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Messages - alrelax

Come on mark I think the emails and info are exciting!!!!  Lol
So tell everyone about the deal and promises you made the board member about the money mark.
I deleted the shoes, nothing to worry about, the fake shoes are gone now.  Ok?
Gizmotron / Re: For alrelax
June 24, 2017, 04:59:20 AM
Quote from: Gizmotron on June 21, 2017, 01:49:11 PM

See how the mind of an NPD works. He actually sees things that are not there. When did I ever say that he chased people away?

I told that person that I would divulge everything openly. That is exactly why I did divulge my issues. I kept his name out of it so that he would not be hounded by anyone because of me. It's real interesting how Glen has discovered it. I know I didn't say anything. Are you going to blab his name Glen?

This is how life works Glen. You make your choices and you live with them. If I fail, at least I will not have tried to deceive people in the process. So, why today have you decided to attack me. Are your supplies running low? I know what you are afraid to look at. It's just too bad that your attacks don't have any effect on me. I know what drives you crazy. All I can do is feel sorry for you.

The abuse you are capable of is so self inflicted that you really might want to consider professional help.

thanks mark and I have to find a great article by mark ellsworth B-------, will post shortly!

a close friend of mine on this board and I have copies of the emails the driver's license number the Bank wiring information and all of the emails for several months and it's very explicit and very clear and it's more or less just a con job but he wants to flip everything to me like I'm the a****** whatever I'm on the way to the casino have a nice night I'll email you some stuff tomorrow Stephen and you'll see what I'm talking about I have your personal email we've exchanged some pictures in emails thank you

and I'm telling you absolute truth I put it on my little four year olds life I know what I'm talking about is absolute hundred percent truth swear to God over my parents and my little boy.
Whatever mark in Sandy Oregon I'm done I will not post on the board no more.  by the way did you repay the money you took from the other members for all your research and all the failure and the gambling you've done I got some concrete evidence that you did not but not my deal. You just have a habit of telling damn half-truths and making SPars Like a soap opera. I'm done.
And when i said the other day to Stephen, 'please don't fight or spar' with members, i was attempting to keep Stephen neutral in my own way.  If you have a good or great product, it will speak for itself, IMO.  I have no problem with Stephen and I don't think he feels that I do...???
Quote from: gizmo26 on June 23, 2017, 10:25:50 PM
How do we know if these shoes results are even genuine? One minute "Alrelax" is attacking Stephen trying to silence him, the next minute his posting ugly shoes results!!! I smell a rat. From what I could read he never even bought a copy of the book! And suddenly he says the system does not work!!! It seems he'll do/say anything to attack Stephen and his book, even if that means posting end results of shoes no one can see, or verify as being true and real. And even if they are real he could have selected the worst ones out of many. I mean if this were a court it would be a kangaroo court.

You are absolutely wrong.  I never said any verdict about his book, i don't subscribe to or use 'systems'.  I only asked him not to spar with people about his book.  I did feel he was preaching 'in and above' his book for sales--but so be it.  I am not attacking Stephen or his book.  My whole beef in the beginning was to get him to sponsor the board for selling a commercial item, we have already been through all that.

As far as the shoes posted, those shoes are absolute real live shoes and if you play enough you will see easy, hard, ugly and very pretty, LOL.  Seriously, not time to throw this all on me, not by any chance.   
Quote from: wannawin on June 23, 2017, 05:15:12 AM

Another question and I want an honest answer. Are you a global moderator of the forum? there is no indication that it is so because it says: "alrelax

Because I respect you, and all others on the forum, (I mess around with Gizmo and Jimske) from time to time, but I genuinely have respect for all members except the old 3 or 4 that terrorized the forum such as Rolex--GreenGuy--Mark and there was another if I recall.  As is evident with Green Guy, I will let his postings stand and reflect what he is about.  Plain and simple, done.  Anything added by those derogatory people is pure garbage of their mouth and most of the time a figment of their imagination!

Anyway, to answer your concern, to the best of my knowledge there are no mods or global mods.  I cannot alter to change anyone's postings.  Thanks.
Green guy is biggest piece of shi* on this board plain and simple like I said we used to have about three or four of them at all they did was terrorized the board and Victor put a stop to it but the one is back and he needs to be moderated and full-time moderate it like it used to be is a real degenerate and I never say that about anybody but this is hundred percent fact and all he wants to do is be a piece of shi*. show me the contribution and show me the interesting posts that he wrote either technical or entertaining doesn't matter. In my book and I hardly ever say this he is a nasty terrible person thank you bye. actually no class none the same kind of person exactly when there's a 15 run Banker or player he'll come running over to the table and throw $10 at $20 yelling for it to cut while the whole table is nearing table Max and winning.say what you want to say your piece of shi* and that I swear to God.
Quote from: wannawin on June 23, 2017, 05:32:19 AM
I care because I felt like a real i.diot to think that I had committed to the date that alrelax himself said and there is the possibility that he did not give his pledge by the first week of April so after I would have taken the hassle to do it by that date and he wouldn't have it  seemed disgusting especially after saying what I said in the post. I had not thought of it until now.

I have had a love-hate relationship with this community. I have been separated by events that I did not want to support and then I returned after things calmed down, also after I calmed down myself to the point that I do not care anymore about the fact that previously bothered me. . maybe the time has come time for this formula to be applied by many other forum members..
you don't have to feel like an unintelligent not by far you're definitely not other people that instigate and start the hatred and start chastising people and go out of their way we had a few of them and one of them is back you should judge me you can ask me anything you want there are no more moderators but you know what people that hate shouldn't even be on here and I don't believe I ever started a thread to chastise somebody maybe I play with jizz once in awhile but that's it
to answer your question there are no more moderators I am not a moderator unless it's in my own blog and then I cannot change nobody's typing
Quote from: wannawin on June 23, 2017, 05:15:12 AM
Thank you for confirming this. if we all compromised this is how it should be.  A while ago I felt foolish to think that I would follow you if you had not given your pledge by that first week of April because I took the trouble to do it by that date under your own recommendation.  I started to think about it after my greenguy post and the more I thought about the possi

bility the more I disliked it. thanks for making it clear.

Another question and I want an honest answer. Are you a global moderator of the forum? there is no indication that it is so because it says: "alrelax

     Hero Member "

if so then does it mean that there are other hero members who have the possibility to edit the posts of all the other members? under the previous moderation model global moderators could only delete posts but never mess with the content of the messages of others. in my opinion it is as it should be: simply hide from public view and give a chance to defend yourself.  many posts were restored after a second chance of rebuttal.  To edit post content is not correct in my opinion: all the post being published in full or nothing.
I have donated in the past prior to this and I sent my pledge. OK? 
Quote from: ADulay on June 22, 2017, 06:56:32 PM

  I went back to your "book" and triple checked it for your "correction" to the system play that you have graciously PM'ed to me.   It wasn't in there at all and your "correction" changes the order of play in no small way, almost changing the complete element of the method!

  The obvious problem with the original 2nd edition system was the "Sporadic One" (with apologies to Ellis for that nomenclature).   Your "new" explanation does take some of that out of the equation.

  With that said, I believe I'll wait for Edition 3.0 to show up before doing any more testing or retesting of previous shoes.

  I WILL run the latest iteration of TUBS on any of the shoes that get posted by Alrelax as you seem to believe that my shoe history is suspect for some reason.  At least this way we'll have a valid, current live shoe to work with from time to time and as several of us have the system play in hand, we will be able to see if there are any problems between us.

  I'll save my further comments for a later date.


AD, I have 4 from last night and I am trying to close up soon and head to the casino tonight.  I will save them.  Will post them in the baccarat thread, no problem.  Thanks. I always mark the card up with "B" or "P" and I do it horizontal, if you want anything else, let me know.