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Messages - alrelax

General Discussion / Re: Regarding Beatthecasino.
September 17, 2018, 12:25:51 PM
When a bunch of members, a few to 10, stick together and endorse each other with everything said, as well as the Admin backs it all up, almost any story can be written and perpetrated.  I talk the brutal honest truth with previous trip reports, pictures and everything else.  Jealously, over zealously and plain drama is an attention getter as well as a quick way to ruin things.l

Their details and wagering protocols are sketchy as well as partially disastrous, IMO and the opinion from my decades of playing baccarat.   Thanks, Glen.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 13, 2018, 01:00:53 PM

Yes, and I am not attempting to take anything away.  IMO, this is reality to a certain point.  I have written about it in several other threads, similar, a bit different, more detailed, etc., etc. 

Everything all over the internet is so theorized, so "bookish", so system/mechanical holy grail oriented, it make me laugh and puke at the same time.

The casino game, especially baccarat, is so player driven for its results, wins, losses, and everything in between, at times it has nothing to really do with the shoe presentments as far as wagering goes. 

Please read the following and comment, positively, negatively or otherwise. 


About the forums and the transformation, interpretation and believability of the info written and presented, etc.:

Relevance of info, test results, false positives, etc.:

My thoughts on getting sucked in and screwing yourself as most all players do, experienced or not:

Dealing with the how comes and the whys, etc.:

'Probability', 'Variances' and most importantly, 'Dealing with our Ignorance':


You might have read those???  But it fits in with my many years of playing B&M at all levels and all types, as well as the rage of the internet and the chase for the holy grail, that does not exist, never did and never well, at least in mechanical systematic form, etc. 

Thanks, Glen. 
Right on track! 

Not to attempt to take anything away from you!  But, the direction, IMO, as a B&M player (Non-Admin/Mod, etc.) is that you are in reality and applying the real outcome of the games to the players! 
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 13, 2018, 12:45:35 AM
 Yes, what i have written about lately called,  getting sucked in, 

I will comment tomorrow,  but yes right track about perception, etc.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 12, 2018, 10:16:55 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on September 12, 2018, 10:12:13 PM

our bac earnings had gotten a huge increase by additionally adopting the suggestions you have posted here.
And I'm talking very seriously.


Define???  Explain??  thanks, Glen.


Someone PM'd me this morning and told me to re-read this thread again. 

I did.  The rest of his PM said, amazingly the truth no doubt, and that he saw many of the pices I laid out, in varying degrees, etc.  But he praised me and wanted it bumped but asked me to do it.

General Discussion / Regarding Beatthecasino.
September 11, 2018, 02:40:00 PM

I found this on our board, never saw it before. 

"Offline jsb02009

btc lawsuit
on: March 25, 2015, 02:16:45 PM
ReplyReplyQuoteModifyRemoveSplit Topic
New to this site.  I am looking for fellow members of btc that want to join me in taking ellis and keith smith to court for fraud.  I can't believe these scam artists have been running this scheme for so long.  My goal is to get members back their money but also prevent future people from being scammed.  If you are a btc member that has been scammed please notify me.  If we get enough people we can do a class action lawsuit.  My wife is a lawyer and I am willing to pay all legal fees."

You know I wrote somewhere on our board here my short experience with BEAT-THE-CASINO and its owner, Keith.

It was not that long ago, possibly about a year ago???  It was about the time Vic brought BetSelection down for the first time to do some attempted modifications, etc. 

I was invited on Beat The Casino by another member of BTC and I knew the member from other boards a little bit over the past few years. 

Fact:  I went on BTC with a few copy and pastes of my own, my original posts that I just put on here within my Blog I think.  The posts were mine, not threads that were common place owned and commented on gossip, just some of my own stuff. 

Fact:  I was immediately blasted and called out for posting.  I was challenged for not properly introducing myself and merging in, I guess.  The PM's I received were explaining how the most popular, about 10 members were offended as to my openness, to the point and how I copied and pasted from BetSelection, etc. 

Fact:  I was contacted by Keith and he told me to 'cool it' and 'chill out' amongst other things.  I really only posted i think 5 posts about baccarat and they were all my own info, findings and no gossip or other people's involvement, etc.  I was continually for a couple of days blasted and blasted by several of the regular members. 

Fact:  Then I discovered a regular member with a strong voice on BTC that was a 'side kick' of sorts to a previous message board owner that was heavily involved in baccarat in Vegas among other places.  I knew him personally, we gambled together several times, I wrote on his board as well.  But that person imploded while playing baccarat for extremely large stakes and wound on in debt well over $500,000.00 with outstanding markers which were or did, turn into criminal charges within the city of Las Vegas.  But what got me, was here this regular member of BTC was boasting himself, chastising new members with long standing play history at B&M's casinos, etc., and never stepped up and admitted he was the side-kick to this other person that was highly admired, imploded, lost most everything including non casino related family business assets and all, and related. 

Fact:  I realized within a couple of days, 2?, 3?, whatever, who ran BTC, the aura, the atmosphere and all the gossip type of stuff going on.  Then I realized the sales pitches, the baccarat crawls, the videos and the conferences being sold by Keith. 

Fact:  Then I was approached and squared off on that, if I did not join up for the $150.00 and $50.00 a month, I was not serious, a fake, a phony, a lair and everything else along those lines, outright and hard. 

Fact:  I called Keith and demanded in about 4 or 5 text message and/or phone calls, that he remove/delete my posts and that would be that.  He challenged me, told me to get off his board and he took at what I said as a physical threat to himself.  He also misrepresented to the police department as to how many times I actually phoned him or texted.  I said, if push came to shove, I would obtain a certify Verizon phone transcript as to shoe my daily usage and calls. 

Fact:  Keith went to his local police department and reported me.  I received a phone call from a police officer in Keith's township in Pennsylvania.  He wanted my side of the story. He said, that I could be charged with threats, etc.  I told him I was strictly requesting and demanding my posts be removed by Keith and that was the entire scope and meaning of my communication with Keith.  The police officer told me I was not to go on to the site and if I did, I would be prosecuted and charged with criminal actions.  I laughed on the phone, I repeated what had happened and told the police officer for sake of peace and to circumvent further problems, I would not go onto that site or contact Keith.  The police officer told me worse case scenario was threats and least scenario was harassment. 

Fact:  It is my opinion that the entire site is a bad influence into the message board/forum industry and is nothing more than a private site, conducted by a person selling and promoting systems, events, and a monthly pay for site, that has a handful of people grouped together that claim huge professional success and elite status. 

Fact:  IMO and personal experience, the claims to the multi millions of dollars made by several/numerous BTC players each, is fraudulent, fictitious and unproven. 
"There is no truth, there is only perception"

If someone relies on the perception of others, eventually he will with the highest chance, find himself in the same situation or level of despair as that person he is believing.  Good, Bad or otherwise. 

I can only educate those willing to listen, lean and apply what will help them control and win, at the game of baccarat.  Basically the same as other trades and occupations, where people honestly want to learn, gain experience and turn their investment of either their time and/or money into something that genuinely produces a return.  Not just words on the internet full of fallacy, dreams, hopes and desires, etc. 

Most all players, especially those with little to several years of experience, have huge tendency to flip-flop, believing that anyone claiming to be winning, is related to some type of common ground, that can be defined, learned, constantly repeated and give them a clear advantage that will allow them to make money on a consistent playable basis from any casino they so choose. 

Others will not understand the difference, which the long term players have experienced, are willing to actually share, educate and give them huge advantages to avoid suffering.  Why?  I don't know.  I can only imagine when most try to figure out why someone like me, would spend the time and all the trouble to type out long and detailed articles about casino gambling and baccarat, it is all made up fallacy and I have nothing better to do.  They compare mine to the scammers, the salesman, the shysters, the know it all that don't actually play, the paid for mentors and many other types of people that actually make their living (or extra cash) by selling hype and fallacy. 

I guess the drama, humor, trickery, one liners, attempting to control websites, small groups of players claiming high and elite gambling success status, etc., use various message boards for the spread of false beliefs they preach as real, for entertainment purposes I can only imagine.  And the sad part of it all is, the innocent and inexperienced that fall prey to those types.

The true road, with its experiences is not always the one you want to live, talk about or share.  It is not always exciting, desirous or profitable.  But it will always be there and it really does not change a heck of a lot for each of us that actually lived it all. 

Myself, been there and experienced it.  Other have not and will say it does not exist.  Any yet others will not discuss it as it is either too negative or they thing they went down the wrong road and are just too ashamed or embarrassed to honestly talk about their past gambling and casino experiences.  And it seems these days on a message board, the ones that are really lacking in years of experience talk the most and have the most energy.  They also challenge and come at the more experienced ones and I do believe that is why there is less and less real productive, conducive and honest play advice, especially in baccarat.  I have discussed this very thing with numerous members here on this board, and at least that is the consensus as to why they slacked off in posting. 

It is a shame that certain people come on these message boards solely to either scam others to sell something or for the mere purpose to antagonize and spread disingenuous information related to the games within the casino.

The real sad part is how things infect the message boards solely for the "show" of it, but it really is a worthless spread of nothing that will help the players with serious intentions to either succeed or spread the real knowledge that will help others.

The truth, the genuine, the experience, things that can help things that do not help, things that can bring success or failure with the game of baccarat.  Many are intangible, while a limited amount may actually be tangible.  The facts will always ne prevalent for me as I am living the truth. Others antagonize for the reason of entertainment, as I mentioned. And usually you can follow them for their cyclic redundancy from board to board sticking together in their small groups of poster non sense. 

My respect ends for anyone when they use a position in a certain battle amongst the innocent people for their own gain, (scammers, website owners, the naysayers, etc.). 

There are no heroes here or needed.  What is needed, I ask for is, understanding, sharing and having a positive impact on our site here. 

All I ask is not to chastise, belittle, and humiliate the other members on this board for any reason.  Educate those willing to listen.  Close your heart to those not willing.  Trust me, you will be better off to educate here, but the world is not so open to most of what we share, talk about and possess.  It comes with huge amounts of jealousy and rage at times as well as the drive to control a forum for the wrong purposes. 

Thank You, Glen.
This is a public forum.  It is open to everyone, except those that break the rules on repeated bases or are outright combative and clearly exist here to chastise, humiliate and challenge any member with those really simple, one-liners and redundant meaningless attacks, pretty much to bring about drama and arguments without any real underlying points, just challenges and call-outs.

Sometimes quantity is second rate in all reality to quality of posts/threads/info, etc.  Think about the quality and the actual informative content of those posts and threads you read.  As well, about the few (3 or 4) members that were moderated and the 1 or 2 that took up alliance for the sake of camaraderie of those and left us here. 

Everyone is entitled to the privilege of posting your own opinions, but just because you don't agree with something or someone else has said or their posts do not fall in line with your ideals, does not mean you have to sound like a bigot to their opinions, facts, research or experiences.  Usually on all message boards in the gambling field, there is one group of about 5 or 6 people that band together that will post heavily and almost all, if not all their posts are in attack of everyone outside of their circle and realm of thinking or posting, whether they really gamble or not.  Sad but true!

What I just said happens and happens pretty regular.  It's a sad truth but it is none-the-less, a truth. 
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 06, 2018, 10:58:49 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on September 06, 2018, 02:14:16 AM

You kept stressing about the importance to play wisely and actually and without any doubt this site is the only one to provide meaningful insights about how to reduce the house edge, to say the least.


Thanks, As

I have attempted to keep the this site geared towards productively discussing wagering, the games, casinos and in general gambling. I would like to remain neutral and positive and leave the negativity and the demeaning, chastising and humiliation type of statement out of it all. The continual one liners with drama driven motives to upset and harass anyone on the board.  We don;t need it, let them gather at the other more consumerish website and fight, argue and demean each other, like WoV, VMB, GF, etc., etc. 

Sometimes it is not the sheer number of members or viewers that add the legitimacy or the real valuable info and data.  Same as in other businesses as well. 

I do have plans and we are working on them.  Interactive games for practice, discussion, competition, etc.  Some type of live gaming.  Some type of news desk such as the old Johnny Carson or David Letterman style shows.  Monologue, interviews, discussion, entertainment of some type and a closing segment.  A few other things.  Just more interaction and involvement, rather than post, wait and type, defend and eventually the thread dies off. 
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on September 06, 2018, 08:58:57 PM

Besides playing and playing,  the best way to get additional money is to mentor high stakes players and not asking miseries from common people. Otherwise the inventor should share ideas for free. Or write a book. Or simply shut up.  (Hard to argue.  Problem is, what is worth an actual cash payment or not?  In today's day of "Scaminternet" so much everyday in the email, fake everything on Google, by Proxy take overs and everything in between, things get diluted pretty darn quick!  I have seen people mentoring in person, playing alongside other good/experienced players.  Some of them are paying them a percentage of the wins and some are not.  Some pay for their time, etc., etc.  But that is all in person.  Over the internet, I don't have a clue.  Of course, my own opinion in almost all cases is, that type of stuff will not make you any more money than you can honestly do on your own.  Who will guide you and stop you when you actually need it???  That is the bottom line.) 

Another option involving celebrity would be to give a lecture at MIT, but more likely than not the listeners would laugh at him/her.  (If you are absolutely so talented, it should be documented and you can certainly go on tour, just like a real job. Takes lots of time, hard work, promo items, advertising, etc., etc., nothing is for free, everyone understands that.  But the concept of, "You pay me $XYZ over the internet, super secret, I don't divulge my name, where I live or anything else, and I teach you the real secret to beating the casino", LOL.  Join the website with the real scammers all bonded together called, BeattheCasino.  A bunch of real self admitted pros that beat the casino and make lots and lots of cash, LOL, did I say LOL??)

Therefore system sellers are 100% scammers by definition. (Pretty much, I would like to lower that to 99.5%, I do think there are some real experienced great players that made their money or gave up trying and can be a real good guide to someone.  But IMO, has to be in person and right there, and the deal has to be, when and if I win, we split.  Other than that with the super secret internet and hide the identity and face pictures and all that, of course it is a scam)

Giz provided interesting concepts here but the idea that randomness involving perfect independent events might be controlled is totally unacceptable. (I have gambled B&M for many years.  Many many.  There is no way any type of pre scheduled wagering can be perfect, no possible way.  As far as events and identifying them, no way as well.  If you cut way down and control yourself for countless hours, you help yourself avoid loss but you also take away many of the chances for the quick win also.  So, damned if you do and damned if you don't.  I wrote about this kind of stuff, thinking and emotional conflict a lot.)

To win at games we need to find spots where probability values change. And to do that we absolutely need finite dependent events, that is games of cards. (Yes correct.  Absolutely. But always a possibility of loss as well.  You need risk capital, risk outlay, positive and quick progression, parlays and side wagering as well as the experience to know when to cash out or continue.) 

Roulette can only be beaten by defects of production (biased wheels or biased software). (I am not touching that one.  But I do constantly see the level and other instruments being placed upon the wheel, etc., when the game is being played)

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 06, 2018, 08:24:02 PM
Grab it and run to the cashier's cage is the bottom line.

The rest fits right in, pretty much. 

Don't go walkin slow....

Better run through the 'casino'....

I heard a rumblin, callin to my name.......

Let the people know my wisedom......(to cash out, lol)
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 06, 2018, 03:16:11 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on September 06, 2018, 02:14:16 AM

You kept stressing about the importance to play wisely and actually and without any doubt this site is the only one to provide meaningful insights about how to reduce the house edge, to say the least.



You know when I win at bac and win something good, repeatedly running through my head is the song by Creedence Clearwater Revival, "Run Through The Jungle"......................

Only 6 sentences with the same 3 line chorus in the whole song. 

Simple, that is it.  Listen to it.  When I win a few F-7's, P-8's a 3 card 8/9 and some nice Bankers or Players, all in a short section, that darn song is clearly in my head, almost word for word!!!!!

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 06, 2018, 12:39:30 AM
When I was younger especially in Atlantic City and up in Connecticut had no idea what the casino hosts were doing in actuality. But they got that 4 hour minimum with those average bets for the room food beverage and incidentals for the higher line players and there's a reason why they do that!! 

But there's a lot more than that, they do. Of course we know all that now many years later but what they do is very good and they're very good at how they keep players there.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
September 06, 2018, 12:07:57 AM
I have witnessed numerous people win hundreds of thousands of dollars in short periods of sections like 8 to 15 hands and I've seen those same people almost every one of them give it back over 1 to 4  shoes, because they couldn't repeat what they just did. 

I've seen it way too much!