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Messages - alrelax


The importance of drawdown is extremely large. Do not discount the importance, value or advantage it will allow you to have. As you will lose singular, multiple and numerous wagers in-between your wins, you must have a buy-in large enough to survive the downside you are subject to. And within that buy-in you have your drawdown. 

What Is It?

It is the size of your buy-in with the amount of your wagers you can lose before you begin to capitalize on the game. Simply it affords you the chance(s) to apply your wager preferences and strategies to materialize.

How Do You Plan Your Drawdown?

Naturally the larger the better. At least in most cases. But practicable versus reality, is the case for the highest majority of all players.  You will need to incorporate your drawdown amount with your M.M.M. Your drawdown is not always your initial buy-in. Although I personally favor one buy-in, and the buy-in as a risk capital, the drawdown is virtually the buy-in, within most all cases. If you favor planning for multiple buy-ins rather than a singular one, then your drawdown will be split as well.

As each of us wager differently, flat betting, progressives, etc., You need to generalize your bet sizes and the amount you are comfortable to lose. Then you need to divide the amount of wagers by your comfort level and you will come up with a drawdown amount. Example. You are comfortable losing $4,500. You wager $150 with one time negative progressions occasionally.  You generalize you can lose 12 to 20 wagers before you win a series of wagers you can apply your wins to your M.M.M. for application to a 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd, system or something similar. So $150 times 20 equals $3,000 and say 10 negative progressions at $150 each equals  an additional $1,500. So, you need a $4,500 drawdown amount. IMO, you should also have a three times wager of an extra amount and in this case I'll give it my preference of $200 wagers if I had a base wager of $150, for another $600 total.  Add another $600.


Base Wagers:  $150.00 X 20 = $3,000.00
Negative Progressions:  $150.00 X 10 = $1,500.00
Extra Wagers:  $200.00 X 3 = $600.00

A $5,100.00 Drawdown would be a very comfortable amount in the hypothetical wagering scenario of $150.00 by a player that engages in some negative progressions as well. 

Control Of Your Game

Do not allow your buy-in, drawdown, etc, to control your game. To a certain extent, your decision making process including your wagering amounts must not be totally controlled by your drawdown size, buy-in balance, etc.

Use your drawdown as a guideline, replace it immediately with your wins and use it if you are less than even money. When you capitalize on your game, apply your every so often cumulative wins to your M.M.M. The rest will work itself out in your advantage, if you are employing a solid M.M.M.

Cumulative Wins

Wins should be maintained sideways from your buy-in/ drawdown amount. As I said, use your sporadic cumulative wins to replace your lost Wagers and begin your other 1/3rd, 1/3rd, set-asides as well. This is Paramount!  That is the most important task you must engage in for proper M.M.M., that will give you a solid advantage to maintain both your win profits and your buy-in.

If you question several different financial experts to define risk and draw down, you will get unclear answers. What you will get is various ramblings of incomplete ideas, attempting to describe variables that might contribute to risk, but not what the risk actually is. Very similar to what systematic gambling writers often write about as well as how casinos and  the industry present the simplistic nature of each game.

So, IMO you must figure it out for yourself according to your style, desires, experience and your goals. Because it is all individualistic to each of us. However, applying a proper M.M.M., Drawdown, and the rest of it what I describe in this posting is not.

Think.  Think hard!

Not Systematic But Opportunistic

Think. Exploiting chances offered by circumstances without reference to statistics or beliefs.

I must expose the ultra importance of extreme advantage a player can give himself if he uses proper drawdown with a reasonable buy-in, in relation to his wager sizes and goals. Gambling for the player is opportunistic.  Period. Gambling for the casino is systematic.  Period.

Every gambler will face countless singular or numerous series of drawdowns, that will lead themselves to seriously question their strategies and beliefs. Learning to recognize them and deal with them positively, will probably be the hardest task each of us face. And, I must add the largest and most harmful performance each gambler faces is emotional disruption to his decision making process, that he inflicts upon himself.

While it is in your best interest to totally remove the emotion out of wagering, it is almost impossible. This is a widely debated and discussed subject for as long as I can remember. However, let's talk frankly, let's discuss the truth at most every gaming table by most every player.

Textbook psychology will dictate if strictly practiced, a player should become as in different to a win as a loss. However, becoming completely detached requires a level of confidence in a players every single game ability, and nothing else. Extremely difficult for most all players to do. But let's be conscious of it and let's work on it and remember it most of all at the gaming table.

Let me define.  The lack of good sense, the foolishness and wishful fake foresight seems to have most every player believing chasing losses is some kind of golden rule of gambling. What am I talking about? Two things. One is repetitive negative progression and the other is, continued wagering to recoup losses.  In other words, increasing your wagers until you win is so erroneous, it is catastrophic in most cases, unless you manage it through proper M.M.M., when you are winning.

Negative progression and continued wagering to recoup losses and begin to win, are perfect examples of gamblers fallacies. But they are employed day after day at most every table that exist in casinos. That is why players lose their winnings if they do not strictly adhere to a proper M.M.M. plan with a 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd, division for your wins or something very similar to it. Why? Because two things. One, you will give up a greater percentage of wins and buy-in funds to recover previous losses because the drawdowns will destroy your bankroll that could have been employed making you profits. Two, believing that negative progressions and continued wagering to recoup losses will only lead you to ignoring randomness in your evolution of winning and losing. Even for successful gamblers. How can I state the above? Because I have had countless real experiences as well as research data for it.

What it boils down to is, players dramatically increasing their wagers after generating sizable profits during small/smaller series of wagers. The highest amount of all players lost almost all of it again in a considerable small/short amount of time if they did not subscribe to and adhere to a proper M.M.M. with something similar to my 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd, division and application of your winnings.


Be intelligent, understand drawdown, emotional distraction, and opportunistic wagering over systematic beliefs. I will probably look a little bit foolish to say, what happens in winning is partly luck, where cause-and-effect were loosely connected. But it is true. Intelligent players will avoid the temptation of looking at outcomes and assuming they made them happen or knew they were coming. Instead, they will realize how great understanding drawdown, emotional distraction avoidance and opportunistic wagering gave them advantages while religiously capitalizing on the game when the opportunity presented itself.

Reactions based on opportunity. Realize what they are and how to take advantage of them.

I would much rather lose wagers with a positive progression of winnings and expectation; then to win wagers with a negative progression because I was playing repetitive catch up.

First, there are numerous things that we must engage in to win. Baccarat is not a difficult game. However, and a HUGE however, is that the players make it extremely difficult to win because of their own beliefs, as well as a total misunderstanding of the hows and whys of the wagers they make.  In other words, most everyone outsmarts themselves.  Simply, as I attempted to bring to light in the above post, most DO NOT UNDERSTAND what can and most likely will happen during the course of all shoes.

Second, great Baccarat players will certainly (occasionally) lose their buy-in amounts regardless as to their skill level, taking into consideration a decent Bankroll with a regularly removed percentage of it for their buy-in amounts, etc.  (A buy-in should be around 10-15% for a play session.  Example.  $20,000.00 bankroll, buy-in $2,000-$3,000). 

Third, most all players will 'generally' wager losing bets that are larger and with less thought then they will with their winning wagers.  And that is most of their downsides and the reason they don't make what they easily could profit from in the game of baccarat.

Fourth, player advantaged M.M.M.'s will work and allow everyone employing them properly to increase their win hold, NOT give back decent/substantial wins and provide such things as built in stop-losses, play time and much much more.  However, most players are either oblivious to proper M.M.M.'s or too head-strong to use them. 

P.S:  Your statement: "*I find the example of six wagers vs 3 wagers a very important concept(i.e., bet size-to-buyin size) to winning more than we lose."  Wager size in a short 'redundant rotational scheme' is a player advantage that gives huge wins to those that understands the concept and can control themselves as I outlined in the post.

Time to change, improve and win larger with greater consistency then we all have in the past.
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: + - 10/+ - 20
August 13, 2022, 10:36:34 PM
Reference the positioning of the + -10/+ - 20.  Not necessarily in a Section or meant as a Turning point, might very well be spread out over half of a shoe, etc.

I do not specifically mean + - 10/ + -20 will be all streaks or contained within one section. 

The equalization I am referring to is over at least two sections as a norm, because I view almost all shoes as 3 to 5 sections and turning points.

FYI, if I divided up the above shoe into Sections, I would have the Sections with their Turning points as follows:

Section 1:  Hands  1-24
Section 2:  Hands  25-50
Section 3:  Hands  51-64
Section 4:  Hands  65-79

Hope that helps.
Patterns and Trends appear and disappear in the game of baccarat. It is a widely debated subject for as long as I can recall and I have been steadily playing this game since the 1980s. The math statisticians will claim, "Gamblers Fallacy" and the lay-person Baccarat player will claim, "Visual Observance", which entices them to wager or not wager a certain something. 

Fact is, Patterns and Trends of all types do appear and disappear with varying existence in their lengths. Always has and always will. What complicates the matter of observation and recognition is, that Patterns/Trends might be very short in length or considerably long. They can also be anywhere in between the two depending on how you judge something that is happening. Another complication that adds confusion is how Patterns/Trends enter and exit the shoe presentments.  And of course how quickly you are able to observe and act upon the presentments occurring. 

The three most important areas of Patterns and Trends are:

1). Type.  Chop-Chop, Doubles, Triples, 1's-3"s, Naturals Cut, Ties Cut or Ties Stick, Bead Plate Subsequent Repeating, Player and Bankers Streaks. 

2).  Length.  The # of hands of the entire Pattern or Trend.

3).  Enter/Exit.  The coming about of the Pattern or Trend and the Exiting of it.

There is absolutely no foolproof solid prediction or identifiers, that will be consistently correct to say when anything will occur. But those Patterns and Trends will most certainly happen without rhyme or reason.   

There are also varying strengths of the duration and repetition of the Pattern or Trend itself. To better understand varying strengths, you must understand what Sections and Turning Points are and their limited amount of hands that form them.

It does not really matter why those Patterns and Trends appear and disappear, or how they come about or do not come about. The absolute object is to win as much as you can when they do appear. They appear and are showcased by the presentments they are making. Simple.

Here—an example. Think!

The exact same as football think about it. Touchdowns. Run 80–90+ yards. Happens, but few and far in between the regular, every day plays and games. Can there be more than one huge completed play in the last few minutes? Sure, it happens, what about the 2021 Kansas City Chiefs and the Buffalo Bills, 4th quarter? Just an example.  Look at all the 'IMPOSSIBLES" within those few minutes.  No different than Bac.

Look at YouTube, Bills Vs. Chiefs 2021 AFC Divisional Game.

Winning. Chop/doubles/triples/quadruples, next. It will happen in small sections frequently. Sometimes consistently for a large section 18-30 hands and sometimes smaller sections, over and over and over again with different types of Patterns/Trends, but none the less, Patterns and Trends. Always has been and always will be. No need to debate the existence or the non-existence of them, because they will always come about.

You must totally understand and respect; drawdowns, smaller buy-ins and larger wager amounts. All three will come into play and you need to be conscious of them and understand each and know how to manipulate and use them. Here's an example of pumping it up and going with the flow when you were winning.

   6 Wagers                                   3 Wagers

  $300                                           $300
  $300    (win = 600 profit)            $600  ($300 back to stack) 
  $300    (win = 900 profit)            $900  (win = $1,800 profit)                           
  $300    (win = 1,200 profit)
  $300    (win = 1,500 profit)
  $300    (win = 1,800 profit)

Which set of wagers would you rather engage in?  Think!  Most of us do not at the bac table while everything is happening. 

You have to understand what a win is. Once you do, you will be able to wager heavier when you recognize it and as well, when it is optimum to your wagering desires reverting to lighter wagers or stopping when it is going away.

From years of experience: Do not dwell and put off wagering when you are into a Pattern or Trend formation because IMO, that is the number one confuser and destroyer of 'easy money' and 'quick profits' at the baccarat table.  Another highly debatable subject, but I stand by what I just said.

FACT. Math, stats, house edges and whatever advantage we're used in the past, that was game specific are all not applicable to the shoe at the instant time you are sitting down to. Why? Because you will not lose or win the amount of whatever it was before, that you claim edge or advantage percentages to and that's another reason so many baccarat  players miss apply their own knowledge and experience they can easily benefit from.

The one thing that will hold pretty accurate, is if you specifically Wager a certain something, time and time again, you will end up losing large sums of your bank roll. Because nothing stays the same, over and over, shoe after shoe, in the game Baccarat. Nothing. The same thing(s) that allowed you to win, will cause you to lose as well. Get it in your mind and live by it. Think about it, with an open mind and you will see that. So simple and so factual, but so few really do believe it.  Just thinking about that electronic scoreboard and what I just wrote.  The casino spends thousands and thousands of dollars for the purchase and the maintenance of, it is probably the number one reason they are there. The casinos witness every shoe where the players lose their money saying and pointing to that scoreboard about what they desire to come about, because it did previously or on other shoes and it doesn't appear. It's like a billboard saying PURCHASE ME I AM COMING AROUND, and then a few minutes later, sorry not right now.

Why do players lose all of their buy-in almost always? Because of the previous paragraph. Because they attempt the same, over and over and over. False perceptions. Full of them in so many aspects. Be careful. Think. Realize.

Another player disadvantage is the attempt to get back their previous loss or two. Then a burst of win will come the players way and he has no definitive plan. You have to be able to realize with absolute certainty, the thoughts that are not panning out for whatever reason(s).

Winning Within Sections.

Pumping it up with positive progression and aggression. A 1-3-2-6 or a full win parlay with subsequent pull down each following win is IDEAL.  $250 initial bet, $250 win, $500 bet and pull down every subsequent $500 win.  First and second wager is at risk and starting with the third win, you recoup your $250 risk and profited $250 as well. If you can survive a fourth win you will be ahead $750 and have $500 still in play risk-free from your buy-in.

THINK!  Progressive and aggressive wagering will help trump flat betting by far.

When  to Wager. 'Reasonable By Realized'. I like that saying. You have to bring into existence. Cause to seem real by actual money. Then you feel it. Apply and consistently be achieved. Use the winnings for a proper 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 M.M.M. allocation and you'll be on your way to profit and not being a loser.

Pulling It Down With Complete Control.

When losses begin you must pull down your wagers with 100% emotionless reflection, no matter the following hands outcomes!!!  You have to be able to figure out if it's a few hand losing occurrence or a more domineering losing time that you cannot come out of. The worst thing to do is sit there and enter into the, 'should have, didn't do and lost so many easy hands to win' scenario. You will become your biggest enemy and buy-in/bankroll killer if you engage in that stupid witnessing and tormenting of a decision you made. Yet, so many players stand there and torture them selves, re-enter the game and I would say the upper 90 percentile of them, straight loose at that point. I just gave you years and years of experience. I hope some some people can take it to heart and use it to improve their game.

Equally as important is knowing when to quit. You better figure it out and subscribe to it with absolute conviction.

Not Chasing Anything.

Chasing is the absolute worst emotional inflection you can impose upon yourself!  PERIOD.  Chasing destructs buy-ins, bankrolls and good/great players. Hard and fast.

Baccarat is the easiest game to win and lose. Think. Realize. Do not fall prey to all of the common every day misunderstandings and when you do win, be smart, be stable and know what to do with those winnings. I've written about it many times, go back and read them because they will help you and not hurt you.

Now The Downside to Following A Pattern/Trend.

1s and 2s.  Made a 3 and kept going for 8, 10, 12 hands repeatedly.  You lost.  Playing the chop.  Goes double, you lost.  Wager the double and it goes chop, you lost.  An easy plan, but not very easy to keep it in a Win mode or maintain your absolute lack of emotional neutrality and pure focus.

Emotions and frustrations set in and it gets worse when you start losing. That is why I continuously write about emotions and frustrations causing cloudiness and the inability to focus and capitalize on presentments that would otherwise be extremely easy to follow and profit from.

When the 4 IAR comes, so many swear it will cut, maybe when it is strong sections, very little chop, or straight 1s and 2s, but waiting for a 4 IAR, wagering for it to cut and make a unit or two, I just never witness the profit being held onto. I always witness it being given back in attempted repeats. 

And as the highest majority of so many players fail to realize, a consistent and mechanical wagering bet will bankrupt you.  What happens is, many people render the factual (what is actually happening) as absolute because of their own failure to understand positiveness and the negativity of randomness.

You have to understand what are just 'beliefs' rather than 'suspended reality'.

Beliefs are made up of:

Previous experiences
Projection of what you desire

Suspended Reality is made up of:

Presentments as they are forming
Sections and Turning Points
Equalization and up to a + - 10/ + - 20 leeway (as the turning points)
1s, 2s and 3s

Please Note:  Ref the +-10/+-20 leeway, the turning points I refer to, are NOT the 'Turning Points' that stop and start Sections.  They are the turning points whereas, the equalization begins for the side that is minus/negative. 

Ideally, you need to find a connection to a source. Then let it flow. Your wagering and MMM of wins.

Don't get caught up. Go with it. No matter if your beliefs and/or confidence is there with the wager because once you lose with strong beliefs and/or confidence on something, you will generally hold it against yourself and that is no good for winning ability in any way whatsoever.

View your wagering as a channel. A temporary read, a short path to stay on track.   Get on, be safe, profit, get off. There's nothing else. Think about that.

There are plenty of sections that you will have perceived to happen. And they did. You will not always understand how they came about, the order of them or how and why and what you expected was not present. You have the absolute freedom to choose. Positive or negative. To follow or not to follow. To cut or stick because of anything.

So many players will always tend to favor various things prior to their wagering, that causes them to make a decision. It works at times and it does not work at others. But in my opinion and that of many many others, what they are doing is causing themselves to completely miss most opportunities that could be capitalized on.

If you get caught up into any type of systematic scheduled wagering, IMO, experience and intensive research, you are going to get harmed. 

Know what the game is. Know what the game is not. Be smart. Be conscious. Think clear and non-biased when you wager.

Admin/Forum Owner & Baccarat Player
A couple/few versions of baccarat will ultimately be available.

Competition among members. 

Discussion and record keeping.

Must sign up, be verified and establish membership. 

Thanks, Glen.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: Realization At The Baccarat Table
August 09, 2022, 05:26:08 AM
I have literally discovered why some of the other players wager on what I am wagering on or vise versa, etc., interesting to say the least.  We got to the same destination with the same result (win or lose) with quite different reasoning. 
Alrelax's Blog / Re: Realization At The Baccarat Table
August 08, 2022, 01:13:44 AM
Realization.  An Extremely Hard Concept To Grasp.

People do see things differently. Especially at the Bac table.  However, I also know they do agree on many things. Influence, balance of predictability, desires and many other factors are of course, different and individualistic to each of us.

When each of us sit down at a Baccarat table, we will each get a fair and impartial chance to make a profit. Of course that drastically changes with our wagering. The outcome of our wagers will be reflected in our views. Because we seldom admit and/or recognize the actual reasons we lose and as well, win. You need to start to understand exactly why you lost and why you won, and it has much more to do with then; you placed your wager on something that was supposed to happen or the odds were in favor of it happening, etc., etc.

Be super careful and extremely conscious of overgeneralization, which I do believe is one of the most contributing factors to bringing about losses and/or wins. Overgeneralization will grab you and you will not even know it, you better figure it out and avoid falling into the trap a good nine out of 10 baccarat players do.

Successful Baccarat wagering has nothing to do with systematic, scheduled or statistical wagering. Nothing at all. If you believe it does, do it or keep doing it and come back and produce some win/loss statements, write a book and sell the holy grail, because you and no one else will ever be able to consistently win on systematic, scheduled and statistical  wagering. And if you did it, you can certainly make multi millions selling your fool-proof holy-grail system, that you can produce certified win/loss statements proving you have done just that. But you cannot and you never will.

Successful Bac wagering is recognizing and capitalizing on what the shoe is presenting PERIOD.  Nothing more, Nothing less.

If you are looking at wagering for a certain event, you then are entering prediction, fallacy and hope. You will completely fall prey to the casino. No two ways about it. You cannot +50% — 100% of the times follow prediction and hope. Because all you will do is enter into fallacy and lose your bankrolls.  And that is the main reason those electronic score boards exists at all bac tables.

You have to realize you can only capitalize on certain Sections of a shoe, which will be defined by certain Turning Points. You cannot and will not change what is waiting to be presented by applying experiences, vision, statistics or any other results from testing. The shoe you were sitting in front of, is and will be oblivious to everything just mentioned.

You cannot predict what is going to happen or not happen, you can only assume. However, you can wager on the winning side with force and capitalize extremely quickly and being correct. But you can only do this for a short period of time and within a limit amount of certain Sections as I said.  And that is exactly what you have to realize. 

Wagering & Intricacies / 1% = 99%
August 08, 2022, 12:14:40 AM
The truth can be tough.
Nature of deception is usually unknown.
Nature of wanted or desired thoughts usually are never even thought about.

'Table" beliefs leading to wrongs are extremely prevalent at the gaming table and leads the highest majority of all to the 'wrongs'.


Not always the easiest things to do at a baccarat table, while playing with your real money in real time. But if you want to be successful and make money, you have to be those three things every single minute of your session.

Inability to distinguish.

Good information from bad. Fact from fiction. Belief from evidence.

Those three things are normally what happens to most Baccarat Players especially the first few years of their play, some unfortunately carry it longer than that.  But they never truly understand critical thinking. They only try to relate their correct decisions with that to form numerous beliefs, which are usually really just fiction. And at best only non-fiction for a occasional shoe or two ever so often, fueling huge misinformation's and dead ends wasting numerous bankrolls.  Sad but so very true!

They wind up believing things they should not.

Question the beliefs (why).

Inability to make educated decisions because there are no structural agenda. In so many words, a guess and a hope turns into the structure that was not evidenced or results triggered by a protocol of established agenda, in any way shape or form.

People are used to textbook agendas and answers to learn. When they face other unknown avenues, they usually convince  themselves they have conquered without actually doing do.

Something else you must realize and use to your advantage if you want to be a good player and earn money.

Mind plays tricks. The mind invents things and you believe them as actually happening especially when money is involved.

Excuses, not to wager something are always there.

Why do you need a pattern/trend that is redundant-consistent-reappearing, etc., etc.?

Why not wager on it while it is appearing and except it as a random/trend pattern?

Why do you have to be ahead of the shoe in prediction?

There are plenty of others, I just wanted to throw those out there as they came to mind right away. The game Baccarat is there for picking and easily made money with if you can control the many aspects of what your brain will dictate what your hand does with your Buy-in at the table.

Alrelax's Blog / Proper Foundation of Information
August 06, 2022, 09:14:18 PM
Make sure all of your information and beliefs come from proper foundation.

Meaning, not from emotional reflections, attempts to discredit and combat on forums, junk sources such as system sellers or infomercial sources and so on.

Think. Really sit down and think. And I am not talking about watching a YouTube infomercial or reading drama driven threads on other forums  or elsewhere. Of which, either are in their own way like a pat on the back to those without much experience or say a solid few years of real life financially gaining or losing type of experience. Hence, false foundation sets in. And false foundation will cost you bankroll after bankroll after bankroll.

There are three elements that must be adhered to in 'Proper Foundation'.


Authenticity.  Simply perseverance, self discipline and in reality. Not coming from emotional reflections, forum-based drama and of course, system sellers and infomercials. Most of all not biased based broadcast by a prejudice source no matter what the source. 

Reliability.  Be able to recognize the information into real time stability and consistency, that is virtually or near virtually free from errors.

Relevance.  The comparison of the info within reliability and the actual game itself. Relating to timeliness, comparability, and the understandability of it allowing you to uniformly interface it to your advantage. Time and time and time again.

There are many parts to good solid MMM. Probably the most important Single aspect of one is the drawdown.  A drawdown is the amount of buy-in you will lose before you really start winning.

You and the results of your wagering have to do the management of your money. The Management of your Money is the Method. Money Management Method.

From what I have observed over the years, there is a large misconception of win money.  Most all players are under the belief that they must replenish their last lost buy-in to get 'EVEN' and then accumulate some kind of a unknown profit amount as well. 

You must reserve your buy-in after you have won, do not risk it any further. You must divide up your winnings when you do win. Towards Bankroll. Towards Pocket. Towards Continued Play.  Those three revert back to my 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd, I have often wrote about.

All the testing you desire, will only add real confusion along with misrepresentation of what the game is actually about. Seriously be careful what you practice and attempt to figure out. Live it in real play and be serious.  RNG's and their results are not awfully similar to live baccarat.  RNG's in free play mode are much more predictable and use as a definite 'suck in' to whatever online game they are promoting you to be part of.  BE CAREFUL!

System sellers and authors with purpose and those that live for drama and attention are worthless IMO. They are a very sad part of almost all online commentary and forums.

When a players buy-in is near depletion, those players tend to wait until the last second to make tough decisions and they know within several lost wagers they have few choices. Their whole vision is being out of money, not the productive vision of positive selections and direction, but last minute try anything to get their buy-in back, type of thinking.

Make wagering decisions that allow you to build buy-ins, bank roles and set partial wins aside for your pocket. If you do not do that you will not be successful. I promise you.

Everything virtually the same, you will only relive the bad wagers fueled by two things. #1, your LOST BUY-IN. #2, your LACK OF WINNINGS. Think about it!

Wagering & Intricacies / On The Road To Success
August 04, 2022, 01:53:51 PM

Tools for the mind are truly unlimited. Research-learn-absorb-discuss-practice.

No matter what you think, you have to think outside of the 'NORM'.

It is not what a computer can do.
It is not what a product or system can do.
It is not what stats or their results prove or show can or cannot be done.

It is solely dependent upon you to go around the walls that project themselves because of the history that allow them to stand without challenge and strange belief by assuming those are correct and can be easily applied. They cannot, never in any way, shape or form, no matter the twists you believe will make them work with uniformity and consistency.

You cannot with the minimal amount of effort succeed by applying a simple trigger when you see the 'point' coming. It will not work. It never has and never will. Why? Because your effort is without true knowledge and experience. And you need both to make it past the countless hurdles that will present themselves. Once you realize that, you've learned more than the average player playing for years and years.

50% means nothing, zero, zip!  Instant time, no advantage. Carryover to wait, also means nothing. Math stats and obvious happening patterns/trends means nothing past the current hand or two or several that just happened. Don't fall in the same rut most all players do, losing 5-7-9 or more hands to win just a few.

With the game you can certainly get a complete shoe of the obvious. Meaning, 1s, 2s and 3s, combinations of chops and every repeating three or four, cuts to the opposite side. But when you see it and don't wager for it, wait a bit, it's too late. Does not continue. Hence sections/turning points.

"The Perfect Expected Results". What so many fail to realize or do not want to realize is, what is actually happening.  Again, WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Which is, A Section Vs. Redundancy that results in fallacy.  A downfall that will eat your bank roll with fierce hunger.

The truth is success does not come by accident. It comes from consistent hard work in pursuit of a dream. It comes from passion that drives you and it will also come from consistently and diligently employing some key habits that position you for greatness.  This success comes from an innate desire to win. Gambling is by far the hardest and most toughest profession out there!  Do you know why? Because it involves you controlling your emotions. And it involves controlling your thoughts when you're in the zone and you're down financially. Do you have the patience and skill to keep it together mentally when you're losing so much on the table? Can you walk away and come back the next day, just as strong and win twice the amount? See, when you lose your mind, you lose your money! Big-time. Surely there must be a winning attitude and habitat that winners religiously apply right?  Is there?  I've considered this for a long long time. I've studied the great minds of the best gamblers out there, through books and other writings, because I was sick of losing my hard earned money! I was sick of cursing my luck and blaming others for my losses. The difference between you and Patrick Veitch or anyone else that has made millions from gambling is their state of mind. They think and do things differently, they have that winning attitude! Richness comes from the mind, not from the pockets!

Your success will be an extension of real knowledge and experience into the game of baccarat or whatever else you are playing to win.

My closing is this. Forge ahead and paint in vivid colors, not in black-and-white or in numbers.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
August 01, 2022, 12:00:03 AM
" At the same time, without considering the actual 4-hand pace, we might fall into the mistake to take any single W or, worse, any single L as a valuable trigger to consider our options. If this should be the case, the game wouldn't exist at all."

Absolutely true.  I think I just touched on this a few minutes ago. 


IMO, following any set protocol will possibly even you out if you win, however the loss factor will most likely  outweigh the profitability factor by large amounts.

Wagering & Intricacies / Your Wins and Your Losses
July 31, 2022, 11:04:41 PM
The biggest wins come from winning.
The largest losses come from Losing.

Simply there are times you can win and times you cannot.

You can win because the cards are forming hands you expect, believe in, witnessed before and more. I just prefer to call that anticipations, with the '4's'.


You cannot win because the cards are forming hands you do not expect, believe in, never witnessed before and more or you seriously do not think will happen and more.

Extreme focus, no emotion on losing hands and risk only the risk capital buy in which is a percentage of your bank roll. Do not keep buying in and do not keep chasing or engaging in other wild fallacies of just getting even, because most likely you'll drain your bank roll and you then engage yourself in the extremely unfair chance of getting even, never mind making a profit for the session.

Now, once again I push the M.M.M. techniques that I have preached, because they will truly manage your wins and playtime if you absolutely follow them. I have found countless times that there is a huge advantage you afford yourself for wagering according to my M.M.M., with your win money/profit for many reasons.

If you regularly wager a negative press progression (Marty) or you believe flat-betting will lead to recovery and/or profitability, you might as well skip all of this and get into a casino and make your large amounts of money. You will then be accomplishing what has been attempted trillions of times, and simply does not and has never worked more than a session here or there.

But if you really desire to find a decent wagering method that has control built into it, the following has done extremely well for me over the past years.

1-3-2-6 or 1-3-2-4.  Coupled with my 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd, application of your separated wins and playing that out.

One final thought. Something else you must realize and use to your advantage. The mind plays tricks, the mind invents things and you believe them as actually happening or happened in the past. Think about it and think hard.

Apply yourself with advantages and be smart.

Thanks for reading.

Caesar's and The Bellagio for myself. 

I agree about Red Rock, nice place 15 mins straight west of the strip.

Palace Station was a great place a few years ago, don't know what's happening now, but I think they have between 12-20/bac tables and 10k limits. Low mins.

An insight to what a group of hi-tech monkeys do in their spare time.

They try to figure out why humans call 10 cards 'Monkeys'.  Serious, they do.  Here is a pic of their offices. 
