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Messages - alrelax

Here it is even simpler.  My PayPal was exhausted, I had to transfer funds into from a bank account.  No matter if a bank account is linked or not, it takes a few days.  In my case I had to add another bank account to fund my Payapl.  Where I reside there is no place to buy a prepaid card at a store to add instant funds to Paypal. 

Off-topic / Re: When will the new forum open?
November 21, 2014, 07:36:09 PM
Quote from: Rolex-Watch on November 20, 2014, 08:37:30 PM
WHAT??  So you donated $50 via a paypal account which has no bank account linked to it??

Talk about a welshing on a gift!!!

You have NO IDEA what you are accusing me of and NO RIGHT to say what you did.  No one on my end so called 'welched' on a donation promise. 

I have no idea why I am explaining this to a nothing person, but- my Paypal account had a out of state bank where I used to live and cannot deposit cash into at the moment and I was in the process of adding another bank account and Paypal has to make a couple small deposits and verify, etc.  I am waiting for the verification and load to the account.  Why am I even explaining this to you???   Money already sent to Vic.

OH BTW, I sold on Ebay for years and NEVER had a bank account linked to it.  I had a Paypal debit card to withdraw from an ATM if I wanted to.  Anyone can have a Paypal account with an email address only, check it out. 
Off-topic / Re: When will the new forum open?
November 19, 2014, 02:13:59 AM
Mine is 'pending' according to PAYPAL I can only assume cause I had to transfer some funds from a bank account to PayPal and that takes a few days, that is very common and the short waiting time is always quoted at 3-5 days according top PayPal.  This is the first breather I had since Sat night as the weather here has been snow, ice, high winds and lots of work on he interstate.  My guys could not handle it all.  Rolled over and jacked knife semi tractor trailers with haz mat spill releases, plenty of them.  The wind chill has been below zero, dangerously cold for us working outside.  So, I am sure you will receive the funds this week, will let you know when the available balance is there to fund it.  Thanks, Alrelax.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: "BEST BETTING QUOTES"
November 16, 2014, 02:59:53 AM
"If you can't afford to lose.....stay out of the casino".
On another note, "Book Smart".  Oh my lord!  Book smart and similar is great, but it sucks in the real world.  I have meet many that were so technically smart and 'know it all's', but their application ratio of that data was zero.

To me it's nice to know some stats and know some names, but I rather have the practical experience as it relates to whatever subject/field I am engaged in, no matter what it is. 

There is a distinct and separate compartment for 'book knowledge' and another very real one for  'experience/application'.
Quote from: Bayes on November 15, 2014, 02:04:10 PM
If it's any consolation, you probably make more money than me.

Hope that helps, and please don't call me.

And by the way, in case you hadn't noticed, here I am on a gambling forum claiming that it's possible to win at roulette. That alone would qualify me as a retard in most people's eyes.  :thumbsup:

There is absolutely no competition here in anything.  I praised you previously until you came onto my threads and said what you did.  You mention money, money has nothing to do with it.

Teachers and professors of anything don't impress me, they are merely an extension to verbalize what someone wrote or thought was accurate and the way something might be or what they believe 'should be'.  What impresses me are the people in the trenches-- whatever it is including gambling, career, life, etc., in general that excel at what they do. 

Theories and statistics are someone's basis that might or might not be true or might or might not apply to your situation, casino play or otherwise.  I challenge authority and question everything.

Maybe it has something to do with where and how I grew up, which was in South Florida in the 70's to mid 80's where 2/3rd's or better of the government was corrupt and involved in wrong doing. To add to anti government and anti authority sentiments I spend the remainder of the 80's in NYC.

If you don't know what I am talking about watch the documentary "Cocaine Cowboys", you will get a small taste of what I am referring to.   You see most people are taught to respect the government, highly influential people and the police.  But what I witnessed first hand taught me to challenge and question everything and everybody. 
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: Classification of gamblers
November 15, 2014, 06:11:25 PM
Quote from: Albalaha on November 15, 2014, 04:05:54 AM
In my humble opinion, there are primarily four classes of gamblers:

1. Casual visitors: They come in a casino as they go to amusement park or a club or a disco, once in a while. They know they have lesser chances to win anything than lose. It is merely a kind of leisure activity for them. They move around, play a little and go away home usually with a small loss of money. They often come with regular ones as friend or family. They have interest in gambling but are too scared to play large.
2. Regulars: They may have started as a casual player but now they want to take "revenge" against their prior losses. Mostly they do not have any strategy and they either bet on impulse or on their superstitious choices. They are seen in casino on a regular basis.

3. Semi skilled: They know law of third, martingale, fibo, labby, positive progression, negative progressions, EV and various other terms and fallacies spread out by various gambling books, websites, forums, blogs etc. Even if they have not read all these they understand this by their experience. A few of them even test their "favorite systems" to win in a few sample sessions. They have a misconception that they are far better than casual visitors or regulars and have thereby better chance to win too. They win and lose sessions and ultimately remain at a net loss.

4. Skilled: They know how to play and maximize their chances of winning. They do not win every time but in overall, they are always winners. A cut above the rest.

Percentage of all classes of gamblers, in my observation:

Casual Visitors: Not less than 40% of total players

Regulars: Not less than 50%

Semi Skilled: Not less than 9%

Skilled: No

t more than 1 in a thousand

LOL, Are there even Disco's left??? Growing up in NYC and South Florida I was disco crazy!  The days of Saturday Night Fever!   Okay on to gambling:

We don't even need to talk about the 'Casual Gambler' that's a comparison to a dirt bike racer for the first time.

Regulars, some have smarts and some don't, depends on their background and what their common sense level is, but true they are close to the Casual Gambler.

Semi Skilled, personally I would group all those into the 'Regulars' as well.

IMHO, there are skilled players, however, I can't see how you can classify them as 'always winners', etc.  Maybe if they only play the beatable games and not the unbeatable ones. But, again IMHO,  I think even skilled players have the tendency to lose.  I think you are a bit off on skilled players, but no way to accurately measure this. 

Ask 'Bayes' he seems to be an expert about those as evident in his post in my Blog.   :thumbsup:
Vic, can we have a section for 'Voo-Doo', 'Magical Wishes', 'Karma' and 'Luck' statistical analysis???
Quote from: VLS on November 14, 2014, 11:05:26 PM

Thank you!!!!

This also sponsors a fresh forum re-install for us to enjoy clean sources and get rid of bugs in this forum too.

Bright news guys. You're awesome!

I'm not awesome, I am just an unintelligent, karma wishing-rabbit's foot-voodoo preaching, uninformed and overpopulated gambler on the board, just ask Bayes!  He is the awesome Mathematician that the board needs more of!  :nod:
I am sending you $50.00 to cover it, you will have it this weekend.  Alrelax.
Quote from: Albalaha on November 12, 2014, 05:44:38 AM
All progressions are proportionally good and bad in all probabilities taken together. None is, conclusively the best. Be it flat bet or martingale or parlay or anything else that you can devise or read anywhere. All presuppose a particular situation to work best. In not so favorable cases, they go ridiculous. This is true about all of them.
                             If you are looking for the best progression, for all probabilities, I am afraid, you won't find any.

Spot on.  If you are winning they are the best and only reasonable thing to factor in.  If you are losing, they can and usually do compound your losses, more so than not. >>>>My experiences and also IMHO.
Even chance / Re: Anti-Trend [FINAL]
November 12, 2014, 05:11:08 PM
Go play it in a casino, I would love to see the real truthful answer as to what happened after a reasonable session of say, 25 to 30 spins or so.
Classically, the way the popular articles read in magazines when they discussed this were:

1)  Play only those casino games that have the absolute lowest house advantage;

2)  Create a Money Management system that you will abide by, and;

3)  Leave when and if you win.

The problem with that is the casino gamblers keep playing until they win and some never do, others keep playing to continue winning.  It becomes a viscous circle that leads to destruction many times.  No, in fact, many many many times. 
Make a living the hard way, poo-poo even Frank Sinatra gambled, but he also made a real living to put food on the table.