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Messages - alrelax

Additional info.

FYI, please add the following into the subject of Sections & Turning Points, as I have discussed them.

I am basing the following figures off of a very common $25.00/Min to $5,000.00 table in the Midwest rather than a common $100/Min to $10,000.00 table in Atlantic City or Vegas.  Yes  there are higher limits with usually higher mins, such as a $300/$500 Min. with a $25,000.00 Max off the street limit without front money table, etc., but I am stating what I see every week at a $25.00/$5,000.00 table.  Limits are employed for reasons to assure casinos players cannot guarantee themselves a comeback and a win, even with larger bank rolls and buy-ins.   

I do not subscribe the the fallacy and the long term haunting karma of, "Beating The Casino" or "Beating The Shoe".  A win is a win and replenishes my buy-in first and then my bankroll where the buy-in came from as first priorities before locking up the excess, etc.  How long I play a session depends on numerous things, too many to list out and situations/sessions produce varying things.  I do risk my buy-in most times and if I cannot win I seldom buy-in a second time for that session/trip.  If I win, my money management method is kicked in.  If I am up and down without really winning anything substantial or barley getting over my buy-in with continued wins, I might call it a session based upon what is happening, etc.   

Most players look to "Beat The Shoe" and "Turn The Lights Out" on the casino.  Both dangerous and both produces false positive thoughts, IMO.  Of course I love to win.  But losses go along with those very same winning sessions.  I do not grind as many say and label their own way of playing.  I do not subscribe to a daily or a session grind with a limited Stop Loss or a limited Stop Win.  I risk my buy-in.  For those of you that have followed my writing here on this board, know that.  For those new members that have not, I detest the limited Stop Loss and a limited Stop Win for numerous reasons.  But most of all, I risk my buy-in funds and try my best to strictly adhere to my Money Management Method I have outlined. 

I look to play along with the shoe, rather than against it or needing it to match up to my wager for me to win.  I am referring to things such as anti streak wagering, whereas a player would wait for a 3-4 or 5 repeating B or P win to place a wager for the opposite side cut to happen.  Yes, over the long run there are all kinds of mathematics, statistics and percentages greater than 50% with various forms of scientific and math probability factors that will support wagering for the opposite side cut to present itself next after 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 hands, etc., and so on.  However, say you wager for the cut after a 3 repeating B or P is presented.  Your wager is $200.00.  The Banker produces 3 Banker wins straight and you place $200.00 on the Players side.  A 4th Banker appears.  Then you move to $400.00 on your next wager and a fifth Banker appears.  Then you move to $800.00 and a sixth Banker appears.  You are now into your attempt to win $200.00 with $1,400.00 out of your buy-in lost.  Now you have to wager $1,600.00 to continue on your path you started to recoup your lost $1,400.00 and win $200.00.  The dilemma you put yourself into was, counting on the shoe to adhere to long term statistical results of less than 100% to hold accurate for your wagering.  You are actually wagering for the shoe to meet what you desire rather than yourself attempting to wager with the shoe. 

Yes, the shoe might cut to the opposite side 10 times straight on the 4th, 5th, 6th repeating hand for the following hand.  And you capitalize on that particular wager one unit, say $200.00 for ten times, $2,000.00.  However, what about the 4 or 5 or 6 times it will not and the repeating side continues to repeat?  You lose all of your winnings for all of those times.  How deep and how far do you dive into the attempt to recoup, win or break even?  Most people will answer that very same question with an innocent and believable, "Oh, I will employ a 3 or 4 attempt stop loss" or something to that effect.  but with a negative progression as I outlined, will certainly and extremely quickly add up to sizable amounts.  Thus, wiping out wins and buy-ins and bank rolls.  So you won $200.00, 10 or even 20 times?  So what.  What about the 5 or 6 times out of say 15 or 16 times you employed that, that you lost?  What about the one time you went 8 or 9 progressions deep, etc.?  So, back to the 4th attempt we are at above with your $1,400.00 lost so far on 3 failed cut attempts to complete an anti streak wager because of statistical results so it will rather than continuing a repeating streak. The next wager would be $1,600.00 and you are now risking $3,000.00 for the recouping attempt and winning $200.00.  If lost, you will then be into your attempt with $3,000.00 lost and the question arises, about the next wager of $3,200.00 with the risk factor of $6,200.00.  If you lose the 5th wager of $3,200.00 the next would have to be $6,400.00 with a risk factor of $12,600.00.  Table limits come to question as well.  Maybe you can play two spots, some casino allow this, most do not.  Maybe you are at a larger table limit property but then the $25.00 min most likely would be $50.00 or at least $100.00 and your max still will limit you to 5 or 6 attempts, etc. 

Even if you wait for the 6th repeating win and wager on the 7th one.  It is common for  7-8-9-10 and even 11 times for a repeating B or P to repeat itself.  Yes, before the onslaught of chastising comes here, I am very well aware of the statistical odds gaining huge amounts of percentages on the next hand to cut when there are continued repeating wins after hand 5 on any side.  But the streaks happen and happen all the time.  They are not rare by any means.  And streaks or playing anti streaks or anything of the likes can and do, wipe out buy ins and bank rolls every day of the week.  That is my point here. 

Or, maybe you switched up during the attempt to be correct on the cut and you went with the streaking side and then it cut, etc.  Does not matter.  Same results.  Which is a loss of your wager. 

Other types of scheduled wagering also apply and really no different than the above example to wager for anti streaking.  And yes, eventually with a large enough bank roll and/or buy-in available (dependent upon table limits), you can recoup your lost funds and win one unit if not more.  But most, safely to say the highest amount of players do not have those funds available or are willing to risk those funds for such a trivial return, or one of numerous other reasons. 

And please, do not misunderstand what I am saying.  I am also for the cut at varying times.  I do not just wager on streaks by any means.  I do not limit myself or plan on any standard scheduled type of wager to bet on based upon anything.  If you limit yourself to Banker or Player, or Cuts, or Repeats, or Chop, or doubles, or 1s and 2s or any other type of events, you will grind yourself down and ultimately lose.  If not within a session, within a period of time.  Sections & Turning Points will show the neutral, conscious, clear thinking player what is happening as it is happening.  But it is still up to that player to determine what to wager on.  Of utmost importance is the psychological influences imposed upon the player and his ability to not let those influence him (which is extremely difficult) and apply his knowledge, experience and money management method to his wagering, etc.

Turning Points & Sections are NOT after the event or shoe.  They are during the event, during the presentments, each is only a hand or two, possibly three behind being drafted and established.  You are fooling yourself if you assume otherwise. 
Quote from: Lungyeh on July 07, 2019, 06:53:39 AM
This is a good narrative for most who wants to win. A good description of the background of the game. It is difficult to do it precisely as you go along especially when you are also betting. Glen has done it with much effort, and with some adjustments in retrospect, I would think.

Anyway, the analysis of each shoe into sections is one thing. Each section will appeal to different types of players. A dragon player may make a killing a n one section. A chop chop guy in another section while a random player in yet another section. Point to be made is, like Glen pointed out, do you have the patience to wait for the section that suits your personality profile? Such sections sometimes don't happen. There are a few, very few, who have the flexibility to be able to bend to the wind and don't break. Able to see each different section of games are at play and capitalize on it

Anyway, good piece. Keep the articles coming Glen.

"A good description of the background of the game. It is difficult to do it precisely as you go along especially when you are also betting."  Yes, correct.  Without an understanding of the game itself, meaning; What it can produce and what it may not produce, as well as--how dangerous it is to follow what just won for yourself, all will add to your disadvantage of wagering and winning. I have said it elsewhere, you cannot really win (at least larger amounts) without experiencing losing and negative events produced by the game itself, the people playing it as well as yourself.  As well, as I have pointed out and you have said here, extremely hard as you go along especially when you are betting.  Extremely I wish to empathize. 

"Anyway, the analysis of each shoe into sections is one thing. Each section will appeal to different types of players. A dragon player may make a killing a n one section. A chop chop guy in another section while a random player in yet another section."  I have defined my game with Sections & Turning Points.  I have posted in the past about this.  At times, I realize through comments from members/X-members such as Jimske with extreme criticism and humiliation, that I have failed to explain and proffer in clear detail.  My response:  It is difficult to address the subject of intangible happenings in a random game with the clarity and definiteness as one can do running theory, testing, computer modules and also columns of results with armchair quarterbacking to point out, justify and state with some kind of math or statistical results or even scientific probability results in percentages as to what will happen over a period of shoes.  The problem with all of that is, not that the results are not accurate or truthful, those results may or may not come up within the small amount of shoes you will play at a casino.  Hence, those results are worthless unless they are common sense results to the most basic questions, etc. 

I have discovered numerous things that will give a player an advantage if he can follow them, control himself and apply the physiological things I have written about in relationship to control, cashing wins out, money management method adherence, your own levels & plateaus, and a few other things. 

And what you said regarding the Sections and identification of them is correct.  We all play differently and we all see different things in the presentments.  I am outlining something that has assisted myself in a huge way and allows me to recognize certain types of events.  I shy away from 1s and 2s but not much else.  1s and 2s on a consistent basis will kill most players with their buy ins and bank rolls. 

"Point to be made is, like Glen pointed out, do you have the patience to wait for the section that suits your personality profile? Such sections sometimes don't happen."  EXACTLY!  100%!  I point this out for examples.  Remain neutral, remain patient, remain with a clear frame-of-mind, remain with complete consciousness of what you need to wager, win and walk away with complete knowledge and alertness.  It is not easy as Lungyeh said.  Absolutely correct, "Such sections sometimes don't happen"!  But when they do, pounce on it with positive progressions and parlays and pull down each and every win amount and lock up each one, etc. 
High 20's with both the Player and the Banker sides.

As far as a streak or consistent events other than repeating Bs or Ps:

Complete shoe of doubles (BB-PP-BB-PP-BB-PP, Etc.) with the exception of one triple around the middle, plus ties throughout the shoe.  (One time only I witnessed that type of complete shoe event).

Complete shoe of chop-chop (B-P-B-P-B-P, Etc.)  with tie hands throughout.  (Also, one time only I witnessed that type of event as well).

Numerous times larger sections of Chop-Chop and Doubles, probably around 12-18 times.  More than 12 boxes/events to me starts the rarer occasions.
Everyone has their own style.  After many years of play, I find it easier to concentrate and easier to win larger, when only concentrating/focusing on one or two Sections.  Problems arise thou.  Such as patience, will power, wagering quickly or out of sync and having the frame of mind/intense desire to recoup your lost funds quickly.

Of course if you are not there when the best of the best Sections happen, or the best shoes, or easier than other shoes to win, etc., appear---then you can not win. 

With that said, personally playing an entire shoe from start to finish or the majority of it, is complicated and hard to survive for most.  Unless you are winning and really cut back and wager near table min until something comes along that you can identify and capitalize on extremely well.

All, IMO of course.
When you are hot, you are hot.  No two ways about it.  With math, stats, probability, following, opposite, guessing, whatever.  Does not matter.

However, there will be a breaking point.  A turning point to your continued success.  I do not care who you are, what method you are using, how successful you just hit it off, etc.  Does not matter.  The breaking point where you will not be able to do what you just did successfully, is coming, 100%. 

The magical and varying question is, when?  At what point should I stop playing and cash out?  That is the question.  Most will not ask it because winning is overpowering and winning produces false positives that are extremely difficult to control and see around us as we are gaming.

If you realize a hot section and you successfully capitalized on it, it is imperative that you regulate your wins. 
What does that mean?  That means, to divide up your winning amount of profit with something along the lines of 1/3rd additional to continue and 2/3rds locked up.   This money management method will allow you to add to your buy in or bankroll while you remove a certain amount of profit.  But you have to realize what is going on as it is happening.  Helping you get away from the dead end path of win stop a few units and loss stop several units with luckily breaking even after a session or numerous sessions.

Do not use wins as a fuel or ammunition for strictly progressions, playing larger and adding to your bank roll for the exact same reason.  All that will eventually happen, is you will bust out larger and harder. You must identify your own plateau and level of play.  You must stay at those and within them no matter what unless you are winning.  Then you can go outside of them and do exactly what I said here.

I recognize a 1/3rd reinvestment into the immediate buy in and session being played and a 2/3rds hold of the win money.  If you follow, you will add fuel to your game and have an advantage to continue winning a considerable amount greater than a few units, without jeopardizing your buy-in

Turning Points

(NOTE:  Turning Points coincide with Sections.  Without Sections, Turing Points are worthless for the most part, without Turning Points, Sections are worthless for the most part as well.)

There are two ways to assist in determining where a Turning Point should be.  One, is by a definitive amount of hands played out; And two, is by the values of the hands being played out in each hands total.

1)   There will be at least 2, but usually 3 or 4 Turning Points per shoe, coinciding with the 3-4 or 5 Sections.  You cannot get the Sections and the Turning Points confused or fail to recognize them.  They will both exist and always be there in each and every single shoe.   

The definitive amount of hands will be somewhere from 15 to 25 per Section separated thereafter by a Turning Point.  The Turning Point is not defined by what we wish, desire or need to be presented in order to match up to your schedule of wagers we set according to anything.  Turning Points are to be set by the shoe's presentments.     

2)   The more complicated part and as well, subjective to one's interpretation, are the values of the hands being played out.  To me, as well as many others that I regularly play baccarat with, are the hand values.  Determining hand values and how those can and will identify a section within a Section, also known as clumping, will usually present itself, somewhere within the highest majority of most shoes.  You must be alert, conscious of what it is, looking for it, neutral and the many other things I have identified and written about that will lend advantages to you in the recognition of just that. 

Above all else, you must not attempt to change the shoe presentments and wager according to a pre-scheduled mechanical and thought out chain of event you wish to happen.  That will only produce false-positives that will lead you down a path you wish you never entered.  Realizing values of the presented hands are essential to capitalizing on the advantage that will allow you to literally, "Pounce on It". 

I am not going down the road of math, statistics or scientific probability of computer generated, long term testing or research results, etc., or anything of the like.  If you believe in those, STOP reading now and move on.  We do not see eye-to-eye or anything that will allow us to interface and learn from each other.  Reason being, anyone into math, statistics, or scientific probability measured in percentages can justify just about anything outside of the casino and away from actual play.  The long term simply does not matter/apply to a random game where a person is only playing a few shoes, even 10 shoes or so, even 15.  All the math and all the stats apply far less than 50% of the time with the amount of shoes or hands a player will sit in front of for a session.  If you are neutral and open minded and desiring to gain an advantage in baccarat, read on, comment, implement and discuss.

Either P or B, or both, can clump within a Section.  A great advantage to a person wagering is being able to get on the right side or the right events within any Section with some strong positive progression or parlay wagering.  For example the shoe below had a strong Section 2 as well as a strong Section 1.  Sections 3 and 4 would be the harder ones for myself to play.  After Sections 1 and 2, myself--I was done with the shoe and cashed out. 

3rd Card continuous additions or reductions in hand value.  Pay attention because this is what more clumping and more streaks or chop-chop or any other section of events with consistency is made up from.   

As an example I will post a shoe from the other night at the casino.  4 Sections with 3 Turning Points.  The first clump came at the beginning of the 2nd Section. 

P                                      (Section 1)

B-B-B-B                                     (Section 2)

P-P                                             (Section 3)

P                                       (Section 4)

Panda 8s=2
Fortune 7s=3
3 Card 8/9s=1

Section 1=Player 9, Banker 10
Section 2=Player 21, Banker 16
Section 3=Player 31, Banker 21
Section 4=Player 39, Banker 30

Please refer to the + - 10/+ - 20 Count I have detailed in other threads.  This sticks more than almost anything other consistent happening throughout the shoe, IMO, experience and witnessing over the years.
This particular shoe finished with a Player +9.  Use the + or - as one guideline, coupled with others that are presenting themselves, will allow you to gain a certain advantage and be there when something develops on the correct side.  Rather than joining most everyone with the verbal astonishment's and open mouth disbelief's as for example, how the Players side can present 12 straight Players with 5 naturals, and the other 7 Player wins having a 3rd card bring the Players side total to either 8 or 9 nearly every time. 

Turning Point #1 placed between hands 19 and 20 because of the following.  1) The number of hands.  2) Player began to dominate as realized by the two natural ties and the 3rd Player presented.  3) Nothing strong appearing in first Section.  4)  Player continuously winning for 3 hands straight with surviving the cut of 2 Natural Ties.
Turing Point #2 placed between hands 39 and 40 because of the following. 1)

Turning Point #3 placed between hands 57 and 58 because of the following. 1)

Comments for Section 1:

Comments for Section 2:  Player/Banker tie natural 8/8 hand 22. Player/Natural tie 9/9 hand 23.  Hand 24 Play increases to a 2 card 9 over Banker 2 card 7.  Hand 25 Player increases to 3 card 8 over Banker total of 0. 

Comments for Section 3:

Comments for Section 4:

General Discussion / Re: New member signed up
July 06, 2019, 04:01:37 AM
Welcome and look forward to your posting, thanks, Alrelax/Glen
Alrelax's Blog / Martingale or Martinigale, LOL
July 06, 2019, 01:55:09 AM
I was unpacking some boxes from my recent move and found a couple of shirts.  One was a Tommy Bahama button down shirt with the brand's take on the Matingale System renamed The Martinigale System.  The other one is from Atlantic City, a T Shirt from The Steel Pier.



Wagering & Intricacies / Things to think about
June 30, 2019, 02:08:13 PM
The Balance
The Settlement
Beginning of Shoe
Middle of Shoe
End of Shoe
Ask questions, talk to others

If you are not on it, you cannot win it.  Looking and witnessing whatever is coming up only adds false positives to your mind frame, and that holds true with countless computer testing.

Myths and Theory's that do appear but will fade without you actually realizing what happened and why it happened.

It is a commodity until there is an error or a drastic change of events due to normal and perfectly repeatable presentments.

What is in one shoe is different than another shoe.  When some chain of events repeats itself in another shoe, your false positives will drastically raise and I promise you will lose more than you win if you continue to wager based upon events that match up to your pre-scheduled wagering.

PART -2-

The below is far too brief for a process as complicated and as important as Wagering Determination.  However, the process itself is the point by the selection process, everyone wants to jump immediately on, cannot understand, realize and continually use your advantages you learn, research and discover, etc.  You cannot that is, until you grasp and control the thing I outline below. 

With that quick disclosure above, we can move on with a simple synopsis of, The Scope of Results.  And that is the interpretation of the range of things within a Section of activity you are sitting in front of.  The Scope.  What is it?  To be able to look at or around, narrowing or expanding, limiting and restricting the presentments.  What does that do?  That will define the boundary, the limits on tools to use and the limits on the results you achieve as well or the loss of the capital you risked.  How you are setting the path to view as you look to accomplish the goal you desire.  In order to get there, but not into a false picture that influences you to wager along with it or outside of what you really have defined.  It is all too common and another huge mistake we either do not know we are making, or we exclude that very thing from our knowledge.  Maybe you should rethink that last one?  You must deal with the presentments which is the reality as it is happening.  Once again, that is tough if you cannot or choose not to recognize those events.  Everyone is so accustomed to hearing or being alerted to those after they already come out and are spent.  Meaning, the Section is over and another one beginning. 

You must employ with the understanding what the Real Objective is, and that it is to your advantage, more than sitting there selecting either a flat wager or a progressive wager, and that's all there is to it. 

Real Objective. The real objective is to quickly enhance your smaller wagers to produce a comfortable, IN FRONT OF YOU, risk capital, that does not affect your buy in or anything else.  Sure, you won it, but you need to risk something and why not the casino's money instead of your hard-earned cash and other allocations?

The most important factor is not to become overconfident or over flustered with the feeling of loss.  Believe me, it is the most important especially when beginning the session.  Too little win is bad.  Too much too quick needs to be realized as good and not providing you with a false positive to influence you into wild guessing and showing off.  Been there and done that far too many acceptable times.  Much more conscious of it now than years ago, proud to say. 

Within the sections, there is also your wagering sections or wagering decisions.  This is the time to build--do not get side tracked and do not become influenced, it is the worst thing you can allow to happen or not know is happening.  Like taking part in camaraderie against your desire or style, or allowing a dealer to convince you what to wager, or listening to a floor person because he is supposedly never wrong, etc., etc. 

1)    You must have knowledge of the process that is planned and what you are accustomed to.  That covers a lot of ground, yes.  But you must have the scope of what you know and the ability to use it, in order to manipulate it, change it or wait for something.  Think about it;

2)   You must have knowledge and be able to identify and react to the process that is presenting itself; 

3)   You must have knowledge and a game plan of flat, progressions, reduction of, use of negative progressions, parlaying on a side wager but attached to your main wager, hit it hard and pounce on it, sit it out without absorbing anxiety or frustration, etc; 

4)   You must be able to recognize (against what I might be saying but in reality, a huge advantage) gut decisions and going with them or against them.  Those are the ones that are or nearly 100% intangible and mostly undefinable, completely opposite, out of left field and a hopeful long-shot in all reality.  However, most all will never admit that kind of stuff but when they do pan out positive, they are miscalculated as a false positive.  Thus, the negative effects are huge and horrible to countless players because of what false positives can do, will do and how they take their toll on an experienced and advantaged player, just about each and every time! 

How does a player build up to the point of having some disposable buy-in for risk?  IMO, the best chance is the beginning of the shoe or the first 25% to 1/3rd of the shoe.  Following the Bead Plate when it is repeatedly reciting something that happens.  Comparing the first half against the second half of the shoe, but in the sense of opposites or straightening out of sorts.  Realizing what is effective and positive and siding with those rather than falling into the continued position of losses to be made up and recovered.  Nothing as violent and negative within the game of baccarat than, having to do something in order to survive or regain momentum, etc. 

Define what is important.  Narrow your focus.  Narrow your hunt.  Zone in within the Zone, when you can recognize and identify such.  If you need to challenge, reestablish, recheck and be sure of it, you will not be able to effectively use it anyway. 

Conclusions.  The problem is that most of the mistakes made, are related to misuse of information and belief in the wrong scope of results.  It seems that people do not feel that they are armed and ready to beat the house, unless they put to use somehow the latest, most technologically advanced statistics, theory and holy grail they can find on some website somewhere. 

This is true all over the world in so many forms of gambling or quick gains of any type.  Especially when it is somehow classified as being "hot". which is usually just present and obviously in the titles of where they get the info from instead of the body of information themselves.  Hopefully you grasp the meaning of that one.

I have found along with many others that the proper and total consciousness frame-of-mind and through process will be your best advantage along with:

Money Management Method of some definitive type
1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd winnings division
1+3 or a 1+4 Side parlay in addition to your B or P bets
Passive and Positive Progressions of some type
Ability to Remain Neutral (and I mean completely neutral)
Ability to lock it up and walk away
Knowing your Plateaus and Levels and only going outside of them when you are winning.
Perfect Knowledge.  Absolute Conclusions.  Opinions.

Without perfect knowledge, you cannot and do not know what is within the shoe, the section, after the turning point, etc., etc., and so on.  None of us will ever have perfect knowledge of baccarat.  Sorry, I know that is not what many want to hear, but that is reality, stone cold and real-life baccarat reality.

We only know what has been exposed and presented within a shoe when we are playing.  Reality is that we can never know absolutely what will come out.  Through whatever means, Sections and Turning Points, an occasional hand or two through process and elimination, etc., etc.  We fool ourselves into a wager, some of us with large amounts of money and others with trivial amounts of money.  But the psychological process of wagering in this game of baccarat is hugely affected by numerous items as I have written about.  Do not forget that or fail to recognize just that.

It has been attempted countless times to match unknown and waiting to occur situations/presentments with a generated theory based on technology opinionated and concluded by the author presenting it as, "Perfect Knowledge", it is not.  It is a rouse, it is an opinion, it is an educated guess, it is anything, but an advantaged piece of knowledge so purported to be as such.  And that is where so many get confused as to what is what with this game of baccarat, decision making, strategy and wagering.

Look at it as a path or a hallway.  It must end, but what are the twists and the turns along the way.  That is why I began to break everything down into Sections & Turning Points, just makes things more manageable and acceptable, because before you complete a long path you must take the short journey along the way within that long run, no?  Hence, my Sections & Turning points.

Stop the reactions, because they will provide you with tons of false positives.  Those false positives are influential, realize that!  Very much so!

There are usually counter reactions to the presentments as they occur, most do not even realize it.  Pay more attention and attempt to look in from the outside, rather than submersing yourself in the game the way almost all do.  Like walking down, a hallway, when no one is walking with you and seven abreast walking right at you.  Your very first reaction(s) are, your pace changes, you look at which way you will start to divert your path and are they aggressive or just plain friendly and unintelligent?  You ask and answer many questions subconsciously and react as well, again subconsciously.  The same at the game of baccarat, learn it and realize what you do without even rationalizing it out and deciding upon it with knowledge, opinion and conclusion.

When it is in order, versus out of order, your process of realization is enhanced.  But few of us stay ultra-conscious when we are playing baccarat, especially in a live casino, with the absolute neutral state of mind at the table.  You may say you do, but you do not.  Visual impact is very very overwhelming. 

A standard method developed is not wise to follow, because the results yet to occur have no path to follow.  Correct?  The whole basis of everyone?s reasoning?s are, the sheer number of models tested.

Take 10 sets of eight.  Eight hand Sections that is.  Write them out.  Do that for say 100 shoes.  Come on your not that lazy are you?  Invest in 8 decks of cards, $15.00 or so at most.  Play them out.  Keep doing it.  Write down the Sections, every 8 hands.  Look at hands 108 through 116 and compare those to hands 208 through 216 and then look at hands 1008 through 1016.  Find something?  Keep looking and looking.  Come on what is the big deal.  You put more work in trying to put together an edger machine and learn how to use it on your lawn than something like this?

When you realize the results follow no path, then you will start to understand this game.  That is when you might just see the versatility and the use of Sections & Turning Points, 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd money management methods or my 1 + 4 Side Parlay random wagering side bets without much thought, except getting enough win money to divide up and let those ride every so often. 
Conflict has a lot to do with playing baccarat in my opinion.  Because, conflict will change your frame-of-mind and how you wager with or without your conscious thought.  And that is not good for you.  Be aware of conflict and how and why it comes about.

Conflict is the result of events, usually events that went the opposite way you wanted them to go or if you were remaining neutral but had a feeling it was going to be a result, and that result came about and others at the table began to proper nicely, conflict can also come.  Be aware.

Conflict:  Events, Comments, Situations.  The various things that lead to those three and usually opposite of what you desired or spot-on, but you were not wagering at all or cut way down in the amount of wager.

Perceived Conflict/Felt Conflict:  The perceived conflict is the logical and factual events which are based around the conflict itself.  In other words, whatever lead up to the exact point of the event.  The felt conflict is your feelings, your hostility, your hurt and other feelings when you see those winnings given to your table-mates whether you like them or not.

Factual Reaction:  Aggression, Competition, Debate, Withdrawal, Tilt.  They all happen and if you do not think so, you better take your time, look at yourself and realize they do.  Fix the problems and play better without a doubt.  We are dealing with lost money or money not rightfully earned here and it gets emotional, admit it or not.  Once you do, you can fix it for the most part.  I have narrowed it down to 5 parts at the baccarat table.






Agreement or Defeat:  We tend to enter into agreement with others that we do or even do not normally agree with at the table, depending on how they are doing at various times.  Follow your own thoughts, rules, beliefs, protocols, etc., sometimes win everything you touch, and other times lose.  Follow others that are winning or going against them when they are losing, works as well sometimes and other times it blows up in your face.  And that is exactly why following or going against someone else is disaster waiting to happen.  Because, IMO you will blame them and not yourself.  You will blame them for their mistakes and that event will launch you even further into frustration and confusion.  So be careful and realize when camaraderie and team-work is beneficial.  If you must ask, you will not use it the correct way anyway.  Using it as a crutch or a catch-all, is not the proper way.

Putting it all Together:  Realize what is happening, why you are making the decisions you are.  Are those decision from the cards, the shoe, the events themselves?  Or, are they from the results you have deduced down from the other people there playing at the table?  Huge difference and huge consequences will come about.  I promise you that.  Learn how and why you do things at the table, you will help yourself to better, clearer decisions and being better focused and dealing with the events as they should be. 
                       Interpretation Alters the Reality With the Game Of Baccarat

By: Alrealx/Glen.

Each shoe is a series of events, and with each event we attach a meaning. With each event we decide upon an interpretation and then we believe what we just interpreted and rely on that for the next matching event. It is with these interpretations or attached meanings that we define what will happen and how we will wager. Then we go about collecting evidence to confirm and validate these interpretations and merge them into our gaming plan and strategy.  Which normally causes the highest majority of people to lose much more than they win.

The baccarat shoe is a series of events, and with each event we attach a meaning. With each event we decide upon an interpretation. It is with these interpretations or meanings and definitions we attach to them, that we define when and what to wager with the grand plan to win money. Then when we do win with those, we convince ourselves of the evidence to confirm and validate those interpretations our great minds have finally found and substantiated.

In truth, each event you experience within a shoe of baccarat, might or might not repeat itself nearly the same or more frustrating, exactly the opposite. It is the interpretation of the events that shape your thought process and how you view what you just sat through. In other words, it is not what happened in the shoe that made the difference, it was what you decided about what happened and how it happened, that made all the difference. It was what you decided caused or did not come about, that affected your decision-making process. You just became a victim of your own interpretations, your own narrative, you own realization of the game of baccarat. You became fixed in your experience and continued to feed the events with further interpretations that shaped all your beliefs, which then compelled you to act them out even if it was detrimental to yourself and your bank roll. Because after all, you found all of this, your ego and money are at stake and you cannot be wrong, everyone else is.  Of course, no?  You will not chastise yourself, you will not admit you do not know, you will not realize for many years of playing baccarat that the game will produce exactly what you discovered, did not discover and in no particular order whatsoever.  All that happens is you maintain hope because at times you get it correct and with greater volume, you are completely wrong.

It is from this realm of interpretation that your reality of the game of baccarat was shaped, ground into your thought process and interpreted by yourself as a beatable, easy game that is just there waiting for suckers that do not know what you have discovered.

It may have appeared that events you have discovered and highlighted within the game of baccarat are either distinct from each other or similar.  That you move your wagers from one to another, separated by some degree of special knowledge you claim fame to. From this point of view, things seem not to be random any longer to you, just leading you to win after win and reinforcing the interpretation you have formed and now believe.  And that my friend is how we get sucked in.  No matter the experience or not, receiving free money and winning will play with your mind at the table.  Some say no, but the reality is, it most certainly will.

Now if you were to take a step back and really look at the game with an open mind and some distance, you will see the totality of the game as it really is and not as a single flowing event. If you step back further, you will see that the game will produce anything and everything in no particular order.  You have a right and ability to harness and experience whatever you do believe with the game of baccarat. That belief can only take place from experience and not from computer technology to figure out what will or will not show up over hundreds of thousands or millions or hands.  This awareness alone is tremendously valuable, yet so few believe it.  They are convinced the game is based on numbers and numbers will govern the game to a balance that they can certainly be figured out.  Sorry, it cannot and will never happen that way.  But pursue what you desire and find out for yourself.

When you make the distinction between the event and the interpretation of the event, you will begin to operate from awareness -- that in each moment and event is an infinite field of possible reactions and responses. You choose. And whatever choice you make will cause and direct all your future experiences, which will be your interpretations of the game you formed.  You will no longer see the game of baccarat as it is presented, you will only see what you have interpreted as the game of baccarat.  And that my friend is the real dangerous part.  That part will cause you to capitalize on some of the game sometimes and when the real opportunity presents itself, you will certainly miss it because that opportunity will certainly not match your interpretation of the game you have formed.

Forget about interpretation.  Interpretation of the game of baccarat will not prove profitable to the player.  It will confuse you and misalign you with your false beliefs.

View the baccarat shoe as one seamless limited event with Sections and Turning Points, that brings into focus of how important all single moments are and not repetitive and/or scheduled, because they are not.  In these moments you have the power to transform your wagering into something that could prove profitable and redundant to a certain point. This moment is there to be capitalized on with your recognition and experience, not your interpretation of a baccarat shoe.  Part of its ceaseless flow, its limitless potential, will occur sporadically during moments offering you an infinite realm of possibilities.

Only in being of the frame of mind that does not rely on interpretation of unknown events, you will allow yourself to recognize certain shoe presentments when it is presenting certain Sections and Turning Points, no longer based on negative interpretations and the past. This is the essence of playing a shoe that can and will produce anything and everything no matter how frequent or rare the event might be.

That is why it is so important to learn to, be in the moment, in order to experience the genius of yourself, who you really are and what a baccarat shoe can and might  present. No doubt there is a bigger picture out there; it is up to you to master the art of the no interpretation and the reality of baccarat.
Have you ever really managed your money and gave yourself the advantage with win money to turn it into larger sums at the table when you were playing?

I am not talking about wagering one or two units out of 20 units and stopping when you hit a 5 unit loss or a 5 unit win.  All that will do, 100% of the times is grind you down sooner or later, period, simple as that.  If you do not belief me, just do it and report back. 

But like I said, really give yoruself an advantage and the fuel to smack the casino with their own money you just won?  Or do you just replace your losses and call that gambling and move on?

My buy in is my risk money and that is part of a bank roll.  It is my risk capital I attmept to win with and when I win, my bak roll is replenished if it was down and then i move on to really win.  I have wrote enough here that all people know I have levels and plateaus that are vital to stay at and not gamble to always be gambling larger and larger, bigger and bigger, etc.

I have found the 3 biggest things in Money Management that give me huge advantages are the following:

1)  A system of 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd management of my wins.  Which I have wrote about.  In brief that means, I take 1/3rd of a certain amount of win money at a certain time and put it into my buy in stack of chips, I take another 1/3rd of the win money and save it in a pocket for a possible re buy in if i feel the urge and the action is there after a certain amoutn of time that session when i lose.  I take the remaining 1/3rd of the win money and put it away and will not touch it no matter what, and that last 1/3rd would be equal or greater than the buy in I currently had at risk and in play;

2)  Postive progressions of some type when winning.  1-3-2-6 or something else.  Or, one initial wager followed by 2 parlays and then 3 pull downs and then a large 7th or 8th wager at some point with a pull down and a division of the 1/3rd MM system above.  Then to a larger inital wager bet and a pull down and saving of any wins from that wager;

3)  The employing of my (1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager) that can prove to be extremely profitable with huge returns.  Not be be confused or classified with my intiial wager, no matetr if that initial, regualr or steady wager is flat betting, progression or whatever it is.  A (1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager) of mine is a separate wager no matter what I wagered it on.  Say I won $500.00.  I might be wagering $100 or $150 on something.  Out of that $500.00, I might allocate $300.00 for 4 attempts to make a successful (1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager) be successful.  Example.  4 attempts at $75.00 no matter what I am wagering in or on something else.  The Side Parlay is never my main or only wager for many reasons and factors.  It is strictly on the side.  $75.00 and parlay the wins 4 times and then out with that.  That money or win will never touch my buy in, it is strictly win and hold.  If not I lost $300.00 of a previous win.  $75.00 with 4 attempts as I said.  $75.00 first wager.  $150.00 for the 2nd.  $300.00 for the 3rd.  $600.00 for the 4th.  $1,200.00 for the 5th.  That is 1 + 4 parlays.  The result would be a profit of $2,400.00.  I give myself 4 complete chances on the casino to accomplish that with the $300.00 of previous win money, rather than throwing that part of a previous win (the $300 into my pocket or my buy in stack, etc.).  With a $600.00 (1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager) chance, I do the following.  1st wager of $150.00.  3nd wager of $300.00.  3rd wager of $600.00.  4th wager of $1,200.00.  5th wager of $2,400.00. 

So go ahead and believe that a 3 or a 5 unit stop loss and coupled with a 3 or a 5 or even a 10 unit stop win will allow you to be a successful gambler.  I laugh until my stomach hurts when I read the gist of so many Money Management Systems that people claim allow them to employ a stop loss or a stop and how successful they are. 
Alrelax's Blog / Sit Down and Start Playing
June 29, 2019, 02:27:25 PM
There has been talk and interest in the topic of first sitting down and beginning the bac play. 

Upon deciding my risk level and how much to buy in with, which is a portion of my bank roll available, I would get an assortment of green and black chips for the most part and a stack of red chips as well.  I would decide what my first 6 to 10 wagers will be based upon the Section, Presentments and Events I can observe, see and realize the few just before I sat down as well as the immediate ones occurring. 

I do like to start with generally only B or P wagers and if I won a couple, dedicate those win amounts to some various side wagers such as the F-7, P-8, 3 Card 8-9s, and the other various side high payout wagers available without the tie bets. 

I immediately begn my 1/3rd application of money management method application as well.  After a section or possibly the second section of the shoe at hand, I would strive to allocate a certain amount of chips to wager for a 1 + 4 Side Parlay block of wagering, probably setting enough aside for 4 or 5 equal chances to complete one of those. 

There are lots of things I try to play out at the tables, but the selection and application of any group of them, is always dependent upon what is being presented, the people, the immediate successes or failures with my wagers as well as others, and everything happening that can or can not be used.