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Messages - alrelax

Off-topic / Jelly Donuts from Oregon
February 08, 2018, 07:33:51 PM
Jelly Donuts only in Oregon!

There was once a teenage girl who wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend, but she would sneak them into the house anyway.

One night she had over a boy, when her father began knocking on the door. She knew she couldn't have boys over so she locked him in the first of her three closets. (The one with all of her dirty shirts and pants)

About a week later she had another boy over and she herd a knock on the door. As she knew she couldn't have boys over she locked him in her second closet. (With all of her dirty underwear)

Another week later she had another boy over and she herd a knock on the door. She knew that she couldn't have boys over so she locked him in her last closet. (The one with her trash can of used tampons)

A few weeks later she was cleaning her room and remembered the boys in the closets:

-She checked the first one and the boy had starved to death.
-She checked the second one and again he had starved to death.
-She checked the 3rd one and the boy was still there. Curious, she asked how he managed to stay alive. "Thankfully, you left plenty of jelly donuts in your trash can for me to eat" he replied.
Off-topic / Fred, Mike & Mark go to a Whorehouse
February 08, 2018, 07:24:23 PM
Sexy Donuts

Fred, Mark and Mike visit a whorehouse after playing roulette at their local casino.  Mark can't wait
until he gets in the place as is evident by his pushing and rushing the other two as soon as they parked
their car in the parking lot.  They get inside the whorehouse and about 20 minutes later reunite together.

Fred comes out of the first bedroom and says, "She put a powdered donut on my d**k."

Mike comes out of the second bedroom and says, "She put a glazed donut on my d**k."

Mark comes out of the third bedroom, holding two dollars. Fred and Mike ask, "Did she donut you?"

"No" says Mark, "she told me to go and buy a box of Cheerios and then come back again."
General Discussion / The Ultimate, A Plate of Donuts
February 07, 2018, 08:38:20 PM
The Ultimate, A plate of them set in front of you:

This is what a real-life gambler does, a real life baccarat player. 

What is it that you do? 

Please do share! ???
Bump, I went back and read through this. 

Here is my question:  How come with all the successful grinding it everyday type of layers making all the money they claim they make, they have no pictures, no cash outs, no buy-in's, no proof, etc., etc., etc??????  Why is that? 

Why?  How come?  Why not? 
Quote from: alrelax on November 06, 2017, 05:04:28 AM
Conclusion of the above post:

So, could have I ran out and purchased those things with my own funds from my company, my paycheck and other moneys I have coming in.  Sure.  But, better to have them purchased from my play at the casino, add to my bank roll and other money as well as reserve my risk capital for yet another chance.  Do I lose my risk capital?  Yes, at times.  But my profits and my wins far outnumber my losses since I changed my visions, wants, desires, and I accept each and every attempt as what the karma truly is.  I can and do walk away without that dreadful feeling of misery and gut wrenching desire to buy back in and get whole again.  I truly have overcome that stupid, moronic, financial wreaking havoc of gambling. 

I had a 9 time buy-in profit plus on Friday night.  Could it have been a 20 time one?  Could it have been a 50 time one?  Maybe.  Sure, anything is possible.  However, there was particular problems that limited me on Friday and I knew what they were and I factored them in my stopping while winning, instead of giving back 'XYZ' and then stopping.  And that is critical here as well.

I don't chase!  The single biggest, worst, absolute downfall you can engage in while playing baccarat.  Negative progression and chasing, both are almost every gamblers worst nightmares.  Like 99 out of 100 gamblers that lose everything they have, in fact.  Virtually every author and systems inventor includes that within their work, as sort of a guarantee or a promise as a way out, a full backing of how strong their system is and how they never ever lost but just in case, all you have to do is this '-----'......., and then they explain and lay out the negative progression thing, etc.

Every smart, experience dealer I talk with---that truly knows the game of baccarat has wholeheartedly agreed with me about chasing and negative progressions.  It is hard—probably the single biggest obstruction and task in baccarat gambling.  The protocol to adhere to buy-in with 'XYZ' that is a fraction of your bankroll, losing it and walking away for several days or a week, etc.  Everyone says, (and I used to and once in a while still do, and I regret it 90 something times out of 100), "let me get even—I will stop", or "Let me win just a little bit and I will then stop".

And then the gamblers get the casino's money and put it in their chip stacks.  Larger and better and play with much more aggression, average wagers and drive.  Win, win, and win.  But does it always work that way?  All they do is get themselves in an unconscious 'rut' as I have said.  You have to buy-in with a certain disposable amount of money and if you win, reset and refresh, each and every time.  See your gain, realize your reward from your risk.  Physically see it and psychically realize it like I did Friday night.  That is what I have been talking about in many of my threads for the longest time.

Your mind will control you—there is a thought process—which does and always allows you to win—but it can 100% allow you to only lose a small amount and win larger amounts.  And they way to accomplish that is not by a continual gamble with a continual stacking of win chips and increasing your wagering and play time at the table.  You will inevitably every time fall into that horrible 'rut'.

If you apply what you just won to your buy in stack or even put it in your pocket and maintain the thought you will continue to smack the casino—again and again and again, you cannot realize what is going to happen or could happen.  And it will happen each and every time when the cards change and you will be saying, all I have to do is negative progression bet to get whole again. 

I have witnessed it first-hand countless times.  The most recent of a larger nature was someone that won over $60,000.00 on about a $5,000.00 buy-in at the very most.  Gave it all back and lost at least another $20,000.00 attempting to chase it and recover their 'mini treasure' they just gave back.

Your mind, your buy-in---they need to work together and realize and realize everything going on and how to proceed with the instant events as they unfold.  Not easy for most, but this is the key.  You also have to place an extreme value on win $$$.  Not just chips from the casino to replace your lost ones that same session or prior sessions, etc.   Like I keep saying, 'reset' and 'refresh'.  Each and every shoe or session.  Nothing else can be factored into the play, if you do—all you are doing is clouded and discounting any value you will place on win money coming in.

That win money has to be paramount to you and your structuring of your play.  It is to me and since I realized and discovered all this, my play has been virtually turned around and extremely profitable and powerful. 

So, now back to Friday night and Saturday morning.  So, I ran out as I said to Wal Mart and a shopping center to purchase those things.  When I went back, my casino buddies were down, this is about 3 hours later.  Almost all of them, gave back their win money and a few were buy-in once again.  Sad, but just a regular happening.  I reset and refreshed.  I bought in with only $300.00 out of the $500.00 I originally did.  The shoe was bad.  I waited until it was about hand 65 or so.  I started to play small.  I won a few hands and threw in $150.00 wager and won.  I doubled my buy-in.  I played another 20 hands into the next shoe.  About ¾ of the way through the shoe, I was up to about $2,300.00-$2,400.00.  After a bit I was down to about $1,700.00.  I made a $400.00 wager on what I figured was going to win.  I lost.  I said to myself, "I am not having fun, I am struggling, and everyone else lost their $5,000.00 to $10,000 win monies and were into their 3rd and 4th buy-ins.  I had another $1,000.00 and my $300.00 sitting in front of me.  I called it a night.  I woke up in the morning, went to the restaurant and ordered that steak and eggs and figured out what I had to do later in the day.  I called it quits.

Sure I wanted to play later in the day, last night.  But, I know the odds and my win came too quick anyway.  I would have been in the wrong mind frame with a bunch of players returning to the casino later in the evening with new money to chase their lost money from the night before.  Aggression, impatience, winning and then losing---it is not good at all to thinking clearly.  Sorry, for the risk of sounding conceited and obnoxious, I just have too much experience around baccarat tables.

And then I read about all the other players with the mentality of the following:  "I can make 10 units at one table, go to another table make another 5 units and then keep doing that for hours.  Make $100 and call it a day.  Double the bankroll every month or so and leading me to full time income."  Etc., etc., and so on.  I say, yeah right, try it.  You already did.  Every time you build up and build up, you just wager bigger and harder and you fall that much deeper and harder each and every single time.  Nothing changes.  Then you say, "As an example, if someone has $20,000.00 as a bankroll, then I would just focus on making 1 or 2 % per day, doubling that bankroll within so many months, etc.  After a full year I will be earning a great income."  And, so many other things all similar to what that member said there. 

I have figured it out and it works for me, and I did it Friday night, a pretty average night, and just a little bigger win, with no regrets of stopping before I got sucked in and could not.  I said, I have flaws also and I make mistakes as well.  I have had bigger wins, much larger.  In Vegas with my wife, played a couple shoes as soon as we got into Vegas to Caesar's Palace and won well over $100,000.00 and gave back a little.  We ran out and bought a brand new Cadillac Escalade for right at $80,000.00.  Got rid of most of the win money and rest and refreshed.  And, we are not going into it, I have experience in Connecticut with a couple hundred thousand dollar wins and giving it all back, every bit of it and chasing and chasing and chasing. 






To me, gambling, winning, losing, etc., is all part of the same game.  You have to figure it out and do not let everything alter your mind, your decisions, your desires, your actions, your thoughts, etc.  Because almost all the time—players do!  It's the same all over, here, there, where you are—everywhere.  Stop thinking you are invincible and you know everything.  You do not.  Your mind will have false desires and false thoughts induced to it---when the wins and the losses come.  And they both will. 

And next time I go to the casino, say I lose my $500.00 or my $1,000.00 buy-in.  I will not get up and go to my car and sit there thinking something along the lines of, "I won $4,600.00 last time and I increased my bank roll by $2,000.00—I just lost $500.00 so why not try again tonight with another $500.00 and if I lose I will still have $1,000.00 from that money and all my other money still there."  NO!  It does not work, because I know 1,000% that when I lose I generally continue to lose that night, session, trip, etc.  True sometime I can get it back, but I would say out of roughly 100 I try to recover and get whole after losing, I probably only successfully accomplished the recover 10 to 20 times.  The 80 or 90 times of ADDITIONAL LOSSES far outweigh the recoveries.  That is my facts and everyone that I talk with that is honest with me, tells me something along the same exact lines.  As far as my own profitability and continual efforts, I know 100% by my bankroll and my physical possession/bills/pre-paid debit cards, etc., etc., that I am far (and I mean far) ahead of the game!  I do not keep a record book, no need to.  Just confusing, pressure and I am not a professional full time gambler, earning my living from gambling only. 

So, back to Friday night once again.  I went back to the casino after the shopping, Walmart and errands I took.  A couple of the dealer's say, "Where's all your money"?  When I sat down with only a few hundred buy-in once again.  They say that because they did not see me for a few hours and figure I lost it like most of the other did and do all the time.  That is so much the norm, it is funny—sad, but funny because things almost never change.  Friday night the floor people had to expedite security to get to the baccarat tables with fill chips because everyone was taking them so quick from the rack.  Normally that does not happen and the floor lets the racks run down because they usually get it back before they run out.  Then a couple of hours later, the floor is calling security to get to the other baccarat tables with empty cases to remove the excessive chips they have no room for because each and every player was giving them back to the other tables!  That is why I preach the rest and restart I repeat and repeat all the time.  As well, I don't subscribe to the illusion of grandiose huge wins as almost every player continually does or used to do.  But likewise, I don't exclude myself from having an occasional one and I do that by not setting win-stops or loss-stops.  Period.

I see the same faces on a local scale.  I know their buy in's and I know their average wagers.  I also see what they win or they tell me.  I know when they play bigger, buy in more and wager heavier.  I know the upper 90-% of the times--that is from their previous win money.  All they do is what players do all over the world.  Just give it back and get sucked even deeper and deeper and deeper and play longer and longer and longer without any real reward for their risk. 

There, I think I kind of explained it to you guys??  Maybe some will understand and for the others, just go ahead and continue your chastising and attempt at humiliation.  Cite how much you make and how you never lose, etc.  Cite this or that.  Can I please see your buy-ins, your chips, your cash outs and all that?  Or are you just going to stress how many '+' units you win and what your stop loss is, with all your win money??  Just curious. 

Just like a prostitute that gives the answer, "I never been arrested by the police and I work every night on the street and been doing it for 20 years".  I would have to say, 'show me your RAP sheet, then I will believe you'.  Just like the dog catcher that says he has never been attacked or bitten in 25 years of working for the city animal control.  I would have say, 'show me your medical file that substantiates that'.  The list goes on.  But when money is involved and ego as well--stories and purpose change real quick.  Especially on the internet.  Once again, I am real, I play with real money and I have been doing exactly that for many years. 

Strength and Weakness

Do not let your downfall be your inexperience and your greed.
2 of the most common things, IMO—that would be to blame for the real reason a player had a massive downfall.
Confused with Reality and Strength.  The events at hand and how the player acts and responds.

Off-topic / Joke--Joke--joke!
February 06, 2018, 10:43:19 PM
Why did the baker stop making donuts, the baker in Oregon that is?

Because he was fed up with the hole business!

Knock Knock!  Who's there?  Justin.  Justin Who?

Just in time for a doughnut!

Why couldn't the teddy bear eat his doughnut??

Because he was stuffed!


Gizmotron / Re: Why I won't give gambling advice anymore.
February 06, 2018, 01:02:56 AM
I thought you stopped gambling you said??  I also thought you stopped giving advise cause you were getting blamed for others losing??  No?
Gizmotron / Re: Why I won't give gambling advice anymore.
February 05, 2018, 10:36:07 PM
Love the stuff you write!  Drinking coffee, with no donuts here on the tail end of a bad white-out storm snow storm today! 

As far as the phone call from jail, no idea what you are referring to? 

I have your number from a while back, you want me to call you tonight?
Gizmotron / Re: Why I won't give gambling advice anymore.
February 05, 2018, 09:46:08 PM
Most of you know me, some of you do not.  For those of you whom do not, I am Italian, I am from the Bronx (New York City) I have been trough ups and downs in life that would amaze many.  The message board in summation is a small part of my life/daily routine in many ways and I have kind made a home here at BetSlection for many reasons.  Yes, I have been on Sonya's 'Vegas Message Board' and The Wizard's WOV and Andrew's (Shifter) Vegas Forums, etc.  Yes I was banned from those at my own doing and not retreating when the BS hit the fan, as they say.  Mostly those boards are drama rooms and boards for the consumer or soap opera end of things, in so many ways.  It didn't phase me at the time and still does not.  As far as BetSelection, I have meet some really great people in various parts of the world and on the board type of relationships.  I have learned from many here and I have countless emails from some board members here as well as many that have never posted as I have helped them in their gambling ventures. 

I have expressed myself and I have used BetSelection as an avenue that allows me to write about baccarat and casinos.   do have a full time successful established business that has nothing to do with gambling.  Pictures and stories are posted within my Blog regarding that.  I have many facets to my life outside of the casino and gambling and this message board, unlike what many think.  Same as gambling for those negative or naysayers, etc.,  'small mind/closed mind' go nowhere types.  It's all good.

Fast forward a bit.  Vic is brought the board down for a couple/few days to reboot and re-do his forums.  That turns into a couple of months plus a couple f weeks.  Hey, it happened.  So many did email me and said they would never be back.  I guess it is the same as when a restaurant that is popular or say a bowling alley closes for a sale of the business or closes to renovate, etc.  Some leave and never return as a customer and yet, many new customers come on scene when it reopens. 

But hey, here we are.  It is a good place and IMO, better than all the other ones out there.  Sure I tried another one or two while Vic was down here at BeSelection.  The one that most of the rooms within itself require you to be a paid subscriber for like $50.00 a month is a total joke, I read many things on there and know a couple of the posters as well.  Total garbage, in fact, if you follow what some say and they preach--you will have your bankroll destroyed, all said IMO and nothing endorsed or asked of me to say by Vic or this board.  Just a sheer fact.  In fact one of their key players on that board was a friend and an endorse of another board where the boards admin went into the hole playing baccarat to the tune of about $500,000.00 of bad unpaid markers that he is or will be criminally prosecuted by Clark County Neveada's county attorney.  He disavows knowing the guy now o the new board and is preaching once again about playing baccarat, etc.  LOL to the max! 

I have done fairly well at baccarat.  Never claim fame to mechanical stems or being able to make millions and beat a - Negative expectation game, but I have won far greater than my losing sessions.  I even post pictures when I can.  And like most things, in business and life in general.  The longevity of anything, takes time, patience and due diligence of doing things day in and day out on a repetitive basis.  At times it sucks and other times it is great.  But it is me, you, Vic and all the rest of us that makes this board the greatest.  I joke around some and unless you actually know me, you might not understand what I write at times.  Something you have to follow.  But when I say, I have been there, I have been there.  I am not proud of everything I have done i life, but there are numerous things that far outweigh the bad things and those things I am extremely proud of.  I put my writings and my experiences here on BetSelection as one of those in the latter category. 

You know, I am currently up in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St Paul) for Superbowl 52 and a couple of days before I left last week I was at the casino.  I bought in for $900.00 playing baccarat.  I was up about $1,500.00 and I failed to apply my 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd Money Management System I always do.  I don't k why I did not when I doubled my buy-in because my 1/3rd system has fueled my wins almost all the time and protected my buy-in from being lost.  Anyways, I get wiped out and I bought in with another $600.00.  Something I rarely do and out of 100 sessions with 100 buy-ins, I would say that I would buy-in a second time, once--maybe just once like I did last week.  It always leads to disaster and if I can't win on the initial buy-in or win and give it back and then lose my buy-in, I wind up pressured and losing the 2nd buy-in as well, just like everyone else.  I learned a long time ago, that all the repeat buy-ins will outweigh the wins if I do that.  Something else I have written about.  But I am hard headed and I am real and I know baccarat and casinos..........So........

Like I said, I am at the casino, lost $900.00 and bought back in for $600.00.  I had $2,000.00 pocket money for my little boy for the week and a half I would be at the Superbowl, for his movies, the Mall of America, Extreme Sand Box, etc., etc.,etc.  I set that aside a while back and although I have other funds available, that was his and for him.  Sure I could have left with $900.00 down, replaced it and lived happily ever after.  I do not chase.  Leave and reset and start again another day.  I learned years ago.  But something got into me and something was wrong.  The casino took my little boy's money!  My Italian and my NYC background came out all at once.

I bought back in.  I was down to right around $200.00 once again.  I looked around and realized I did everything I said not to do, so many times.  Oh well, that's life in so many real ways!  I said to myself I was unintelligent and past stupid and there was no need to stay any longer.  Take the $200.00 use it for food and gas and the trip to Minneapolis and replace the $1,500.00 I lost and call it a night.  Yeah right.  You know what???  I actually thought of this board, the things I have said and Vic, right then and there.  I would not have bought in again and I would have left if I lost that $200.00 by all means.  I almost got up, really.  Then the dealers switched, the one that took most of the $1,500.00 from me was just tapped out by one that I always win Fortune 7's with.  She sits down and I throw up $175.00 on the Banker and $25.00 on the Fortune 7 side wager.  Players hand shows 2 monkeys and the Banker has blackjack for a total of 1.  Players third card is a 6.  LOL, I actually broke out laughing as I saw a monkey or an Ace or a 2 coming for the Bankers side.  A few others are on the Fortune 7 as well for $25.00 or $50.00 thinking about that $1,000.00 or $2,000.00 win.  They are yelling and screaming for a 6.  I am doing nothing.  They hold the dealer up and tell me, 'hey that's not like you—what the heck man, we need a 6, give us some power here'.  So I join in and boom-yes a 6!  So naturally as always, the dealer says, 'back to back Fortunes coming here'.  It's happened in the past but very seldom.   

So I leave the $175.00 on the Banker and throw up another $25.00 on the Fortune 7 wager for a total of $50.00 hoping for $2,000.00 pay off.  I put a quarter off to the side for the dealer for a $1,025.00 tip which the dealers keep their own tips at this casino.  She calls the floor person and he says okay.  She pulls a monkey and 2 for the Player and a 10 and a monkey for the Bankers side.  She pulls an 8 for the players side reducing them to zero.  Saying, "nothing to beat now", so naturally we are all screaming, and I mean loud for a 7, everyone is coming over  to the baccarat table watching at this point.  She slides the card out and it is still face down.  She goes to flip it and I stop her.  I told her to slightly pick it up and let me see it.  So I put my head almost on the table and she picks it up a tiny bit.  I can see the 3 lines on it and say to put it back down.  She does and the floor person looks at me and asks what I saw.  I said three lines.  The table goes wild as everyone had a quarter or two out on the Fortune 7.  There was 3 other $5 chips out next to the quarters for the dealer.  If it was a 7 the dealer would get $1,640.00 tip.  I told her I did not want to see it first and for her to look at it.  It was at this point, 2 Asian girls playing throw a fit and wanted the players to see the card first and not the dealer.  The pit manager came over and told us we have to all agree or he will turn it over.  So we all said for the dealer to look at it and flip it so she sees it first, towards herself.  As she was flipping it, she screams and her right elbow hits the chip rack and numerous chips are on the floor now and all we know is it was a 7. 

I am up like $1,500.00 now and leave the $50.00 on the Fortune 7 wager and put it all on the Banker for a wager of $1,675.00.   Bankers get 7 over the players 6.  I leave with the $3,100.00 and change profit and as I pass the baccarat table on the way from the cashier's cage, say my goodbye.  The dealer told me with tears in her eyes, that I just made her little kid's birthday something she would never have been able to do otherwise. 

I remember lots of things I have wrote on here and although I am against buying in a second time to play catch up, I did it for reasons unknown to myself.  You know life brings us down many roads and it is up to ourselves to make those journeys something that we remember no matter if they are good or not so good.  Just when you think you have seen everything, something jumps out there and grabs you.  Just like when my little boy recently told me, "Daddy we are not going to celebrate your birthday any more".  I asked him why and he says, "Because when you have a birthday you get older and if you get older one day you will die and I don't want that so we have to stop your birthdays". 

Just like I say to Vic, don't stop this board.  Keep doing what you do, follow your feelings, don't pay attention to the other garbage boards out there and if you made a mistake, don't look back--just remember and don't make it again.   
Why Accepting Failure As An Option Strengthens Your Play

Sometimes an attitude of failure is not an option, can be counter-productive. Certainly there are moments, like Apollo 13's crippling explosion in space, at which individuals and teams must step up with super-human strengths to make things happen. There are other cases where controlled failures can be managed especially if you have contingency, back-up plans ready. Protecting against the downside, frees you and your team to focus on the upside.  In gambling we shall focus on the you, or me, of the team I mentioned above.  But, even within teams,there is always the you and the me first, that makes up those teams.  When a result is sought after or let's just say, waiting at the end of whatever it is we are doing, any chance of success will always rest first with all the YOU and ME, that make up all teams. Teams are made up of something, no matter how many or in what capacity, if playing or not, others beside YOU are relevant as well. 

The Panama Canal has two contingencies to keep ships from rupturing the gates to the locks in the canal. First there is a chain across the lock between the ship and the gates, keeping the ships from bumping into the gates. Second there are two gates at each end of the lock. If a ship were to damage the first gate, the second would hold.

In contrast, there is no back up plan to deal with ships sinking in the lake ships must pass through on their journey across Panama as part of their canal journey.

The difference is that a ruptured lock gate could destroy the entire canal. A sunken ship in the lake would be a minor inconvenience. In either case, controlled failure is an option. In one case there is a backup plan. In the other case, no one cares.

What if?

Asking what if (?), will open the door to consideration of different scenarios. Better realize it, or you are sunk from the very beginning.  Of course everything is going to play out exactly as we planned. Of course the weather will cooperate. Of course other entities are going to do what they committed to do on or ahead of schedule. But lets consider what we might do if one of the things does not actually happen exactly as we had hoped and planned for.

This has been a missing piece of our current best thinking on strategic planning. I would like to suggest fixing that:

The Six-Step Strategic Planning Thought Process

The following six-step process will allow you to create a complete and robust strategic plan. We are not suggesting that this is the only way to do this. But it is a good way.  Know what failure is!  Powerful words, yes.  But, without knowing it, remembering it, and everything in between those you are at a disadvantage.  If you never experienced it,set this down and come back later, you do not need what it contained within here.  Be scared of failure, not winning.  However, view failure as a strike, not a strike out or it will eventually make you scared to win.  When you win realize those larger failures might not have to exist as you once wholeheartedly justified them when they occurred.  Some type of failure will have to happen because you cannot always win unlimited the way you desire.  But it is always up to yourself as to what level of failure you experience and how long it lasts when you are at the table.  You make the decision to stay or leave, no one else.  Think about this, how many have you won and gave it right back the same day rather than, winning and keeping it?
Aspiration/Desires =
What it is you are playing for.  What you are looking to get out of it.
Destination = The ultimate goal in your play.
Reality = The absolute and total real-life picture if someone was watching you with an unbiased position.
Alternatives = Other actions or decisions.
Scenarios = From start to finish what has happened or will happen, in so many words.
Plans = What your real intentions are and what you are playing to fulfill.
Set the aspirational destination.  Which should be derived directly from the mission and vision. This will allow you to build a clear and direct path toward the aspiration.  Remember to reset and refresh, each session needs to be independent and not viewed as collective among your other sessions. 

1.    Assess the facts of the current reality and develop future scenarios by looking hard at Capabilities, Control, and Conditions. Then, develop scenarios to foresee potential changes outside your control that might impact your strategic choices.  Break everything down to 'sections' and 'turning points', do not view each shoe as a beginning and an end with 80 hands presented. 

2.    Identify potential alternatives to bridge gaps between reality and aspiration. Be creative so you can come up with a range of alternatives that could potentially address the issues and move your play forward.  Keep in mind that your buy-in is your risk money.  Do not use your winnings to fuel additional play and do not bring previous losses into the picture as some kind of gauge.  Your buy-in must fuel your play and your chances to win.  Buy-in amounts must be solid and recognized as non-negotiable. 

3.    Evaluate potential alternatives under different scenarios to identify which strategic alternatives create the most risk-adjusted value over time, under different scenarios. This should lead to primary choices, play lengths and your overall desires.  The entire key is to get yourself into reality with complete and clear consciousness while you play.  Be extremely careful not to place yourself into bad situations while playing. 

4.    Develop detailed play plans that address the strategic, operational, and organizational actions that are needed to implement each selected set of alternatives. You need to get yourself into the mind-frame that the session you are on your way to, might not be successful.  Include return times, other casinos, play lengths, etc.  Do not every deviate from your plans unless you are nearly winning every hand coming at you. 

5.    Act, measure, adjust and repeat continually monitoring progress against your stated goals and milestones to ensure what you thought would happen is happening in a timely manner and triggering back up, contingency plans as appropriate.  Always think adjustment into the reality of what is happening as the foremost thought that is virtually always present and being asked. When the negativity outweighs the positive, it is clearly time to leave and call it a day.  Do not return until the aggravation and frustration is out of your system. Be extremely conscious of bad-vibes and atmosphere auras that will play on the surroundings and your thoughts, which usually always lead to negative outcomes.   

In closing, I highly recommend from the bottom of my heart, the realization of what you are up against.  You will never smack the casino so hard that it actually hurts them!  You have to view each and every session of your play as a one time, brand new event without attempting recourse, revenge or make-up on any of your previous sessions where upon you lost.  It will only cloud your mind, your vision and put huge pressure and unrealistic goals you probably will not be able to meet.  You also have to have a certain amount of buy-in as a one-time event that is realistic as compared to your bankroll and a concrete refusal to buy-in a second time if you happened to lose the original buy-in amount.  That should be considered always 100% of the time, your stop loss figure.  This way when you win and apply something along the lines of my 1/3rd-1/3rd-1/3rd money management system, your wins will far outnumber your losses.

Once you realize how you lose you can strengthen yourself towards the opposite.  Use your weaknesses and downfalls as the fuel to actually win.
General Discussion / Re: WELCOME BACK, 2018
January 31, 2018, 01:27:58 PM
Well, it about time!!!

I received many emails from other members with their frustration of a few days that turned into months, etc.  I emailed Vic numerous times and tried to understand his reasoning and his actions and then I asked my 5 year old about this.  He told me, "Daddy bring me to the Lego store at the Mall of America and I will show you what you want to know"................................

Well, I am up here in Minnesota since last Friday fro the BIG GAME, The Superbowl.  Our home team had the shot to make history playing in the only Superbowl hosted by the home team, but they blew it in the last game of course against my favorite team, The Eagles!

Here is the picture entering Minnesota last Friday.  Yes, it is winter, but the road was clear to drive.   

Are we still going to see the whole section as it is now?  Or will the person have to 'know' where to go, with the new board?

Just curious??
Also, I sure hope you did not forget about the full editing and blocking features for the Blog/Mod end of it as we discussed.  Each board/blog mod should have the 24/7/365 ability to modify and remove anything and everything within his own Blog, they way it used to be, I understand on the main forums, but not the Blog end of it.  If the reader does not approve, like, enjoy the author he has no business going on his Blog in the first place anyways.  Please install those, thanks, Glen.