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Messages - alrelax

Yes it is long and yes I decided to bump it up for somebody that emailed me the other day and was making reference to it and wanted it brought back and couldn't find it.

If you don't have time to read it, I don't know why you're reading Forum Boards. Maybe just for one liners, lookng for something that's two sentences long that's going to solve all your problems and give you the road to riches?

>>>PLEASE READ TWICE<<<:  You cannot and will never solve your gambling problems or really find your gambling advantages via technology.  Reason being, you have to have the background in order to deceiver the wrong and the right or actually if finding the right is even possible.  It still and I do believe, will always take Blood, Sweat & Tears with a bunch of Hard Knocks in order to figure it all out.  Machines, the internet, the AI and all those rolled up and taken into consideration, can only assist oneself at best.  A gambler still needs good judgement, no make that, superior judgement!  Otherwise he has nothing to base his decisions on and nothing to measure them against.  And that is where so many argue, internet fight, disagree and get into trouble attempting to do so.

Looks like the Forum is about back to normal posting even with the older threads that we recently experienced problems with.

If anyone has any problems please post in this thread, thank you.

Dan J.
Assistant to Admin

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
November 01, 2020, 10:33:06 PM
Test post on older thread
Quote from: Garfield on October 25, 2020, 02:47:52 PM
Glad it's back....just when I need to re-read some old material....

I hope everything is working with posting and editing, found one problem that has to be fixed.

Let me know if you guys have any posting or searching errors,  thanks.
General Discussion / Off Line Server Maintenance Issues
October 25, 2020, 06:22:31 AM
We had some issues in connecting with the server after we did some upgrades and some changes on our end.

It took a few days and when we went to reconnect we actually didn't know it was not back online until a few people brought it to our attention yesterday. 

We were only seeing the admin side of it. Everything should be back online now.

Looking for some confirmation from anybody and if you're seeing this can you please post a reply so we know that the members are getting back on.  As well if you have any problems you can post them also thanks.
Some of the things I use in my Money Management Method.

The 1-3-2-6 Wagering next 4 hands I wager bet.

Really interesting how other people  are talking about much more than 4 Wagers and how they tally up their wins and what their risk is and it doesn't match what a  1-3-2-6 actually is. I've had many inquiries over the last couple years about the longevity of the 1-3-2-6 as well as other inquiries about how it actually works. A lot of people comment on it but so many people don't really know about it or try it. To me it's much more effective than flat betting or a constant parlay or constant positive progressions and even the up & pull people talk about that's been around for ages where say you wager $200 and win, the next wager might be $300, etc.

The following chart is based on winning one and moving on. You bet one unit if you win then you bet three units, if you win then you pull down and you bet two units, then if you win you wager for the last bet of 6 units.


BET       1               BET     3               BET    2               BET    6 
Your Risk    1                     2                          0                          0
If Won       +1                   +4                        +6                       +12
If Lost        -1                     -2                        +2                         0

(Please note, if you won the first two and you bet the third hand and you lost you still have two more units, in and above what you started with for another 2 attempts. That's why I love this kind of progression depending on the first win.)

And you cannot lose more than two of your own units if it fizzles out after the second wager. It is one of the greatest, simplest progressions in wagering.

Think about it, if you win only two units, 2 Wagers you have absolutely no risk to win 12 units or break even. It is a great wager!

The second most important thing that has helped me countless times, has been my 1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager, that I risk only with win money.

1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager

I move XYZ units into my 1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager allocation after certain wins for 4, 5 or 6 chances to succeed.

These wagers are placed coinciding with my regular wagers and usually never consecutively in a row with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th attempts after the initial first hand win.


4 Chances of $75.00.  Total win set aside of $300.00.
$75.00.  1st win parlay $150, 2nd $300, 3rd $600, 4th 1,200.  Net if won $2,400.

5 Chances of $100.00.  Total win set aside of $500.00.
$100.00.  1st win parlay $200, 2nd $400, 3rd $800, 4th $1,600.  Net if won $3,200.00.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
September 27, 2020, 08:28:12 AM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on September 21, 2020, 01:45:32 AM

We can't control the real outcomes, more likely we can make a fair estimation larger than 50% about the side which will be kissed by a higher 2-card point.


Can you please comment because this is exactly your last sentence what happened the other night and this shoe was an astronomical shoe but if you bet with your feeling or what you wanted you would have lost money.!

Boyd Gaming to Pay $300K Fine for Detaining, Handcuffing Wrong Fremont Casino Player

The guard in question also screamed at the guest, threatened her with jail, and was forced to give up money that belonged to her, Ed Magaw, a Nevada deputy attorney general, told the commission. The officer was "harsh" and "overly hostile," Magaw added.

The woman, in custody for an hour and 28 minutes, had the handcuffs removed at 1:50 a.m.  Over an accusation the patron stole $20.00 of credits from another player's slot machine.

"Under the circumstances, there was no need to detain the patron or subject her to the treatment given to her and the threats to try and force a confession out of her," the filing says. "The matter could have been resolved without even speaking to her, let alone detaining her for 90 minutes."

Prove your right, prove your innocent, stay strong.

Wisdom and thoughts do not translate into making money on your terms.

The Drive.......You wind up saying this cannot be happening to me just about each and every time. What you wind up doing, is to simply betray yourself inflicting betrayal upon yourself, nobody else but that's usually what happens the highest majority of the times when you get down and look at it.

Almost never realizing what the real focus needs to be and what the importance of remaining totally conscious of just that, rather than feeding into the numerous downfalls of the game. And the downfalls are all around you and you fall into them. I know most of them in the brick-and-mortar end of it, but online the biggest one being when in practice mode it allows you to be right the majority of the times but then real money is a total different story. There are numerous other ones as well.

The downfalls of the game are parallel to wishful thinking with tons of fallacy. The more knowledgeable and the more hard-headed one actually is becomes a huge roadblock in allowing yourself to actually see the way to make money.

Unfortunate but so true.


Las Vegas bars owners face a COVID-19 shutdown. They say it will take years to recover

Lost.  Was not pretty that is for sure.
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: For AsymB shoe results
September 14, 2020, 04:39:07 AM
I will comment on what we wagered on and how we made the decisions, also what was going on while we're away wagering.

Don't forget guys it's very easy to armchair quarterback the right decisions after you see the whole board all written or typed out. It's not that easy at the table in a live game with real money.
Going into the fourth quarter doesn't look good, they can make it happen but without anybody in the stadium a lot of their home field momentum is lost.