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Messages - alrelax

SO???   Almost everyone and I do believe you (the person reading this) would be wagering the average way almost all of you do on Baccarat as well.  Which is: Playing for the cut, the cut that might be 30 hands or spins away.  So, what's it matter>???
Quote from: gr8player on December 11, 2014, 05:44:14 PM

I've never made more money, calculated over the long term, than when I actually LOWERED my base units sizes.  Loosely translated:  The LESS that I bet (size-wise) the MORE dollars I'm able to procure over the long term of my play. 

Stay well.

To a certain point if we are talking about the same thing.

I used to play larger and a bit more haphazardly, but the wins when they came were always larger and longer.  Now I play a slight bit smaller than before and less haphazardly, but the wins when they come are not quite as large or as long. 
General Discussion / Re: Real play
December 11, 2014, 07:21:31 PM
Quote from: warrior on December 10, 2014, 12:43:57 PM
Real play in live casino is only for the elite because there are so many distraction and if you don't have a solid method and discipline to stay focus then play on line but those places are not to be trusted.

To a certain point and coupled with the wrong acquaintances at a casino-YES that can be vital to the extraction of all the cash in your pockets.  HOWEVER, on the flip side, with the right acquaintances and support you can very nicely line your pockets with the casino's money! Personally during the 2000's the number of serious players have dwindled only to be replaced by today's rude-crude-know it all-unfriendly and disturbingly lacking serious knowledge type of players.  Not all-just most.  Sad but true. 
They told me I would find the real Santa here!
General Discussion / Re: Long live BetSelection comunity!
December 10, 2014, 08:27:41 AM
Some of the tabs you carry are garbage.
Quote from: Bayes on December 03, 2014, 06:27:10 PM
Basically, it's saying that what is true in "the long term" is also true in the short term, which isn't the case.

Long term may or may not happen in the corresponding long term results record being recorded as you play.  Likewise the short term results may or may not happen according to previously recorded short term results while you play the short term.

I still say play 2,000 or 5,000 or 10,000 shoes and the results will always be different.  In random games, they factually have to be.   
Dozen/Column / Re: The most dangerous roulette bet
December 04, 2014, 02:46:22 PM
Now I am starting to understand a bit.  My experience dictates $500.00 or $1,000.00 and higher on the first wager.  A whole different perspective now.
Dozen/Column / Re: The most dangerous roulette bet
December 04, 2014, 01:49:56 PM
I am really curious and PLEASE no degradation or humiliation or pun needed in response:

What units do you guys wager with all this progression???

Are we talking $5.00/$10.00 as a starting wager or are we talking hundreds or thousands as a starting first wager??

Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Gambler's Conceit
November 24, 2014, 07:55:49 AM
What happened to all the 'Systems' that will allow one to win repeatedly and over the long run????  I am confused! 
General Discussion / Re: Gambler's Conceit
November 23, 2014, 07:23:03 PM
The other thing, and this applies not only to this author-but many others, what makes David Ewing's explanation and thoughts gospel???

Myself, I always ask questions and ask why someone says something when it is published and why that would be gospel, believed or should be followed upon or acted on. 
General Discussion / Re: Gambler's Conceit
November 23, 2014, 07:20:04 PM
So, I am wondering, is this only for Gambling in your mind or does it apply to *Working, *Sex, *Eating, *Bowling, *Model Building, *Sporting Games, *Garage Sales, *Attempting to Set Records, etc., etc., and so on?
General Discussion / Re: Let's be gentler to each other
November 22, 2014, 06:17:36 PM
Jokes, a twist here and there, stretching the truth  and all those things, in gist and good-hearted nature are fine.

When someone slanders and lies it's a whole other ballgame.  Everything I posted (jokes or pretense/pretext post or two aside) was factual, truthful and the experiences I have realized over the years. 

I have no position here and no status, never claimed any and never sought any.  It was merely the one and a couple of others that apparently took offense and found the need to chastise and attempt to discredit (?) if that's the right word, my adventure (misadventures) with Paypal.
General Discussion / Re: Let's be gentler to each other
November 22, 2014, 09:47:47 AM
Quote from: Rolex-Watch on November 22, 2014, 05:07:23 AM
  I just found it ironic/funny that you never did (due to paypal or otherwise), then you finally donate $20.

Pssst, I don't have a problem, this isn't my board and don't twist what I write.

Another outright lie-made up dribble and rubbish written by someone that has a driven need to state things that are completely false

For all to see and witness, A 100% LIE.

The truth>>> I donated prior to this $50.00 pledge that is in the works to complete and for those of you who have not followed this absolutely absurd drama-I do not maintain an active Paypal account with funds in it.  I choose to pledge and then fund an inactive account with a source of 'non-instant' (i.e. prepaid card) funding source that takes several days/a week or so to become credited to use. 

I DID NOT twist your words, I merely highlighted the lie you choose to spread about me for the record, thank you.

General Discussion / Re: Let's be gentler to each other
November 22, 2014, 09:43:21 AM
My final say-so on this unintelligent subject you blown up is that, the correlation between lifestyle, material things, employment-business and personal assets has absolutely zip to do with donating to a on-line community I have no financial or ownership or partnership stake in.  Couple with it being a non essential service or a non profit group and a hundred other things.

Also your statement about me never donating before is also False-Slander-Erroneous and simple dribble form your mouth. 

I ask you please do not comment on me or anything I wrote on the board as you stir the pot without truthful facts or knowledge.  You sir, are the reason they have private clubs and organizations with memberships and references and voting to allow in or disregard.  There is no need to attempt top match public service, private donations, background, professional ties or concern for others with me as I DO NOT WITH YOU!   
General Discussion / Re: Let's be gentler to each other
November 22, 2014, 01:40:26 AM
Quote from: Rolex-Watch on November 21, 2014, 11:47:42 PM
Vic, this a gambling site is it not?

Incidently I found it rather weird that when a member makes a donation, not only does he feel the need to mention it, after which proceeds to make a thread about it (oh look at me), besides being $30 shy of what the $50,000 ~ $10000k per buyin member promised, so hopefully that will be forthcoming also.  ?


What is your problem???? Seriously what is it???  I make zero $$$  from this board and do not have or market any silly system whatsoever.  All I did was throw out there the possibility of having a gambling/system/product/book consumer end to a trade show that I am part of promoting at a strip casino property in Vegas but with the lack of interest from anyone or anyone having a viable marketable product here, I choose to pull down the inquiry and concentrate only on the tourist end of it with local Vegas businesses. 

Other than that, I choose to step up to the plate and put some small money into 'YOUR' board that your guys seem so attached to. 

You are the one that accused me of welching and being a slug, not I about you.  SO tell me, what is your damned problem?????

And the ONLY reason I posted publically about fulfilling my end of my 'promise' was the garbage and lie you posted, PERIOD.  You got on here and made me look like a piece of Cr*p, you made something up, put it out there and slandered.  Plain and simple.  Now you turn it around and still make me look that way.  All I did was put a little bit of my own bucks in this and that's it. 

You remind me of the drunk that had his car impounded last weekend by my sister towing company.  He got out of jail this morning and came to get his car.  When he got to the office he started yelling and screaming and saying we had no right to have his car and he demanded it back without paying the $375.00 fees.  He was asked politely to leave because of his attitude.  He refused.  Law enforcement arrived and he was trespassed warned.  He left and the police left.  A couple hours later he returns.  Police arrived back once again. Handcuffs went on him and two new crimes he was charged with.  A 30 day hold went on his vehicle as well for evidence.  $35.00 a day storage when he comes back in 31 plus days.

Also----I do not use Paypal to gamble, I bank wire the funds to the property prior to arrival.  Because Vic needed funds to secure the new board and I pledged those funds, all this started.  I don't live on Paypal, I don't gamble on-line, I work 18 hours at a min per day--if not more.  I am in a rural part of the country/state, I don't have access to instant things like metro areas do and things take me a few extra days. 

So I ask again, what is your problem???????