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Messages - alrelax

Quote from: Blue_Angel on October 04, 2017, 03:43:36 PM

The very meaning of variance is the key, it means that varies and no particular pattern is going to stay long enough.

That is exactly right, correct!

However, there are certainly 'variances' that include 7 or so squares going sideways of 4 or 5 repeated clusters of Bankers and Players, there are also 'variances' of streaks of 15 Bankers followed immediately by 11-16 Players, there are also 'variances' of 15 'chop-chop bankers-players' in a row, there are also 'variances' of 12 squares going sideways of 'terrible 2's', etc., etc., etc. 

The whole thing I learned is, being able to capitalize on what is being presented and not what you want to happen.  Nothing sticks around, grant it, however, playing at $250 or $500 wagers or say $1,000--a continual wager with a negative progression or without a neg progression can easily go into the 7 to 10 hand failure range costing quite a bit. 
Roulette Forum / Re: Use Math to beat Roulette/Baccarat
October 04, 2017, 02:54:51 PM
Take any statistic you desire and apply it to a real game of baccarat.  Keep applying it and see how much you win from using statistics to wager on. 

Betting for something to happen instead of betting for what the shoe is producing, is certainly a way to drain your bank roll faster than most anything else, IMO.

Here is the best way I can explain it and what I write is learned from experience. 

Here is the bottom line.  Why do systems sell?  Why do books sell that promise but are just full of riddles?


Watch this and the answers lies within.

Because there are so many, without a simple clue. 
Good Luck in the refund area.  Check back with their reviews and feedback in a few months.  See what comes about. 
I defined the difference what was lurking in my frame-of-mind concerning systems and "playing otherwise".  With a system you will generally only prevail with a shirt term abrupt chop/cut,  you will not prevail when the is strong, repeating and giving the player a huge chance to just rack it in, as they say.  I have specifically watched people play with definitive systems,  they will realize wins when the shoe is generally producing 1's, 2's and 3's but the huge drawback is the adherence to either their system or more of other protocols in playing. 

The variance and what shoes will present will be varied greatly thus, not allowing a systems player to continue winning no matter what the is presenting, 

For detonation of a system herein, that means a set wagering protocol where the shoe has to produce a series of hands to match your scheduled betting agenda.  Which in reality will always be a short irregular pattern.  That system betting will forbid your thought process to catch say, a 7 to 15 run streak a 14  hand alternating chop Every time. 
I am at a casino I have not played at for sometime.  There are all new players here except one person that survived the entire year I have not been around here.  A few players admittedly told me of their systems they use and they admitted it was still right at 50/50 but if they did not employ their gut feeling/guessing, they would not be able to capitlaize on any of the longer streks, chop-chop or events from happening where they really make their money.  Their systems they told me only allow them to survive without losing large sums of money if (and only if) they DO NOT chase or go into negative progression to recoup. 

I never had the honesty I had this week from players.  But these are all over 50 years old with many years of playing to tell you the truth.

I seen a new outlook on the younger players with the larger money they are willing to risk, seriously sad. 
As,  we won't cause they realize they would have to prove it in person. Hence no way to cheat and pull one over on us , lol,  ^-^
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on September 26, 2017, 01:49:18 AM
I guess that people capable to pay $50.000 or more for a not working system would come back to the seller with a couple of really bad guys. No need to prove that mathematically.

For that matter it should be done even for smaller sums.


We do it in person,  in the flesh.  Prove it and walk with the money,  simple!!!
I have wrote extensively on this and usually 6 or so members turn my words against myself,   however, sellers of systems will never refund money even when they claim they will.  From my communications with some people that got sucked in. 
Roulette Forum / Re: Use Math to beat Roulette/Baccarat
September 24, 2017, 03:32:04 PM
If you belief you can beat baccarat shoe after shoe with a wagering system and/or sit down at a random time/shoe and employ a math system to prevail every time, you are misled, 

However if you belief you have something I will pay you for it $50,000.00 USD,  all you have to do to collect the cash is come to one of my local Midwest casinos I play at,  I will deposit the money in a front money account.  You will play here with your money 3 days and 7 a day, 21 shoes total,  if 90% of your wagers win, wagering 25 hands per shoe, the $50 000 is yours, I will pay the hotel, alll food and beverage and transportation no matter prevail or not

If you use negative progression you are a complete and utter fool, counting on non streaks.  I saw just thought fail three times in the past week with 5 streaks of 8 or more in 3 shoes.  Every single player got wiped out playing negative progression even with 25,000.00 buy ins.


High Tech cheaing by Russians with slot machines.  How they did it.

September 14, 2017, 12:17:02 PM
In the earlier days of Atlantic City, New Jersey there was a similar case that I do believer was either addressed at the state level or the federal levels, not sure.  But it centered around the payouts which the casinos advertised that they pay back.  I don't remember what figure was mandated and what was advertised by the casinos.  But slot machines can all be 100% adjusted, set and calculated what to pay out, not when or whom to pay it out to, which was substantiated by the government, at least here in the USA. 

But paying out $4.00 on a $10.00 play, with the bells and whistlers and 'winner' declared, is just a trick that has been around.  There was some discovery prior of people exposing the machines where there was less 'key' symbols on the wheels towards the right side that stop last than on the other reels, which was another one of their tricks.

Same thing with the lotto machines these days, bells and whistlers for a $1.00 to $5.00 ticket with the announcement from the machine, "Whoo Whoo-Your AWinner"!  Paying less than what you paid for a lottery ticket and announcing your a winner. 
Off-topic / Re: Building a forum is difficult
September 13, 2017, 09:30:40 PM
I looked 2 times now.  Once he had his long dialog up about myself and Atlantis, more of a manifesto than a thread.  Now it is gone.  Oh well, maybe I should ask him if I could join??  Maybe Gizmotron will let me???
Off-topic / Re: Immokalee Casino
September 13, 2017, 09:29:01 PM
Heard they closed that as wella s the big one in Hollywood.

My family pulled through, although one member was very stubborn and finally left from the Naples area as he was right on the coast.  The other in Miami did pretty well, got nervous in the middle of it when the winds and war covered her street, but got lucky there also compared sections right down the street from what she was telling me.

Hope no damage to your place.
Gizmotron / Re: Overcome the Chimp
September 13, 2017, 07:23:26 PM
I left the board, but I have to come back to check on Alrelax!  LOL!  That's attention, you are the best, I guess you were just picking up mail at mail drop, getting a donut or two at Joe's and thought about me when you saw the sign that says, 'free internet'.   :pirate:

And, it is 'us' because I say so.  Otherwise, you would not have responded.  And if you truly did not care or were not concerned, you would never have came on today! :nod: