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Messages - alrelax

Quote from: warrior on July 03, 2017, 01:33:07 PM
A bet  selection is important but the way you use is it is everything .                                                 Flat betting and progression is must or you won't accomplish anything . Gambling is all a waste of time if you can't leave a winner .

Here is an article I wrote the other day, touches upon what you said, "....if you can't leave a winner"......., etc.  Although geared towards baccarat, the same gist can and does apply to roulette. IMO.

Quote from: warrior on July 03, 2017, 01:33:07 PM
A bet  selection is important but the way you use is it is everything .                                                 Flat betting and progression is must or you won't accomplish anything . Gambling is all a waste of time if you can't leave a winner .

You are 100%, no-in fact 110% correct!

Unfortunately, IMO and only IMO--it appears the relevancy of reversals, gloom, negativity, systems, draw-downs and reliance on a set protocol for absolute scheduled bet-placement methods are paramount here and about the only thing in demand to discuss.

What is so laughable--is the casinos have the bulk, the largest amount of the guys with all these systems contributing to their cash drawers.  And, what is really really sad-is if someone really had something positive and profitable---they really have no idea of all the other many things to trip them up in a casino once they start winning.  The bulk of the people here--as obnoxious and self-centered as it will sound to most---are going to do absolutely nothing except one or the other as follows:

1)  Play on the computer and never ever discover anything that will really benefit the gambler;

2)  Play in the casino according to their scheduled bet-placement methods until they lose their bank rolls/buy ins or, eventually realize they cannot beat the casino games the way they thought hitting so many 'reversals' within hundreds of spins/hands/shoes, etc., is ever going to give them anything sizable in a win respectively. 

All, IMO.

When I write actual articles about casino reflections, advise and ways to combat the casino, but lacking those magical and nonexistent rock solid scheduled bet placement methods to play every hand and produce profits, not many are interested.
Alrelax's Blog / another book in my collection
July 02, 2017, 12:38:34 PM
Another book in my collection. all factual and about a definitive collection of basic explanation s and rules of card games.  By Scott  McNeely.  Ultimate Book of Card Games

Good move and thanks!
They are real score cards, people write on them, at least all the casinos i play at in the USA, LOL.  Great excuse.  Errors???  Possibly one or two scratch outs where i wrote something before it happened or wrote something in a wrong spot and crossed it out.  LOL.

Okay Stpehen.  I will ask you here and now, Please do not come on any thread of mine that I originated or answer anything I post on this board every again.  At least i am not saying it behind your back like many do. 

I think you are a poor commercial venture for this board.  I have a right to say, i have donated more money to Vic than your measly sponsorship thus far. 

Quote from: alrelax on June 27, 2017, 06:45:49 PM

So what happened?  Why don't you run you system on each shoe and mark it up??  What's the problem??

Evidently there is one???
It was not a mechanical pre-conceived bet placement wagering system.  I attack shoes as they present themselves from all direction.  What I mean by that is, using a system--at least the ones i have read about and are familiar with to a certain point, is they wager with the 'N' (North) direction.  I wager and think and attack shoes using the following directions.  North-Northeast-East-Southeast-South-Southwest-West-Northwest. 

I don't limit myself to winning $500 or $2,000.00 or losing a certain amount.  I limit myself to losing my buy-in as risk money.  I do not limit myself to what i can win based on my 1/3, 1/3/ 1/3rd money management system that will allow me to keep winning and as well--maintian a certain amount of the win money without a chance of giving it back from my chip stack in front of me.

But my wagers are not a system.  I might do a 180 on wagering thinking 10 hands down the shoe or for the next same event that occurs.  That is what I am trying to spell out. 

Seriously.  I did read that article and to tell you the truth---what is your complaint?  Here let me give you and outline and some answers to help you, after all--who is more qualified then myself!!!!  :))

You have the right to be treated with respect.  (I always treat you with respect.  Also, I love  you!  I do admire you, just i don't like the clinical side of your research and the Chimp stuff into gambling.  But, I seriously don't have a problem with you.) 

You have the right to express your feelings, opinions and wants. (Absolutely you do--so do I.  But on a board such as this in the public forum or in our Blogs, you can skip mine--seriously and that is the other avenue some of our disagreements come from.  I know 100% in my mind what i want-how to gamble and what direction i should go in.  I DID NOT say or promise those were correct to ultimatum, i just said i know what to do.  I don't take advise from other and then blame them---as so many do, or---I don't criticize others for what they post unless it is sheer spam and garbage or a 100% conceived bet placement scheduled wagering system that IMO and my thoughts is the wrong way to approach baccarat, maybe other games, not baccarat. But I have that right to feel the way I do, the same as those people have the right to feel the way they do.)

You have the right to set your own priorities. (Absolutely, i never told you how to live or where to eat blueberry almond joy donuts, did I?)

You have the right to say "no" without feeling guilty. (Absolutely you do, I am not always correct, most of the time maybe--not always.  The same as you Mark.)

You have the right to get what you pay for.
  (You do, and so do others no matter what the business deal is.  Also, if someone publishes a book and they invest money in what the author says, there should be some type of responsibility and repercussions, and that is where the book reviews come from, there is a reason behind almost everything in the business world.)

You have the right to have opinions different than others.  (We all do, I never said you did not.  But respect that and honor and cherish and value mine with all you energy and motivation, that is all I ask!!!!!) >:D :beer:

You have the right to take care of and protect yourself from being threatened physically, mentally or emotionally.
( I never threatened you, I said what you did is not right in my book with the other on the board here, but we are going to bury that soon--right Mark??  You are far too smart to mess with Mentally or Emotionally--so we will leave those for those PHD Doctor of Creative Whatever in some foreign far-a-way land Long live the Queen of England!!!.)

You have the right to create your own happy and healthy life. (Mark, nothing more I want honestly, than you to strike it rich in a casino and we hang together and eat those delicious blueberry almond joy donuts topped with scoops of coffee and banana ice cream.  Coffee for me cause i love coffee and banana ice cream for you cause you have those intimate feeling thing for chimps and monkeys!!!)

So, have a great day and one more thing, chill out!
General Discussion / Re: I'm learning from Members
June 27, 2017, 04:55:22 PM
He is excluded AD.  The same as those from Belle Glade would be.
I still love you mark!

As far as homeland security and such. Doesn't one have to hack and use the persons info in criminal ways?? I don't hack and I never did.  I have no idea what you are accusing me. It's all good I didn't go into your credit or bank. No idea how and I am not a hacker or fraud embezzler or anything of the likes of that is what you are implying,  have the FBI contact me.  No problems. I still love you!!!  Because we stopped at joes donuts and got some blueberry almond joy donuts a block from the ups maildrop I committed crimes??? Lol.

What about the baccarat players blowing the snot from their noses on the casino floor.  What is that  to you, releasing toxic waste in public????  Should I call the FBI homeland security the EPA and NASA on them???
Steven in all seriousness you think I post only shoes that are against your system I honestly do not know your entire system I just don't play mechanically preconceived but placement methods. End of story I  play the way that I play that's highly successful LOL I don't play every day I play almost every week on the local scale I post almost all of my results the losing games no one likes to post no one likes to think about that's the way a real Gambler is I'm sorry.  I wrote about all this in my blog the amounts I lose our between 500 and maybe 1500 when I play I win thousands tens of thousands when the shoes are good in the shoes are doing what I was meant to do for the player I win big that's the way I play I'm not a grind player I don't play a couple hundred dollars and settle for a couple unit win every week I don't do it I admit it this many times. By the way I posted 16 shoes or 18 for you that are lives shoes over the last couple of months but you don't go on and analyze each one and talk about your system I took the time it took me at least 3 hours to find those shoes and then load each one separately for you I did that for you and it'll be the very last time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: Stephen Tabone on June 27, 2017, 12:54:57 AM
that one single shoe you have selected I would be 1- having exited half way through. If you want you're welcome to select 1,000 losing shoes. But you'll never post the winning shoes! I doubt that every much. Thus your posting of shoes in this respect is pointless. In my future book, 3.0 there are no bad shoes. Big claim I know but this is the truth.

what was the shoe I posted live from the casino and I won nearly $30,000 with it in my buddy one $39,000 with it to table or Casino lost about $200,000 Plus on that shoeI also posted 16 plus shoes on my thread you haven't run method on them each ones posted in the separate replied to the thread
Stephen, how much would someone have won on this shoe if they played to your system?

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
June 25, 2017, 04:34:54 PM
Hi all.  I gave this a lot of thought last night I went to the casino and I did not play.  I had a wonderful dinner with a casino management person and a couple very large players in from out of town and we looked at the shoe, then turned and we looked at each other.   We asked people at the table and they were into it for tens of thousands of dollars and they almost had tears from their eyes.  So you know what we did?  We went out off property to a nearby town and we almost got drunk and I haven't done that for years with the four people I mentioned.

I thought about the little problem I had with Steven Tabone and here are my thoughts he is a good guy and he's on a good mission but there are many scientists in the world and we all cannot be a Dr. 'Emmet' Brown from Back to the Future, god I love that guy!!  And we all cannot be a Ghostbuster from New York City either. I Believe In My Own Heart Steven is too A-Alpha like myself and although there's nothing wrong with that being an author and in the public's eye or the eye of the people that are potential customers, I believe it is not the correct frame of mind to be in, but again that's in my opinion.

I'll go out on a limb here now, imagine that, lol.  I think Steven is too close-minded,  I used to be also, and I found out being completely open minded, I've done much better with non casino stuff as well as everything at the table.  Steven wants to blame something or somebody for things that don't look exactly right or go with his way.  Again, I used to be like that a long time ago but came to realize that even if someone caused or side-tracked me to the wrong or negative--it was collusion and liability on my part as well.  Also one more thing, he cannot be wrong which I'll tell you I've been wrong many times in my life and if I could go back and do it all over,  I would 100% do everything right and be the perfect person, but we can't do that!

That's the only three derogatory things in my mind that I want to express but like I said, he is a good guy.  I don't care about or subscribe to systems and Luengyeh, so very well states numerous times on the board.  I wish Stephen would change a little and just become a sponsor and sell his books.  IMO, forcing or pushing your 'work of art' will only have detrimental repercussions.  Everything will come out and be very visible in the long run and we all know very well that the long run will be here a lot quicker than we actually wanted to be, seriously and absolutely.