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Messages - alrelax

Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: My concluding post
January 15, 2020, 01:47:20 PM
Drive ahead, keep going, make yourself happy, take care of your family and your loved ones and watch your health. Keep up all the good work wherever you go.

Although I must say, when I scan the other boards there is lots and lots and lots of drama and all the super active threads are more about soap opera conducted by the drama queens and kings and of a personal nature rather than of the casino nature of any type of value to anyone other than sheer entertainment purposes of watching back alley fights.

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places, but I do scan the major boards and that's about all I see. I try to focus and sometimes I go sideways and I apologize but I also in some ways like a little social interaction that we used to have. But of course I've explained why people were moderated and which ones were moderated.

But best of luck to you and I look forward to anything you ever want to add.

Wagering & Intricacies / Re: Figuring It Out
January 15, 2020, 04:32:54 AM
Nothing to do with systemic scheduling, simplified or statistical wagering.

It is recognizing and capitalizing on what the shoe is presenting. Period.

If you are looking and wagering for a certain event, you are then entering prediction, fallacy and hope, falling complete prey to the casino.

You have to realize you can only capitalize on certain sections that will be defined by certain turning points. You cannot and will not change what is waiting to be presented by applying any type of prediction, vision, statistics or results from testing. And I do mean any form of any of those.

You cannot predict what is going to happen or not happen, you can only assume. However you can wager on the winning side with force and capitalizing extremely quick on being correct. But you can only do this for a short period of time and within a certain section. You cannot and will not continuously do it shoe after shoe or even throughout complete shoes, on any type of near consistent and  frequent basis.
Key Points of Good Money Management Method in Baccarat

First and Foremost.  You have to govern yourself by Levels & Plateaus, that you are in.  Meaning.  Wagering and staying within your own Level and Plateau.  This is a MUST!  Figure it out, find it out, use it to your advantage.  It works.  I have written about it in detail, it is on this board. 

Develop a Bank Roll.  Understand that your Bankroll is different than your Buy-in.  Your Buy-in is a small section of your Bankroll.  Again, part of your Level & Plateau.  But, IMO your Buy-in should be no greater than 10% at the most extreme of your Bankroll. 

Replenish your Bankroll at the earliest possible time, like clockwork, without excuses or exceptions.  None, zero. 

Do not fall into the extremely hurtful, detrimental, not an advantage in the world, etc., belief that you build your Bankroll continually with win money and play larger and larger and greater and greater.  Every single case of that led the Bankroll holder to bust. 

Replenish your Bankroll with win money.  Do not apply all your win money to it.  Use win money for other things outside of Bankroll and gambling, etc. 

Always employ the 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd with your win money as I have also written and detailed about. 

Understand that Buy-in is strictly risk capital and you are looking for capitalizing on presentments.  Nothing else.  All personal feelings and scheduled wagers need to be shelved and used extremely sporadic, the exact same as employing beliefs of wagering with or against someone because of what they are doing or not doing with their wagers, etc. 

Employ 1-3-2-6 or 1-3-2-4 or 1-3-4-8 positive progressions, if you are looking to do what the extremely disciplined players proved greater success with over the years, playing a bit more aggressive within shorter term sections, etc.

Wagering & Intricacies / Figuring It Out
January 14, 2020, 08:01:43 PM
If you are trying to figure out where you want to go and what you want to be doing in gambling, you can not possibly get there if you do not understand where you are today and what you truly experienced and how it actually happened.

Once you do, than you can use it with advantages. 
The one person I still am looking forward to meeting and playing Bac with is Asym. 

We need to make this happen! 
So many on the internet, make it seem so easy.  Just follow this or that, Stop Loss and a Stop Win, earn so many units a day and you can easily make thousands a week.  Yeah right.  Show it in Black & White, support it with real pictures, documentation and other reality tangibles!  They cannot do that.  Reason why, because they are internet drama queens and thugs, getting their daily kicks or pushing their fabricated system that can offer you no better chance at winning than Hillary does at being the next president of the United States. 

So often, and IMO, more often than not--people stay away from threads on here because a handful of members coming along with all too familiar and disruptive, "could not, never did or will never happen" type of written comments. And then they go into their dialog, reasons, and blatantly hijacking out the thread, with really only one thing in mind.  The insult to the O.P. as well as boasting their status and position they perceive themselves holding within the community, the community on the internet.  For in reality, those very ones I am directing this to, have zip outside of the internet so-called community.  That is their lives, day in and day out. 

Certain people want control, one is through a forum message board.  You have witnessed it right here with 4 to 6 high-profile, A-Alpha Members that were either banned or moderated.  It happens all over, some will say only here on BetSelection, but that is a complete and utter lie.  Look at the other boards, WoV, VMB, and others.  Much larger scale of moderation and attempted control.  Some members outside of the Admin and Owners do manage to hang onto control for extended periods of time, for one reason or another.  The message boards are private concerns with limited public access, obey the rules and stay, if not you will most likely get trespassed and asked to leave.  If you do not leave you will be forced to leave.  No different than your local shopping mall, your local brick and mortar casino, a local restaurant.  No different.  Just here and other message boards, certain A-Alpha circles of members push and push and push and push until the drama starts. 

Like I was saying, a group of members will attempt control to their liking and venture onward the forum from there.  And in every case that control is in the way of insults, talking down to most others, forming a small group of comrades and a few co-conspirators, that will unilaterally support their A-Alpha brother/members.  It happens all over the forums.  That very small group will do whatever it takes to control and gain recognition for, but they do not stop there.  They derail almost all good threads, no matter the interest, content or possibility of further discussion. 

You will notice how most of the threads are taken over by the types I just described.  And the flip side is, the threads these types start, are short winded, generally complicated and not proven, have more gamblers fallacy and drama than those that they actually took over or attempted to take over in most every way.

Good points, bad points, real points, desired points, related or non related to most discussions are all perfectly acceptable. However, the insulting, disruptive business attempted within this board at times (used to be huge amounts) and from other forum boards, as well as harassment of the participants of whatever thread it is, should not be engaged in and IMO, do not belong on this or any other message board.  Drama of most any type will always lead to some type of mayhem.  And that causes ill will, hatred and pursuits that are useless, totally useless, except for the scoreboard of the drama queens that seem to live for just that very thing.  Worthless, but without a doubt, their treasured pursuit in life. 

No matter what, I love my family, my friends, this forum, lots of the members and baccarat.  Sure there are a few other things, but in reality those other things would be a sideways avenue of each of those that I spelled out in the previous sentence. 
To understand Ping, you have to understand a bit about her career she is attempting to get away from.  The one with the Department of Justice (D.O.J.).  There was one terrible event that pushed her over that proverbial line we all attempt to steer clear of.  But she eventually did stumble and stumble huge, right over that line. 

She eventually came back around and realized that she had to get away from the D.O.J. and get on with her life.  She set out with an unprecedented volume of vengeance, resilience and challenge to the organization that could never be stopped by the U.S. Government and any other law enforcement agency worldwide.  In all reality, it was not the D.O.J. that caused her downfall or stumbling over that line, it was an organization that could never, although many tried, to stop it from operating and doing just what they accomplished to Ping.  And Ping knew this and knew it very well.   

She enlisted the toughest, smartest and most knowledgeable people to put new meaning in the phrase, 'Pay-Back'! So sitting there at a baccarat table on the Bankers side and the Players side returns a Natural 8, Ping is focused on what will win, not lose.  And if she losses the hand, you can rest assured she will be on the right side for the next 4 of 5 hands at the bare minimum.

Serious gambling. Rules of the road that will definitely assist you to make those decisions of the bet selections and capitalize on presentments that are presenting themselves. 7 of the best things you can ever research and get into your protocol are:

Stop the Pursuit of Endless Chasing.
Abide By.
Total Consciousness of Reality.

Steady and consistent with one or two or three units  and then a stop loss or a stop win, will eventually lead nowhere, except to broke or stopping before even if you have huge willpower traits. But you will never make money if you are staying consistent like I said.

You have to play engaged to realize what it is really about. Play heavy, meaning wager heavy on whatever you are winning at. Again look back to the 7 items I first mentioned, 'don't change and don't realize', now you get what I'm saying?

15 to 25 presentments within a section remember that.

+ 10 heavy would be possible.

10  + 5 units is 50, if that's not a goal I don't know what is?

One or two or three and stop is a Road to Nowhere!  Remember that.

4 + on larger progressed units plus, is the way to go.
So while Ping's money is being counted out, the scene plays over and over in Ping's mind. She could not shake it out. It was always there. It was the one thing that perplexed Ping, with all of her intelligence, experience and education, she could not find any way to rid herself of that one scene, that played over and over and over in her mind. Uncontrollably when that scene would all of a sudden present itself, Ping would just prop head up onto her fists and just let it play through.

She made countless visits to the psychologist on staff at the D.O.J. attempting to find a way to eradicate that scene from its unwelcomed reoccuring appearance. Only to the doctor, would she break down and admit she gets scared thinking about it and also told him it's like someone stealing a piece of your soul and even though the scene is only a vision, a dream, not real, you cannot get that piece of your soul back at least Ping could not.

Suddenly her phone rings only this time Ping answers it and without giving the other person a chance to say anything she lays into the caller, "I can never get it back don't you understand that, I remember that night and it replays itself over and over and over and over in the greatest slow motion detail in my mind. Even if I am awake and conscious, I cannot see anything except that horrible night, that scene. You understand me? I remember my life before that night and I want that back, but I know I can never be that person again because we can't go back in time".

Ping's money is finished being counted out on the table and the dealer says excuse me three times before Ping pays any attention to her. Do you want purple or do you want purple and black what is it you want? Ping tells her, give me 15 in purple and give me four in black and give me one thousand in green.  Tina at the other end of the table said; "Like can we play some cards already"?

Wagering & Intricacies / Sections and Turning Points
January 06, 2020, 11:18:54 PM
Sections & Turning Points

A Further Explanation

Several have inquired and several have misinterpreted what I wrote previously.  So, I will attempt to further explain what Sections & Turning points are to me.

Sections.  Sections, is the shoe divided up into 3 to 5 windows that help me focus on numerous things.  A couple of those are the following.  First and foremost, to concentrate on what is being presented as a constant reminder on what the shoe is producing.  Some call that the flow of the cards or the presentments as they are happening, etc.  Either way, those or any of the other labels, it is reality and what is actually happening.  I do believe one of the greatest mistakes in playing baccarat is the continual looking back as to what happened or the opposite, what has not happened or what should happen, etc.  Second, after years and years of actual play, relying or counting on streaks, chops, doubles, cuts, ones and threes, ones and twos, etc., will only get you what is actually being presented.  Not what is due, what you want, what you are counting on, what could happen or anything of those desires we all have most of the times.  I have come to realize a few years back, that the shoe will do what the shoe will do, nothing more and nothing less.  Hence, the Section is reality as it is happening.  Third, there is no trigger(s) being defined, there are no sure wagers being defined, there are no should appear type of favoritism being brought about, if used the way I intended it to be used.

The reasoning for the 3 to 5 Sections is based on tens of thousands of live shoes being witnessed and played by myself, it is extremely rare for more than one half of the shoe to stay the same.  Meaning, all chops, all doubles, all streaks by one or two or even three or four times, etc., etc., and so on.  The common amount (could be a bit subjective to each of us, the actual number of hands) I would say is right around 15 to 20.  Therefore, a shoe of 80 hands would equal 4 Sections of 20.  A shoe of 80 hands might equal 5 Sections of 15 and so on. 

Turning Points. Turning Points, are the definitive time that the Section dies or comes about.  Exactly what the term means.  This is the spot that the Section ends and a new Section begins.  Like Jimske, a previous member that really rode into me and chastised myself for my writing, Sections & Turning Points, he seemed to have twisted my writing to his wrongful interpretation and how I came up with the Turning Points of the Sections.  I said it before and I will say it again.  A Turning Point is defined after it happens.  Not before.  We are not predicting anything here, we are not putting our desires or triggers or anything of the like, for the Turning Point line.  I am merely putting the Turning Point line exactly where it happened to define a Section that is closing and opening up a new Section.  Also, a bit subjective to the person playing of course. 

Say there was BB-P-BBB-P-B-P-B-PP-BB-P-BBB-B-PPPPPPPP-B.  I would draw a line either right before or after those 8 Players in a row depending on how they formed.  But if this example was from the first hand of the shoe, I would draw the line before probably would the 4th or 5th Player in a row.  Why?  Because the Section changed, clearly and definitively. 

I posted numerous pictures on the board here with examples on real score boards of Sections and Turing Points.  If you are interested, you can look those up.

There are numerous ways I use my Sections & Turning Points.  I have rarely seen repetitive whole shoe patterns and trends or presentments, whatever you wish to call them, repeat themselves over and over and over again for much more than one third of the shoe and even less, over a half of shoe.  After tens of thousands of shoes, I know it would be in the rare classification for there to be much greater than 15 alternating chops in a row, or greater than 12 doubles in a row, or more than eight 1s and 3s, or more than 3 streaks of greater than 10 in a row, etc., in one shoe.  I hope my point is coming across.

Likewise, when repetitive patterns, trends or groups of presentments seem to come back around, it would be later in the shoe, if they do at all. Sections & Turning Points can certainly highlight the groupings of presentments within their greatest appearing clumps or groups.  Weak or Strong in whatever the shoe is producing can be numerous things.  Streaks, Chops, Doubles, Ones and Threes, etc.  Sections & Turning Points assists me to define current presentments and the limited time the usually appear, narrowing down the possibilities of a BETTER WAGER or a WAGER WITH GREATER POSSIBILITY to win then not using it.       
The hunger returned to Ping's brain as she rounded a blind curve on the highway she was on. She was doing about 95 miles an hour in a 65 miles per hour zone, but she did not care, that was Ping. She was north of cute, she was somewhere around absolutely beautiful and stunning was a better way to describe her. She would never get a ticket from a male police officer if pulled over and if a female officer stopped her, she would pull out her previous credentials from the FBI a position she held in her previous career that she was still kind of tied to in some ways.

Her cell phone rang as her favorite song came on the radio, Burning Down The House by the Talking Heads. She turned up the volume as high as it would go and her cell phone rang and rang. A few seconds later her cell phone rang again. Her phone was between her legs on the car seat she was sitting in driving. She concentrated on the song as she did not want to answer her phone. She glanced down at her phone and there was a text message at the top of the screen, "answer the God damn phone!". She did not answer. Her foot reacted and she was now doing g well over a hundred miles an hour.

She could not figure out if the hunger in her stomach was from her lack of baccarat play coupled with the casino action she craved for, or if it was actual hunger itself. Ping was smart, actually north of smart, more like brilliant. Her classic education was a degree with honors from Dartmouth University in New Hampshire. But she was equally educated in reality and less than formal training, most any law enforcement officer ever experiences in their Police Academy training and their years of field experience coupled together. Ping was special, a natural, a talented woman well past whatever her years at Dartmouth University taught her in the various classrooms she sat in. The streets of various Chinatown's in various Asian sections of New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago as well as Bangkok, Hong Kong, Macau, Phnom Penh, Vientiane and many other cities and back jungles less than famous towns throughout the Mekong Delta, taught her to name just a few.

Ping previously worked full-time for the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who had originally recruited her as an Asian translator and research assistant but quickly found her niche as a lead agent and supervisor of one of the FBI's elite units as a confidential informant handler and mentor for the FBI's high-risk criminal Asian Triad Enterprise Task Force Unit. Murder, kidnapping, human trafficking, racketeering and international terrorism were among the everyday 'normal' type of cases where confidential informants known as, CI's or snitches, whether for pay or working off other criminal charges were involved in.

Ping's phone went off again and once again she looked down at it and the same words were showing on the display," unknown caller".  It was an "unknown caller" when her previous boss needed to get a hold of her each and every time and call in the many favors that she owed. Ping always owed a lot of favors to a lot of people. That's the way ping lived.

Ping was hell-bent to get to the casino and inside and sit down at the baccarat table. She wanted to play a few shoes of baccarat and just be like everyone else for a change. She was about 15 miles out from the casino and another favorite song of Ping's came on the radio, Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd. She figured that she would just about be pulling up to the casino about the time that the song was finished. Ping finally made it into the casino's parking lot. She found a place to park and she grabbed her purse and headed into the casino. As she was walking through the parking lot she threw her head back,  ran her fingers through her hair and adjusted her purse, all while starring up at the sky.

She was strutting down the aisle of the casino towards the baccarat room for the next minute. The neon glow of the baccarat sign above the entrance to the high-limit room caught her eyes. She was strutting down the aisle past the craps, roulette and blackjack tables with the sole mission to get herself inside the baccarat room. She glanced off at the baccarat tables as she was walking past them. She caught the look of one of the blackjack players eyeballing her up and down and she could not resist stopping and squaring off on the guy. Ping said, "What the f*** are you looking at, how come you don't concentrate on your game or pay attention to that woman sitting next to you"?  Ping continued to the baccarat room and grabbed an empty seat. She threw up two stacks of wrapped hundred dollar bills each stack containing $10,000 onto the table. The dealer called out, "Change only, twenty thousand". Waldo was working the podium in the pit directly behind the table Ping sat down at. Waldo hangs up the phone and shuffled the few steps to the table. Waldo eyeballs Ping and Ping said, "What is the matter, you never seen an Asian girl play this game before"?

Waldo finally returns 2020 and he meets Ping-Pong who came walking in and threw stacks of money down on the table!  Ping-Pong knows Tina and Tina's cocking her head to the side wondering if Ping-Pong is that lady that she came into contact with a few years back.
Restored, goes right along with Objective of Subjective thread posted.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: Wagering with or Against others
January 04, 2020, 09:27:25 AM
Restored topic.