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Messages - alrelax

Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 13, 2020, 11:53:16 PM
Okay, here:

Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 13, 2020, 08:53:35 PM
Todays snack!

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 13, 2020, 03:29:22 AM
I have posted pics of shoes with what i call, Sections.  And exactly what you  said here:  "Sometimes shoes will provide easy betting situations (long runs, long chops, strong predominance, etc) and that's the main strategy 99.9% of bac players rely upon.  Unfortunately this is a short term favourable occurence.", is spot on!
With the keywords being, sometimes and short term.
Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 12, 2020, 10:41:59 PM
Just finished up our little research on gun deaths around the world, but guns are not outlawed everywhere! I don't understand it.  People are dying and the way that we can control it, is by outlawing and getting rid of every single gun and accessory and bullet by closing down every single factory, distributor and retailer of them and not even having any in existence for the underworld to have.  If we can close the economy for a flu, we certainly can close it for weapons of mass destruction. Just as many if not more people collectively are killed then C19. I am f****** confused.

I believe they should be and we should definitely pull every single gun and have them incinerated and outlawed and close down every manufacturer of guns, gun accessories and the bullets that kill people.

We're looking at between 250,000 and 300,000 deaths each and every year with no stopping or slow down in sight and generally only an increase every year with the leading 10 countries being in the following order.  Brazil, United States, India, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Philippines, Guatemala, Russia and Afghanistan which those 10 countries accounted for 180,000 people dead annually alone, according to statistical records a couple years ago.
Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 12, 2020, 09:57:50 PM
A plate of crab salad snacks we whipped up to pass the time.

Seriously!  F#@$ing seriously!  I walked into the restaurant this morning, H-Money slept in my office on his homemade couch pull out, he brought his own blankets and pillows LOL.  He's been here for a few days and he made me breakfast. I walked over from my house. MSNBC news was on and he's listening to some politician talking about this C19 event is mostly caused by climate change and lack of green fields. And the politician that was on, is nearby my state and I know who the politician's spouse is.  Here is the punch line,  the politicians spouse is involved with an environmental company so it doesn't get any better than that!!!!

Seriously doesn't get any better than that.   I'll drop it, just wanted to express that while I'm waiting on my fresh cup of coffee here from my waiter H-Money,  :nod:
And why the revenue of Macau was drastically dropping, this will give you a little background and what I was referring to.

Just a little background and if you want to understand China and Macau's relationship you have to understand the gamblers and being able to legally gamble in Macau, where they come from and who they are.

This article explains some of it and then you will see who the group of vip bac players are and why they switched up going to Australia.  Who knows what's going to happen after C19?

And if you don't know who Stanley Ho is, it is an interesting read. The casino Control Commission spent years keeping the MGM chain out of Atlantic City because of Stanley Ho's daughter's involvement in MGM. If nothing else, than you read about Stanley's, 17 or so children with a few wives, yes Stanley was busy. 

And just seven months ago let's not forget about Lawrence who everyone believes is sitting in for his farther Stanley.

"But while the focus of the media has largely been on lurid tales involving sex, drugs and illegal wombat shooting, the inquiry will also look into Packer's attempt to sell much of his stake in Crown to the Melco Resorts empire controlled by his friend and former business partner, Hong Kong casino billionaire Lawrence Ho, for about $1.75bn."

Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 12, 2020, 04:56:10 AM
Life is dangerous, things are dangerous, just the way it is.

Driving Northbound in the southbound Lanes doing 70 miles an hour on a four-lane divided highway or an interstate will result in tragedy, serious injury or death most likely. You're not supposed to be doing it but it is repeatedly done all over the USA and the world for various reasons. Same as driving eastbound in the westbound lanes.  That alone, with the countless numbers that are killed should ban the automobile, no?

My God, cell phones, tablets and laptops have caused so much death on the highways all over the world, the most that is done if the driver gets caught, is a ticket for driving, that's called distracted driving.  And if it results in serious injury he may get a slightly more serious charge . But again, the devices that caused all of those hundreds of thousands of people to die every year are not banned!  So I'm f****** confused.

Working on electricity in your home or business without being an electrician and fully being aware of the dangers, is extremely dangerous that winds up killing a countless amount of people every year, but we do not outlaw everything that takes electricity.

Working with chemicals without being knowledgeable and well-trained and experienced results in tragedy, injury and death to countless people every year, but we do not ban or outlaw any chemical that will result in death.

Working with industrial equipment, heavy equipment, specialized equipment is also dangerous and you must be trained and have experience with that particular type of equipment you are working with, but those types of equipment also cause serious injury and death to countless people all over the world every year!   But we do not outlaw or ban that equipment.  And these injuries and deaths of countless numbers happen to both young, middle-aged and older people as well as innocent bystanders are killed. But we do not close the industries down that the equipment is used in or the communities are not closed where that equipment operates even if we know others out there will repeat certain events with the same catastrophic outcome using that equipment by unskilled workers, etc.

Oh yeah and the last one, without naming hundreds more, is guns.  Guns kill, why do we still have guns in circulation and guns being sold? I'm f****** confused, shouldn't guns be banned?

An estimated 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. The first is tobacco, and the second is poor diet and physical inactivity.  So shouldn't we ban alcohol because millions of people died around the world from that every year and shouldn't we ban tobacco for the same reason and third shouldn't we ban being lazy and fat?

The list can go on and on and on and on.