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Messages - alrelax

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
October 21, 2017, 10:54:10 PM
What a bunch of unbelievable shenanigans!  Seriously sad!  I think last night tops the retards of the retards with a new level of imbecilic-ism!

I did okay, far from what I should have done and the opposite end of the rainbow from what any normal table of baccarat players would've done  a few years ago.  I don't know if it is all the info and all the random these people acquire off the internet or what, but the way they wager and the amount of funds they lose---is south of sad! 

2 Shoes of the 3, I stayed for were perfect set-ups and perfect follows for the player for huge sections.  There was one section where it was 2's (pairs) for like 6 cuts and then a 6 repeater for the Banker and then a 9 repeater for the Player.  Then right back to 2's (pairs) for another 6 or 7 sections.  Also almost every single natural 'cut' as well.  Other signs and warnings, I cannot believe it.  At least 15 players lost in excess of $5,000.00 each and several $10,000.00. 

And what floors me, they lose their money, and they buy-in heavier and heavier and heavier and never stop.  Hell bent on the 'cut' no matter what or the repeater when it is determined to 'cut'. 

But what gets me the most, there has been an extremely young Asian male, early 20's at best.  He does good for a few hands and then everyone follows him--no matter what.  And, these 2's were give me's, very visible.  Especially with the repeated natural cutting to the opposites side.  What ever happened to the old, "Play it until it falls off" type of scenario?  Just lose the last one.

Nope, let's do table max a half dozen times and then we can really try to put their lights out and take all their chips from the dealer's rack.  All they wind up doing is falling and falling and falling deeper and deeper.  What is so disturbing is the results were there, all you had to do was follow them and smack the house, old school.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
October 21, 2017, 05:27:20 AM
Heading to the casino for some play tonight!  Time to apply it all, once again. 

General Discussion / Re: baccarat trends
October 20, 2017, 11:29:05 PM
Not a system, kind of a guideline or let's better yet say---'A Guardrail' while playing.  I do attempt to keep the following in my forethought:

6's and 7's, where as the 7 is over the 6 will continue for at least one more win;

Naturals, 9's over 8's or 8's/9's tying.  Depending on how many the Players or Bankers are in the rears, when a Natural beats a Natural already drawn, that is a hint the side will play catch up, somewhat;

Fortune 7's tending to cut--highest majority of the times;

Tie after several repeats, tend to cut.  (repeats meaning a couple of naturals or the winning side winning with the same numbers, etc.);
Stronger more times in middle within the 1/3rd to 2/3rds section, say the 20th to the 60th hands;

When the repeating streaks start to beat the other sides 7's and 3 card 8's, etc.  Especially with 3rd card draws or by the losing side being reduced by their 3rd card draw.  The opposite side is in for a fresh run or a continue run. 
General Discussion / Re: We're back! (Thanks)
October 20, 2017, 11:14:47 PM
You were gone all week??  Really?
Your site is as old as my son, seems just like yesterday he was born, happy birthday!
Quote from: Blue_Angel on October 16, 2017, 05:48:37 PM

Stop at any point with an overall net profit,

Stop when you win once in racing.
Stop when you got your first piece of sex.
Stop when you had a great piece of steak.
Stop when you got your first great paycheck.
Stop and resign from the sports team when you got that first 'hero' of the game recognition, etc.

Stop.  Yes sir, win a little bit and stop.
1 of them cannot and will not 'always' win.  There are many ways the wager(s) can and will lose.
You are not correct, and a lot of players attempt to hedge their wagers with a bet on the opposite side Dragon Wager, etc.
2 cards are only for a natural, which is 1 to 1. 

It pays according to the scheduled payout, does not matter unless it is a Natural for the winning side.  Ties push the wager.

Here read this, might explain it better:

Quote from: Blue_Angel on October 16, 2017, 04:35:48 PM

If I do not type in word processing and then cut and paste, I have a habit of posting and then modifying until I am done, or I stand a chance to lose what I type if it is more than 1 or 2 sentences, for some reason.  So what I did that you were reading was, I posted the beginning and the ending and then filled it in as I went. It is now complete.
Yes, say the Banker had a 3 card 9 and the Players had a 6 and stand.  No bonus payout as the Banker won by 3.

Say the Banker had a 3 card 9 and the Players had 3 monkeys.  Banker won by 9 and a 30 to 1 payout r those that wagered the Dragon Bonus.

Say the Players had a 3 card 8 and the Banker had a 3 card total of 1.  The players would get paid the Dragon Bonus is they wagered it for winning by 7 points.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on October 16, 2017, 04:20:50 PM
Sorry but don't know much about Baccarat, could you explain those special bets when they win and how much is their respective payout?

1) dragon bonus
2) banker 6
3) panda 8

How about what I've suggested about ties?

Banker 6 is the same as Fortune 7.  Banker has to win with a 3 card 6.  I do believe the Banker loses 1/2 of their wager, I might be wrong??

Panda 8 is where the Players win with a 3 card 8 as well.  25 to 1 payout

Dragon Bonus is where one side, you can wager either side bonus, has to win by the following:

9, pays 30 to 1
8, pays 10 to 1  (some casinos have 15 to 1)
7, pays  6 to 1
6, pays  4 to 1
5, pays 2 to 1
4, pays 1 to 1

Naturals pay 1 to 1 for anyone wagering the Dragon Bonus and their side wins with the Dragon Bonus wagered.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on October 16, 2017, 04:10:00 PM
Aha! I thought "fortune 7" wins when there is a 7 streak for banker, that's why I've suggested to double up 6 times for the opposite side.
However, even if that was the case the 40 to 1 would return less than the 64 to 1 for 6 losses in a row.
This special bet is good value to lay it rather than back it, but of course don't offer you such option.
I was reading your previous post and I thought that if after so many shoes only 1 didn't has any tie then perhaps it would be good idea to bet for ties with a progression, let's say 1 shoe = 50 decisions and there must be at least 1 within 50 bets/steps, what do you think?

Here in the USA, most 'EZ Bac' tables (the ones without commissions and the Fortune/Panda 8's) are played all over.  Some have the 'Dragon Bonus' in lieu of the Panda 8 side wager.  But elsewhere, there is the Banker 6 side wager that is paid instead of the Fortune 7 side wager as I mentioned.  BTW, if you did not know, the Banker pushes on the F-7 win and on the Panda 8 win, the players do get the regualr wager paid as well, unlike the push on the F-7.

As far as the regularity of the Fortune 7 to prevail, is not always with consistency going to follow any statistical history for the few shoes a player will be playing for the session. 

I have seen on a consistent basis, NONE or 1 in an entire shoe.  I have also seen many shoes without a single one. 

I have wrote somewhere on this somewhere on this board reference what I do see, more so than not--reference the Fortune 7's.

Reference ties.  As long as you hit it in the next 7 or 8 hands dealt, you will prevail.

As far as the same applying to Fortune 7's.  I have been at countless tables where there are zero F-7's from the 40th to the 60th hands and then everyone is heavy on the F-7 wagering.  At times it does come out and yet--many times, it will not as well.  I would say on a consistent measure, it will be less than 50% to prevail when wagering, "because  it did not happen in the past 'XYZ' number of hands" type of theory.   
Quote from: Blue_Angel on October 16, 2017, 01:47:11 PM
Why don't you marty for the chop and use a "fortune 7" bet as an insurance?
If the chop/change happens up to and including 6th bet then you win by doubling up, if 7 streak then you win "fortune 7".

If you bet always like BPBPBPBPBPBP...etc then you win chops and streaks, the only nemesis sequence is PBPBPBPBPB...has to zig zag the exact opposite, but if zig zag identical then you'd win every bet.

From my point of view and IMO after playing for several decades:

Exactly what you said, many players would get 'sucked in', the highest majority of them.

Marty with only $200.00 out there, translates to $12,600.00 on the 6th wager:

You pretty much better be in Atlantic City, South Florida, or Vegas and a handful of casinos elsewhere in the USA anyways.

Risk versus reward and chance of losing $12,000.00 + dollars for a single unit profit of $200.00 sucks in my book.

A player with say a table min. of $25.00 out there would look like this:


Risk versus reward on risking over $3,000.00 to win $25.00.

As far as chop, yeah--comes and goes. 

As far as Fortune 7, I was referring to the 40:1 wager where the Banker wins the side wager with a 3 card total of 7.  Not winning 7 Banker hands in a row, if that is what you said??