical statistical variance, you will be much better off by far and large.  Because eventually your eyes will open, your frame-of-mind will realize and you will understand that you capitalized on visions, chance and opportunities rather than science, mathematical and discovering what the multi-billion dollar corporations wished you never did. 

The naysayers will label what I just attempted to lay out above, as saying, "being on the right side of luck and chance will only last for so long", etc.  Then they will always say, "If you really had something, you would be able to use it over and over and over again without failure, time constraint or losses".  Which is not true. 

Here, let me break it down a bit further.  Chance, being correct, taking advantage of an opportunity, etc., all might seem similar to saying, 'luck'.  But, in reality, since no one really knows with mathematical or scientific certainty, what presentments will ultimately come out of the shoe and in what order, mathematical and statistical formulas that define what wagering protocols should be, really do not matter.  Why?  Because when you are at the casino table, you are at a highly random environment with certain windows of opportunity that can be successfully taken advantage of.  Unlike the practice of medicine, engineering or anything else that requires the highest majority of correct results to originate from non-random and non-variant sets of protocols, determining the outcome.  And in those endeavors, knowing the protocols will award you the knowledge to have the correct answers.  It is virtually the opposite, when we are at the casino table. 

The whole other, 'half-way educated' group, maintains a firm belief that there is only a few types of plays that will profit from wagering and those are all elementary in their repetitive writings and one-liners.  They are very good at attempting to have everyone believe that there is actually only one or two ways to wager and everything else is 'false belief' by the gambler.  They insist that it is all non-rocket science and yet, while they actually will never actually divulge their 'correct and only' ways to properly wager, they really do put on a good show.  I would have to put them in the same league as to those women that actual curl up with a bowl of potato chips and soda and get lost in watching those old fashioned soap-operas on television.  Great entertainment, even losing yourself in 'make believe' but sorry pal--not reality by any means! 

However, what most people know in their hearts--but will never ever admit is that we are into the new-age of info sharing, instant everything and no need for, 'blood-sweat & tears' any longer.   It turns out that we aren't very good at distinguishing the knowledge we keep in our heads from the information we find on our phones or computers. As Dr. Wegner and Dr. Ward explained in a 2013 Scientific American Journal article when people call up information through their devices, they often end up suffering from delusions of intelligence. They feel as though, "their own mental capacities" had generated the information, not their devices. "The advent of the 'information age' seems to have created a generation of people who feel they know more than ever before", the scholars concluded, even though "they may know ever less about the world around them".  And, it is no different for the gambling crowd.  I read and researched on the internet, I know everything you learned over 20 or 25 or 30 years, etc., I know it all, so what? 

That insight sheds light on our society's current gullibility crisis, in which people are all too quick to credit lies and half-truths spread through social media by Russian agents and other bad actors. If your phone, tablet, I Pad, or laptop, has sapped your powers of discernment, you'll believe anything it tells you.  Which is reality.  It's your money, spend it the way you see fit and make yourself comfortable with all the fake reassurance that you give yourself by simply believing what is not true and what makes for 'good print', because in reality, that is all it really is.

Sample from within the article:

"The sudden premium on sports data is likely to set up an array of conflicts in the betting industry that have been mostly unknown in the United States. Adrian Ford, general manager of Football DataCo, the official handler of data for the English Premier League and others in Britain, said that in dozens of stadiums each weekend, the hooded scouts show up for companies aiming to collect the data and sell it to betting operators without buying rights to the league-approved stream originating in the press box.

It goes to the heart of this issue, the data debate, Mr. Ford said.  Clearly the data from the source, a stadium, it's valuable. Some people believe it's appropriate to cheat".
BetSelection was down for a couple of days, sorry for not giving notice.

We had to update and upgrade some of the website and perform numerous admin changes. 

Board went down before we had realized.

Thanks for understanding!

"United Kingdom regulator investigating 17 online gambling operators

January 8, 2018

Online gambling regulation, Money Laundering, Licensing Issues, United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, the Gambling Commission has reportedly announced that it has launched a formal investigation into 17 online gambling operators over alleged social responsibility and anti-money laundering concerns and may be forced to revoke the licenses of up to five firms.

According to a report from The Guardian newspaper, the regulator has sent letters to every one of the unidentified operators to express the 'serious nature' of the supposed findings discovered via an initial review, which looked into all licensed firms' controls to combat problem gambling, money laundering and terrorist financing.

"Due to the serious nature of our findings, we have already begun investigations into 17 online operators and are considering whether five of these require a license review," reportedly read a statement from the Gambling Commission.

The Guardian reported that the regulator's preliminary review had allegedly found failings at the 17 operators such as the hiring of money laundering reporting officers that had no formal qualifications and had been 'unable to provide suitable explanations as to what constitutes money laundering'. The Gambling Commission purportedly also declared that some of the firms had demonstrated 'a general lack of understanding of how criminal spend could affect the business' and had not handed over sufficient information regarding suspicious betting activities to law enforcement bodies such as the National Crime Agency.

The newspaper reported that the initial review was launched in October in order to determine how well licensed operators are meeting their current responsibilities and additionally found that some of the 17 operators may have failed to intervene even after some customers showed signs of problem gambling.

In a statement, Sarah Harrison, Chief Executive for the Gambling Commission, declared that it was 'vital that the gambling industry takes its duty to protect consumers and keep crime out of gambling seriously' and that the regulator's current action is 'just one example of how we will be relentless in turning that vision into reality'.

"As the online sector continues to grow and now accounts for a third of the British gambling market, it is right that we maintain a sharp focus on online gambling," read the statement from Harrison, who is set to step down next month. "That is why in addition to our work on compliance among online casino operators, we have also been conducting a wider ranging review of online gambling looking at how the market has evolved and to identify where further action can be taken to make gambling fairer and safer for consumers."
From National News Sites:

"Australia launches investigation into JustBet.cx

March 12, 2018

Reference:  Illegal Cryptocurrency, Australia, Online gambling regulation, Christmas Island, Unlicensed Operation, Sports betting, Licensing concerns.

In Australia, the Bitcoin-friendly online casino at JustBet.cx is reportedly being investigated by the local media watchdog for allegedly breaching the nation's Interactive Gambling Act 2001.

According to a Sunday story from Asia Gaming Brief citing 'local media reports', JustBet.cx features a sportsbetting facility offering pre-match and in-play markets on a wide range of competitions including matches from the Australian Football League and A-League while its web address is purportedly registered with the Christmas Island Domain Administration.

However, the Australian Communications and Media Authority has reportedly launched an investigation after determining that JustBet.cx' Internet protocol (IP) address may in fact be headquartered in the Central American nation of Costa Rica, which would violate the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 and prohibit the domain from offering its services to Australia-based punters.

Asia Gaming Brief reported that the Australian Communications and Media Authority initiated its examination of JustBet.cx after Andrew Wilkie from the Australian House of Representatives had earlier called for the Christmas Island Domain Administration to immediately shutter the site."
I'm willing to entertain the idea of one or two members that are energetic and motivated, that would like their own highlighted section casino/gambling related with a touch of whatever else relates to yourself, your career, your hobbies, visiting various casinos with trip reports, etc., etc.

If anyone's interested, you can respond to me by message and we can discuss. Thank you.
Bringing up old posts on our board or importing other board?s post(s), references and links.

Reference:  Drama posts, personal opinions & feelings, views on other members here or members of other boards and previous members as well, and writings written by BetSelection members or staff at any time on any board, etc. 

There will not be and cannot be the continued bringing up, referencing and creating drama with old posts and threads on our board here, as well as other boards.  Defined:  Do not reference any one on our board with what they wrote on another board or anywhere else for that matter.

Do not do it.  Simple.  Period. If you are a well-known and established member here, there will be one warning and a deletion to the post made.  If you are not well known and established, there might not be any warning. 

Reference ?other boards?.  I am well aware what happens on some of them and others, I have no idea whatsoever.  I belong to two of the other boards and rarely post on them.  I have been on a few of the larger boards and I have been banned.  All the bans I brought on myself and most of them I squared off on the owners or admin?s, so what?  Big deal.  History.  I don?t care. 

But one thing, from this point on.  On BetSelection, if anyone brings up, makes reference to, copy & paste, links to---any other board with a derogatory, negative, drama seeking post that anyone made here on BetSelection elsewhere, it will be deleted.  Simple, don?t do it. 

As far as posting, referencing or linking to a positive, constructive and non-personal agenda on another board within your posting here on BetSelection, I don?t see anything wrong with it. 

One more thing.  I generally do not care what is said on the other boards.  However, read this carefully and understand it.  If you have a question or it is not clear, ask.  If you are going to post on BetSelection and be a ?regular? or a ?known member?, etc., I do not feel it is proper to regularly and with vengeance bring our business, postings and our content onto other boards for the sole purpose to demean, chastise, humiliate or belittle our BetSelection members or staff here.  If you are referencing something that was said and using, that in a decent conversation and defense of something on another board, sure?no problems.  If you are going to be on BetSelection and consistently cut & paste, reference and regularly engage in detailed threads and conversations on the other boards about the content here, that is wrong.  The content on BetSelection, once posted, is the property of the board.  It stays on the board.  If you want to cut & paste and engage in detailed conversations with only drama and so-called investigative journalism of some weird style, don?t attempt to continue as a regular and a well-known member in good standing on this board. 

While, I do not and will not patrol the other boards, I guarantee you someone will email or PM me with the more flagrant violations of what I just said.  Stop the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of board personalities as well.  Talk about gambling, wagering, casinos and anything else within your life.  Leave the other boards and their members out of BetSelection.  We are not a wrestling arena with BetSelection involved or its members to hash over and wrestle regarding the other board's members or their problems or a dislike you might have regarding anyone posting anything.   

As Esoito said:  ?In summary, if you don't approve that's fine. Just don't keep needling and banging the same drum.  Membership here is not compulsory. Acceptable behavior is.?

Thank You.  Glen.
A quote from the sports-gambler, Harry Findlay:

"There are three things people have to understand: a) You can get on; b) You get value; c) You get confidence.  And no matter what you do in life, confidence is the number one.  Say one fellow bets 20-1 shots.  After 20 loses, he backs a winner, and he's level.  Another fellow's betting evens.  After 10 winners and 10 losers he's level.  They've both got the same money, but he's been right 10 times.  Who's going to have more confidence? But nobody talks about confidence, the mental instabilities involved in gambling.  And that's what it's all about.  Its all about how you perform under pressure, how you perform when it all goes wrong."

And, I say he is 100% spot-on, no doubt, great fuel for anyone's performance and endeavors at the tables! 

Here is a link to a newspaper article about the 'professional sports gambler':


It appears he is quite popular within the world of sports betting and well-known.  I read a little of his stuff and articles about him, interesting from a casino player's point of view, although I am not a regular sports-wagering type of person. 

I like the quote, fits in perfectly!  I have called the same thing, 'Frame-of-Mind' and also, 'Vision'.  IMO, there is a lot to the above quote and it is key to understanding your emotional, knowledge, experience and everything else I have taken the time and effort to detail with my previous writings on BetSelection.

It fits, fits well and best of all--it is REALITY.

Played there frequently, although my X-wife's friends and many of the NYC crowd had the Trump Taj as their main casino hangout in Atlantic City, I was more of a south-end strip player, with Bally's Grand as my main property.  My cousin, as I mentioned before on the board, worked for Donald Trump for 21 years in Atlantic City and now semi-retired, ill works in A.C.. 

I have the original book the got Donald Trump the Junk Bonds and other funding he needed to build the Taj Casino as well as a silver and gold belt buckle from 1993 given to me by Donald Trump at the Taj. 


In the later days of playing at Atlantic City, more so than the earlier ones in the 80's and the 90's, we used to always eat at Robert's Steakhouse which was at the Trump Taj Casino.  I found a light-up pen last night, we got in the restaurant one night that the staff used to use.  Many a nights playing baccarat at the large 14 player/3 dealer tables at the Taj with this one and yes, the blue light was glowing--especially when I was winning, LOL.  Great days!



BetSelection and a more detailed explanation of posting guidelines and the 'aura' of the board:

We do not seek constant 'Needling' and 'Negativity' by members towards other members.  Provoking or annoying someone on a repetitive basis by especially the continual criticism or questioning, taunting, pestering, harassing, prodding, teasing, grouping up of 2-3-4 members and ganging up with the same come back/statement/questions towards another----will not be tolerated, not what we are about and is not what the highest bulk majority of those here seek. 

You can also add, "insinuation by proxy" which for those of you, that say what the heck is that?  Well, that is a slick wording of an insult, the turning around another member's words, or the covert wording of a derogatory and negative statement meant to provoke and prod the others, simple.  Not hard to figure out after a few continually engage with that on a regular and consistent basis. 

No need to taunt, pester, harasses any member here, if you don't enjoy, find interesting, learn and engage with them in a positive or a neutral way, skip their content.  If you disagree, post such and move on.  Do not continue the type of provocation and insulting remarks I mentioned above.  It will not be tolerated.

For those of you that desire to be disrespectful, cuss at and label the Admin/Moderators or Regular and Steady Members, demeaning and negative terms---I suggest you go do it to Keith, Sonya, Mike, or any of the others and see how long you last without a complete ban on their boards, as well as having your IP address blocked from even signing on their websites.

I found this on the board:

"I think "scammer" is too strong a word here. Looking at VRSEDGE's web site it seems that he's selling software tools which enable users to create their own systems based on parameters built into the platforms. There are no claims or guarantees that anyone will definitely win by using them. He is not selling a system or systems and claiming that they are infallible.

But since the forum has a new owner, perhaps a review of the rules regarding advertising and/or selling might be in order? There are several members doing this, including Gizmotron who is now looking for more students. I quote : "PM me if you want private tutoring." -- Gizmotron. (https://betselection.cc/albalaha's-exclusive/for-those-who-think-house-edge-or-negative-expectation-is-the-sole-culprit/msg63571/#msg63571) "

And it was posted by 'Mike'.  He has the same thing or variations of it posted in about 3 member's threads, Vrsedge's, Albalaha's and Gizmo's. 

I will clarify.  Refer to the Board's Rule #6 please.  More specifically, just a few words within that you in particular need to focus on, understand and absorb.  Here, I will make it a tad bit easier for you:

"No sales or published links of any kind to any commercial cause/website/program or item, without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators.

No direct selling or linking to a member's or member's affiliate of any kind without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators. "

As well: I posted yesterday the following;

Known members versus unknown members things are taking into a Different Light.

As far as selling something, a known member that's a real person, that has history here if that's what he does for a living or a legitimate sideline and he is known and has as a decent reputation along with that of his product, without giving an endorsement on behalf of the board, that's one story.  To me that's acceptable no matter who the member is.

Now if it's a person that signs on with no history or a few posts and all of a sudden he's selling some type of product or service and he never introduced himself and I don't know who he is and no references, entirely different picture and that is what's clearly not allowed.

And don't bring it where it's selective but it's an overall picture as to if it's a reputable member or an unknown member that's a possible scam. And again my board does not endorse any commercial product. And if I do endorse something, it means that I personally checked it out and I believe in it and I've done more research rather than just making sure the person is a reputable person and those are going to be few and far in-between, meaning the endorsements of commercial products or services on this board.

We all have seen on this board as well as numerous other boards of all kinds, the new or relatively new sign up member, comes on and greets everyone and immediately begins posting links to other sites of all types and then into direct sales.  Or, a variation where he will possibly accomplish 3 or 5 or even 10 posts and then enter into the same thing.  They usually do not do the latter because it takes time to do, even 30 mins of posting over a few days is way too much for these types.  A perfect example was that so-called gambling book author we had last year on this board.  But there are thousands of scammers, systems sellers, website gambling affiliates, etc.,  Those are the ones that are not allowed, will be axed and deleted as soon as they post. 

As I said, known members are viewed in a different light.  This is not an endorsement of their product or service, it is merely allowing them to express themselves, refer to their business or sideline, and allow them to use this board as a vehicle in a subtle way--even if it entails a commercial venture on their behalf.  However, it is no different than a shopping mall with a merchant that rents space from the mall.  The mall is not responsible for the content or the merchant's actions.  However, if the merchant is fraudulent or present himself in a non-professional way and becomes a liability for the mall, the mall can and will terminate his lease because he did not act within standard business and community practices.  Same here.  End of story.

Now, that should be enough and fully explains, 'what is what'.
This is hands down, the most comprehensive, technical, and best book about the subject, IMO.  It is also filled with great 'side-info' of sorts that can and will open many doors for those of you that are not 'super-math/statistical' freak-a-schizoids.

Title:  "The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic
Author:  Richard A. Epstein
Publisher:  Academic Press
First Edition:  1977
Revised Edition:  1995

I did not read the whole thing, but I had this on my list of publications to get for a very long time.  I finally got one used off of Amazon.  The book is in many ways above my head and level, but there are many interesting and useful things within it, that I do not regret getting in in anyway!  I should have got it a long time ago. 

Great reference tool beyond a doubt.  I would have to say it has almost all aspects covered. 


1)  Kubeiagenesis
2)  Mathematical Preliminaries
3)  Fundamental Principals of a Theory of Gambling
4)  Coins, Wheels and Oddments
5)  Coups and Games with Dice
6)  The play of the Cards
7)  Blackjack
8   Contract Bridge
9)  Weighted Statistical Logic and Statistical Games
10) Games of Pure Skill and Competitive Computers
11)  Fallacies and Sophistries
Appendix Tables
Author Index
Subject Index

For Example in Chapter #3)  While technical like a lot of the book, there is great stuff that can lead a player down research paths that will certainly open doors into, 'insight', as I see it, IMO.

Lots and lots of references as well.  For someone that really gets into reading and researching anything, this is worth its weight in gold with ton of references and other publications, articles and works relating to gambling and casinos.

All the technical math/stats and gaming terms, lots of authors, tons of charts and explanations of those and the equations in 'almost' simplistic ways.  While geared towards more of the factual end of most everything, IMO--it is unbiased and years of research and writ combined. 

I cannot see how any serious player would not get this book for $30.00 or under.

Pictures of the Book:






There is a section and relation to 'Guessing' as well with the author using 'Zener Cards', if you dot know what Zener cards are, we used them in college if I recall.  Goggle them. 

"Zener cards are cards used to conduct experiments for extrasensory perception (ESP) or clairvoyance. Perceptual psychologist Karl Zener (1903–1964) designed the cards in the early 1930s for experiments conducted with his colleague, parapsychologist J. B. Rhine (1895–1980). The original series of experiments have been discredited and replication has proved elusive."



Link to preview on Amazon:

Math & Statistics / Situational Awareness
June 13, 2018, 07:10:58 PM
Worth reading, understanding and exploring, for those that really desire to understand what is possible and how you should approach casino gambling as well, IMO.  And, variables do change within the course of casino play, within the course of a baccarat shoe, within the course of spinning the roulette ball during a period of time, etc.

I received permission from Dr. David G. Schwartz, today to link to the article (but not to reproduce the content of the article on our site), 'Understanding Casino Math', which I think is a very well written and effective article for many purposes.  Showing how casinos use math, a basic understanding of casino math and how the casino related writers refer to 'HAs', etc. 

I do think this is an important work and certainly has value to use as a base of understanding from many aspects and points of view.

The author, recently past away and I will include a link as to whom he was as well.  He has written numerous things relating to casinos and players. 

Permission granted through, Dr. David G. Schwartz, Director, UNLV, Center for Gaming Research, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154-7010. 

"This guide, written by casino math professor Robert Hannum, contains a brief, non-technical discussion of the basic mathematics governing casino games and shows how casinos make money from these games. The article addresses a variety of topics, including house advantage, confusion about win rates, game volatility, player value and comp policies, casino pricing mistakes, and regulatory issues. Statistical advantages associated with the major games are also provided."


Reference the author:

He was affiliated with the University of Denver:  http://news.du.edu/remembering-professor-robert-hannum/

From the author's website:  http://mysite.du.edu/~rhannum/
Rules and Enforceable Guidelines

#1  First and foremost personal and family privacy is sacrosanct here in BetSelection.cc, members and staff alike bear a responsibility for reporting such violations immediately. We take privacy seriously. We have zero tolerance for invasions of privacy, which includes publishing anything including links and other information/contact data, etc., to any member of this board for any reason whatsoever without the express consent and permission of the member you link or other information refers to.

#2  Our staff is not immune to these rules. As much as there are temporary mutes and permanent bans for members, we can remove moderators temporarily or even ban them entirely from exercising such duties in response to complaints from members. The correct course of action to contest a mod action is to open a thread in our Council section. We are malleable. Rules are for everyone here in BetSelection.cc

#3  To maintain harmony on the forum we ask that all members refrain from making any comments about ethnicity, religion or politics.  Such comments can so often lead to inflammatory, defensive posts from others. We don't want such a thing happening here.

Please Note:
You can describe others in your writings with the use of Nationalities, Male/Female, Age, Appearances, etc., in a generic, neutral and general way without those descriptions being used for derogatory or harmful purposes to the party involved.  We do not allow the use of ethnic, religious, political, gender, etc., comments regarding an individual on this board or otherwise when used in a specific manner that is inflammatory, defensive and judgmental against that individual.   

#4  It goes without saying:
No trolling. No name calling. And no personal attacks on individual members because you dislike, or disagree with, what they wrote.

No pestering, badgering, following/chasing around the forum ad continually posting in a challenging, defensive and/or aggressive type of message to any member.  A certain level of respect should be maintained by all members and at the very least, a level of neutrality will generally accomplish just that.

No, 'Belittling--Chastising--Humiliation--Degradation' is allowed.  PM's are to remain private between the 2 parties involved at all times.

Copy & Pasting of any PM without the original senders permission of such, is a blatant and forbidden violation of this board:  Simply, 'copy & pasting' a 'PM' on our board or any other message board/forum/website is dead-on wrong and against our rules.  A 'PM' is a private message and a contract to remain private which was conveyed and took place over the messaging system within BetSelection.  Without the permission of the original sender, the entire message remains private and confidential between the two parties.   

#5  We also ask fellow posters to refrain from using 4-letter words in their posts. By that we mean words associated with procreation, private body-parts and bodily functions in particular.

#6   No posting or uploading material which is available commercially or still subject to copyright.

No sales or published links of any kind to any commercial cause/website/program or item, without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators.

No direct selling or linking to a member?s or member?s affiliate of any kind without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators.   

Copying & Pasting: Within normal use, responses, references and dialogs, the linking or copying & pasting of YouTube items, news items, and other publicly published items of a general nature, can be linked or copy & pasted if there are no warnings that same cannot be done.

However, research and technical articles, University/Trade School/Consultants published info and data on the internet or otherwise, other related material, will almost always have a disclosure, warning and/or instructions, within the article/info about the publishing/copy and pasting/linking of it, etc.

Those warnings must be followed exactly with a copy of the permission being forwarded to the Board Moderators and/or the Administrators prior to your posting of that type of posting.

Small passages from a published novel, fiction or non-fiction books, etc., there should be no problem with quoting, along with full reference to the publication such as, Book Title, Author's Name, Publication Date and the Publishing House.

#7  Since this is a space for posting and analyzing bets for making conclusions: No bloviating, no hinting-only.

#8  We reserve the right to fully or partially edit, reinstate or remove content from posts and issue bans for any "reasonable reason" as considered by the staff, including a member or thread not matching our site's productive spirit.

#9  No Real-money betting among members allowed.

#10  Please note this is an English-speaking forum. While we welcome people from all over the world to enjoy us, we kindly ask that all posts are always written in English only. This way we all keep a common ground to foster union.

#11  Personal links to a members or other persons email, website, or other message board/forum of any kind (including those of the casino/gambling/gaming nature) must be approved by a Board Moderator or one of the Administrators, prior to such placement within a post/thread.

#12  If anyone brings up, makes reference to, copy & paste, links to---any other board with a derogatory, negative, drama seeking post that anyone made here on BetSelection then it will be deleted, and the member will quite likely invoke a consequence.  The same applies to bringing up previous postings on BetSelection.  Simple -- don?t do it.

Violations of the above may result in a discussion, warning, or a form of moderation from temporary to permanent, depending on the type and repetitiveness of the violation(s). 
Posting/Engagement on BetSelection & Some Other Things

Regarding the posting and engagement within threads here on BetSelection, I will offer the following.  This is not a complete and definitive list by any means.

More or less, guidelines and an expression of my vision, thoughts, what I believe the correct aura and reflection should be for the board here. 

Engage, but engage in a gentlemanly and proper engagement.  This is not the easiest thing to put into words or protocol.  But, I have to put something in as a start and here goes.    I ask you to engage in the proper way, not a '1-line' sketchy, redundant, universal-fit all, 'never really answering/defining a point' but just reinforcing a generic stance of mostly others, etc.  But do not confuse what I just said with that of a proper, short and concise 'defense' whereupon you choose not to go into great detail for sake of not repeating yourself in the defensive efforts of something you posted, etc. 

IMO and that of countless others, things are not explained many times on message boards and many readers interpret those '1-Liners', especially the seemingly negative and strong ones that are extremely repetitive, redundant and thrown out there time and time again with a few other members ganging up and 'bullying' those that actually do desire to engage past the level of sidewalk-yelling and street sparring. 

State your case and if that happens to be a line of total stuff, theory, reasoning, weird or out-of-left field things, great.  So be it.  If it is based all on mathematical, statistical, educational, classroom, long proven theories, textbook knowledge, whatever, great also.  So be it.  Both sides and anything else is totally acceptable.  But explain, engage and defend with gentlemen like tones and over views, summations, monologues and closures, etc., etc., and so on.  Stop the attack mode, the strutting up and pushing an OP's/Members shoulders and provoking, because that is wrong, dead on wrong. 

We are a gambling board with a bit more technical, professional and experience than the recreational gambler consumerish type of message board out there with a few sections/rooms on certain types of table games and slots.  Anything and everything in proportion to gambling, casinos on-line, etc., is allowed--unlike what some think or attempt to enforce or embarrass others into believing it also, where they only desire pure wagering related threads and discussions.  If you don't like it, if you don't like the author, enjoy the author, find the author interesting or useful, if you do not think you can learn anything form the author or member, if you cannot turn what the author or member did wrong into a positive path or finding, etc., etc., just skip the author/member's postings and threads.  Do not engage, stop the conflict and the holding down of anyone for anything.  Move on, the exact same as you do in a book store or a supermarket, no different, none whatsoever. 

Please act and post/answer in a sportsmanship like conduct, that is all I ask and desire.  Because when you do post, you are setting the tone and aura for this board, our board, your board, your base, other people's/member's bases, it is all one place, period.   

As far as the on-going debate and stance of gambling, casino playing, and 'Us' players and members of the board.  The bottom line with the current arguments and stances on this board is really derived from the 3-Ways of wagering while gambling, with whatever style of gambling you might subscribe to.  The way I define and see it, are the following.  Style A)  Mathematical, statistical, following the published and historical beliefs by the already deemed 'greats' of the various industries and past, long run adherence, pre-scheduled protocols and everything else along those lines;  Style B) Employing experience, reality recognition, complete clear vision, in tune with psych----emotional and self-guidance that you believe provides yourself the best path to profits and everything else along those lines;  Style C) Anything and everything else anyone finds, believes in, attempts, gambles with or by or because of and anything else along those lines. 

So are the numbers and results of one style going to outdo and outperform with certainty, protocol and that long-term continued profit, etc., against the others?  Is your way the only way?  So, since others came on here to write about,'their way' because they have found whatever it is they have realized or think they do, so wrong?  Will they eventually go broke or give back what they claim they profited by the employment of their style, so wrong?  Will they eventually get rich employing their style?  Will they eventually find their 'way' turns negative, etc., etc., and so on?  Maybe, maybe not, possibly, yes, no, could be, never.  I don't know and you don't definitely know either, in most cases anyways. 

That is why we have this message board and discussions.  Use it as such.  But do it with the proper engagement and sportsmanship like conduct, which is what I ask.  Unlike Vic, I gamble and I gamble very actively, I post and I have hard-core feelings and beliefs.  Those have nothing to do with the Admin side of the transition we are going through.  However, I might be a bit more involved on the baccarat and B&M casino table game side than the other sides as far as the content and my own personal results and endeavors, etc.  But the personal side will not and does not control the Admin side of what I have to do.  And, if it does I am sure one of the other Mods will point it out to me and I will be adjusted.   

Everyone here, IMO that has any experience on other message boards, gambling or otherwise (Admit it or not) knows you cannot go on those other boards and express a certain steadfast type of stern, strong, apparently your own fixed protocol, fashioned under the premise of being extremely educated, no room for neutralizing, not (NOT) believing someone else has something that can help another, 'open a path' let everyone speak, etc., except I will dominate and attempt control because I am right and there are no other legit ways no matter what anyone is really doing in reality, type of aura.  It does not fly. 

You can post anything you want in regards to gambling, don't get me wrong and don't twist what I am saying.  Just post it, explain it, defend it and don't push it upon everyone and everything and then reduce yourself to one sentence definitive and repetitive lines which tosses that proverbial monkey wrench into the arena, stopping community involvement because most members do not desire to dance and attempt to appease that drunk in the middle of a busy intersection.

Simply, if you don't agree, don't like the OP/member or his/her personality, messages, content, results, etc., just skip over it after you state your initial case.  This is not a sparring contest.  And do not misinterpret what I just laid out as being restrictive and weird?Because it is not.  Also, if 2 or more members want to actually spar in a thread---that is okay, but keep it to those member's threads that actually desire that, NOT universally across the board with most every thread.

Finally, if you do not agree or find the means to live with I outlined, you can simply find a suitable base elsewhere.  Oh yeah, while I am on the subject, I bought the board here from Vic because I have a certain vision and purpose.  Including adding practice and live tables for various reasons, instruction, competition, etc.  Producing podcasts, live studio type of programming, interviews and industry related material and activities, etc.  I did not purchase the board to rule it 'have it all my way' censor or anything else of the nature a few other members came up with.  Vic lost interest and is assuming other avenues rather than the message board and platform venue we have here.

I want the board to be everyone's board but I want a friendly, neutral, read what you want and engage with whom you have interests with and find purpose and reason for being here.  Use it as a base or not, but don't provoke, spar and chase those around the board that have a different purpose or pursuits you might not fully agree with. 

I hope that explains my vision and what I am doing with some of the reasons why.
I attempted to discuss with Xander the aura and the nature of some/quite a bit of his posting on the board and he became aggressive, defensive and 1 sided-1 way to the max.  I really did desire to be neutral with him and kind of ?wipe the slate clean? such as I did with ?GreenGuy?, bringing him back and active from full-ban status, etc. 

I asked Xander, plainly to be a bit more respectful, some other stuff and mostly to stop the ?one-liners? and ?one liner hits?, because they are offensive types of innuendoes the majority of the time and with his repetitiveness he demonstrates, he does become dominate with that very type of posting.  Problem being, not the content?but the aura of it and it attacks many others that are part and make up this community.  I have had numerous complaints about him and a handful of others that do what he does to a much lesser point.  My analogy to it is a drunk person walking down the sidewalk minding his own business or sitting on the bus bench not bothering anyone?generally doesn?t get brought to the attention of the police.  But, the drunk person jumping up and down and causes havoc by dancing in the middle of the intersection will get immediate confrontation, handcuffing usually following a scuffle and then jail. 

Anyway, I really tried the past 48 hours or so to talk with Xander, I wasn?t getting anywhere except attacked.  All fine.  I stated my case to him and I told him, we don?t have to be friends on here, just exists and be respectful to everyone, in so many words.  Once you disagree, move on?stop the constant and repetitive ?chasing? with the one-liners.  Engage the proper way or move on, in so many words. 

Xander, re-contacted me after that very late the other night and wanted to engage in industry related talk/discussion and so on.  I simply answered him, ?Why are you still contacting me?, etc.  He stopped at that point.  Last night, I sent him about 3 PM messages and stated my case one more time and to cease and desist the disrespect, the repetitiveness of the one-liners, when others go to great trouble, detail and explanation of their sides and he persists with the one-liners and just adds a derogatory and negative aura that turns so many off and actually does stop others from posting or they cut back at posting.  In other words, he desires to spar but fails to engage in the proper way with a decent amount of ?anything? except what I mentioned.  This is not an isolated one-time thing with myself or another. 

Xander is a master of ?twisting and turning? of other?s statements/beliefs and posts.  He picks a word or two from a sentence, or a sentence from a paragraph, or a paragraph from a longer more detailed posting and then uses the twisted and turned, isolated words/words, against the OP/member.

That is wrong?dead on wrong?unless it is done in complete friendship, fun and humor with longtime friendship type of situations.  And that is NOT what Xander and a few others do. 

Another issue that I will not get into here is a more serious one with copy and pasting of research, technical and report type of work without the proper citation and/or written permission as stated within those copy and pasted works.  We are not referring to YouTube, News Articles, Websites links, etc.  Xander clearly violated them with aggressive and defensive and negative actions towards BetSelection and myself in regards to that area.

I am personally tired of it and will not have that ype of aura and behavior on this board.  It does not happen on most other boards, especially those with more of a technical, factual, and professional aura rather than the consumerish ?he said-she said? type of boards. 

For the gist of it and in summation, those are the reasons I placed Xander into ?pre-moderation? last night and then he decided to name call, demean and say certain things we don?t need to go into here.  Another official of the board up?d the moderation level after mine.  I hope this explains or enlightens the action, it fits along with the other 2 areas I am in the process of posting today; Rules of BetSelction; and Posting/Engagement Guidleines and Aura. 

I do wholeheartedly believe that we have a much more lenient moderation and tolerance policy/aura than the other boards out there.  However, I will not have a 'free for all'.  No way--shape--or form. 

Hey all,

GreenGuy is back on.  I got a phone call from some unintelligent police officer Down-under telling me GreenGuy was locked up.  Oh lord!  I posted his bond and he is out of that jail this morning!  I think it was a high speed pursuit by the unintelligent cops working for a living, GreenGuy just got wiped out at the bac table and he looks at the dealer, picks up the shoe, throws it in the middle of the pit and reaches in and grabs a hand full or two of chips.  Gets to his car and later is picked up by those cops on patrol.  Led them on a 300 mile high speed pursuit in the outback and finally took 9 of them to handcuff him.  His car ran out of gas!   Fast forward, he is out of jail! 

Welcome back.  Didn't someone say, 'Can't we all just get along'?