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Messages - alrelax

Gizmotron / Re: Practice Sessions
March 07, 2018, 02:30:57 PM
But, how often does a man, stop doing something that feels good, great or fun??

Eating something delicious, like my home made Italian sauce over pork-beef and veal braciole (triple delight!) and pasta???

Like having sex, (if) they are allowed to continue, etc.

Like drinking free liquor for those that drink.

Like winning money??


I have tried my best to explain.  From my experiences and life.

Identify what the winning and losing hands truly are.  Realize they only come in 'sections'.  Change your way of wagering and realize that 'time' and the amount of play/wagers you make at the casino, really are not in your favor whatsoever.

But the highest majority, 99 + percent of everyone, here, there and elsewhere are too head strong, smart, and egotistic to realize why they actually lose and how they actually lost.

I think I defined some of it anyway, maybe not??

"So IF we take Mikes assumption that after 3 losses somehow mr. edge waits around the corner and ADD this statement here, it seems to me, it needs one or two bits more than just wait for 3 losses to start betting":

It needs a huge amount more!  It does not work that way in the casino.  People try all the time.

The people mix reality with fallacy and dreams all while they are in the wrong, 'frame-of-mind'.

I have literally seen well established, smart, long time players at baccarat lose 6 to 12 hands repeatedly.  True they do not have to wager but their ego-mood-bank roll-past experiences and much more----all comes into play.  On top of it all people do not take very lightly to buying in with $10,000.00 or much more and than losing it.  I watched a female baccarat player last week actually point to the board at midway and verbally cite, "Look it has never went past 4 repeats for both banker and player".  It was at hand 43.  I told her, please understand things change and very seldom does the board hold true the whole shoe, 80 hands.  She wagers table max in 4 spots, which was $8,000.00 for the cut to the players side and 4 more bankers came out.  The time to do what she did was when it was happening in the sections that already prevailed.  But, people look for what they convince themselves are 'solid' and 'great' wagers to make and then bet on them.  That is why the casinos put those boards there, that is why they provide pens and score cards, they want you to do that.  Simple, no?  I have written about it all and many people will not truly understand or believe me, because  they have not been in a real casino or their exposure to a real casino is not very much.

I truly think it takes longer than 10 years of casino play to even start to understand the casino, the game, and yourself.  But hey--I might be totally wrong!  I don't know. 

March 07, 2018, 01:55:10 PM
As in any table game, but I believe Baccarat and Roulette more so than anything else.

Find and identify the winning hands/results that are produced by the table.

Be knowledgeable of those, as I have extensively written about.  (in Baccarat)

Small groups of produced hands that the player can identify as they happen, is the total key with reality and admission by the player--that a continual play will only grind themselves down and they cannot literally with unlimited play, 'beat-the-casino' as so many think.

Change your wagering protocol from the guessing you have done most of the time as well as developing a money management system that will allow you to use the win money when you win to keep playing to see how much more you can win or that is the stop play point.

Be in reality.

Risk only a limited buy-in and never re buy-in repeatedly thinking you can get whole.

(I have written about it but I believe most people still believe in the mechanical wagering system that will allow them to gamble unlimited hours and get rich). 

IMO and experience. 
March 07, 2018, 06:56:03 AM
Quote from: alrelax on March 06, 2018, 06:28:48 PM

I am curious sir, is 'your' or the 'PATTERN BREAKER' something you are selling or represent?

Or is it what you laid out in your first post here on Page 1, basically the 8th pattern, etc., etc., and you gave away the entire system and no one else can capitalize on it??  Or, was that an incomplete 'teaser' and there is more for sale??  Etc.?

I am lost, but hey, that's me.

I do not play roulette and never will.  I am curious as you write on the board here.  It is unclear or at least not easily identifiable as to what "PATTERN BREAKER" is. 

I hope you are not offended. 

Thank you.

And i don't believe i was disrespectful or anything similar in my posting??

And you came on your thread and could not offer the professionalism of an answer???

I figured so. 

(This post is dedicated to AysmBac.  I sat down with lots of coffee and attempted to explain, 'Defining events that will and do frequently happen in baccarat and why I wager with them or against them.  I am naming my most frequent ones.)

A benefit can also be a liability or a benefit that, carries some significant but not so obvious, cost or risk.

Read it.  Read it and read it.  That is baccarat.  There is no wagering that cannot be a risk, period.  Once you think you have no risk, you will lose any edge and advantage you may really have.

Deciphering the waves, they do exist.   

It is just that we do not know the order of the waves that the she will produce.  If you think you do and all your testing, graphs, charts and membership circles of other professional players, have told you what they are, your bankroll will disappear.  Be careful, be smart and realize that there is actually some hidden and not published knowledge to this game.  Not voodoo, but real characteristics that will present themselves as well as disappear.  That is why you need to be extremely clear-minded and able to reset and refresh yourself on a constant and repetitive manner when playing baccarat.

Numbers.  Numbers will tell you a lot in the game of baccarat.  Numbers and several years of play will generally not allow you to realize what I am about to say here.  You can believe it or not, totally up to you because it is your money.  Just, when you walk out of the casino and lost, just remember there might, just might be a bit more to baccarat than you thought.  So, you can; 1) Disbelieve it; or 2) You can shrug your shoulders and call me a terminally stupid pissant or  friggin unintelligent; or 3) Believe it; or the only other thing left you can do is; 4) Be neutral and check it out.

The shoe is infinite, it does not carry over from shoe to shoe to shoe and one continuous game as so many think and say it does.  A shoe of about 80 hands can only make so many events, combinations, waves, winning and losing hands, etc.  So in reality, one shoe of baccarat in the USA will make right around 80 hands, or 160 if you view each side as a numbered result.

I like to give the following example of a baccarat shoe and what it can do.  Which is the same as going to the beach on various days and observing the waves as they come into the shoreline (the beach).  Smooth, rough, high, low, equaling out, the same for a while, abruptly being different and varying greatly, etc., etc., etc. and so on.  At 9 AM the waves will be different than they generally are at 1 PM and again at 2 AM later on, as well as the same time the following day.  At times they will certainly look the same as well, at other times completely opposite.  But, the beach and the people are still there, just adapting to the waves in different ways depending on the volatility of the waves and the person's ability to subject themselves to them.

Reality with various manifesting phenomena mixed in.  That is baccarat.

So many say; What has already happened is past, it has no bearing on what will happen.  That is true to a certain extent, but what has happened needs to be considered within your vision because the shoe you are playing out is finite and only so many things can or will happen.  Misinterpreting and alienating yourself from what I am attempting to lay out, will not open your vision or allow yourself to be in the proper frame-of-mind.

Presentments of general characteristics of a section being dealt---in the process---currently happening in front of you, is what you need to attempt understanding of and what is also possible to happen.  And, do not let prediction become fallacy, as well don't let fallacy become prediction for yourself.  Remember reality and stay in it.

After you read through the following, make sure to grasp the paragraph below with the word Different in bold letters!  Some of my identified and stringer presentments that have served me well.

Additions and Reductions, on 3 card draws.
  As soon as one side begins to get additions, particularly the player side and the banker side is reduced by its 3rd card be alert for that event to continue.  Once it happens a 2nd time in a row particularly within the first half of the shoe or the middle section, it might favor the continuance of doing that numerous times.  Likewise a reduction to the players side and the banker winning with the first 2 cards or the third card that increases.  However, IMO and experience the first one is usually stronger overall and continues longer.

6/7s & 8s/9s.  Without anything else, I have found that 1 point wins and 1 point losses for both hands, tends to lend itself to the worst rationalization of what the next hand will bring, more often than not.  As well as any other numbers that prevail and lose this is the worst that brings total randomness, continuance and any other chain of events that almost no one can profit off of.

Naturals-alternating.  An event exists to be exploited when alternating naturals appear frequently.  Naturals have a huge tendency to 'WOW' the players and they convince themselves that the side just got strong and aggressively wager the same side that the natural just prevailed on.  However, naturals are frequent and have a tendency to bounced or alternate back and forth for a short event more often than not, especially when the - or + is close together.

.  When one side is producing naturals over the other sides 6-7 or 8's and winning it is an event that can be exploited frequently.  Meaning, for example, P has 6 and B has 7, then P has a N8 and B had a N9, etc., or the opposite.

Fortune 7s (3 card Banker winning 7s, 40:1). Zero to low ties.  Within the first 10 hands.  And hands 16-23.  Those are the most frequent events when the shoe produces the F-7 hand.  Frequently shoes have 1 or 2 F-7s.  Some shoes have none.  If a 3rd F-7 does appear, generally there is a 4th.  5 and 6 F-7s are a bit infrequent or rare but do occur.  Or, should I say you will not generally see that in every other shoe or every third shoe, etc.  By the way, the reason there are more F-7s in the beginning of the shoe than elsewhere and on a more frequent basis is the number of cards in the shoe of course.  Frequently there are many 10s that form the first 3 or 4 cards dealt and then a larger card reducing the players side under 6 or remaining at 6 and drawing an Ace through a 7 to make the 3 card 7 on the Banker side, etc.

-10/+10/+20. Frequently the total count will hover around - or +10 somewhere between hand 15 and midway or so.  And then favor the deficit side in smaller hit rates for its attempt to catch-up.  It happens and happens repeatedly.  Much rarer an event, one side will continue to +20 and continue to rise.  Infrequent by far.  I have only witnessed a handful of shoes be able to provide the + side that was already well over +15, say +17 to +20 or so and then produce a streak on top of that.  Depending on how far into the shoe it is, the deficit side usually (USUALLY) makes a pretty good attempt to catch-up to the other side. The key thing in this event as I have found, is the deficient side will usually catch-up  in a slow grind by not allowing the + side to streak or repeat as it was previously.  Depending on the hand of the shoe, I have done extremely well and won larger wagers based on these events siding with the - or the + of a side to win or lose.   

Equaling Out.  The highest numbers of shoes will equal out in how many winning hands each side ended up with and if not equal, within 3 to 5 of each other as next most favorable.  An event to be exploited along the shoe after the first 1/3rd of the shoe, many times.  If not, after the midway or 60% point.  Another easy exploit that comes along frequently is when it is within 1 or 2 of each other.  Example, 27-28, then 28-28, then 28-29, then 29-29, then 30-29, etc.  That event to me has won many a large wager, the same as a streak of any one side continuing.

Half Way to End of Shoe.  More often than not, when the first half of the shoe was strong, frequently repeating Bs and Ps and other distinctive continuing trends that formed, the second half is one to be extremely careful of it continuing.  Sure, great if it does.  But when you play long enough, this is one of the easiest and most profitable events that can be exploited big time for it to be almost the opposite of the first half.

Alternating & 2s.
  No rhyme or reason, nothing I have ever found that will point to the successful and continued outcome of chops and/or 2s.  If they appear within a section they can be exploited as it is an event that frequently happens.

Being there when it is happening.  Consciousness, frame-of-mind and wide & clear vision.  I have wrote about all this in other threads.  Most of all, reality.  Stay in reality while being in La La land and Dreamsville.  Hard to do at times, but you must.

You do not have to wager or count on these events to happen.  But they do happen and when it is not streaking 10 or 15 or 19 of one side, the shoe is presenting other things or events.  And these are what I found over the many years I have played this game.

What you have to do, is put yourself into the wholeness the shoe is presenting and divide it up into sections.  Interpret it as waves with some type of volatility that will happen or like a tree with its branches.  But continuously go back with your vision each hand and do not forget the main stream is just the tree trunk.

Experience is vital.  Without it you are basically at the tables mercy, the mercy of the aura of the surrounding you are in and the mercy of the other players as well.  Do not say that those are not powerful, as the most certainly are!  Again--reality!

Example, when you see someone win thousands of dollars in a couple of hands you will be drawn to that individuals wagering results, which was, he won!  You most likely will follow him and then he loses.  Welcome to the game of baccarat.

Being able to differentiate what is happening as it is happening.
  Ask yourself, what is different or making it different.  A lot of times there is just that lurking there without anyone noticing.  You have to be able to classify the make ups of the hands presenting themselves as, strong, weak or neutral or balancing out.  Those 4 things will lead and control each section in one way or another.  And do not view 80 hands as 1, you have to divide the shoe up into 3 to 5 sections as the majority of the times that is better representing what is happening and forming, rather than 20 or 30 or 40 hands ago, etc.  You should only be concerned in a section, not looking at what happened back in the beginning, remember that.

More often than not (by far) a section of 15-20 hands is far greater representative of itself than outside of its section.  Presentment, Reality & Actual Events.

Nothing is 100% indicative that anything will continue or happen.  But be aware and let your vision go either way, with or against, ready to stack it up and pounce on it or go wait a section out.  You better maintain complete visual and aura consciousness, the correct frame-of-mind and keep saying the word, reality. 
March 06, 2018, 06:28:48 PM
Quote from: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on March 06, 2018, 04:01:06 PM

Sad for them. I will play PATTERN BREAKER in all its incarnations for the rest of my life.

I am curious sir, is 'your' or the 'PATTERN BREAKER' something you are selling or represent?

Or is it what you laid out in your first post here on Page 1, basically the 8th pattern, etc., etc., and you gave away the entire system and no one else can capitalize on it??  Or, was that an incomplete 'teaser' and there is more for sale??  Etc.?

I am lost, but hey, that's me.

I do not play roulette and never will.  I am curious as you write on the board here.  It is unclear or at least not easily identifiable as to what "PATTERN BREAKER" is. 

I hope you are not offended. 

Thank you.
There are literally hundreds  indictments and cases involving illegal gambling and finaincal crimes relating to sports betting by the US Government.  Here is a couple of them:


Here is another major case, like I said literally hundreds of them, right down to some regular citizens (John Doe wagering off the internet)  that participated in sports wagering doing hundreds of transactions, etc.:

AsymBacGuy / Re: Asymbacguy march
March 03, 2018, 03:01:01 PM
We seriously need to play at the same table and ...............................................
AsymBacGuy / Re: Asymbacguy march
March 01, 2018, 05:39:40 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on February 28, 2018, 11:49:45 PM

................................ "outcomes and many other situational events that cannot be easily expressed.

You know very well what i'm talking about: following "drivers" who seem to not lose a single hand, shoes containing back to back ties with no end, observing the opportunites of one side  constantly showing 0,1 or 2 initial points, one side always getting a picture as third card and so on.

I'm sure you can add more on that  ^-^


And, that is correct, there are drivers, triggers, repeaters, and many other slang or special terms.  It is all 'reality' and that is what I am writing a piece on now, I just ended Part #1.  I have more to add and will get most of it done today if nothing happens around my office that pulls me away.  These are the events that are in the players favor and gives him tons of opportunities to capitalize on.  I do all the time. 

The problem is, most of the players do not know how to identify them and are weak, greedy and have no patience or vision to separate themselves from gambling disaster and making  good money on the side. 

We have both written about this stuff.

The other problem is others will come on here or other boards and blast me/you for citing the stuff we do as they mix it all with the 'long run' and prove how our numbers do not work.  I never said to go play 80 hands in 6 shoes a day, 7 days a week.  It does not work that way! 

But this is your thread, so carry on. 

AsymBacGuy / Re: Asymbacguy march
February 28, 2018, 11:08:55 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on February 28, 2018, 11:01:23 PM
Hi Al!
I fear that I've badly expressed the concept about "3s": I name 3s as any streak of 3 and higher.


I understood that.  Possibly I did not detail enough of what I meant/thinking?  It is a difficult game to 'explain' with all the possibilities and combinations of what we all are thinking/trying to express/detail out.

The most=1's (If you are counting the top row/horizontal)
Second most=2's
Next most frequent=3's
The following most frequent=4's
Then =5's
Etc., etc., etc., and so on.

Easy to make 1's and 2's, and 3's and 4's are pretty frequent.  Sometimes, 5's and 6's.  7's and 8's are a bit special, but they come once in a while and sometimes every other shoe or possibly none all night.   A completely different story with 9's and 10's and 11's and 12's, etc.

You might understand what I am thinking??

When we play side-by-side, you might understand more of my way of thinking.
Al's Book Reviews / Fools Die, By Mario Puzo
February 28, 2018, 09:15:20 PM
An absolute great book by all means.  Although non-technical, this novel is north of classic!  Highly highly recommend it. 


AsymBacGuy / Re: Asymbacguy march
February 28, 2018, 04:47:00 PM
True, yes, but.....you still do not know when they are coming. 

I will apologize now and I am not attempting to discredit one thing you are saying, not one!  However:

The Parade Stomping on the March of the 1's, 2's and 3's is always there, no matter what, IMO.  And the mafia knew this when they imported this game from Cuba in the 1950's to Las Vegas............................................

"I will win if I wager on what will happen the majority of the times".  Correct!  Yes, absolutely.  Just the only problem is, 'it' has to happen that way while you are there and wagering on it.

I called my friend and he is kind of a math wiz especially with analytical reporting and laboratory stuff that we do in my business.  We use a ton of mathematical things in our 'compound quantitation reports' that are actually similar to 1-10 numbers presented in varying forms according to the laboratory results and how they were achieved, etc.  I asked him, run 8 decks of cards according to baccarat rules 10 million times, and tell me how many times there were runs/streaks of greater than 3 in a row for either the banker or the player.

It came to right at 588,235 times there was 4 or more repeating runs from 4 to over 20 in a repeating stage.  So yes, bottom line—there are far more 1's, 2's and 3's than anything else in baccarat.  To the tune of say just over 1 shoe in 17 will have streaks of 4 or greater if you divide the results equally among the 10 million shoes.  The key thing though, is dividing it equally.  And depending on the cut and the shuffle, the next 10 million shoes will be different.  Etc., and so on.

But, and a huge BUT!!  Those results will be different each time it is run and never (NEVER) equally divide among the series of shoes being played or tested because  the shuffles and cut cards will 100% change those results.  But regardless, you still do not know which shoes will have what, as the next 5 shoes you sit down to gamble, might have a much greater result of 4 or more repeating bankers or players than the next group of 5 shoes which might have virtually all 3's or less.  Etc., etc., etc., and so on with an infinite amount of possible combinations.

And with 9,411,765 times that the 1's, 2's and 3's will be combined in varying stages of presentments when 4's or greater should not be around at all---but just might (????), wagering for the cut to me, IMO, is extremely dangerous.  Unless, you are playing only one or two hands every several months or once a year.
Quote from: wannawin on February 27, 2018, 06:18:48 PM
Which side are you on?

I like both forms and I really like to combine the frequent events from the common game results with the events of a great potential when the signals are appearing . it is not very hard: for example with EC you can bet on the small series with 1,2,4 for many small wins. then when you lose your progression it can be a signal to aim for the long series to win big.

how do you exploit the events of frequent appearance and the events of little appearance but with great profit potential? Thank you.

Both and the absolute realization, either may not (NOT) happen in the session.

I risk my buy-in for the instant session the highest majority of my sessions.

I do not employ a 'stop-loss' or a 'win-stop' other than being governed by my 1/3rd-1/3rd-1/3rd Money Management System when I win and start to accumulate something in the way of win money.

If and when the first 1/3rd of my win money is given back, I will call it a session, and at times (less than 50%) I might use the 2nd 1/3rd for another buy-in, being that I have already replaced my original buy-in, etc.  I have written about this extensively and it is the single biggest positive factor that has allowed me to win more, protect my winnings and always award me the chance to capitalize further without questioning when I should walk away with win money, etc.

And if it gets stronger and stronger, I can play and play and if it turns nasty and ugly, my feelings and desires are 100% controlled by the 1/3rd figure and not being blind-sided by greed and the fallacy I can keep winning.

But I have come to the understanding the small wins are there and available many times, the larger wins can be had as well--although much harder and the ugly times are there as well and it is virtually impossible to do anything positive. 

The only thing I am noticing right now, is failure to print a letter typed, your system is skipping some letters.  Always has in fact.  I do type extremely fast, but even if i do slowly, also skips some????