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Messages - esoito

Thank you for your interesting contributions, Mike.

We have nearly 2000 members on this forum but, sadly, few of them can be bothered to discuss and debate.

I set up the brainstorming thread in the hopes that it would not only stimulate lively debate amongst regular posters, but also prod a few of the silent majority out of silence and non-involvement.  I'm sure many of them  interesting things to write and share....I just wish they would.

Anyway, now for a response to your question "...regarding number vibrations, is this a reference to numerology?"

No. It's not.

I'm hoping TheMagician [Thomas] might soon enter the discussion in response to that specific question.

Until, and if, he does, please read and ponder what he writes in this thread:  http://betselection.cc/roulette-forum/is-there-a-superior-bm-casino-roulette-system-that-can-beat-the-wheel/

For over a year I have kept abreast of extraordinary advances he has made in his project that has been at least a decade in development.  He's being very ably assisted by a dedicated group of his 'test pilots' who help with testing and development of his revolutionary approach, in an invitation-only environment.

Mike, I wish I could say more about all that but I can't,  because I've entered into a confidentiality agreement. Sorry.  Not being evasive. It's a fact.

And I will never break that agreement and betray his trust in me.

More details are best left to TheMagician -- that is if he chooses to provide more information in an open, semi-public forum.

In the Number Prediction post I made available a PDF for download.

I mentioned that I'd tweaked and experimented with the formulas and settings.

I've written an experimental program. It  generates a predicted number based on the last 4 spins and continues to do this for the next few spins.

Betting commences once there are 4 predictions listed.

Now don't get too excited -- one swallow doesn't make a summer as the saying goes.  But it is surprisingly accurate from time to time, as you can see from the attached image.

After entering 9 spins, 4 predicted numbers have been generated for betting: 26  6  3  and  4

[By the way, for testing I'm using  15k live spins -- NOT RNG --  collected by auto-software from Dublin Bet.]

The highlighted numbers show the outcome for the next 3 spins.

That was an exceptionally quick and successful outcome.

However, I'm finding one of the 4 predictions usually arrives within a dozen spins the most.

If it consistently delivers a winner within less than  9 spins [what you'd expect from chance betting 4 inside numbers out of 37] then a bit of excitement might be justified.

Meanwhile, testing continues, and I won't rushing to sell everything and dump the proceeds on the next set of predictions!

[Cut'n'pasted from the Brainstorming thread]

Quote from: Albalaha on Today at 08:50:15 am

    Honestly speaking, I do not find any of the voodoo ideas working on a perfectly random(read unpredictible) game with built in house edge. No betselection will provide any conclusive edge or reduce the burden of house edge unless it is about physical bias in the wheel. Only way to go is to make a sensible plan that can sustain even the worst cases and win in a near average case in the long run. Oldschool money managements are all plain foolish and they force us lose what we can't get back later.

TheMagician's Reply:

Perhaps one could perceive much of what Esoito posted here as Voodoo ideas and then perhaps not. It's a matter of perspective (right view) of what exactly signifies Chaos and that sphere of continuous probability from where we come to perceive phenomena in a specific set we choose to call order, or, randomness (very unprecise word for what really signifies the subatomic layer of this universe where all waveforms are created).

Let me ask you this, your comment to this thread, do you believe it was a collected act of sheer random actions, or do you believe it was an act of a predetermined will and order that resulted in an equally orderly response (controlled creation and appearance)?

...ah..ah..ah..careful now..think before you respond, or is even the creation and sensed order of thoughts, random in themselves? ;)

Yes, well worded, Thomas. 

Anyone who regards the thread and its contents simply as as "voodoo ideas" is missing the point, and seriously lacking in the imagination/creativity skills.

For them the world is all tip and no iceberg. It's black and white. If you can't see it or measure it, touch it or taste it, then it doesn't exist.

Finally, I've already CLEARLY stated, Albalaha, that in the Brainstorming Thread itself:

* There is NO BAD IDEA.

* There will be no "right" or "wrong" ideas.

* ALL judgements and disbelief are to be suspended.

...and that it is NOT the place for discussion.

You were supposed to start up another thread if you wanted to discuss the contents. But you chose not to, Albalaha.

So this thread is now the place for discussion.

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 12, 2017, 11:23:56 PM
This thread is for IDEAS only -- not discussions about them.   I've already stated that!

I've opened a new thread for discussions

I'll delete future discussion posts if they appear in this thread.  :nod:


General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 12, 2017, 04:19:59 AM

You might assume that  prime numbers are distributed randomly -- a reasonable assumption.

However, we now have empirical evidence that it's not true.


If your prime ends in 3, it's more likely that the next prime will end in 9 than in 1 or 7.

In summary, mathematical researchers found that 1 is followed by:

*  1 about 18% of the time
*  3 about 30% of the time
*  7 about 30% of the time
*  9 about 22% of the time

They found similar results when they started with primes that ended in 3, 7 or 9 variations, but with repeated last digits the least common.

The bias persists, but slowly decreases, as numbers get larger.

Full details here:



General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 11, 2017, 11:55:51 PM

Oooo...a subtle title for this post.

[Once you've read the attached PDF you might see what I mean.]

Sadly, the author's site has gone the way of all flesh.  And the promise of his Volume 2 [as implied by Volume 1] has defied all my efforts to locate it online.

But if you have a copy please upload it to this thread.

[As an aside, the author alludes to Ramtha as part of his training. 

See here:  http://www.alternet.org/belief/ramtha-new-age-cult-leader-unleashes-drunken-racist-homophobic-rants-large-following

So whether or not the PDF is a lure for you to join Ramtha is for you to decide.]

Regardless, the PDF is an interesting read and he even gives specific pointers on how to "read" the future for yourself.

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 11, 2017, 03:26:33 AM
Remote Viewing

"Remote viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process involving psi (or psychic ability). It is used to transfer perceptual information across time and space. It is clear that remote viewing works in complete violation of the accepted "laws" of quantum and relativistic physics. So those "laws" are incomplete."
[ source:  http://farsight.org/WhatIsRemoteViewing.html ]

"Remote viewing is a mental faculty that allows a perceiver (a "viewer") to describe or give details about a target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to distance, time, or shielding."
[ source: http://www.irva.org/remote-viewing/definition.html ]

Ask Mr Google for     remote viewing     and he'll toss you over 18 million hits!!

The CIA and the military took it seriously enough to set up a dedicated RV group operating as part of the Stargate program:  http://www.learnrv.com/index.cfm

Wouldn't it be wonderful to RV numbers and cards in advance...?

So now ask Mr Google for     remote viewing  roulette     and he'll toss you around 32k hits!!

Amongst the phony and deliberately misleading stuff listed it's quite possible that someone, somewhere, is genuine and with a high level of accuracy.

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 11, 2017, 03:05:58 AM
Visualisation and the power of positive thinking.

It all links in with the phenomenon of Attraction.



General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 10, 2017, 11:13:47 PM
Number Prediction

A fanciful dream?  Or a reality waiting for the right set of levers to release it?

Plug this into google:  formulas to predict numbers   

You'll get over 60k hits!

Off the first page we have:

Maths to predict lottery numbers:


  [interesting formulas are included here]

How to find a formula for a set of numbers:

Here's a formula for a sequence of numbers:

Remember this: lottery numbers and roulette numbers are both in a closed system.  The mathematically literate might like to tinker and experiment with the formulas.

And whilst on that thought I've tinkered and experimented to convert the attached PDF from occasionally useful to regularly useful. The author's claim of 93% was -- putting it kindly -- fanciful ! 

You might come up with a tweak that unlocks a door... :o
General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 10, 2017, 12:58:37 AM
Energy, Vibration and Resonance

Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies.

Quantum entanglement and number flows is a rich seam for exploration.

Number vibrations is a field already successfully exploited after years of hard work by a forum member and his team of testers.

Consider this chart    [attachimg=1]    as a catalyst for your own research.

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 10, 2017, 12:54:22 AM
To set the ball rolling consider:

1 The Golden Ratio.

It occurs in the natural world, and has been used in architecture, music, art and design, just for starters.

So of you might like to see if the ratio has any application to roulette, or to the ratio of wins:losses, or....

2  The Golden String...Phi and the Rabbit Sequence in binary format...the Golden Sequence...

Google will reveal plenty of links.

This resource could be a useful starting point:

[As an aside, I have found the Golden Sequence often occurs in roulette and can be exploited. ]

So do your own research if the ideas appeal to you.
July 10, 2017, 12:51:21 AM

"Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members." [ Wikipedia]

In this thread there is NO BAD IDEA.

There will be no "right" or "wrong" ideas.

ALL judgements and disbelief are to be suspended.

Members are free to put forward whatever BET SELECTION IDEAS AND APPROACHES they wish without fear of ridicule, personal attacks or criticism.

I will simply delete any critical threads so don't waste your time writing one!

This thread is intended to list ideas only. It's not for general discussion of an idea.  Start your own thread if you want to discuss an idea.

Regard this thread's contents as catalysts for your own research and development, if a particular idea appeals to you.

"Everything you can imagine is real." [Pablo Picasso]

That Picasso quote is so true. Thoughts can create reality.

Just one tiny example:  when driving I imagine a spare parking slot near to where I want to go.

Invariably, there is one...just as I imagined. Even on a busy day.

I'll close with two other relevant quotes.

"Those who stop dreaming ... are lost" [An Australian Aboriginal proverb]


"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." [Albert Einstein]

It is using such inflammatory phrases as "idiotic topics" that deters people from bothering to post their ideas and methods.

I know of five very successful [they have an edge] yet quite radical approaches that have been quietly developed by individuals or  small, collaborative groups working well away from forums.

They shun publicity.


Because they have learned either through personal experience, or by observing the fate of others who have posted to forums, that it's often the poster who is unpleasantly attacked and criticised, rather than the idea they are proposing.

No wonder few people are game to use forums such as this to discuss their ideas.

All credit to the brave ones that do.
Good grief!  You are the wars.

I recall some saying about bad luck coming in threes -- not without foundation in your case.

I was wondering why I'd not heard back from you after emailing you. Now I know why!

Good to see your morale -- if not your pecker -- is up. [In case our American friends are grinning they need to see this:  http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/217400.html ]

We look forward to your full recovery.
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June 30, 2017, 11:13:47 PM
Thanks, Mike. The commission is attractive!