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Messages - alrelax

Most of those shoes I posted are from like 3 sessions of play with 2 or 3 shoes each.  The shoes are there.  At times they are not, at times they most certainly are.  Problem develops as most players will not believe great opportunities or shoes that are extremely strong in whatever, Players repeating, Bankers repeating, all chop, all doubles all 1s and 3s in any Section, etc., etc. 

Everyone expects the equaling out or the catch up on a continous and steady basis.  It comes and as well, it does not. 

So yes, the answer is probably in the middle.  But I still say one has to have an absolute clear mind without desiring or wagering for a scheduled wager on a continous and steady betting cycle of any type. 

Especially at the beginning. Yet, so many, the majority will continue wagering for the'Cut' to Banker because Banker is drummed into everyone to always be easier or make more wins than the Player, LOL.

So classic. Yet few of the newer players would follow anything.  They all always desire the 'Cut' or the Banker only.  Then they all expect it to never stop or come back. Sorry, Bac is not that way and never will be. 

But here is one shoe that did the classic and all familiar equaling out, that few will ever capitalize on.  I love to use the equaling out as a trigger when it begins to work.

There were about 12 more hands in the shoe but all chops and doubles.  Equaled out and stayed there.  Also, NOTE the low ties as I have repeatedly said!

And I have repeatedly wrote, that when you see 0-1-2 or even 3 ties well into the shoe, that is a sign so many times that whatever is happening, continues.  Strong P or Strong B or all chop-chop or any other pattern or trend or presentment.  O-1-2 ties is such a predictor (probably wrong word to use but I am trying to describe what actually happens so many times at a real (B&M table)!
Stop the 'Cut' thinking every bet!  Why not wager with the shoe instead of against it most of the time?  Why believe all the hype and all the stats from computer models and tests that do not prove what will happen when you sit down with real money at a real casino?

This was a super moneymaking shoe for about 3 people at the table, the rest of them lost all their chips, re-buy ins and everything they brought wager for the Banker with negative progressions, etc. 

Wagering & Intricacies / Re: Monster Banker Shoe
November 01, 2019, 12:48:00 PM
Here is one of the pictures.  6 Fortune 7s, 3 Bad Beat 200 to 1 3-card 8/9s and 9 times the 50 to 1 any natural 8/9 won also.  Numerous other Bad Beat side wagers won as well.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 30, 2019, 10:09:17 AM
Sure you can and if you convince yourself otherwise you will miss all the great opportunities.  Shoes you are able to capitalize on for many reasons you will lose out on it's as simple as that. The one main problem as what was brought out already is that people convince themselves that those same opportunities will always repeat themselves when they will not.
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: Monster Banker Shoe
October 28, 2019, 10:17:11 PM
I will get them.  The phone that they're on I've had problems with the phone with downloading and sending out.  I have to text them to another phone and then download them.

Also had another shoe the other night with nine Fortune 7s in 1 shoe which is a record for anybody and everybody I ever talked to! 
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: Monster Banker Shoe
October 23, 2019, 06:59:01 AM
Another monster shoe real late tonight at the Casino with another 43 Banker hands and 28 player hands and 3 Fortune sevens within about 23 hands or so.  Will post pictures when I get a chance to download get them on the laptop to post.
Wagering & Intricacies / Monster Banker Shoe
October 22, 2019, 06:36:10 AM
We just got done with a shoe having 48 Bankers and 24 players with 6 Fortune Sevens and Three Pandas 8s and also three 3 card 8/9s anyway for 200 to 1.  Also at least 9 anyway natural8/9s.  Monster shoe, I got the picture of it I'll try to post it tomorrow or the next day we have a few hour drive home.

H money won a ton of money finally!   We all did pretty good!!
IMO, this is one of the greatest in so many ways!

H-Money up almost $8,000.00, well over $7,000.00!  Such a shame.  How H-Money and countless players BLACK-OUT while playing. 

To myself, this is the single largest problem.  They tune out the world in the wrong way!

I have written about this so many times and so often just blasted by the so called experienced and well known messaging board members. 

Please, if you are serious about gambling and playing, read this stuff and learn, tuition free-tutor free-system publication charge free, etc., etc., etc., and so on.

Stop being overwhelmed and consumed by the wins and/or by the losses.  You cannot play at a casino that way.  You will only harm yourself just about all of the time. 

Be conscious, be completely clear minded, be oblivious to the outside world of cell phones, people, thoughts, systems, statistics, fallacies and what has happened in the past and most of all, be conscious as to what is happening at the very moment without attempt to change or convert the presentments coming. 

Win and revert.  Period.  Be aware of and 100% conscious of your Level & Plateau, <<<<<Vitally Important!!!  Use progressions and employ a stop loss with something around 1/3rd of your win money.  And by the way, the first round of win money replenishes your buy-in with 2/3rds locked up.  That way, you only lose 1/3rd or so of a win.

You must have a Money Management Method that governs your play with the replenishment of your buy-in and some type of hold on wins.  You must know and be conscious of your Level & Plateau in relationship to your gambling endeavors. 
I just got a phone call. H-Money went to the casino and he got up well over $7,000.00 and he stayed and stayed and stayed.  He gave back all his innings and his  $2,200.00 buy in money.

And he told me he knew better and he told me he was totally conscious of it but he just was had some vision that he was going to win a heck of a lot more. And he says as he went down hill he totally was convincing himself, how every other hand he was going to get it all back and get back on the winning streak and it never ever came.

I have no words, I'm out of words for the situation. And I see it almost every time I go to the casinos with known and unknown players.  Never ever  changes and it's so visible and so blatant!
Yes, I know there are advantages that lurks there.  Just one of many, of course. 

The one I am making reference to is, what I call the Equaling Out, One More, Cut & Back

I have particular noticed this easier between hands 35-55 or so.  When it is equaling out or bouncing back and forth.  I have defined Sections & Turning Points that are defined by hand numbers rather then events.  3 to 5 a shoe as a norm.  But, within those there are the Equaling Out, One More, Cut & Back, that pretty much happens more than it does not.

What I am defining is something along the following.  PP-B-P-BBB-PPP-B-P-BB-PPP-BB-P-B-PPP-BB-PP-BBB-P-B-P-BBBB-P

With the shoe presentment that far, it is pretty much equaling out in both repeating Bs and Ps as well as total numbers.  Then say all of a sudden those last 7 Bankers, the three in a row and the single Banker and the last three in a row repeating were all strong presentments either naturals or the third card increased the Bankers hands to 8 or 9 and the Players hand presentments were all weak or at least much weaker than the Bankers.

I know many of you will discount this as reading into the presentments with fruitless meaning but I found what I am trying to define as a regular and repetitive occurrence more than not happening at all.  And, with that said, at the point I left off with the 37 hands above, the Banker I favor for the 4th repeat and breaking its previous trend of only 3s.  Then immediately back to the Players for the 1st Player win after the 4th banker.  Those 2 wagers I extremely favor and I have found would prevail more than miss.

While I am not one to get off of a streak, a 4th to me is no way indicative of a streak or a run, which to me is 7 or more anyway.

The same for those along the lines of: B-P-B-P-B-PP-B-P-B-P-BBB-P or something along the lines of: BBB-P-BBB-P-BBB-PP-BB-PPP-B-PPPP-B

So, what I am trying to define and bring out is, Equaling Out, 1 More or 1 Extra occurrence and then the Cut for the next upcoming hand. 

The RED Bs or Ps would be the hands I am referring to.

Alrelax's Blog / Re: How Baccarat Came To Vegas......
October 14, 2019, 03:16:38 PM
Yes you are correct, but what I wrote above coincides with Tommy Renzoni.  But Renzoni introduced it in 1958-1959 I believe and Tallulah Bankhead was influential in getting a big baccarat table installed prior to that.

As I said, you are correct, but it was Tallulah Bankhead influencing The Sands about the unknown game, which probably allowed Tommy Renzoni to be successful in opening Bac to the public, etc., etc.

"Baccarat in Nevada

A fact that may surprise you about
Baccarat is that it is completely absent
from Nevada's 1931 Assembly Bill 98
which legalized casino gambling. The
games the Nevada State legislature made
legal were: "Faro, monte, roulette, keno,
fan-tan, twenty-one, blackjack, seven-anda-half, big injun, klondyke, craps, stud
poker, draw poker".
Chemin de Fer became the first
version of Baccarat to be played in
Nevada casinos when the Sands opened a
table in 1958, but "Chimney" (as it was
often referred to) was never a major
game. Chemin de Fer is a non-banking
game where the house collects a rake on
the winning bets; like modern poker. The
modern form of Baccarat seen in today?s
Las Vegas casinos started out as Punto y
Banco and was first developed in
Argentina at the Mar del Plata casino
sometime prior to 1955. Cuban casinos
picked up the game in the 1950s and that
is where an American Gambler/Casino
boss discovered it. His name was Tommy

In 1959 the Baccarat world changed
forever when Tommy Renzoni brought
this new version of Baccarat, Punto Banco
to Las Vegas from post-Castro Cuba via
Argentina. Punto Banco is essentially the
modern game of Baccarat we know today.

It is a banking version of Baccarat en
Banque and Chemin de Fer. On
11/20/1959, amidst a casino promotional
blitz Las Vegas saw a new chapter in
gaming history begin, the first Baccarat
table opened at the Las Vegas Sands.
Baccarat got off to a rough start; losing
$250,000 on its inaugural night. Luckily
for today's casino operators the folks
running the Sands in 1959 believed in the
game and stuck with it long enough for it
to show an inevitable profit. I wonder
what high limit rooms would be like
today if the Sands bosses had decided to
give up on Baccarat."