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Messages - alrelax

I am putting this under General Discussion because it is more general than baccarat purpose. 

Serious members such as Asym,  Kung fu, etc., please take the time to read it, especially the second page.  Yes some are my long winded posts, but I do think fact-filled. 

So many casino writers that engage in life or death drama with extreme vengeance and Internet everyday wherewithal! 

As I point out in my post #15 on the second page, casino writers push and push their made up fake beliefs that sound good but are absolute trash.

Link:  https://betselection.cc/index.php?topic=6525.0

General Discussion / Re: Blackjack team
April 29, 2022, 09:57:57 PM
Thanks for the post!  Alrelax
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 11, 2022, 01:36:56 PM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on April 11, 2022, 12:06:24 AM
Al wrote The limitations are within each person playing.

This statement is very interesting to be commented, we'll see it in a couple of days.


I saw it last night, I will attempt to put it into words.  Possibly it can help a few.  Will post later tonight.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 08, 2022, 01:36:31 PM
Notes to the above from actual experience over years of B & M play.

P streaks and 'stronger' P than B is by far appearing with greater consistency then the B streaks and B 'stronger' in excess of a shoe here and there, or should we say 'consistently' while playing day in and day out, etc.

Reference "beat the game by betting many bets per shoe".  What so so many just never learn or realize, it is much better to bet larger, harder and more serious while limiting the sections we engage in BY FAR!  But not always easy to do.  Seriously.

The bias level will come and go, shoe by shoe, trip by trip.  P >bias, P <bias, B >bias and B <bias.  TRUE, but the 'trick' is to get the spot the other side attempts the instant comeback without being biased by YOUR OWN THOUGHTS, IDEAS, AGENDAS and EXPERIENCES, ETC.   Again no so easy to do.  Think about it.

'Random' Coincidence (define).   IMO it is:  'improbable' will happen—does all the time and often to the 'I can't believes' and the 'oh wow look at that, wows'.  Couple the 'exploitable' bias in along with the 'improbable'.  "We must choose what will be the best course of action to take".  Absolutely hands down!  Merge and side with instead of fighting against, what so so many players cannot seem to accomplish. 

You can't always adhere to your own terms and understanding of what the shoe is presenting (blaming in on the cards, the table, the dealer, the pit people, other players, the particular casino, etc.). And that in itself is super valuable if you can use it simply to your insight properly.  Not improperly as almost all do by blaming a non related cause such as I gave examples of in the parenthesis above. 

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 04, 2022, 03:57:45 AM
The limitations are within each person playing.

As I said in #5 of the above post I made:  " 5)  Convincing Yourself of Something Guaranteed.   No matter what it is.  Flat betting, wagering after such and such happens or did not happen.  A strict adherence to O.L.D. or W.L.D. or anyone of the other 10-20 rock-solid good wagers to follows as written about, posted and dwelled over anywhere on the internet message boards, forums, websites, paid sites, etc.  Along with the many other gamblers fallacies of Cuts, Trends, Triggers, Patterns, Clusters, Clumps, etc.  Or, just Hog-Wild, I am on a hot run and nothing can or will stop me and ultimately and with great consistent repetitiveness, give it back each and every single session, because you do not believe there are plateaus and levels that control you and what you have the ability to guide yourself through while wagering at the game of baccarat. "

Think about it.  Figure out what controls you at the table.  I have.
Understand the following comes into play for the forming of what actually will happen and be the result of your wagering at the tables:

VISION.  Your dreams, you're thinking outside the casino, your thoughts and everything else relating to the game financial related;

EXPECTATION & REALITY.  What you interpret and believe through your study, research, online forums, talking with other players, your actual experiences and knowledge all merged together (As well, I wrote a previous article on the subject);

APPLICATION & REALIZATION.  The continuance of 'Expectation & Reality' into the application phase will govern your thought process and your mindset at the time of play. Be honest with yourself and realize it, the hurt inflicted upon your wagering as well as the good.

Here is one way to visualize more about what I am saying.  Stretch out your right arm, all the way out into the side of your body.  Now stretch out your left arm, all the way out also and to the left of your body. Your right arm contains your 'Vision' your 'Expectation' and your 'Application'. Your left arm contains the 'Realities' and the 'Realizations' that will set in automatically when you play baccarat.

Now move your arms towards each other and interface your fingers together. Grab the other hand tightly and squeeze together, keep squeezing. Do that for 15 seconds or so. That is the merge of the factors together. Each time you do that you will have a slightly different grasp-length-style-firmness-comfort level-motion and feeling, etc. Same as when you play baccarat. You control it but you really do not in many ways.

Remember that, change the way you think and be totally conscious at the table. 
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 01, 2022, 10:24:41 PM
False Positives & Their Dangers to the Player and Chance.  Fueling Your Losses With Reason.

When wagering on baccarat and you fail to think, think clear, think absolutely clear, think with neutralism, think with purpose, think with the greatest concentration, we will get reinforced with the wrong way to play baccarat.  It happens quick, really quick?so be warned and be conscious of that all of the time.  It is not easy, but you do not want the false positives in your game.  And that is exactly what you will get if you cannot define and be absolutely diligent about your thinking.

There are numerous false positives offering themselves continually within the game of baccarat.  Very dangerous, extremely dangerous to the gullible, inexperienced and player that easily gets sidetracked or is dependent upon something he needs to find to at least think, is tangible to wager because of.  Also, most all players after a while will begin some kind of research into the game.  This takes on several different kinds of research areas.

1)   History of the Game. Different message boards and forums about baccarat and table games.  General and older written articles from various sources.  Media articles about the infamous, the famous, the legendary, etc., gamblers with their large losses and large wins.

2)   Mathematical & Statistical. Message boards, forums, websites and other published material online relating to the same.  The written books one happens to purchase, borrow or locate somewhere.  The attempted application and comparison of these to the game itself as played by the person.

3)   Probability, Chance & Other Things.  And other things of a similar Se-Scheduled nature and their counterparts including other areas of interest to those also.  The same as #2 above.  Once again, the attempted application of those will only lead you to False-Positives, that far outweigh any type of consistent wagering that will award you winning set-scheduled wagering greater than 50% of any time you play. 

4)   Superstition & Methodology. And other things of a similar nature that you convince yourself will allow you to win wagers because of phenomenon, certain events or any other type of presentment capitalization of luck or predication with the danger of conversion within your brain that allows to justify changing just what those were to skill.  Very very dangerous.

5)  Convincing Yourself of Something Guaranteed.   No matter what it is.  Flat betting, wagering after such and such happens or did not happen.  A strict adherence to O.L.D. or W.L.D. or anyone of the other 10-20 rock-solid good wagers to follows as written about, posted and dwelled over anywhere on the internet message boards, forums, websites, paid sites, etc.  Along with the many other gamblers fallacies of Cuts, Trends, Triggers, Patterns, Clusters, Clumps, etc.  Or, just Hog-Wild, I am on a hot run and nothing can or will stop me and ultimately and with great consistent repetitiveness, give it back each and every single session, because you do not believe there are plateaus and levels that control you and what you have the ability to guide yourself through while wagering at the game of baccarat. 

The belief in any or all the above will always provide false positives that will not benefit the player in actual play of any serious kind or more importantly in any serious consistency whatsoever.  What is even worse, is the few positive wins produced by following on any of those things will produce greater and greater influential false-positives because of the great quest for finding the unknown and secretive holy-grail, etc. 
Here, let me sum it up---at least on a mathematical and my statistical aspect converted to gambling.  Two paragraphs worth, with a sample visual curve, will save you from getting sucked in a dead-end path that will cause you complete bank roll failure.  If you will take my advice.  But hey---it is your money.   :glasses:

1)   (First Paragraph).  The reason it will lead to failure, is because baccarat can and will do completely different presentments with no rhyme or reason, both mathematically and statistically, as well as complete randomness with no regards to scheduling and order correlating to events within the shoe you are sitting in front of;

2) (Second Paragraph).  Unlike elaborating, which Abraham de Moivre, Doctrine of Chances founded; The same arguments which explode the Nation of Luck may, on the other side, be useful in some cases to establish a due comparison between chances and design.  We may imagine chance and design to be as it were in competition with each other to produce some sorts of events, and may calculate what probability there is, that those events should be rather owing to one then to the other.

One trial and then scale up, putting an (X) where we expect to find our answer and takes the most general form of the problem; If something can happen with probability (A), or can not happen probably (B), in each of the (X) trials, then we can say, putting the power law in to general terms, that the chance of it not happening in every trial or even a cluster or a clump is; The number of trials where the chance will not happen and everything else is deduced down from that.

Because the possibilities of defining when presentments will appear anywhere from 1-80 hands will show up in the exact order and time you have scheduled your wager repeatedly for several wagers; Out of quadrillions of possibilities, it is impossible to do with definitive and concrete adherence by the shoe.  By the way, quadrillions is greater than 999 trillion times.

Unlike the ability to measure a curve to see what fraction of an area between start and midpoint and points in-between will become finite in their outcomes, the baccarat shoe cannot be measured in the same way or any other way that will allow you with finite guaranteed wins. 

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
March 30, 2022, 02:14:08 AM
And with great insight....." The baccarat invulnerability relies upon the fact that it's impossible to 'restrict' the variance terms of the results, meaning that anything could happen anytime and anywhere.  In statistical terms this means that the 'improbable', even though being carefully calculated, will surely happen providing to get a fair amount of trials.

So after an 'infinite' amount of shoes we'll surely face an all B or P hand shoe or a whole BP chopping shoe or, well more likely, a whole 'streaky' shoe without any single showing up. (Btw, we have crossed through this last situation more than once)."

And so many will never realize what you said in the above. 

How does one win?  Well, you have to realize what is being presented as well as that the improbable just might be sheer reality.  But when that reality appears, normally you will just here, "WOW can't believe that" or "I've never seen that before" etc.

Quote from: ChopChop on May 29, 2019, 03:30:33 AM
Hell of a trip report, that was an awesome read!  A good percentage of the time you go play baccarat, its going to be a losing session.  Even the few that are up lifetime will lose close to half of there sessions statistically speaking.

Which got me to thinking about your style of play.  Yes you can lose your buyin just like anyone else, but your pounce on it mentality you describe allows you to really hit some big ones once in awhile. And a loss is a loss, doesn't matter if its death by a thousand cuts or 8 or 9 shots.  Why not give yourself an opportunity to maximize your profits if you actually do end up on the positive side in a session.

You are entirely correct!  1,000,000 %.
Bumped for Asym, this is simply a great bac side bet table.  One of the best.
Negative / Re: ONE %
March 18, 2022, 10:59:44 PM
I seldom play roulette but at this one B&M casino I pass by their two roulette tables to get to the Bac room.

I look all the time.  Last night I saw 2 Back to back 29s and 27, 30 and 32 hit right after the 29s.  Then I saw 20 hit followed by 18 and 23.

When I looked at the board I saw at least 4 times, numbers were hit that were connected to each other with at least 2 to 4 hits each fir each group.
Split / Re: SPLIT EMPIRE 2017
March 16, 2022, 11:01:19 AM
Welcome back, we are still here!
I scanned a few forums this morning.  LOL!  Love the dedication to so called testing.  But where in the hell does playing a shoe or two or three at a casino produce the same or nearly the same results as the tested average of 1,000 or 20,000 or 1,000,000 shoes?

Love the circle of drama driven people on each forum that live to chastise, humiliate and degrade others.

Love those members on certain forums that report their wins with zero proof, zero evidence, zero anything in fact except something along the lines of, 'the only way to win is to wager banker after such and such happens', etc.

And all the other repetitive standardized answers that they believe portrays themselves as discovering and actually possessing the Holy Grail and can apply it at will, anywhere anytime. 

Lots more, but the nonsense outweighs all else.

I did catch something with almost no response against it or for it though.  Which was; 'Many people claim they win all the time, if that is true they have the actual Holy Grail.  They should write a book, publish the proven system, and a host of other similar things that would generate tens of millions of dollars for themselves.  They should also play in casinos at baccarat tables which have never banned players for solely winning regardless of what has been claimed.  But they come on message boards to write nonsense and that is all.  There is not one single system, scheduled wagering plan, statistical betting format or anything of the likes that will consistently prevail.  And it will not, cannot, never did and never will.'

So very true! In fact, GREAT.

As I said within the original post I start this thread with still is super prevalent to this day, "And as always, one thing that has never really changed is, the responsibility is with the person who is seeking the results, stories, data and trying to get information on what is going on.  And that is going to hold down the successful use of the message boards for quite some time.  The other thing on the message boards that makes it so difficult, IMO, is the declassification of the members knowledge, experience, and ability.  Everyone is within one room like I said.  While that is fine for many, many really do not desire to teach gambling 101, every time they sign on to check for content, etc.  And those that are just coming on board, they have a ton of questions and little answers.  Fitting in is tough to do, in so many situations.  Couple that, with the bothersome 5 or 7 or 10 members almost all boards have, that are only present to stir the pot, cause trouble, show off, contribute nothing, challenge most everything with their expression of free speech, etc., and it brings down the overall good purpose and great melting pot that most of us really do desire."
AsymBacGuy / Re: New genius in town
March 07, 2022, 05:34:01 AM
I look at the amount of units in his wishful thinking of Marty, etc., for a loss.

Wagering a few hundred or $750.00 or say $1,500.00 a hand to start, he is talking astronomical amount of wagers that would be past all table maximums at B&M casinos.

Waste of time.