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Messages - wannawin

The fact that there are people who do not have a winning system does not mean that all people of the world do not have it, it means that the single person has not yet obtained the winning system.

Moreover, one does not need a winning system at 10 trillion spins with downturns lasting millions of hands. One needs a playable winning system in manageable sessions winning more than it loses while one is playing in life.
Turbogenius site is already frozen. http://www.freewebs.com/turbogenius/

We have to save the best methods from gamblersglen.com archives.
Please suggest what you consider are the best threads of systems within gamblersglen archives. I will do my best to preserve its method in my new section. Thank you.

Roulette Forum / Re: advantage playing rare events?
June 08, 2014, 06:43:30 AM
Quote from: greenguy on June 08, 2014, 05:48:35 AMWhat is a rare event? Can someone explain it please?
Maybe I should give my concepts clearer. It is valid to ask this question. I am referring to an event that does not normally occur in sets comprising a normal game session.

For example if my game sessions are 100 spins. in 40 sessions I only see a row of many reds in 3 sessions of them. Many more than the expected in a term of 100 spins. For me to be in the presence of one of these sessions is a rare event.
Roulette Forum / Re: advantage playing rare events?
June 06, 2014, 12:18:26 AM
Excellent and totally topical article Xander. Thank you very much for participating.

It is clear that the last sets have no consequences. but you have to have some frame of reference on which to base your bets. You are very clear with the concepts of the game, could you please help in the thread: http://betselection.cc/math-statistics/help-me-understand-rb-series-correctly-for-a-system/ ? your help will be greatly appreciated to know the reality of sets needed to get the correct math for series of even chances. thank you.
Quote from: Pockets on June 05, 2014, 09:47:20 AM
Not really. I will try explaining why.
For example lets say a sequence RRBB BBRR RBBR. Now if you are planning to base your play on probabilities of patterns occuring and not occuring, you cannot overlap them. The moment you overlap them it becomes a continous set of occurences and is as good as randomly selecting a pattern as a sleeper.

One way you could improve on playign every spin is consider these are four different tracks of spins. So the above sequence will be read as

First track - RRBB BBRR RBBR
Second track - RBBB BRRR BBR
third track - BBBB RRRB BR
Fourth track - BBBR RRBB R

This way you could still play every spin without impacting the probability of patterns that we spoke about.

Pockets thanks friend. Very good contribution. Maybe it is possible for you or someone else to confirm if these statistics are correct to call any RB pattern a sleeper? We all know that no matter what the pattern is but the number of elements.

Pattern - Spins
2 - 8
4 - 16
8 - 32
16 - 64
32 - 128
64 - 256
128 - 512
256 - 1024
512 - 2048
1024 - 4096

It will be quite appreciated and educational for the readers.
Quote from: HarryJ on June 02, 2014, 11:42:35 AM
Hi Wannawin,
           My appologies for my slow response, but personal problems often make it impossible for a quick reply.
Best wishes        Harry


No need to apologize. what matters is that you finally found the time. Much appreciated your good participation. Thank you.
Roulette Forum / Re: advantage playing rare events?
June 05, 2014, 07:58:45 PM
Quote from: Dr. Mabuse on June 04, 2014, 04:40:51 PM
Are we talking about live   wheels or  RNG ?

Dr. Mabuse

It can be either. For me there is no difference between them for the purpose of rare events. Can be given both in live roulette and RNG.
Wannawin's Library / Re: Please restore my blog
June 05, 2014, 07:56:04 PM
Thank you very much. Now to see how to complete the section. Let me begin with the classic methods and progress from there to the rest of modern methods. There are many methods that should be in a serious library. From the classic bread winner through turbogenius until the new we see today. I believe we are part of a tradition of several centuries. Hopefully I can do justice to them from my new small space.
First of all my mathematical training is nothing. I am trying to get these relationship tables properly for a practical system considering RB series in roulette.
If I will monitor series of 4 there are 16 possibilities:



Now comes my question: it is assumed that all spins are checked. not 4 in 4 spins but after every spin recent patterns of four are evaluated so I must consider all possibilities. Right?
For a series of 4 to be labeled a sleeper I must consider 16 spins monitoring for the full 16 combinations that can go in each of the sets.
Am I doing the calculations right so far for continuous play? A pattern of four should be called sleeper only if it goes over 16 spins without showing.
Roulette Forum / Re: advantage playing rare events?
June 02, 2014, 03:44:14 PM
Quote from: sqzbox on June 02, 2014, 02:43:13 AM
I believe that there is no scientific basis to the law of attraction. In any case, that is a theory based on energy such as thought for example - unless you are referring to something else of course.
  Again, in my view completely false. See RTM above.

Well, maybe I should not use the law of attraction name. I mean the simple fact that the roulette goes through times when it shows nothing of a pattern and then when it comes out it would seem to call more of the same pattern. This is the behavior for all. streets, dozens, splits, numbers. Perhaps another name other than attraction is appropriate. but the idea is just the exact same idea of that huddle.

Thank you for participating. Very interesting and informative your comments to start a discussion on RTM. That is clear mathematical concepts worth knowing. It is much appreciated you are bringing it up for us.
Roulette Forum / Re: advantage playing rare events?
June 02, 2014, 03:20:11 PM
Thank you for all your valuable comments. They are really appreciated. What I have in mind is really easy and does not require much effort to grasp. I have some initial encouraging results. you can even do without waiting. It takes into account the pattern that just came out. if it is coming back after it did not come in what probability dictates then you bet on it. Only for the spins that it is supposed to be shown inside his chance of appearing by probability. neither more nor less.

RBR => no condition. you look for one more.
RBRR => no condition. you look for one more.
RBRRB => condition appears. start to play for the spins of probability to 5 in any even chance.

Win or lose that game ends and another game begins. with the same process of using the last spins. A positive progression to gain may be the key. I think the advantage is the ability to not always play the same. to be be selective in the betting according to what the game dictates in the current session. It also eliminates the wait. hopefully someone can expand or create a program.
Roulette Forum / advantage playing rare events?
June 01, 2014, 10:01:33 PM
Friends, after a long series of something strange like a long series of single color by the law of attraction another long series of a single color happens?  I guess it is like in hot and cold numbers. After a sleeper returns it takes up with drive to balance out.

Accounting for the many RB patterns you can play this? Without much need to wait for something particular you could play the RB sequence that just came out. Only the condition to be a sleeper RB sequence returning. Somebody does this already? Thanks.
Thanks to all participants for the valuable involvement in my thread.
If you can play as roulette? Sure. It gets some advantage in sports betting ignoring statistics at our disposal? Do not think so.
Sports betting I see them more like game stats which are officially worth. the other casino games are considered unofficial value of the statistic. Only valuable for the casino.
Two different types of leagues if you ask me.
Voted yes. If they were all equal why be here then? It is obvious that people who believe that there are different levels of systems to play will say yes. most of those who attend this forum. Whoever tells me that the system of duplicate on red or double-up is the same as a good sound betting strategy deserves his 17 consecutive blacks. I believe here we have already gone through that stage. Now we focus on finding the best strategy that suits our style of play which is dividend-bearing of course.