Our members are dedicated to PASSION and PURPOSE without drama!


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Messages - alrelax


Hello everyone.  Here is my official announcement about BetSelection Website and Forum Board.  Factual and putting to rest the free for all and the unedited negative and unproductive posts of the past several weeks.  I am making following announcement today as it was released from our counsel which is this:

"I have purchased the Website and Forum, BetSelection from VLS (Victor).  I transferred the money on Friday to our counsel and it is currently being forwarded to Victor.  Victor has confirm that, after he received the confirmation from our counsel.  There is nothing else to post, answer or question regarding the transaction that occurred.  The transaction is subjected to a legal confidentiality agreement and other legal binding terms prohibiting Victor and myself from answering Q&A inquiries regarding it.

The entire site is now owned by me.  I plan to move forward with positive creations, posts, rooms, blogs, and other forum matters, including YouTube and other personal interfacing related areas of involvement.  There will be the Rules & Regulations of Betselection posted and highlighted today within the General Discussion Room.  Please review them and take them serious.

I state here and now, we will not tolerate the discussion of, innuendos, and bringing up of past indifferences from this forum or any other forum or website. This includes twisting and turning, attempts at negating, chastising, humiliating, degradation, etc.  I am sure there are a few that will not choose to follow what I just laid out and those will suffer moderation and/or being banned.  The rules must be followed without question.  I cannot name everything that will be challenged by the negative naysayers and the drama driven members, but you have the gist of it within this paragraph.  If you cannot enjoy, learn, find interesting, and contribute things in a positive and noncombatant way, move on to another forum or form of social media.

I wish everyone well and thank you for your patience and abiding by the Rules & Regulations of the Betselection Forum".

Signed, Alrelax/Admin, Board Owner & Blog Author (Glen)
To the members of BetSelection.  Hi.  I have well over 70 pages of PMs as well as about 100 emails from the past year or so.  I am not the evil devil a few portray me to be, but you can assume, think and believe what you desire and deem accurate within your own mind.

I went through many of them the past couple of days.  Below I Copy & Pasted one that stands out and proves the many positive aspects of a neutral, positive and open minded community would lend huge amounts of knowledge and opportunity for all.  No matter what you practice or believe in for wagering, gambling and casino money management methods, there is so much to learn from so many if we had a better and less argumentative community. 

I am not pointing fingers, past is past and if we can move on with whatever original, past or newer members desire to make Betselection the kind of place it can certainly be or become, we have a great learning, reference and technical tool most of us can find something that assists us improve or a valuable go to type of gaming Q&A open forum.

Read the below copy and paste.  Think about it.  There are numerous motives and approaches for the bulk of us.  So we do not all agree or find exact interfacing with every type of member and post.  If you find something interesting and worthwhile with your own ideas and motives pursue it, if not, move on without retaliatory statements and negativity. 

Hopefully I brought out it is okay to be different without destroying anyone's motives and purposes for posting, asking questions and existing within our forum.   


I would like to re-register under a different username (with my current email address),  would you be able to delete my account so I can do that? I would like to start participating a on your forum but I do not want to do it under my current user name.

My motivation for wanting to participate here even though I am a member of BTC I will explain.  I am not here to spy, bash, defend or get into forum battles. I have a 10-11 hour a day job writing middleware, a wonderful ********************************************. I am only interested in learning, I only have about 1 hour a day free time and I am not going to spend it defending or bashing. I am an easy going guy who just wants make some friends and have some conversations. My BTC friends, will remain my friends and I hope to make new ones here. There is no reason we can't all be friends.

Back to motivation:::: After reading Gizmotron's posts....I think he is my only counterpart. He has mentioned using AI software to analyze Roulette. I have written similar applications for baccarat that are promising. I just have absolutely no one to talk to about the code I am writing, no one to share ideas with, talk about problems etc... I hope to have some conversations with him, depending on where he lives maybe even meet and talk to him.  He may not be interested in talking to me and that is his choice. But when I saw he mentioned using AI to analyze roulette.... I thought dang...I need to talk to this guy, I am doing something similar for baccarat that I have had positive results with.

I will not be posting too much about software like Gizmotron, I just want to hopefully start some conversations with him. What I worry about in posting too much about software is everyone thinks one of the following:

1. The guy is a scammer trying to sell me something (I am not)
2. Software turns a casino game into an ATM machine (it does not)
3. Software cannot help in a game of chance (this is not entirely correct)

I actually understand what Gizmotron is saying about his software because I am experiencing the same thing. An AI/learning software can push the probability envelope to favor the player in many cases. But like Gizmo says, you have to learn how to use it because it does not work all the time. There is a method to using it.

I did not intend to write all this, but I just wanted to introduce myself a bit and chat to let you know I am a genuine guy, I am not here to cause your board any harm or spy or anything. I just do not have anyone to talk to about what I am doing so I thought I would reach out to you and Gizmo.

thank you
It is our Day, the only of the year that is about us.

So, it is about us.  Us and BetSelection. 

You, 21Aces, SoxFan and the other one, Lugi/JohnO/Mark/Rolex/Relex/Eaglite/Junket or Junk King/ & more, etc., etc., are the four that stagnated and contributed to the downfall of the board in huge ways.  You are slick and have a great head on your shoulders but you two-time and back stab the same as the others.  Xander was along for the ride.  5 of you failed to follow the rules, clearly.  Blame it on what you want.  I opened my arms, apologized and allowed you as well as 21Aces that turned me down, back on the board. 

The board is changing today in every way you can imagine.  Personally I do not think the 5 of you belong here. 

It may be labeled a public forum, but it is still under the same premise as a B&M Casino property or a retail store.  WE reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.  Period. 

You have demeaned, chastised and humiliated. 
Happy Father's Day to all the positive and wonderful members here. 

Do not lose hope in BetSelection, it will be positive and a great place once again real soon! 

Have a great day!  Alrelax/Glen.
Exactly!  Great!  A great example of exactly that.  And they are reinforced to the millionth power when they get those 10 out of 13 or 15 out of 20ish correct. 

Then when the 4s or the 7s or the two events of 11 to 15 repeats in the same shoe and they lost, while others won tens of thousands of dollars, everyone looks at each other and gets flustered and mad, at least the majority of them anyway.

The cut/chop player sees all the money he could have won and the streak or camaraderie or crazy stupid player wagering on what the actual event is and exploiting it, becomes a tad bit reserved as they are set to wager thousands and that cut/chop wagerer is down there wagering the opposite side for table min with his eyes attempting not to make contact with all the others. 

The story goes on......................but it is reality at the B&M guys.
Here it is guys, explains life, hard core reality of life, situations and what the those with a brain and experience do:

Which Nick, the so called renegade cop with his counterpart of the FBI, LOL.  Great comparison right here with us.

I am not sure yet, but I am not cuffing up, just remember, I am not cuffing up, remember those words.

Watch the whole thing or most importantly watch:  3:15 to 4:25, then 5:50 to 6"35, then 7:50 to 9:10.


The casino is what this whole topic is about.  The casino changes most things, most plans, most people is so many countless ways.

I brought them to life with actual experiences and people.  Certain members get upset and their true side show, which is hatred, ill feelings and making up lies and rationalization themselves. 

Sad, but true. 

The other half (or thereabouts) of the board is about on line gaming.  The same basic happenings, just not easily defined, cared about or anything of the likes. 

But still there, just sitting alone in their homes playing on line the same games in a different way. 
Alrelax's Blog / 6-14-19
June 14, 2019, 02:55:49 PM
The internet, The Knowledge, Info, Data, Etc.  All right there for better--for worse!

Out of curiosity---Message Board Fallacy and the Desire to Chastise Others.  What is the real reason?

Personally, I don't read out of, "Curiosity to chastise", or "Whom can I belittle or humiliate today", such as done by Jimske, and the other, oh what is his handle or name today, Rolex, HohnO, Eaglite, Lugi, Mark, one of them anyway?  At least to go looking for them, and there sure are plenty of fishes in the sea!  However, when someone comes on one of my posts, I will probably answer, unlike many others----I believe it is rude and not appropriate to ignore questions as well as a rude comment by another on a thread anyone creates.  If you are going to create, answer and be real, same as you would do if it was in person. 

The same as a book or movie or a local hangout of any type.  If you don't enjoy it, if you don't learn something, if you are not interested in it, if you don't like the person writing whatever it is, if you are above what the person is discussing or you get upset, why would you even go on that page and waste your time with it?  Something I never really understood for the life of myself! 

Why demean, 'chastise', belittle someone that wrote something (something that is written in a real-nature and non-commercial/non-scamming type of gesture, etc.)  in his opinion and research or his beliefs that are not in retaliatory style to anything that you have written yourself or subscribe to?  There are many examples of this going on the internet casino gambling boards.   

Such as the likes of certain past and a few current members here on BetSelection.  Also, and a most perfect example would be the elite group of 'so-called' professional multi-million dollar full time baccarat players that attempt to and collude with the owner of the website to sell monthly memberships and subscriptions where you have to be accepted to join and the only requirements are, pay monthly fees and basically be submissive and agree to whatever is said.  Best of all, no experience needed and no contribution required, only to pay a certain amount of money a month.  You kind of, and have to praise and worship those putting on the show also, but hey---like I said, submissive.  If you choose to believe in fallacy, desires, fantasies and scheming---join them.  If not, then stay within the real-world of gambling and baccarat because if you do join them---you will head yourself down the worst road you possibly could in the world of fallacy and dreams for sale.  Anything that is really worthwhile said within their elite circle of paid members, is actually available for free anywhere else on the internet.  As far as all the strategic and secretly uncovered patterns and wagering success, it is just good old fashioned ?arm-chair? quarterbacking turned into wishful thinking that their randomness will really repeat itself and consistently provide you wealth, which if it really was---they would not be wasting their ultra-valuable time selling low dollar memberships to their circle of bull poo-poo to the millionth degree.

I speak the brutal honest truth, which many can't stand because it contradicts their agenda, roles or salesmanship tactics.  Message boards are used by many people in many varying ways.  However, I use them and believe that many exist on them for their learning, interests, research and enjoyment of whatever the subject matter is.  Unfortunately, there are those that use them as their 'base', their 'website' and marketing tool to locate and market to those of a less experienced, vulnerable and less knowledgeable aspect of whatever the subject is, to sell them their 'scams' and fallacies turned around and masked as the, 'easy-street of gambling', that will make you wealthy, etc. 

My words and thoughts (mostly through or based upon my own casino experiences) rather than strictly on-line or 'non-lived' type of experiences, is what I choose to use.  I have never been overwhelmed or attempted to get involved in the theories and the statistical mathematical end of gambling, because to me'''that applies to the 'long run', which we do not play when we sit down at the table and put out real money on the real table to play the real game of baccarat.  We could just as easily receive the 3 shoes that produced 50 + Players for the 80 hands each as we would receive shoes that produced 36 Bankers and 34 Players, close to what the statistical models prove in mathematical testing, etc.   But, members and readers will interpret what one says on the message board according to their own agenda and beliefs the majority of the times, rather than where the author of the information came from and what he experienced, is the mistake I think many make when using a message board.  You can learn a lot on the various message boards and forums alike.  Or, you can obtain the wrong information which could lead you down the road of financial disaster as well.  Be careful what you feed into your brain and use your wallet to fund your pursuit of winning with.  Most forums have huge agendas and hidden secrets, I warn you from the bottom of my heart.  BetSeleciton is one of the few that does not and attempts to administer a forum that reasonably commercial-free or let?s say, ?non-forced? upon its members.  While other forums and boards, sole mission from its owner(s) and their colluded with side-kicks, is to sell memberships or their other agendas by deceitful and dominant means for its readers and members to live out the fallacies of becoming professional full-time multi-million dollar winners at the casino with their special information known only by their group of key-players at that website/forum/board, etc.   

But, message boards and forums, have agendas and reasons for their own existence.  Usually it is about money and something the owner and their colluded with sidekicks, assist them with to form a certain 'circle of business?'with.  Each one puts on a pretty good front, IMO to cover up this end of themselves.  Please ask yourself, Is it or they say it does,"such and such", why are they giving it away for $50.00 a month or something else for several hundred or even one thousand dollars??  Seriously guys!  Why would they all not be out on a Caribbean island relaxing in the tropical breeze, playing golf and getting daily massages and every so often replenishing their bank accounts with the millions of dollars they claim they take from the casinos with their super secretive information that you can get---if you only join their special circle of professional players, etc.   Oh yeah, I answered my own question?I forgot.  They are not out on a Caribbean Island doing all that luxurious stuff because they are compelled to help their fellow gambler and internet friend out of the goodness of their hearts, etc., etc., etc., and so on and so forth and they have to constantly be on their computers to quickly ban anyone that comes forth with actual, factual and real gaming experiences and perhaps, just might post something that would be detrimental to the discreditation of the members that endorse the owners line of 'propaganda'. 

So, go ahead and believe what so many will say on these types of forums, boards and websites., that it is possible to have that luxurious, lifestyle of becoming a multi-million dollar professional elite baccarat gambler, just like them---if you join their circle of special friends and just pay a little bit of money for such a special privilege.  How was that, pretty close to what they are doing? 

I guess all sides really do exist on the internet.  I never really did realize it until I compared the internet to real life and visa-versa.  And the message boards & forums are pretty much a carbon copy in so many ways! 
Alrelax's Blog / Pure Reality
June 14, 2019, 01:29:17 PM
Pure Reality, you would think someone playing 100 plus shoes a week (on-line) would have hundreds of thousands of dollars every month in wins of course) and would send Vic at least $100.00 support of the board; BUT:
Re: support
? Sent to: alrelax on: May 21, 2019, 04:00:48 pm ?
? You have forwarded or responded to this message. ? ReplyQuoteDelete
Quote from: alrelax on May 20, 2019, 11:39:42 pm
did anyone send you anything for support

Not a soul yet.

Anything & everything you can send is welcome as this initial week of our "transition" is a crucial time for us...

Lots of love to you & yours too,
Pure Reality.  Challenge and call me a f***king lair and a Jack off!:

Re: support -confirmed
? Sent to: alrelax on: May 22, 2019, 05:10:52 pm ?
? You have forwarded or responded to this message. ? ReplyQuoteDelete
Quote from: alrelax on May 22, 2019, 04:27:04 pm
my buddy will take the other card, i just sent you the one by email, you should have it, check and confirm please.

YESSS! It's in the mail! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Glen :nod: :applause:

I'm posting proper public confirmation. YOU ROCK BIG TIME!  :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: Amazon cards are as good as cash around here  :cheer:
Quote from: Ted009 on January 05, 2017, 12:13:07 PM
This is called many years of real table experiences. Thank you for taking the time to steer the wheels to the right direction for people like me. I have played the game for 14 years and I am still learning it.

I appreciated all your teachings. God bless you!

Ask Jimske and his friend Lugi/Mark/JohnO/Mary/Eaglite/Rolext or whatever nmae he is using this week for their advise, I lie, cheat and steal and oh yeah, I only played on line with $20.00 at a time.  tock this stuff, you guys are above me by leaps and bounds!
BUMP.  This post is short but classically IMO, Sweet!

Hey, WOW, it even has a positive comment by our very own 21Aces that last I heard increased his fleet of private Lear Jets to 7 from 4. 

I bumped this thread since so many ask its very content.

"That is, the non-conformance of the 3 or 5 or 7 baccarat shoes you sit down to play with the overall averages and the data results of all the statistician's, computers and baccarat experts here and elsewhere.  Those shoes in front of you at 1:10 AM tonight are not going to be the result(s) of Joe Schmo's 100,000 shoes or Grandma Kitty's 6 time 10,000 shoes findings, period!"
Alrelax's Blog / Play Bac To Win
June 12, 2019, 01:12:11 PM
Play To Win

I personally play to win, not to break even or win a couple or a few units.  Not conducive at all to winning something worthwhile for the risk of the capital.  Same at a business, why bust your hump, long hours, putting up a couple hundred to few hundred thousand dollar investment and risk everything to break even, pay taxes, pay help, hopefully make as much without the benefits of working for a large company with lots of benefits, etc., etc., and so on?  There is no difference IMO! 

With that said, I play to win.
  So much on the internet about statistical, breaking even at worst and hopefully reaching a goal with always a few units.  (I am sorry, reaching a goal with a lot of units or sizable amounts is unrealistic and will cause the player to lose most every time).  I stated yesterday what my bank roll is, what I normally classify as a win, what a risk is in quantitative amounts, etc. 

Statistical expectation is probably the worst and most detrimental thing a Bac player can engage in, IMO.  A negative expectation game that hopes for something, usually one or two events to repeatedly happen out of the almost infinity possibilities of presentments that can and will occur during the few to several shoes a Bac player sits down to gamble at.  As far as the computer, great, OMG!  Simply looks great, run 40,000 hands and XYZ number of bets, that is 4,000 plus shoes.  HEY HUN, I WILL BE BACK IN A LITTLE BIT, I AM GOING TO THE CASINO TO PLACE A FEW HUNDRED WAGERS WHILE I SIT THROUGH 4,0000 SHOES OF BACCARAT. 

Anyway, my friends if you really read into things, I have written here regarding Bac you will witness what it really takes.  And it is much more than the preached about FLD, OLD, DBL and all the other predetermined and scheduled bet selections you believe will happen after such and such occurs.  That shoe with the Players box that occurred in the beginning of it with all the Panda 8s is a perfect example.  The reason so many do not and cannot capitalize on those fantastic and absolutely wonderful gimmie presentments, is so few remember the equilibrium of almost every shoe as well as always bet Banker because you have a slight advantage type of preaching and advice from all the so called well known experts of the internet, etc.  Pure rubbish has been preached on the internet with most of the preachers being non players, just IMO, professional authors of one type or another or a purveyor of selling something, remember Stephen Trabone for example?

Here is the Players Box I am referring to.  These presentments happen and they happen a lot more than one thinks.  Not every shoe, but so what.  They do come around every few shoes.  Just almost all Bac players are so impatient as well as completely one sided or against everything that could work for some reason or another when actually at a table.  On-line gaming, I have not one clue and can not comment what it takes or what is harmful.  As far as at the B&M Casino, I know and I know extremely well. 


Here is another one, the presentments are easy money and lots of it for the player that will stop wagering for the couple of units with the break even as worst case scenario and believing in 1s and 2s which are the most predominantly believed in and talked about event I have ever seen.

Look at these boards on one of my previous posts! Look at those presentments. Look at those repetitive side wagers occurring.  I do not care what any statistics say, I care about winning and I care about what is being presented from the shoe directly in front of me.  Nothing else. 


Stop the belief in the statistical results that you will never replicate in the B&M Casino, never ever.  You are sitting down at an unknown section of shoes, that are not and cannot adhere to any results of any group of tests that you studied, conducted or believe in.  The easiest and most profitable way to profit and profit very nicely at Bac is to play the shoe(s) that are in front of you without any bias, direct comparison to others, equilibrium at some point, complete neutralism without expecting something to happen with prescheduled and bet selection based upon beliefs that XYZ has to come out because ABC happened or did not happen.  You must also apply a correct money management method that 100% allows you to keep winning while dividing up your previous win employing a stop loss based on failure to capitalize on wins and not on your buy in or bank roll volume, etc. 

I Love You Guys, Peace Out Bro.  Alrelax/Glen.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
June 11, 2019, 04:22:04 PM
I remembered last night growing up in New York.  I was about 5 years or so.  My dad used to square off on the neighbor repeatedly because he would mow his lawn at night time.  Complete with one of those flashlight/lamps you strap to your head type of get up.  My dad always yelled at the guy.  One night my dad called the police department.  They came out and the bottom line was, the guy was allowed to be cutting his lawn to 10:00 PM, that is the time the noise ordinance kicked in and the noise from the lawn mower was absolutely permitted prior to 10PM and after 7AM.  I do believe the arguments started around 8:30 but before 9:00PM.  A week or so after the police came and stated all that, the guy would start up his mower after 9:30PM and be finished by 10:00 of course.  Within the law, but the guy was still a complete jerk off. 

Sounds familiar huh?