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Messages - alrelax

Just a tiny bit over the weekend, the first two pictures are from Saturday and the next two pictures are from Sunday.  The first 3 at a large convenience store chain in the Midwest USA.  We have gone for about about two months without virtually any Bakery products or other self-serve foods without being pro rationed or pre-packaged, individually packaged, etc. Most of the bulk foods in the supermarkets such as the candy and other bulk items such as olives and specialty foods are removed and staying removed.  Every buffet i have come across is either shut down or has been physically removed. I had a small self-service section at my restaurant which I would put featured foods that were freshly cooked and the State Health Department came in and told me what I had to do to keep it. I decided to remove it as well their rules and regulations concerning it were cost prohibited and countless times more stringent than handling the food in the kitchen and regular service from preparation to customers table.

Anyway on Saturday I finally observed some donuts in The Fresh Bakery case at a large convenience store chain and although the flavors were limited on Sunday they added and started to get back to normal. As well for the first time the roller grills were in operation once again.  After that I had to stop at the supermarket to pick up some cleaning supplies and the paper goods aisle was getting better and I've said all along that there's no shortage in the supply chain it was just in getting it to the marketplace and all the distribution and packaging and trucking that has to go on to get it onto the shelves, that the majority of the public does not understand.





You know the comparison between what has happened with the C-19 AFTERMATH and just say playing Baccarat, where as a player goes up to the baccarat table, Buys-in and expects the shoe to produce fallacy and fulfill his desire after he spent time reading and testing and proving himself on the internet, is so close in analogy it's actually sad. True, but sad!
More on the reopening process and some good details from Foxwoods casino, our country's largest casino property.

Quote from: AsymBacGuy on May 07, 2020, 02:14:45 AM

No way they will reopen soon, I bet they will be closed for long.

And I guess the least thing anyone want to do now is gambling or going into frequented indoor places as casinos.


Here's the first official announcement I can find this morning as I posted, I do know there are two possibly three, major Midwest Casino properties that have already leaked out they will reopen the morning of May 15th they just didn't make it official. Probably they will make it official early this week.

The first of many to reopen, here's one in the west coast. I know there's two if not three in the midwest that are major Casino properties that are looking at reopening on May15th just not an official announcement as of yet, I expect something tomorrow or Tuesday.

Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
May 09, 2020, 08:20:48 PM
Today we're hanging out looking at reopening the restaurant and looking at a few other things reopening with a few of our close friends and family, decided to make some lunch and talk about it. There are two of the best hot dogs on the market which is the Vegas Brand they come out of Illinois, to me they are the best, we made up some chili with some jalapenos on top of them. And we got some shredded potatoes, put some cheese and added cream sauce that came out really really good.

Like I said just hanging out getting all our inventory done and more this afternoon.

The ultimate solution for the smokers which isn't going to be allowed to smoke anymore and the bad body odor and the ones that just sneeze and don't cover their mouth!   Especially the ones that did smoke and just blow it right next to them, the ultimate retaliation, at least we can say thank you to the Chinese!

Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
May 08, 2020, 09:26:37 PM
Perfect dish to go along with a little BetSelection communication today, why not?

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
May 08, 2020, 08:30:00 AM
So very very very true to the millionth power, past the School of Hard Knocks over the Wild Blue Yonder and past all the other agonizing metaphors, that exist in the world of Baccarat I quote the following:

"Know when to walk out and when to walk in.

No amount of computer testing and or practice based on the theoretical approaches will be accomplished without hands on at the table playing with your hard earned money. I don't want any new potential or prospect players to think that it is a piece of cake to make a living playing baccarat or to win the money consistently. There is no holy grail period.

Please read, learn and practice with  real money at the table. Win or lose, strive to improve it from there."
Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
May 07, 2020, 09:45:32 PM
H-Money is over.  Talking shop.  Going through last 6 months or so of play prior to the casinos closing down mid March.  We made some spicy tuna, seaweed, avocado, cucumber and rice with blackberries and a side of cream cheese jalapenos. 

Reopening? Yes absolutely the economy will get up and running again. In the Midwest, one of many and a large property with midi Baccarat and full service property including hotels, various restaurants and other departments, etc.  In other words a substantial property.  One of the Senior Management Personnel text me last night and here's exactly what the text said. "Hi, the casino was working this week on the plans for reopening!  With hope all will go well and a date can be confirmed. I have missed my job, my friends and family... I truly hope that all of your family has been safe!!"

So yes, in another week or so. 
No one really knows what the casinos will look like when they reopen but one thing for sure there will be changes:
