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Messages - alrelax

I went against what I said in attempt to reason but with you.....I will say it....go join Moguliztisu or whatever his name is at your local 7/11.

Good luck and may your multi million dollar fortune continue with your expert gambling and schooling!!!! :nod:
Quote from: Gizmotron on March 07, 2017, 11:10:21 AM
Anyway, the author says that patterns are predictable in the section title. He goes on to say there is no predictability based on probability, "Consequently each number has the same chance of selection in the next game..."

Probability will not tell you when a coincidence will occur and how long it will last. Therefore probability has nothing to do with prediction. Nobody can tell you how long a coincidence will last after it has begun.

ref; Mason Malmuth; "Gambling Theory and Other Topics" ; 2004

That is basically correct.  And it holds true for short term as I tried in other posts to define as 'Sections' with 'Turning Points', they almost never last half shoes or whole shoes, almost never, extremely rare as I also wrote about.  But once again, events, not numbers.  Numbers repeating themselves is also rare or we can also say--much rarer than events.  Events are clearly defined repetitively.  Numbers repeating themselves or causing events or subjective to a much rarer, series that is extremely hard to follow or predict as you say. 

Let me make it perfectly clear. Coincidences exist and they can be exploited as if they were predictable, even though they are never predictable.
You don't have to agree.

But he is correct about numbers.  Not events

Two huge and different areas of concern.  Numbers and Events.
Easier to read I guess:

I will not engage in this thread past posting a factual, correct and absolutely 'spot-on' definition by an author that is extremely talented and has fantastic books out there.

Here it is:

General Discussion / Re: Pledges to BetSelection.CC
March 06, 2017, 10:58:39 AM
Right on Ted!  Hey, if nothing else, $25.00 to meet me, darn--that's a great deal, no????


We are working on this Vic!
General Discussion / Pledges to BetSelection.CC
March 06, 2017, 09:45:24 AM
The board is excellent.

Most of the people here understand gambling or at least contribute in a positive way. 

I said most, not all.  At least it is a much higher majority as compared to the other boards that a pretty much all 'consumerish' when talking about gambling. 

I think we all need to contribute something here.  It cost Vic $$$ for time and equipment and there is not much return for him.  Something guys?!!!!!

Let's call March pledge month and send our pledges in by the first week of April......

I hope the majority of you are with me, thanks for your time.

I pledge $50.00.

Quote from: Gizmotron on January 24, 2017, 06:36:47 PM

Quote. Math will not tell you when a favorable coincidence will take place. So math must be left behind for coincidence. The key to winning is in exploiting the coincidences that occur everyday in casinos.

Exactly, 1,000% something that many and I mean the highest majority will never understand or subscribe to.  See it all the time, and although--different aspects occur all the time, they leave all those calculating whatever it was they were in bewilderment!  Spot on!

Quote from: ADulay on February 28, 2017, 09:55:45 PM
Wow!  BMW makes cars, too!  That's great.


Nice!  All the more reason Vic should step up and make sure we all have BMW's!
Yep, I was going to ask for a Ferrier or a Maserati but I know Vic's a little tight right now, so I toned it down!!   :whistle:
Scratch the Cognac, you owe me a BMW, any model, 2016 or newer.  Thanks.  :thumbsup:
Don't you offer cases of Louis the 13th?? (Cognac)
In fact, I asked the other 6 people here.  4 are younger and internet tech hounds and 2 about my age, half way done with life, LOL.  The 2 my age say they hate it and turns them off.  The other 4, 3 say they cannot stand it and about the same as me, only if they absolutely have to read something and the other one has no problem with it.  But he is a slow poke and takes an hour do drink a cup of coffee anyway. LOL...
So darn annoying!  I will NOT read anything like those any longer, perhaps something really super interesting or something I have to, but out of 100 things I would have opened, probably will not 90-95 from now on.
I am extremely curious as to why so many of the internet news stories load their pages 'horizontal' instead of the always 'vertical' way.  Used to be, all stories loaded and you just paged down to read and did not have to keep clicking to load another page repeatedly.  Now, lots are loading where it appears you kind of move sideways towards the right and you have to go page to page to page.  I generally see that now and just click off.  Yesterday there was a story I just had to read.  Took 24 pages/loads to read the little bit on each page of course.  I can only assume I was registered clicking on their page like 24 or 25 times??  What a pain in the rear!