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Messages - alrelax

Bringing it to the table......

In today"s world of automation, technology and "instant most everything', we are programmed or are programming ourselves, that the computer is correct.  But I am sorry.  Not that way with baccarat.  At times it might seem that way, but that would only be adding fuel onto a fire-type of outcome the majority of the times.

Today, more so than yesterday, the game has changed.  I contribute the changing of it to social beliefs and belief in computer generated modeling, etc.  Same as reading and attempting to learn about the game or expand one's knowledge about it.  So many will say; What is the point? What is the factual trigger?  What is the answer with definitive scheduling, etc., etc., and so on?

But really, most everyone has no time to study, read detailed articles, observe, experience, intern and perfect their game.  Only run the model and believe in whatever the outcome that is deduced down to a short play section spread out into the proverbial long-run by yet another computer module.

The difference comes forth in the way each of us wager and how we view exactly what the results brought us.  No matter what you believe in, no matter how you apply your buy-in or winnings and no matter what your stop-loss may or may not be; we will all have very different and unique triggers that are self-generated for one reason or another.

The 3 Terribles:

First Thing.  There is true belief from experience, proper application of buy-in and bankroll, and what each of us feels a profit should be or could be.  Second Thing.  There is the influence of what others/another is doing.  And that my friend, is powerful-extremely powerful in countless ways.  Be totally conscious of that very thing and use it or avoid it.  It is dangerous as it has the 'power' and tendency to charge a very well thought out, researched and refined wagering plan for anyone of us.  And the Third Thing, would be experimentation. Yes, to experiment and have our 'frame of minds' altered, etc.  Again, Be Careful!

And nothing works, works and works and keeps working.  Period.  Now, if you really desire to profit and profit nicely, you will need to concentrate on Consciousness, Sections & Turning Points, Level & Plateaus and Money Management Methods, which you have or should have developed by now.

You cannot always find what is happening at a baccarat table, jump in and profit.  That is the largest and most abused and destructive belief that countless people assume can always be done.  But it is there and it remains there.  Probably always will, because it makes for great copy and salesmanship to go along with people selling the things they try to in this field.   

Also, what is totally misunderstood IMO is, 'Risk Capital' or 'Buy-In' money.  Exactly what the two words mean at face value?  Risk, (a change of loss) and Capital (the amount of money you are willing to put up or are putting up).  Simple as that. But most people writing on the internet swear up and down as to how they employ stop loss and win stop to preserve their buy-in, which again, IMO will only hamper their chances of winning and hurt them, far greater than it could ever help them.

My own play is governed by the results of the presentments I am experiencing.  Not my desires, goals, possibilities or greed.  Sure, at times there are some overwhelming, 'door knockers'....  However, that is where the experience should come right back in and be present, known and overwhelming to yourself.  I have certainly found that setting whatever goal, is not the way that will produce the best wins.  Because we tend to rationalize out what should, what will, what must or what might happen.  Certainly, none of those have to come about while you are there playing.  But we justify our decisions and choices and only add huge amounts of frustration and complication to our instant decision-making process we are currently experiencing and practicing.

So, be conscious that you cannot work all 3 angles that baccarat does have, will seem right for the easy picking, as they say.  One, following your own protocols, beliefs and schedules.  Two, someone on a heater and following them, or someone on a losing streak and your desire to wager against them to capitalize, etc.  And three, experimentation and your own belief to convince yourself how stupid the casino is and how easy it is to finally get on the winning side and no one else can understand it all except for yourself.     

However, there are 7 things that will move you forward and allow yourself to play with advantages.

1)     Understanding and remaining fully conscious without getting sucked in, following, believing in and falling prey to others at the table or on the internet keeping yourself in absolute neutral reality enabling you to see more presentments in a clearer vision;

2)     Use Sections & Turning Points (to govern your wagering progressions and intensity);

3)     Be aware of your very own Levels & Plateaus (keeping on the edge of your seat for comfort and control, stopping points and toning it down or up after wins);

4)     Employing a Money Management Method including: Allocating wins into 1/3rd-1/3rd-1/3rd amounts; Positive Progressions; and 1 + 4 Side Parlays;

5)     Replenishing & Cancelling your Buy-In;

6)     Refusing to engage in additional Buy-Ins to continue a session;

7)     What Risk-Capital actually is and changing your frame-of-mind from buy-in to risk capital.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: New Bac High Limit and Private Room
December 03, 2019, 06:22:50 PM
I understand what you're saying. However to simplify it and get down to the base of the basics, I believe everything originates from the first three things I mentioned.

Yes there are ones and threes and then there are ones and fours and then there are 1 2 3 3 2 1s, etc., etc., etc., but all those are variations of the first three that I mentioned. 

The list is long, but like I said every combination, pattern or trend is originated from either pure chop, doubles/triples  or streaks. IMO.
1)  Streaks;

2)  Doubles or Triples;


3)  Chop-Chops.

There is nothing else, IMO.
(That is referring to Banker and Player sides only in Mini or Midi Bac only, not Bad Beat Bac with some great side bets that can be extremely profitable under the right circumstances, but that is a whole other story in itself.)

Almost all lose their money playing because of their own mentality and greed.
  Not much else really, although they will blame it on anything and everything else. 

A person cannot play to win all three.  It is impossible.
  Say what you want, degrade, humiliate and chastise. But there is no way to capitalize with a mechanical system on all three. 

Streaks continue, doubles or triples are limited continuance and chops, will alternate.  Your mind, emotions and pocket are effected when you lose as well as win, losses happen and compound themselves each and every session. 

The other night there was 6 of us or so.  We picked and all agreed on 2 triggers within certain Sections that continually were presenting themselves.  We played them, they continued, we pumped it up when those came around and we did extremely well.  We played a few other things just to keep us in the game, warmed up and ready, lets say.  We toned it way down on the desires, the greed and the stupid mistake of attempt to change the shoe for something we thought would happen.

Paramount, is knowing and staying fully conscious of both your Level and your individual Plateau.  Again, paramount!

Kind of the same as knowing how to golf, having the equipment, playing and applying it all and getting in a get game versus knowing it all and playing stupid and falling prey to all the surrounding distractions and things we just knew we should not have engaged in--but did anyway.  No different.   
Here is one that we repeatedly did the other night and I do favor, $600.00 win money from 1 or 2 hands.  Divide it up to for attempts of $150.00.  The first $150.00 is further divided up to $50/$50/$50 and the second $150.00 is divided up to two other attempts of $75/$75. 

So it would look like this:


Each wager would then be played out with whatever the person felt/desired.  Usually with a positive progression for each of some type.  All depends on what is being presented and how the presentment came about and how strong or weak it was, etc., etc.

I am remembering H-Money doing a few nice 3 hand positive progressions, which he normally does not do.  Something like this:  $150 and then, $300 and then, $600.  He would add an additional $1,050.00 to his $150.00 win money that he started with for the first wager.  He would take like $900.00 of that $1,050.00 and lock that up and add the other $150.00 to his chip stack in front of him. 

To me, that is money management method.  Does not matter the units or the amounts.  Matters how you use your win.  For those of you that think you can keep compounding and compounding and winning, you will fail each and every time you go to the casino and play.  Talk whatever you want, how you continually loose 5 or 6 or 8 shoes and only because you keep playing, you finally recouped and/or won.  (Just like another member used to repeatedly put out there here and now on other boards.)  A sheer crock of poo-poo, 100 percent poo! 

There was 2 players that played with us the other night that we never really played together from the start of the eve to the finish and then post talk together.  They both repeatedly said how much my 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd and other small tidbits of money management method had helped them. 

There was some, 'buts and maybes', however, their tone was nothing but positive and they just wanted to concentrate on remembering and staying conscious of those things while they play.  That very thing to me has been my largest challenge in applying it, especially when playing alone/solo without camaraderie and others to remind each of us of those sort of things.

I liked the way they summed it up.  Nothing new, just reinforcing and thought to put it out here. "I think I finally found something that can allow me to hold wins, win more and leave with part of my winnings when I win".

To me and many others, those are the types of things that apply advantage to the players and take it away from the casino.  You can challenge all of this, but I believe you will be into more fantasy play and on-line play than real life casino type of play, which I only do anyway.

My other buddy playing always subscribes to a 1-3-2-6 or a 2-6-4-12 positive progression once he gets up a few wagers.

He had 2 completed set-asides of $500.00 win money split into 4 attempts of $125.00.

Once he won the $500.00 his set-aside went like this:

1st Wager:  $125.00
2nd Wager:  $375.00
3rd Wager:  $250.00
4th Wager:  $750.00

So, he was going by the 1-3-2-6 wagering progression with the above amounts.  2 of the 4 attempts he did complete and win and 2 he lost. 

What I have always really liked about it, is that the risk is only the first unit and the second added on unit for the 2nd wager along with the casinos 1 unit added to the 2nd wager if the first was won. 

What is even better, is getting to the 3rd wager, you would still have a $250.00 profit and your total risk of $250.00 returned to you if you did win that 2nd wager, even though you lost the 3rd one. 

What so many players do to themselves is set a dreadful stop win and a stop loss.  All those do to yourself is limit any possible win and make you loss more to attempt that dreadful recouping that messes up most all players, like somewhere in the highest end of 90 percentile anyway. 

Read, learn, interpret with advantage.  It is not really hard unless you choose to believe the garbage postings of those that claim they are professional and successful gamblers by employing scheduled types of wagers and always winning.  Which is impossible, 100% impossible. 

Money Management Method is procedure, NOT scheduling of what to wager of course.

Flabet into a 1/2 up, positive progression or a 1 or 2 times your buy-in, then you are sitting good.  You must implement money management method or you will doom yourself. 

Your buy-in must be pure risk capital.  Your buy-in cannot be split up into hold or stop loss, etc., because you are going to put so much pressure on yourself, you will doom yourself just about every single time after losing a few hands. 

Betting does not control or guide me as an automatic schedule to continue on a pre-planned scheduled track, etc.

My win is grouped up and divided up with the 1/3rds I always mention.

Win is grouped with 1/3rd to the buy-in, 1/3rd to additional risk and the remaining 1/3 or the 2/3rds to lock up no matter what. 

Pretty much what happened last night.  I posted this with a bit more a few months ago, but it sure fits last night.  Here:

Belief in Something.  Influenced.  Visual Factors.

Here, let me spell something out.  If you believe something even if not scientific, mathematical or historically discovered, proven and absolutely correct, is it wrong?  What I mean is, can you have something you do that is correct and proper for yourself in your situation or circumstances?  And have that work positive for you and for what purpose you created it or found it?

Reality will supersede in factual results.  Always will, it must.  Does not matter what you are doing, the factual results will cancel, accept or discount whatever you introduce along the way, at the end.  Do we agree?

Problem is, almost all of us do not really think at the table when we are playing baccarat.  We really do not.  We get sucked in and we get sucked in big time.  Sure, you can read this and shrug your shoulders and say, Glen you do, I do not.  But hey, we both know that is wrong.

Just about all of us have two ways to play this game. One is in our heads, on paper, on the computer and everywhere else except the live brick and mortar event itself.  The other, is the brick and mortar event.  Lots of things happen when we get to the casino.  And the sad part of it all, they happen without any of us doing anything.  We are oblivious to them and we chase everything and pursue every avenue except ourselves to control, govern and take charge of ourselves in the proper way at the casino.  Again, shrug your shoulders and say I have no idea what I am talking about, but I do and I do 100 percent for about 98 to 99 percent of everyone.

Most of what really does happen at a casino is the person is influenced from the effects of the visual factors. The visual factors present themselves in varying ways to the different people there.  The influencing manipulates in varying stages and degrees as well.  But the bottom line is, it happens, and it happens repeatedly throughout the session(s) to the people.  Because the people are in a situation, they believe they belong in, are comfortable in and will prevail, their understanding of that same situation is not being addressed or understood.  And that is where the problem lies and develops and preys upon the people that gamble at the game of baccarat.

The Most Dangerous Thing at Baccarat.

What is the most dangerous thing, the most powerful thing and the thing that causes wrongful beliefs, dangerous influences and life changing factors within hours?  It is money.  The same as it does in businesses and families.  Just in those two it takes a much longer time to come to fruition. 
Now, what happened at the bac table with Me, H-Money, another board member and the a few other players.  Here is how we were thinking the last shoe where we made the cash.  I will use H-Moneys wagering during the last shoe as an example. 

Last shoe buy-in was $1,200.00.  $90.00 win first wager.  $90.00 loss second wager.  $90.00 loss third wager.  And a $90.00 win for his fourth wager.  We took him aside and chastised him pretty good.  He was back to the flat wagering and the scared wagering style very clearly showing once again.  We talked to him and he agreed.  We repeatedly told him, forget the past, forget the earlier shoes even though they were pretty good for us all.  Play this shoe like it is brand new session, the last and tomorrow there is no more Bac to make up or continue, etc., etc. 

The next time he wagers, he throws out there $400.00 and he wins.  We make him stack it up and he wagers $800.00 the next time and he wins that one also.  If I am calculating it correct, he is up $1,200.00 on the shoe win money now and has his entire buy-in as even money. 

His next wager was $500.00 on the Bead Plate line that was forming all Players tot he right and it was the only strong and true entire line so far, 4 going on 5 columns.  It was a tie and it was a natural 9 tie.  H-Money pulls his wager down and we all left ours right where they were at, on the Players side.  When it is strong it is strong.  We DO NOT attempt to change or engage in the cut for sake of second guessing the presentment that are happening.  Huge mistake guys, HUGE!

H-Money throws up $600.00 on the Player side and announces he is following us, LOL--Camaraderie once again.  My style in many ways.  But most of all, when it is working, why fix it?  That is when all the fallacy, voodoo, superstition, etc., etc., comes about.   Anyway, one the Players side, a natural 8 is turned over and wins the hand.  H-Money is the first to parlay the $600.00 win he just got and went for a $1,200.00 hand.  Yes, he won that one also, and now he has his buy-in still even and is up a total of $3,000.00.

The same line on the Bead Plate comes around once again, H-Money puts $1,500.00 up on the wager and it wins with a Players 7 over the Bankers 6.  He stacks it up once again a few hands later, the first row shy of the next Bead Plate for that 5 line down, 5 hands later.  He/We all wins that one also.  Now H-Money is up a total of $7,500.00 and of course his buy-in is back in his pocket and off limits. 

We are all sitting up in profits and this is our final few hands we all agreed on.  Hard as heck to leave and walk away but we all know what will eventually happen when it turns, and it always will.  Always. 

The next upcoming hand we agreed upon H-Money wagers $1,200.00 and the rest us, some greater and a couple less.  We all lose.  H-Money pointed out that he was up a clear total of, $7,500.00 and removed $2,500.00 from that for risk capital as we pointed out.  The 1/3rd I always write about and drummed into his head.  His buy-in away and he is continuing with 1/3rd of the casinos money and 2/3rds locked up, and we would enforce he leaves with that if the $2,500.00 got lost back to the casino. 

We wait out a few hands, get some free hand presentments and we are once again back to that upcoming all Player line on the Bead Plate.  H-Money puts up $1,300.00 on that upcoming line for another continuing Player win.  We all follow of course.  The win comes and H-Money goes with a parlay of it, once again.  He has his $2,000.00 wager up on the next hand for another Player win, not for the reason that one was just produced, but for the reason of equaling out, which the shoe was also doing to a 'T' in reality.  Fallacy not to even be considered, just purely following what the majority of the wins are when nothing else was present.  We are only wagering about 2 or 3 hands out of every 10 anyway.

We all agree, mostly anyway, that the upcoming hand will be our last.  4 out of the 6 of us are profiting 5 to 10 fold our buy-ins and the other 2 of us, are a bit less up, but up none the less.  H-Money is wagering $2,000.00 on the upcoming hand and we are all there as well.  We do pull it off and win it.  H-Money and one other demands to keep playing, the rest of us convince them to leave.  We all head to the cashier.  H-Money is cashing at $10,200.00 and says he will take the $200.00 and go back and wager 8 times, $25.00 a time on the Fortune 7 only.  Which is table min anyway, wagering amount.  We laugh.  We all cash out and we all head back to the Bac room.

H-Money buys back in with the $200.00 and tells the dealer what he wants to do.  The dealer tells him to cover both sides since no one else is playing or just wager a quarter on the B or P and let it fly.  H-Money really wants to play, we can tell.  We convince him not to and he buys in with another hundred for 4 quarters to put one on each side for the cards to be dealt.  He tries to get us all to buy-in, no one wants to, the hype is over with us.  H-Money has a quarter on each the B and the P and one on the F-7 as well.  The first 3 hands he is all set up for the F-7 and the third card is one point off each time from him winning $1,000.00 on it.  All 8 hands go by and he losses the $200.00 side money and his $100.00 is sitting there even.

I pick up his chips and tell him, FINISHED, lets go.  Cash out the $100.00 and buy dinner elsewhere.  H-Money is like, lets get a comp and eat here.  We all say no.  H-Money is getting that look.  I go to the cashier, get the $100.00 and walk out.  DONE.  We get to the restaurant and we have our post comment session and reinforce everything I tried to outline here about money management method and using reality as a guideline, rather than what you think or have experience with, you know that thing called, "what it should be".

Wise up guys, realize when it is there to capitalize on it and hold it.  Revert back to each of our common and well familiar with, 'Levels and Plateaus' that each belong to us individually.  Stop the fantasies and the grand illusions of what you think you can do each and every time. 

Alrelax's Blog / Re: New Bac High Limit and Private Room
November 29, 2019, 02:28:18 PM
The casino we went to last night, also put in a new small VIP/High Limit private room to gather, relax, talk,enjoy some drinks.  No rush, no bothering.  Kind of a nice touch, getting away from the larger VIP lounges and costly spots being asked every 5 mins if you want something (no matter if comped or you have to pay), this place just lets you be, a great new trend IMO.

Alrelax's Blog / Re: New Bac High Limit and Private Room
November 29, 2019, 01:50:41 PM
What a special night! We actually played a total of 4 shoes.  The first 2 were great for us, the 3rd was a challenge and we almost left.  2 out of the 5 of us kept the other 3 engaged in play. The 4th shoe had a few great triggers and Sections that profit was simple and easy.

The physical effect of camaraderie in a positive way that is absent of illusion of fallacy control or should we say the ability to change the presentments to the players beliefs, etc., was just superb last night and a long missed advantage to the way I like to play.   

For example, there was one line on the Bead Plate that had 3 going on 4, all player side win presentments.  When that fourth one came about, myself and H-Money alerts the other guys at the table with us.  They questioned it, we challenged and we explained our point and experience, etc.  Then for the entire rest of that shoe, that same Bead Plate line continued with always producing a Player presentment win. 

Things just like that, is the triggers and the Sections that can be adhered to for a persons advantage(s).  Problem is usually, the amount of hands, the non patience, the length of play and that evil nasty thing called greed will usually come up and claim all a persons profit right back  Then the cloudiness, the frustration and the mind set changing producing wicked frame-of-minds, etc., will always sit in.  Sad but true. 

So anyway, we finished that 4th shoe and went straight to the cashier!  We are at a local restaurant and our family members are all burning up the cell phones with the Black Friday garbage.  LOL, but true.
Alrelax's Blog / Re: New Bac High Limit and Private Room
November 29, 2019, 07:36:47 AM
Take a few minutes out. There are several of us here. Myself, H-Money, another board member and several others unknown of course.  So far a great night!  Absolutely, wonderful.  The people, the times, the drinks and everything!

Victory in our time, the opportunity.  Opportunity exists you guys, just find it, take it and know it.

When you stumble upon it, cherish it, make it a memory, not a regret like most do!  Make opportunity a memory and make those memories golden ones.  Memories to be cherished, simply.

We are not creating, we are living. Thanks for coming---a memory. 

Simplicity in real time is best,IMO anyways.  Preserve, Cherish, Remember.  No one can take it away.

Nothing seems permanent, live, tear it down, rebuild.  Memories are the exception and memories are free.  Sometime the price to get to the memory could be huge, however, the memories are there for those smart enough to be conscious of what they are able to see, take and make into those memories.

Two great shoes of Bac so far with several great people.  More visual and doing than talk.  Simply something special and great.

And tonight is great, simply great.   
Alrelax's Blog / New Bac High Limit and Private Room
November 29, 2019, 02:08:21 AM
Not bad layout, a bit small but quaint.  Waiting for it to open later tonight. Several players getting together for some camaraderie. 

General Discussion / Happy Thanksgiving
November 29, 2019, 01:48:57 AM

Happy Thanksgiving and best wishes always for all!  Alrelax.
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on November 03, 2019, 03:20:16 AM
True and that's why I've found very profitable to get rid of some shoes and to play very few hands. It happened too many times I've lost control of the situation.


Exactly and most will never understand.  All joking and drama and slang set aside, I do believe I spelled it out in the opening post of the link attached. (?)
