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Messages - alrelax

Movies are not reality, unless we are talking about the movie, Casino.

As well, my series of 1 of 10 articles was of a serious nature and many have emailed/PM'd me and e have discussed and those articles have helped quite a few players, I am asking you not to demean them with senseless comparisons to fictional movies.

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 15, 2017, 05:32:36 PM
I have finally defined what I discovered in Baccarat, the 3 ratios that normally make-up a shoe.  I am working on the definement and other info relating to this.  Here is my visible outline.  Of course subjective to each of the experienced baccarat players to define and discuss their own identification, triggers, and literal outlines of each:

1)  Strong Ratio.  (Controlled Creation & Appearance)  Obvious, sectioned and distinctive formation of patterns.  Strong, whether that is repetitive or weak or anything in-between, just a once again, numerous occurring event within a section.  My own desire would be old school, is to follow it and lose only my last wager when I was triggered by the presence of the ratio. 

2)  Sound Ratio.  (Equally Orderly Response)  Everything happening in-between, the above and the below two ratios.

3)  Background Rati
o.  (Continuous Portability)  Swing to even out, not much longevity of anything, but necessary and always has to happen.  The most dangerous and hardest wagers to be successful on.   

Most likely because of me, remember that thread I had with 10,000 views and all the response and humorous comments???  A couple of us went off into the Voodoo thing.  It has to be my fault.
Quote from 'Albalaha': "Remember one very important thing regarding progressions. They seek specific spots or ratio or order to win. None of them can handle all variety that can come. If you keep getting wins in your sweet spots, you win the game otherwise the same havenly progression will kill your money".

So, we should not bet at all because what you just said, can realistically cover anything and everything.  You double talk to the max!  You just in all essence covered great bets, sure bets, maybe bets, staying in the game, waiting to get a 'ripe' section after a turning point, anything and everything. You have become a master of double-talk.  None of anything anyone bets at anytime can handle all variety of anything that can appear.  You use words like 'ALL" and such definitive large and powerful meaning words that you paint a picture of how you are correct and never lose, the world's greatest (but actually failed website blogs and teacher yourself) and then come on and attempt to control and change Vic's board.  If it is so 'useless' and there are well over 90% (which is virtually the whole darn board) that is, as you say useless and not worthy to even read past the first sentence, well don't and post! 

IMO, you sit in a very desolate pat of the world and you thrive to connect all day to challenge anyone having a seemingly enjoyable time or actually benefiting from Vic's board in many ways.  That was IMO and I stand behind what I said from being the recipient of years of your insults, repeated degradation and insults.

Quote from 'Albalaha': "I am aghast with one or two members here who are taking a forum as their personal facebook. They are loading where they ate, moved, farted and everything except anything even slightly valuable to a gambling community. If members are OK with this or have no other option, none can help. Frankly speaking, 90% of discussions are not even worthy of being opened to read just from the subject line".

What you are doing is the same as the person that does not like or desire say, hot sauce at a restaurant.  Whereas, there is a condiment counter with ketchup, mustard, salt, pepper, napkins, etc.,  There is also hot sauce and jalapenos there.  When you visit that restaurant you demand and attempt to force the owners to remove them because you find them disgusting, distasteful, whatever.  That is the exact same thing you are doing here.  There is no difference.  If you don't like it or enjoy it, stay away.  Period.

So, simply do not read it.  Also, as in the past......stay off the Blog's which is 100% space assigned by Vic (the Owner of this board) to those members that desire to post regularly and are approved by Vic. As in my case, you have repeatedly came onto my Blog (Private Space) and chastised me and almost declared me to stop or remove things I posted.  I have sad sad news for you, you should not go onto any Blog or person's thread that you do not enjoy, feel you can benefit from or at least are interested in what they write.  The exact same as when and if you go to a library with reading and checking out books.  The same at a shopping mall with the selection and desire to go into stores to spend your time and your money.  If you do not like it--stay out.  Do you also go into stores and get upset and chastise them for their merchandise, displays and the aura of the store??  Well, do you??

And since many other feel this way, you are obnoxious and 100% set in your ways and it most certainly has to be your way or we are all unintelligent, retarded, foolish gamblers, etc.  I thought I was a stubborn, jerk off, obnoxious person at times--but hey, you top me by far!!!!,  Seriously, my five year old even confirmed that one!
So going to the casino and playing and playing, being reserved and trying to always stay conscious of the fact of the casino has huge odds and advantages over us and if we wager every hand and try to make a great living and get rich, we will most likely lose just about each time, even after we win numerous hands, but being of the fame-of-mind that we want to make tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars each time, we will surrender our bank rolls and/or constant buy ins to the casino in the game that can be won by following a scheduled preconceived bet placement method that is so easily obtained by all those doing it or by purchasing a book form an expert baccarat player for say $29.99. 

And further more, that completely oblivious and unintelligent retard player that writes on a message board, doesn't know anything, pulls everything he thinks and writes about from the Captain Kangaroo and Mayberry RFD shows--not from his 30-35 years or so of claimed experience, he is just dreaming and complete fallacy spewing as to everything he has found, discovered, implements and more times than fails, earns something at the baccarat table with the wagered 15 to 25 hands or so a shoe, and occasionally smacking the casino for tens of thousands of dollars.  Oh yeah, that one guy also has no knowledge about real money management systems and the statistics and the only trivial 1.0% negative possible loss factor of the bankers or player wagers. 

Am I correct by saying that????
With all the millionaire expert authors that would instantly become billionaire authors, why only the following:

"Kyle T. from NYC says.........."

"George P. from Boondocks, Kansas says.............."

"Lori Y. from Detroit, Mich says........................"

"Johnny L. from S.F., CA says......................"

Etc., etc., etc.  If I was an author of a 'real' system that actually worked and was honestly what I discovered and wrote about, I would have an auditing company do a real audit and study with actual certification that can be verified, etc.  The same as they do for technical and other books and publications were studies and references and results are used as supporting documentation for the product you are selling, the system--the book. 

But then again, I can only assume (I think i am right---but hey, could be wrong) the newbie, rookie, desperate player--views the "Lori Y's" and the "George K's" and the "Robert W's" (as certified and real reviews) that the author is swearing up and down are all real (ha-ha-ha), the same as his multi million dollar, 'never work again system' for only $99.99, is real and the holy-grail, etc.  I guess?????

Very few players these days can successfully ride an 8 to 15 hand chop chop!  Years ago it was common place.  Some of the easiest and biggest money to be won, is on the "science' mode I wrote about earlier today.  The 'science' mode contains that chop chop,  love it when it comes!  Caught one last week with over 15 squares,  and everyone was so amazed.
General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 10, 2017, 12:24:04 PM
Thumbs up!

BTW, how about food recipes?  Game or no? :drunk:

But hey, either way, nice to see something except a harp leading to drama!
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
July 09, 2017, 10:54:11 PM
Didn't get around to typing out my notes as I mentioned above today, Sunday.  Bar any emergencies tomorrow, I will try to get it done in the morning.  A separate thread in my blog called ' baccarat - an insiders approach'....
Quote from: TheMagician on July 09, 2017, 04:11:47 PM
Nothing I create through the continuous efforts of the Team I belong to is for sale. If you possess something that makes a lot of money, why sell it?  Only scammers, too lazy to implement creative and intellectual effort sell that promises numerical prescience and success where there, in fact, is none to be found. The true inventors and players devote time to their passion because of an endless curiosity and of course the rewards found in such a field.

As more sophisticated algorithms based on frequency and number harmonics are developed and as the design and numerical prescience become more accurate, new platforms are created rewarding their users with a view over the wheel, few gamblers in the world can dream of.

So, yes, there are ways to beat the roulette and of course fully enjoy this Kind of Random number generation so many fail to win on, consistently.

Thank you.

In so many words--tailored for each--you are 100% spot-on and extremely point blank, with the above statement.  Thanks for bringing it about!
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
July 09, 2017, 09:36:23 AM
What a great night!  I had my mind right,  you know what Babu wrote about the goof balls, the dirty and non respectful (lacking all common decency) monkeys-chimps and baboons at the table?? I visibly saw it and played with them just before.  LOL, I went into the casino and compared that to being back in NYC say 17 years ago. Placed myself down on Mott Street in Chinatown and then in middle of Times Square on 43rd and Boardway and then on Second Ave and 80th street.  I will explain later today the difference of each one as well as type out a 15 page article I long hand wrote on my break times from the table.  We had a shoe that gave us 20 to 30 more bankers than players.  Just the opposite of that heavy player shoe the other night.  This time I laughed harder and longer when they all lost their repeated buy ins with their systems and beliefs. I have a much clearer way to define all this now!! Later today on the way to sleep, its 4:30am.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
July 08, 2017, 11:21:44 AM
Quote from: Garfield on July 08, 2017, 05:07:51 AM
Nah, it wasn't about the will-power whatsoever. Maybe you forgot to bring the "always-natural-winner" magical dust ? I still have some in my supply. Just let me know if you need one. :D

Don't left home without it.  :no:

I found out, if you use any reference to humor or anything related to Saturday Night Live stuff most of the people on here will turn it against you and seriously get upset and all that.  So I  can't comment but your probably correct.  Sad how things got interpreted on here.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
July 07, 2017, 02:44:15 PM
One and a half beautiful shoes last night.  Simply classic, fantastic and text-book old school bac!

2' and 3's the entire shoe, at least 12 of them and every single one cut to the opposite side except one repeating 4 on a player.

An 'F-7' everyone won in the first 10 hands, as I love that positioning.

Count got to a deficient 10 for the Banker and then the Banker caught up and just rocked back and forth for another 10-14 spots/hands after that, classic natural or 7  for one side and sudden death for the other on the entire chop-chop.  3 of us followed it all and the other 5 lost and lost big, continually wagering for the opposite to happen in everything is the worst anyone can play when it is presenting the opposites in great numbers.  Why lose 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 to win 1?  Something i will never understand.  Of course from my experience this all started around 2000, or the very late 90's with all the info and systems on the internet. 

The shoe for a shoe and a half was super strong, meaning--doing and following everything out there.  IMO and experience, when it is like that, follow and follow big time.  Then at the second half of the second shoe, myself and the lady next to me cashed out all of our winnings and we both said to each other, lets cash out and pocket 50% of our buy-ins and go back and try to build it up again.  When we did and then, boom!  The shoe, no way producing anything, everything lost and we both lost the 50%.  Left and profited, tried for a bit more and in my gut I knew we shouldn't have--but too stubborn and hard headed.  Learn to cash out your wins and some of your buy-in and be ahead and have the willpower to say another day.

Quote from: esoito on July 07, 2017, 09:08:53 AM
It is using such inflammatory phrases as "idiotic topics" that deters people from bothering to post their ideas and methods.

I know of five very successful [they have an edge] yet quite radical approaches that have been quietly developed by individuals or  small, collaborative groups working well away from forums.

They shun publicity.


Because they have learned either through personal experience, or by observing the fate of others who have posted to forums, that it's often the poster who is unpleasantly attacked and criticised, rather than the idea they are proposing.

No wonder few people are game to use forums such as this to discuss their ideas.

All credit to the brave ones that do.

I started to write something and then erased knowing full well---it would be used against me rather than any discussion or comments that might just be useful or constructive.  (earlier in this thread, and quoted the O.P., that is the reason my initial response was left blank).  I know 99.99.9% the author of this thread was directing most of his 'joke' comments towards me because he has some on my Blog numerous times and chastised and commented against my attempts at humor as well as writing.  Esoito, you are 100% correct in the way you summarize what you did. 

What floors me, if you as a reader (all supposedly so great and profitable gamblers) do not enjoy--like--find useful, etc., anyone on this forum, why repeatedly come on their threads and berate-chastise and attempt humiliation.  Isn't their time precious and valuable?

The analogy of going to the library, getting a book, reading it and then complaining about the waste of time.  Could have at any time put it down, gave up on it and put your time to great use doing something else or learning/being entertained from another author.  I don't know about you guys, but i like Stephen Lee Burke.  I buy anything he writes, read it and save it.  Say something comes out by Stephen King, I have started to read numerous works by him and get literally lost and bored in the story, put it down and never finished it.  Now, I have to check the whole book out before the blind purchase of it.  As far as Clive Cussler, I am not interested.  No need to buy or borrow anything by him.  I don't enjoy his style.  Why waste my time? 

So many on here 'assume', 'blame', find fault with and anything and everything in between those with posters that decide to invest their own time in posting.  IMO, if you don't like it, enjoy it, find it useful---skip it.  The interaction of berating, reading another's written work and then beating up on them---is the same as a pedophile that preys on little kids, in so many ways. 

God bless and for what seems to be universal code on here for some reason, 'cheers'.
you are absolutely correct in letting or willingly  allowing other players to Influence you. however works both ways and I've had some of my largest wins with camaraderie and unofficial Partnerships where we followed each other at the table and we made consistent wins and avoided losses But be forewarned that easily backfires and causes ill will and a fast decent to losing a buy in as well.