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Messages - alrelax

Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 23, 2020, 12:43:37 AM
Reference 1 + 4 Side Parlay

You know I was talking to a couple very experienced players at the baccarat table the other night and I got out of paper and pen and showed them my 1 + 4 side parlay wager, that I constantly do.

You know take just $50 because a lot of tables are $50 minimum and parlay it four times after you win once is a net profit of $1,550. Take that same $50 and flatbet it you, need 31 wins to make the same amount of money. It looks like this:

$50.00.   Win wager: $100  $200 $400 $800.  Net Profit: $1,550.00

Flat Bet would look like this:

$50.00.  Win wager each time:  $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50

And if you ever followed me and read anything I've written about my 1 + 4 side parlay wager,  it is not a consecutive dedicated wager.  I always have a main wager as my base bet, that is what I called my side wager and I'm wagering that out of my win money that's allocated four, five, six or seven times to complete one 1 + 4 side parlay wager.

Think about it, if you play to win you play to win!
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 22, 2020, 11:24:22 PM
Things that are vital to the overview of larger and powerful profit, what we all really want, seriously.

I am not talking about a dedicated positive progression with streak, repeating Bankers, etc., etc., and so on and so forth.  I am talking about good common sense Money Management Methods and belief in your method along with adherence to it.

Advance Tips:

Take your win money, put it away and get ahead.  Do not fall in the trap and believe the nonsense written so frequently on the forums about easily doubling and tripling the base bankroll/buy-in, etc. 

Adhere to your buy-in you brought to the casino and literally forget about your bankroll and other available cash on cards, etc.

Leave your win money out of the bankroll, it does not belong in your bankroll.  If you won what you did with a certain bankroll, all building yourself a larger bankroll will do, is make you less appreciative of what you had/have, etc.  Been there, done that.  You are are no different!

Always employ 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd with win money after getting a certain amount of it.

Replenish your Bankroll when you do lose, but do not apply all your win money to it.

When you get to the point, your win money is a whole second bankroll as well as having the excess win money being used for other purposes, then you are on your way to comfort.

Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 22, 2020, 11:03:05 PM
You must apply your 7 Steps M.M.M. to the following. 

Once you do, the advantage you award yourself is huge!


Correct Thinking:  Focusing Correctly
                             Anticipating & Neutralizing Pressure

Understanding Decision:  Causes & Multiple Causes
                                         Decision Criteria
                                         Making the Decision
                                         Understand & Recognizing Influence

Structuring: Defining Your Structured Wagers
                    Bank Roll & Buy In
                    Realizing the Risk
                    Being Governed by the Risk & Reward

Learning from Experience:  Planning

The Opportunity:  Identifying
                             Closing the Loop

Winning Method:  Frame of Mind
                             Do It Now

Wagering:  Levels & Plateaus
                  1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd
                  1 + 4 Side Parlay (on again-off again wager)
                   Positive Progressions
                   Flat Wagering
                   Side Wagers and the Proper Allocation for Them
Comp's--Front Money--Rebates  & Other Perks:  Explained & Rationalized
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 22, 2020, 10:58:12 PM
7 Steps Money Management Method

1)    Bankroll

2)    Positive Progression

3)    1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd Set-Asides

4)    1 + 4 Side Parlay

5)    Sections & Turning Points

6)    Level & Plateau

7)    Value, Respect, Recognition
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 22, 2020, 09:40:47 PM
Tips Reference Money Management Method (MMM):

Wager Size or When to Wager, has nothing at all to do with my M.M.M.

M.M.M. is a procedure, not a scheduling of what is to be wagered.

Do not allow your betting to control or guide you as an automatic to continue on a pre-planned or desired scheduled track, because the highest majority of the times you allow that, you will lose your entire buy-in no matter the size it was. 

Some people change up what others say and attempt to classify those proven things that help some of us, will say things like, Money Management will 'Soften the Curve', or 'De-Escalades Bet Sizes' for the players security to prevent him from losing large amounts.  Horse Garbage!

M.M.M. allows (at least mine does) for me to keep winning with 1/3rd, 1/3rd sideways and while another 1/3rd is locked up, then alerts me and governs me to stop if I actually lost the preset amount of a win being 1/3rd or possibly 2/3rds. 

My M.M.M. also allows me to wager larger and harder without risking my buy-in.

Smaller wins rather than larger losses, contribute well to Risk Capital that must be viewed as such.  Stop the confusion of putting yourself into the "I Must Win" phase.  Let yourself capitalize on the best opportunities.  But in order to see them at the table, you have to have the mind-set and the patience that will allow you to do just that!

If you pre-set a certain definitive number of units to be a stop, such as 30, 50 or 60, you are putting a total negative factor into the picture that will certainly distract your attention and a heck of a lot more.

You should use a predetermined amount of capital for your buy-in that is a small proportion of your total bankroll.  There is no other way to determine buy-ins that would be to your advantage.  Your buy-in must be viewed as pure risk capital without stressing its purposes, limits or what it is producing or not producing.  Otherwise your distraction and dependency will overwhelm your ability to produce.

Flat-bet into a--up positive progression, that eventually leads you to a 1 or a 2 Xs total your buy-in amount.

Your win money should be grouped up and then divided up to continue.  Allow your win money to win additional wagers or cool you off, etc.  Say you quickly won $1,000.00 in 2 wagers.  You can easily squeeze 6 wagers out of that; $125.00/$125.00/$125.00/$125.00/$250.00/$250.00. Or something similar to those.  With those wagers, see how much you can win.  6 good chances to possibly get 6 decent positive progressions on the casino gives me clear-mind and a huge advantage.
Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
May 22, 2020, 12:06:32 AM
Hanging out tonight!

PHO and Pad Thai plate.

You clearly misunderstand and/or misinterpret my Money Management Method along with its positive progressions and parlay wagers. 

I have done very well with exactly those since I began allowing those things to govern my sessions and play. 
I want to bring something out about W's and L's posted on gambling forums and boards on the internet.  W's and L's are common and as a standard of the forum posting field, more likely than not, the author will not tell you how those W's came about.  I mean, how he chooses the wager that won the bet. 

IMO, I have found countless authors will run hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of hands with 1 or 2 scheduled wagers are being applied.  They will accumulate downswings or clumps of losses before their scheduled wagering equals out or they get a few units ahead. Eventually they will stop their session on paper and show a +5, +10, +20 unit profit, etc. They repeatedly do this.

Such as:  W-W-L-L-W-L-W-W-L-L-L-L-L-L-W-W-L-W-L-L-W-W-L-L-L-L-W-L-W-L-L-W-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-W-W-W-L-L-W-W-L-L-L-W-L-L-L-W-L-W-W-W-W-L-L-L-W-L-L-L-L-L-L-W-L-W-L-W-L-L-L- W-W-L-W-W-L-W-W-W-W-L-W-W-L-W-L-L-W-L-W-L-W-W-W-W-W-W-L-W-W-W-W-L-L-W-W-W-W-L-W-W-L-W-L-L-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-L-W-L-L-W-W-W-W

????.and their W's and L's will continue and continue for hundreds of hands. They play and play and play running their continuous stream on W?s and L?s.  At points risking 24 or 30 lost units, which in reality at a real B&M casino would be into thousands and thousands of dollars. Personally have no idea if they are continuously wagering on the Banker and hoping and waiting on the presentments of Bankers to get ahead than the Players side.  Of course on paper, they can easily carry this on for 5 or 10 shoes and running down, say 40 or 50 units.  But in person with their real cash at risk in a B&M casino, they offer no proof that they actually do any of this. 

I have seen situations where picking any side, Banker or Player or any situation, Chop-Chop or Second Line or wagering only after 2 or 4 repeats in a row, etc., etc., or a host of dozens of other possibilities, etc., would all prevail for a very limited amount of wins and then followed by every other thing except what the gambler was trying for.  Lost units would amount into the tens of thousands easily at $25.00 to $150.00 a hand, realistically low wagering at most all casinos.

Regardless, run a group of 20 shoes and continually wager something on them, then run another group of shoes and continuously wager that same thing on that group. Then run another group and another group.  You will get ahead; you will get behind and possibly exactly even several times. But, it is a risk of your bankroll and buy-ins that are so far against you to gain profits and be able to really make something out of the game; it is on the verge of being ludicrous.   

Here is a quote that someone on BetSelection has said to me and about me. "@Alrelax, Idiotic hyper progressions look rewarding but are fatal. Actually, progressions work in direct proportion to chance of losing all. You win pretty fast with it until you lose back all. Take classic martingale for that manner, it wins one unit easily till it gives back all in just one bad stretch. Casino would love to see a player using marty. He ensures the slowest win and the fastest loss."  My response.  Well, if the gambler wagers it with common sense, use an advantage Money Management Method for himself, etc., he will be able to put those wins away and use a certain portion of those progressive wins to maintain his win status and keep profiting.  When his win status falls off, if that gambler continues to follow his Money Management Method, he will cash out and take a nice profit. 

However, point being if the gambler is going to continue his wagering, whether flat, every third hand, every Banker or Player, every chop or every second line only, every 4th or 5th wager coming up after the first 3 or 4 or repeating Bs or Ps, etc., the gambler will certainly give it all back, EACH AND EVERY TIME, no matter what.  I have witnessed just that countless times at every B&M casino I have ever played at.

Two short examples of what I have read on the internet.  One author claims to risk 60 units with his wagering plan to make a few units.  Well, 60 units at an extremely low bet mount of $25.00 is $1,500.00.  Risking $1,500.00 (Plus) to maybe profit $75.00 or $100.00?  Another author boast on 300 units is his (almost max) drawdown, whatever almost means, and say it was at $25.00, that would total to be $7,500.00 and if it was at $50.00, the total at risk would have to be $15,000.00. 

With no guarantee, no written assurance, and the possibility that the entire bankroll can disappear, to me that only complicates the matter of frustration, aggravation and generally adds to----just getting sucked in. 
You know all of the shortages of food product, cleaning product, paper goods product, etc., are just about over, at least in the Midwest anyway.  The smaller stores, the larger multi location chain stores and the warehouse club/wholesale stores, just about have all of their normal stock levels back now, with a few exceptions. 

I said it all along.  Consumer created and almost everyone fell into it, "OMG, there will be no more toilet paper., no more bread, no more meat, no more this---no more that", and so on and so forth with virtually all of the common everyday products we all buy once a week, bread, eggs and even vitamins. 

The perpetrated it to the millionth power!  All day, every day reporting about limits, lines, closures, out of stock, plants closing down, etc., etc. Of course the highest majority of the American public runs out and begins the hoarding process. 

Some one tell you something enough, you are exposed to the highest majority of those around you when in public doing something, you constantly see and hear on the news about the shortages, plant closures and everything else related to the marketplaces dwindling inventory levels, etc., the common/average person becomes of the same mind frame. 

Now, the stores are just about restocked, new and increased inventory levels, and other adjustments.  With the exception of an infrequent food processing plant story or something else of similar nature, the media is just absent of what they religiously harped on with such power, gusto and energy for the first month of all this C-19 stuff!

You know as I have said before, all of this creation of news, broadcasting, relaying it all, repeating it all with the extreme gusto and belief, is a very close analogy as to what happens at the casino and on the websites with new, newer and inexperienced players.  Once the drama, the story, the reality of what the person is harping on all fizzles out, move on to the next one.  The analogy is similar without any doubt whatsoever.

By our member: Lungyeh

Short discussion on what to do to survive post Covid-19 drawing on words of wisdom. This first episode will tell you the attitude needed and the overall strategy to adopt. Subsequent episodes will cover specific areas and will explore specific issues like cash flow forecasting in the new normal.

The Sage and the Young Ones is a channel dedicated to wisdom discussions transcending the generations; exchange of views with some episodes demonstrating that sometimes the old has lots to learn from the young ones.

Part 1:


Part 2:

Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 17, 2020, 11:56:36 PM
Money Management Method.

Money Management Method is procedure--not scheduling of what to wager, seriously most everyone's downfall at baccarat subscribing to a scheduling of wagers to follow with the wrong total concept of proper Money Management Method. 

Your Buy-in should be pure risk money.  Your Buy-in should never be split up into a firm hold, or stop, or wagering amounts, etc.  Because you will govern yourself to disaster when the shoe presentments do not go your way.  If you can view and wholeheartedly believe that your Buy-in is pure risk money, the psych and less stress advantages you give yourself by adhering to those things will be of huge advantage to your decision making benefits.   

Wagering should not control or guide you as an automatic to continue or stop according to a pre-planned scheduled track, etc.  Understand that your wins and your losses must govern your session. 

Wagering & Intricacies / Re: L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 17, 2020, 11:40:42 PM
Bankroll & Bankroll Management.

Bankroll is your total sum of money that is available for your gambling buy-in sessions.

Buy-in is your total sum, which is a small percentage of your Bankroll, that you will allow to be pure risk for wagering for one session or trip.

Management is your Money Management Method, that governs you whether you are winning or losing at the casino.

Simply the majority written on the internet is so ridiculously wrong and detrimental to a player, it is ludicrous!

So many times I read about others claiming to start with small amounts of money and quickly grow their bank rolls so quick and fast, like turning $1,000.00 into $3,500.00, then $7,000.00, then $14,000.00, then $20,000.00, then $40,000.00 with 6 trips or so to the casino, all the while keeping a thousand or two out each time for their spending, etc.  So ludicrous and such outright lies, I actually do feel bad for those reading that stuff with such open minds and possible belief in it.

You need to play your bankroll based on it, based on what your bankroll is.  Play your bankroll based on what you have coming into your weekly or monthly finances from outside of the casino, plus what you do win.  Build up your bankroll based on those two things, there is no other way to do it, in your favor.  Play your bankroll and decide what your sessions/trips buy-ins will be based on those two things also, there is no other way to do it.

Wagering & Intricacies / L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 17, 2020, 11:04:41 PM
When you are at the table, you must set aside all feelings, control desire and statistical results/beliefs that all mean nothing at the instant time and shoe event that you are sitting at.  The results and how they came about in everything up to the instant time, mean nothing when compared with what is about to happen.

You need a clear and neutral mind-set to think with and gain advantage from; and be in the moments with conscious thought, as the presentments are occurring.  Do not let them influence or sway your thoughts.

Down to Business.  There is a general misunderstanding of the game of baccarat.  I like to relate this to the Firehouse/Fireman's Effect.  Which is basically, 2 people with much down-time or those people together all the time, talking about something will most of the time, be accepted as true and outside observers would easily see as completely irrational.  And hence, that is exactly the problem with gambling forums and their clicks and groups of members that, 'Hang out together with support of each other--no matter what is typed out and said' about how to win and how to make a living gambling with all of the hundreds of professionals claiming to win most every time at the Bac table.

all your Money Management Methods.  Rules, Notes, Governing Protocols, Etc.

INCLUDE reminders you know can aid in guiding you to better play, keeping more of the wins and giving you influence to call it a session when you are ahead instead of going for large and almost always unattainable wins.

STAY focused.  Engage with others for the possibilities of learning some insights, occasional tips, discovering the destructiveness of the game, but most of all--remember influence and desiring going with or against is extremely volatile and instills almost all the wrong reasons for wagering. Write down the things that have haunted you in the past, synopsis's of condensed 'bad situations'.

TAKE your list with you and pull it out, read it, remind yourself of what you need to do, should do, must do and DO IT!

"When it is there, realize it; when it is not do not attempt to make it happen.  That is where we all have gone and go wrong".  By: Alrelax.