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Messages - alrelax

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
April 06, 2017, 03:16:52 PM
So my partner calls me up this morning, here is the way the conversation went:

What are you doing?

Doing Stuff.

Ahh--Goofing off again?

No, getting stuff done.

Like What?

Important stuff.

Would love to know what the stuff is.

Well, if I have to tell you-you wouldn't understand.

So, you are saying I am unintelligent?

No, I didn't say that, you did.

Okay, if you must know--it's about placement of stuff, things like that, okay.

Placement of what stuff?


Placement of what stuff, I said?

Just stuff.

I want to know, really.


Good lord. you can't ever answer a question can you?

Okay--baccar (cough-cough) Um, Ummm, Traffic control devices and stuff like that.

Oh-Okay, talk to you later.


Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
April 06, 2017, 12:15:57 PM
WOW, this could be the world's absolute largest casino!  Someone just needs to step in, make a deal and renovate it!

Greece....The land of 'ruins', no???  What were they thinking?  Perhaps, and I am pretty sure--this is the world's largest blunder and waste of money! 

Anyway, this is really a great 'world's largest' casino in the making.  Huge casino floors, swimming pools and sun lounging.  Huge event center with tons of seating.  Oh well, just a thought.............

General Discussion / Re: Edit button
April 02, 2017, 07:54:05 PM
Really tough without an Edit function, especially with the problems of the board changing words when posted. I really think, at least I never say a board without, every board on the internet has an edit feature.
General Discussion / Re: Edit button
April 02, 2017, 12:02:32 AM
Still no edit button, mistakes all over the place, your board changes many of the words as we are posting and still have no way to correct them...................
Quote from: leoplold on March 29, 2017, 02:58:01 PM

I offer this to people who like to bet.

Oh, I love to bet!  I am not angry, only at Vic for the security features he put on and the spammers for their porn, I am not allowed to look at porn, are you a spammer? 

Other than that, I only get angry when the player next to me blows his nose onto the casino floor by placing a finger over one nostril and blowing real hard out the other, they do it at the baccarat table.  Then I might get angry. 
I have questions!

1)  Can I sell all my business equipment, skid loaders, dump trucks, traffic control signage and equip, excavators, vehicles, office equipment and shop/office, etc. and then just play this for a living???

2)  Can I make an easy $2,000.00  a day playing this without working???
General Discussion / Re: Posting sucks!
March 29, 2017, 12:51:54 PM
Too much problems to post, even the words, Still no edit. 

I will spend considerably less time, everything for the last hour plus an hour last night either will not post or is deleted as I post it.

I stop, have a great day Vic.  You board is bad, literally the worst.  Sorry, but true.
General Discussion / Posting sucks!
March 29, 2017, 12:48:13 PM
Seriously, whatever you did is bad!  Sorry Vic, I tried to post pictures but now the message 'Security Check' shows not safe.  I cannot stand this, time consuming and senseless waste of time!  100%!
General Discussion / Edit button
March 27, 2017, 12:49:43 PM
Vic, we really do need an edit button.  No way to correct mistakes after posting.  Also, much harder to post with knowing you have to get it right the first time, etc.  Also, once typing/posting we only have the one shot at it and the website still times out/defaults and upon posting cause of the amount of time-the post goes into default and wipes it out, etc.  Edit button will cure all of that. Thanks.
Roulette Forum / Re: Gambling, not gaming please
March 20, 2017, 12:18:50 PM
I remember most of the places in Las Vegas had 'Gambling' all over their outdoor facades and marques.  Today less and less.  I have not really noticed 'gambling' or 'gaming' on much of the advertising anywhere.  Quick scan of Google with Las Vegas Casino Ads and similar words/sayings---produces the old ones as I mentioned and lots of other ones without either words.  I looked at the ones I received in the mail the past couple of weeks for MGM, CET, Station chains and their is no mention to either gambling or gaming in the photos and headlines and sections. 
It is very dangerous indeed to win as most, the highest majority IMO at the north end of 90% will only up there trips, wagering amounts ad lose almost all good sense of what it is all about.  This article is so spot on it isn't even funny, it is dean-on factual modus operandi!!!!
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
March 14, 2017, 11:16:37 AM
Mine was dark blue and it was in Hollywood, FL.  I think, not sure it was a C-30??  Didn't have enough money for nice wheels, had those steel ones with the smaller chromed center hub cap (dented), god hated those wheels.  The wheels were painted white. LOL.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
March 14, 2017, 08:24:04 AM
I have some local casino friends of course, most of us do.  I love these people. So strong and obnoxious when they buy-in.  They ask what to do at times, then when you tell them and show them what you think--they go against it.  Then if they lose they get even more head strong, etc.  Then after they lose their buy-in and re-buy in's they come around again with the questions.  Now, I am up and getting ready to sit idle for a while or possibly leave.  They get to the point of seriously asking and I am usually out of answers or at that point I can't second guess with any kind of accuracy any longer, if you know what I mean.  LOL, it is like a repeating sitcom all the time.  Doesn't change much.