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Messages - alrelax

Alrelax's Blog / YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
July 08, 2016, 10:04:48 PM
Hello, and welcome to my Blog--Our Blog! 

We are progressive here, knowledgeable and forward thinking!  Please share your positive and progressive knowledge in a respectful and adult way. 

Most will be welcomed and a few are not.

Cussing, demeaning, belittling and humiliating overtones are certainly prohibited. 

With that said, again-welcome.
Total amazement, how 4 on this board claim to know everything about everyone member here.  At least 3 of the 4 claim I have lost millions of dollars and numerous other things while gambling.  They say it with conviction, knowledge, supposedly witnessing it, etc., etc. 

I have won lots of money in the past 3 plus decades and I have lost plenty of buy-in's as well.  It doesn't matter the total figure, either way.  I put it on my little son's life, I have never kept records more than an occasional W-2G from gambling wins (due to a few slot machine once in a while) or an occasional years 'Win=Loss' from a casino for tax purposes.  I have no cumulative figures or records, none.

It doesn't matter to me, I don't gamble for a living and I have no desire or time to maintain records.  I have enough problem doing that in the business world, where I have to.  It doesn't mean anything to me.

But like I said, 3 of the 4 members on this board will come on, write something and with 1,000,000% conviction attempt to degrade, humiliate and chastise myself.  Pretty much they are jealous, bored out of their own worthless and pitiful life's or they have nothing constructive whatsoever to write about.

I have said it before, a simple fix for those four would be just to simply skip what I write, post or blog about.  In my everyday life I do the same thing, we all do in some fashion or form anyways.  We don't answer a call, we don't return an email, we throw away some letters or advertisements without opening when the mail comes, we skip a TV channel, we don't buy a book because the author is a jerk-off, etc., and so on.  So these four members hate me so much with pure vengeance, the simple answer for their satisfaction would be to skip anything to do with myself.  But they don't and won't.  Sorry, not made up, that is a real and factual event around here.  LOL, to the max!

What makes these four people hell bent and take their valuable time out of their day to concoct, twist, turn, and partially fabricate their stories with such conviction and energy?  Out of my heart, I feel sorry for them, seriously. 
Personally, I have never got mad at another playing for turning over the cards, say I returned a natural 8 for the Players and then he flops over a 9.  Some people will actually get mad at those players in that type of situation.  Personally, I would not, honestly. 

However, if he acted like a douc*ebag in the way he did it and knowing what he had, I might say something.  But that's just the Italian end of me coupled from being around The Bronx quite a bit. 

There is a reason why I do things, and that reason is---I enjoy doing it. 
I cannot understand why people will continually devote their valuable time, resources and their self-admitted extreme knowledge and wisdom to topics they don't enjoy and/or find interesting, or likewise-the OP's author and stances. 

To me, life is just too short.  If I don't like the person or agree or find some reason for common ground-I rather just skip it or go the other way.  Especially on a message board such as this.

I truly get a better picture of the signs hanging in the physical world now, such as 'No Trespassing', 'Private-Stay Out' and 'Do Not Disturb'.  More so than before, I wholeheartedly understand those people hanging them now. 

Back a bit ago I used to be partners in a strip-bar in New Jersey.  Countless times I witnessed and saw almost each and every one coming.  Those that got sucker punched or had a glass pitcher whacked on the side of their heads by the people they butted into the conversation with and just couldn't take the advise giving to them, 'walk away'.

What ever happened to the old saying, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all"???

Like someone going to great lengths to find a word a poster uses and then completely arbitrarily post something along the following, "Hey so and so, don't you know the word 'XYZ' is really supposed to be 'ABC', gheez what a dummy".  Kicker is: The word the poster attempting to belittle the OP about was actually used in the correct context!

Kind of reminds me about driving down the interstate between 75-80 mph just a tad bit above the speed limit.  The car behind, flashing its high beam lights and right up on my bumper.  Not a sole around.  Finally the car passes.  Gets back over in front of me.  About 2 miles down the road the car drops to 70 mph. 

I was standing outside in front of my house the other night.  Just got home, checked the mail and put garbage out for the following morning, etc.  The next door neighbor, whom is an elderly gentleman and not the favorite guy on the block---was outside side trying to start his lawn mower.  He is about a third paralyzed from when he was in the military and my other neighbors for some reason really don't much like him.  I had no problems with the guy since I have been living next to him.  I took his lawn mower from him, started it and mowed his lawn.  It is not huge and took about 20 min's from start to finish anyways.  When I finished, I saw two other neighbors standing there eyeballing me and talking amongst themselves.  Yeah right, whatever. 

The list goes on................

Quote from: Babu on July 01, 2016, 05:50:42 PM
Good point.  Their APPROACH is NOT mechanical.  It also requires the player to make a judgment on how much to bet.  The player may bet one amount on a certain count and probably will bet a different amount on the exact same count on another day.   Does anyone know the exact winning figure?  A few years ago, I did some research but not sure now reliable those sources are.  If I could remember correctly, they deploy about 60 players and they won x amount.  When I did the math, each person earned way less than 6 figures a year.  They probably make more getting a job with less stress.   While the wins they posted on weekends and overall wins were impressive, others have done similar perhaps by only luck.  Also according to certain sources, they were wagering large amounts the win isn't all that impressive.  It is overall impressive when you think that they end up winning instead of losing over all the years.  Most of the guys end up making more money working and starting their own business.

I believe that the APPROACH is the only way to win.  Players shouldn't expect to win crazy amounts either.  Unless you're consistently trying to use a progression to end a streak or pattern, I find it very difficult to keep track of where you are in the progression.  This is why I deploy the same approach as the MIT guys.  As far as bet selection goes, I also have triggers.  I did some research and most sources pointed out there there were not a lot of triggers even when counting cards.  The hardest part to implement is patiently waiting for those few trigger hands.  If you can't wait for them and just bet, that's where you will get in trouble.  I don't know if I'm being delusion on the matter of trigger handS but they served me well.  Notice I capitalize the "S".   Like card counters in BJ, they will not know the exact hand to bet large.  They just know the time when the count is good and they rely on the STRETCH that the count is good over several hands and not just one hand.  In order to make money on those stretch before the count change, you will need money to overcome.  NO FLAT BET WILL WIN YOU GAMES (Many have claim that they can do it but none have dared to show some proof).

I usually lose when I can't wait for those triggers.  The ability to wait for them, bet accordingly without getting too distracted is amazingly hard to do.

It is the same exact thing in a legitimate service business.  Emergency work Vs. Bided work, regular client that will pay no questions asked within 7 to 10 days after the job is complete Vs. say an insurance company for an insured that will take 3 to 6 months to pay after invoice audit and extended negations to wear down the business personnel, etc.  Tactic employed like those work!  Sucks.  The same job with a 70% profit margin and 5 day payment agreement will also be your next 10% profit job (if lucky) after waiting 5 months for payment and having $40k or more laid out (Out of Pocket Expenses) to get the job complete.  Same thing, no different in gambling.  Oh, lord, how about those invoices no one will pay even with a law suit, a judgment paper is still worthless against almost all people that refuse to pay in the business world. 
I don't really know if there is anything similar here (???), but something comes to mind of 'easy money' in the way of selling/retail.  The seller choose not to deliver cars that he was the recipient of bank loans for and the other cars he did deliver, but only one little problem, he did not have the titles for them they were consigned.  Although a few people were able to bring the cars out of state and get new fresh titles on them because in certain states if you buy a car legitimately from a licensed car dealer with no knowledge that anything is owed on it, that act takes precedent over the previous financing and encumbered title.  But anyway, this all comes to mind with buyer/seller transactions. 


As far as Thorp goes, it is not a mechanical 'sure bet' system by any means, at times it might work and at other times it might not.  There is no guarantee.
Same thing in baccarat with progressions, money management and wagering triggers.  Plains and simple, no two ways about it.
I have disagreed with you Albalaha, but don't dislike you or attempt to pick you apart and make myself a national achieved classic Herero for virtually living inside of a casino and attempting to discredit everything or anything you write about, technical or otherwise.  From he beginning, technical and mechanical systems are not 'my thing' as my believes, desires and nature is somewhat interested and desirous of other things within the casino, most times anyways. 

I guess back to basics, if I don't like eggs and bacon I would not order it or look at it, let alone eat it.  If I don't want to laugh, I don't watch the Comedy Channel or find a joke to read on the internet.    Simple, no?

Something I don't understand.  Maybe never will.  Shy of anything mandated in school or a technical or college course, why would someone become upset and vengeful against an author?  Be it a book or even posting in a Blog on something as 'voluntary' and 'not mandated' reading, such as this forum?

It appears that another person on this board is so outraged at me, he feels the need to explain himself and vindicate his blasts, reasoning's, experience and hatred towards me.  Fine, all good.  In my heart, I still wish him the best of luck in his huge plays, tireless long repetitive hours, each and every day, while he plays his tens of thousands of shoes a year. 

I have stopped writing on here for a while for various reasons and one of them was the outright disrespect by others.  But hey, I still listen to my father that past away a while ago, something along the simple lines of, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything".  Although I am not perfect, I try to do that. 

If someone posts something on another thread and I really don't like it or really don't agree, I try not to get myself furious and worked up over it to ruin my day, which apparently happened to the other person on here.  However, someone that repeatedly comes into my 'room' and attempts to blast and berate and chastise, I rather they just stay away.  I rather not get involved with that person.  One would honestly think, if what I write is so upsetting to them, they would not even come by here?  But obviously not.

As far as coming back on here, Vic asked me too as well as several other members.  As far as memories, yes--a bit of my anecdotes, analogies and humor is derived from those and as well, cherished in certain ways.  Do I have a golden monkey, yes, absolutely!  I write what I have done, I write my thoughts and opinions based upon my experiences and actual play.  I write about locals and things and not the super technical about some kind of bet selection process based upon the test of 1,000,000 shoes dealt within a computer program and then inventing some 30 or greater progression to attempt to stay in the game while on horrible losing streaks. 

I was around the baccarat scene long before the movement of today with the Midi/Macau style tables and score boards and it was a much better game with lots more winners than today. I guess what I am trying to say, at least personally, I myself rather engage and talk to the trucker at the truck stop that has been driving since the 80's rather than the gentlemen that just started three years ago.  Time is valuable and nothing against the newbie whatsoever, just personally I like numerous experienced viewpoints rather than  hearing the mundane, 'he said and she said and I know everything' type of conversation.   

You know when I go to Vegas, I enjoy talking to the floor people at Caesar's Palace that has been working in Vegas since the 70's and 80's rather then the guy over at Aria that just graduated from college ad is trying to save up by dealing table games so he can open his computer store somewhere.  I rather speak to the 50 to 70 year old crowd playing at the tables and learn about some off strip wonderful family restaurant rather then the couple on a honeymoon at Cosmopolitan and hear about them eating at some unintelligent celebrity chef restaurant with overpriced food swimming in sauce where they had to wait 3 hours in line to get in so they could be rushed out. 

Libraries are full of books, if someone has such a burning desire that he has to read everything within the room, he will certainly find product that is not his liking and disagrees with, how one handles that is certainly reflective upon his person. I don't get into science fiction and certain other areas---so I just skip those books because I already know I will not enjoy them. 

One other thing, I have always-always-always had a career or owned a business.  I am proud of that and not that I envy or wish to be a full time professional (whatever professional really means in this case) gambler, I am not.  I run a business through my own choosing and gamble for various other reasons when I feel like.   I can only assume if you are a full-time 'professional' gambler when you read things on these boards you would be more apt to take them to heart and find no humor, entertainment or 'food for thought' from what you read.  Your mind frame would be only, looking for that holy grail and new avenues to finally beat the casino during those tens of thousands of hours you invest into your professional and technical work, sitting and waiting, within the casino.  I can only imagine the mind frame of a full time professional gambler.  Maybe, just maybe(?)< I got my answer as to why the flip flop and the chastising and rage.  A possible bad couple of days?  A bad week?  Lost everything?  I really would have to believe that or something along those lines as I have become the proverbial whipping boy for such a man of honor, accomplishment and misunderstood achievement. Think about it for a second, someone actually sits, looking at other players and all the while degrading and belittling them as worthless gamblers never learning the game or their own self worth.  Then at the end of this 'professional gamblers' day he retreats to his home and continues the berating and humiliating on his computer over the internet.  According to his own admissions, he has found the key to beating the casino at baccarat which is basically playing twenty or better shoes each and every day adding to the low count of 50,000 plus shoes he has already profitably played. The story goes on....and on.....and on....., let me take a break here I have to go take a walk outside the office to laugh rather hard. 

But, back to my original point.  If I pick up a book and skim through it and don't like for some reason, I don't buy it.  If I bought that book and start reading it and find it repulsive, untrue or perhaps a poor work of fiction that I am not entertained by, I put it down and move on.  I don't go picket the store or the authors hangout.  If someone comes in my room or on another thread and challenges me based on what he states is the absolute truth and I know it to be false or so unbelievable, I might or might not say something.  In the case that brought all this about, I believe the person truly enjoys picking a fight and trying to squash someone, when there is really no point whatsoever to the fight. 

If a player can't get through the short run he will never get to the long run. 

Large and lengthy progressions at baccarat is the most absurd thing ever.  The most patient players and those with large bankrolls will hit it extremely hard and quick in short blasts.  Such as 1-3-2-6 or 1-5-10-20.  At least the ones I am acquainted with and the more successful ones. 

You can come up with these 25 or 28 or 32 hand progressions, but they will fail the upper, and I mean upper like 99% or more of the time.

This game can not be won playing long repetitive hours on a consistent basis.  Not by you, not by me not by anyone. 
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: There is no CWB
June 21, 2016, 11:56:08 AM
True, 1,000,000% there is no, and never will be a constant or consistent winning trend/bias.  Yes, also true, what happens in one portion of the shoe may or may not happen in the another portion of the same shoe.  Like wise, the same bias might follow for the whole shoe and the next one or two shoes.

Play what the shoe is producing. 

If you are reading or writing on this board, you are doing either that or the opposite of that. 

Fact is, you are not truly, each and every time, flipping a coin or flat betting one side with no observation at the board or your own score card.  If you are, you are looking for a bias anyways, the one side or either side you are wagering on to prevail through winning more then the other. 

The O.P. statement is the same as a written law on the books.  This is what you are supposed to do or don't do, 100% of the time.  What people do is entirely different.

But to sit here and write what you did, I am sorry, not reality and not correct.  But I will say, admit and put it on anyone's life including my own, their is no consistent and constant winning wager that can happen each and every time or even the majority of times it appears.   
Quote from: 21 Aces on May 27, 2016, 07:44:56 PM

Only seen 1 dealer, 1 floor manager, 1 banker type tables.

I was referring to the original bac tables, that is all that was around except for Mini which was usually always in the main floor.  The bac tables used to be where the players handled and maintained the shoe (as long as they made a Banker winning decision, passed the shoe clockwise when a Player came out) and dealt the cards, etc. 

There are still some left, C.P. in Vegas has 1 or 2 but offers the option to run them Macau/Midi style or original style, depending on what the players desires, Bellagio has one, there are a few other places, most got rid of them or have them in the rear private saloons behind the high limit pits, etc.
You have no idea of what was happening prior to the 2008/2009 crash of the economy.  Especially with the smaller high limit pits in Atlantic City.  They all had the large 14 player seating tables with the 2 floor people-1 at each end and the 3 dealers on one game.  It was busy and although there was no back betting involved, none, there was lots of money.  It got so bad at times, players would just call out at times "Player takes table max" and then the dealer would call it out and then they would not have to break down the wager to check it.  If you had say $10,800 out on a $10,000 max table, they would break it down after the hand, win or lose the overage of the $800 back.  Likewise there was lots for the floor people to watch including players handing each other money and chips, etc.

Seemed on the busier weekend nights, they would be stopping the game at least once a shoe to run the camera and wait for the results.  Never wrong, not that I witnessed anyways.
AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 26, 2016, 05:49:40 PM
When the board is not predominately 2's or doubles, I like to wager the opposite after a single that prevailed, then if there was a double, I stick on the side that was the double. 

Single, wager other side
Double, wager the same side and stick until it falls off. 
Weddings / Re: Profit sharing with me
May 25, 2016, 07:56:48 PM
So whatever happened????

Really guys, I don't change, I still gamble I still go to Vegas and play baccarat around the Midwest.

What happened to this 'solid' guy?????    Hello........................... ???
AsymBacGuy / Re: A progression that can't lose
May 25, 2016, 05:59:12 PM
Quote from: Babu on May 25, 2016, 05:53:25 PM
How do we know when opportunity is there?  Whenever I notice opportunity, it usually disappears more than not. 

That is correct.  The are there and then they are not, and everything in between.