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Messages - alrelax

General Discussion / Re: New forum starting - sort of
December 31, 2014, 11:43:45 PM
Quote from: XXVV on December 31, 2014, 10:29:41 PM
Re HSBC and banksters... excellent example. Compare also the RBS et al. who actually have been shown to have a dirty tricks division to 'assist' problem customers only to have a hidden agenda which sucks defaulting businesses into a black hole for re-packaging and processing. Similar ethical principles to packaged junk bonds. All came to a head in 2008, but of course has now re-continued and reached ever new lows which can guarantee 2015 will be a year of much social unrest in Europe, and a likely replay of 2008/9 only messier.

You might like to draw inferences to HSBC but I couldn't possibly comment...you might find the Moderators/ Admin act quite quickly when it comes to risk of upsetting litigious entities with printing presses producing fiat currency 24/7.  The cracks are starting to show however in that game.

For those who do care about where all this is heading access Keiser Report on RT.com.  That will be bound to upset some people.
Also look into the Economics of Happiness and crypto currencies that leave the banksters stranded. Helena Norberg-Hodge is a beautiful multi-lingual Swedish Economist who is based in my old hometown in Devon. Watch this space.

All the above is one reason that I value casinos.

Back to the Blog.....

I didn't make that up, it was all in the daily NY presses about HSBC 'close banking ties' with organized crime entities of Asia.  Their take over/buy-out was held up until certain contingency's were met with those relationships, etc.  Reminds me of New Jersey's CCC (casino control commission) forever forbidding MGM from having a NJ Gaming License because of Pansy Ho's father, Stanley and that relationship over in China. 

( just Google or Bing "HSBC ties to organized crime in China) Plenty of references, this is not fiction.
General Discussion / Re: New forum starting - sort of
December 31, 2014, 08:37:44 PM
Quote from: XXVV on December 31, 2014, 08:14:24 PM
. That HSBC actually hosted the fraudulent account at Brighton was an inspired PR spin coup for them...

Oh well, back to the Blog...

Are you talking about Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation?  If so, they bought out the New York mega bank back in the early 90's of Marine Midland Bank based in Buffalo, NY.  I was a major vendor contractor for them in their MMAFC Marine Midland Automotive Finance Corporation which was the largest USA non-captive automotive and equipment financing company, second and third only to GMAC and FMCC, etc.  They immediately sold off many portfolios that Marine Midland A.F. had and had my company repo and liquate thousands of vehicles and off-lease vehicles and then closed the companies and refused to pay us--saying we were contractors of Marine Midland and not HSBC.  Lawyers made lots of fees for 2.5 years in court, what a great way to come into America.  Got paid about 40 cents on the dollar, this was about the same time the feds were having a field day in NYC Chinatown with the 5 major Asian crime gangs, lots of it linked back to and through HSBC accounts and personnel (as reported in all the NYC media at that time and you can Google or Bing HSBC and Asian Organized Crime and see what is happening or happened in numerous countries. They have a long history of ties to O.C. in China.  Karma I guess.
General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year 2015!!
December 31, 2014, 04:24:32 PM
From the American side of my family, Happy N.Y. to all and all the best. 

2015-Do more for the abused and neglected children which are the innocent and unfair victims of their parents or guardians!!

The majority of my immediate family celebrates Feb 18th and we will do the formalities then.  Good wishes to all and that means all of you, each and every one! 

General Discussion / Re: New forum starting - sort of
December 31, 2014, 03:26:31 AM
Well said XXVV, 110%. I have questioned my own existence here as it seems to have caused a few (how many more is what I am after) to get snippy and crude, most certainly they would like to see me gone.  If it's the common goal amongst users/members, I will only be too happy to comply.  Hence my poll, short and to the point. 
General Discussion / Re: New forum starting - sort of
December 29, 2014, 09:03:48 PM
Quote from: TheCaviarKid on December 29, 2014, 07:57:04 PM
Most of the roulette forums look to be dying on their feet IMO.

RF.cc=fits and starts
rouletteforum.com=always was a joke and still is
betselectioncc=on life support

They all resemble a bad marriage nowadays  :)) Nobody talks and it's usually only to argue.

Sorry I had nothing constructive to add.

I forgot roulette 30 which was bad because Kav has made a good effort in putting together some informative pages. [smiley]aes/thumb.png[/smiley]

You don't think that this mimic's the tables these days??
General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas 2014!!
December 25, 2014, 07:02:22 PM
A super Merry Christmas to all!
General Discussion / Re: Let's be gentler to each other
December 21, 2014, 05:04:24 PM
I hereby state that any transactions between Victor and I, are confidential and Victor can use the funds in any way he sees fit, board wise or otherwise.  I cannot state it any clearer than that.  In other words, it is no one's business except that of Victor's, period.  I support the board and I have made payments to Victor for the board and otherwise.  Topic closed, case closed, matter closed.
The Asian do more so in gambling than Caucasians from my experiences.  As I said it is non gambling as well.  Everything from dreams, to the weather, to what you may step in while walking to or from your car, etc.  There is lots more but hate to hear the comments so I won't go into detail. It is very much part of their lives.
I clicked on the link, don't have time to spend hours reading it.  But, in reality I have lots of Asians in my family (not Chinese) and the level of superstition and belief in related areas are generally higher than I have witnessed in Caucasians. Not just in gambling but in everyday matters as well. 
Fear, General Discussion, and the relation to gambling is................I'm okay betting table max at times at $10k or $15k, whatever, no fear---none whatsoever, sometimes I want to wring the guy's neck who is peeking at the cards, anticipation......but no fear, so I bared my soul to see if anyone had a magical fix for what I do fear. 
I hear you I didn't take offense to anything said, I do have a form called "Field Notes" that does get notated as an official record for each file.  The past year the State Patrol and some select Sherriff's have been enforcing the Move Over laws, at times. 

It's totally amazing with the or State Troopers or County Police gone and the huge scene still there how many motorists will do say 70MPH in a 55 or 65 MPH zone to begin with and those limits are without the emergency situation.  With the police cars present, it's a whole different, 'I'm a good motorist story'.

There are a few states, I think Indiana might be one, that has the 'kill a highway worker' and it's a felony with a 14 year minimum mandatory prison sentence.
Quote from: sqzbox on December 15, 2014, 10:57:02 PM
Al - you ask "how can writing that down in a journal help?". I'm surprised at you! You claim to be a professional at what you do and the fear you have expressed is based on real experience so - how can you NOT try to mitigate this circumstance? Writing it down in a journal is good for both you AND your peers and co-workers. It provides a of experience, number 1, from which others in your business can learn. Number 2, consider mitigating factors - you can scan the scene with this particular fear in mind and do any number of things - put people on flag duty, put flashing lights in the direction of on-coming traffic, put wheel spikes after the barrier and before the scene, increase the brightness of lights.  Jeez - and I'm not even an expert in your business!

Great constructive answer!  In response.  We are all conscious of this #1 hazard/danger working on an interstate/2 or 4 lane highway, etc.  Flaggers are frowned upon and disallowed in most of everything we do because of the 'liability' of a person engaging in a roadway, etc., we are not a construction site is the reason.  Every vehicle we have has LED bar lights, strobes, etc., at times we have to turn them off--just too much and in conjunction with DOT and the State Patrols.  We do put a blocker vehicle after the lane taper if we are taking out a lane.  But the problem of crashes has seldom or ever been someone crashing through a barrier and continue straight up to the work zone, etc.  It has been sideways or veering off their open lane somewhere between the taper/lane closure and the work zone.  Warning signs and closures start at 1.4 miles back front the work zone.  Lights, well technically we can not work after sunset unless we are talking about an emergency with something that just happened.  Well proven facts on the highway, lights whether flashing or solid attracts drunks and drivers in a stupor, so darned if you do and darned if you don't tape of thing.  Then the police, county or state is usually there for the first hour and then they demand traffic control so they can leave.  It is not as easy as it sounds.   
Quote from: Dane on December 15, 2014, 07:44:01 AM
I don´t know if a few old quotes from his Bobness can help you. Anyway:

The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence.

"I´ve got a thousand telephones that don´t ring. Do you know how I can get rid og this thing?
And Louis the king said "Let me think for a minute, son..Yes. I think it can be easily done:
Just take everything down to Highway 61".
                                                                      (Bob Dylan)

I heard that song a million times I think.  I looked it up in WIKI under "Highway 61 Revisited" and the explanation is downright awesome/scary.  BTW----as I feared Highway 61 runs through my state!!!!!  Well don't know whether to thank you are smash my computer screen.  I am pondering my next move as I type.  Adding LED's to the florescent green or plastering the bulls eye on my back????
Nothing to do with gambling, just work. 

My fear is the interstate and highways.  I was pushed out of the way of a car that crashed into our wreck scene which was illumined by all the emergency vehicles present, but of course the lady driving 75mph or better failed to see the interstate filled of stopped vehicles with all kinds of blue and red lights flashing.  That was a few years ago.  Since then, it has been a fear of mine, my only fear.  Yesterday, a co-worker was killed by a car at a current scene we were working on the highway.  Yes the driver was arrested for endangering highway workers (a felony) and reckless driving, talking on a cell phone while driving, and homicide.  Now I am even more fearful than ever.  How is writing this down in a book going to help????
SO, what the original poster is saying, they are attempting to sell a program that illegally cheats, at best, if it works and so on and so on.