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Messages - wannawin

Quote from: VLS on May 22, 2014, 12:29:28 PM
Hey, weren't you learning how to code in BASIC? This is a wonderful opportunity to try!

I'm willing  assist you IF there is motivation from your part.

(i.e. not making the program for you; instead helping you make it).
Sorry, it is hopeless. I tried with various programming languages ​​to always fall on a point where I am not able to do any better. My head is spinning and it discouraged me many times. I stopped trying. Not everyone is meant to be programmers. Thanks for the offer though.
Quote from: HarryJ on May 22, 2014, 01:20:38 PM
  Hi Wannawin,
                   I tried betting any 4 DS that appeared in less than 6 spins. Despite a 97% suss rate in 3 spins, I couldn't quite make it work. It needed 2 3 bet stages and the progression was too brutal. You need a very good trigger to bet 24 numbers.
     I found betting the 2 sleepers or the 1st 2 of the 4 to be more profitable. I am still not quit sure what you are looking for. ie. The idea behind tracking the 4 from group 1 into group 2.  I need a better idea of your objective.


My goal is to know long term if it is possible to take advantage of consecutive groups recurrences.
We all know that while there are a group of sleepers another group is emerging. I want to know how often the group that stands out in the first cycle of 6 sets (4 for the thirds law) recurrences in the next cycle.
My objective is to adapt a progression of maximum 4 double-streets bets selecting only good ones from the first cycle during the second cycle of 6. For this I need long-term statistics if anyone has them or a program that allows me to carry them out myself.
Hello friend, thank you very much for the helping hand. Please let me know if you have statistics on relations in consecutive sets where 4 double-streets are expected. Example:

Spin 1-6: 4 double spun streets. Marked.
Spin 7-12: 2 double streets from marked group.

In many consecutive sets. Maybe you have experience with this type of game? I am just considering this game for exploration. it would be ideal if a forum developer can provide us a program to automate the analysis. A good progression may give something.
QuoteIf you feel my comments here are unfair and my actions inappropriate feel free to publish this material and your response on the Forum. As far as I am concerned this would further add to my claim for defamation.

Obviously XXVV is not making active efforts to claim for his own defamation so the materials referred are those where the alleged defamation takes place.

It might look ambiguous on first read but when applying even a little bit of logic the referred material shows clear.

Having cleared this please let us all return to productivity.
Anyone have statistics on what happens in the following sets then given that exactly 4 of the 6 show. How many of these 4 double-streets appear in the second 6 draws in the long run. From next 7 to 12?

Is there a program to present these statistics already? I am seeing interesting things that could lead to a system but I need statistics on them.
Can anyone recommend a method to play double-streets?
Right now I do studies regarding thirds in this position. Expecting 4 in every 6 spins. If you have a method that is based on this phenomenon then it is better. No matter if your recommendation requires big progressions.

Thank you very much.
Quote from: NathanDetroit on May 13, 2014, 08:57:51 PM
Anyone can win in a casino but to  keep the winnings that`s  an art. 

90 % of the people  entering a casino  are ahead at one time or another but 70 % give it all back.


This is a good point and a stark reality. I dare say to more %. It seems to me that more people have the last chip as a point of departure.
Quote from: Sputnik on May 13, 2014, 06:45:13 PM

I have seen this so many times ...
Why would they stop visit forum - i don't understand?

I beat the game - but i don't make ridiculous posts about holy grail.
My opinion, this is just silly.

Agree 100% no doubt the expression of many.

Good post.
Quote from: smiley on May 13, 2014, 04:01:41 AM
Hi, All respected reader,
This is my last post on this forum,
for I will leave this forum forever,
Since I have found what I seek.
Many thanks to all the posts here
and also to a particular member,
whom I respected and admire...
and through his posts,hints,
I found the grail!
He a person whom U will respect
and greatly hate for his reply...
I can't reveal his name for I feared
that he will scold me...HAHAAHA!

For the newbies, who are trying
to understand
the solution lies in this VERY forum.
BUT u must prepare to spend at
least 300 hours, with delayed
gratification, burning desire
and intense concentration!... to read,
test and most important to understand
what can and can't be achieved
with all the formulas and equations.

THE HOLY GRAIL, consist 2 parts.

2]A special MM.

Both parts like a bicycles, with 2 wheels,
which u must diligently ride  cautiously!
Most strategy has only one wheel,
which very hard to ride and will not
take u far, before u stumble HARD!

WITHOUT both 1&2, U are simply running
in a field, no matter how fast or how
long u run, u never far!

It like buying a sack of tomato
for 1dollar and sell for 99cents,
u will not make profit even u
sell millions of sacks! U must
wait when the price drop
to lower, and sell higher to make profit!


THE strategy that can face
LONG losing streaks!
All system, that seems good till they hit
the wall of long losing streaks
IF not of long losing streaks, then even
simpleton  MARTHY will make u tons of profit
forget the ZERO and whatever debate
of the casino EDGE %, they are nothing.

This the most difficult part!!!
MM is a strategy that make u bet
very small, when facing long
losing streaks and make u up
only little before u make a profit

Both of the strategy make a HOLY GRAIL!

quote that famous quote???,
Because as a genius,
when he investigate the
equation of roulette at a glance,
he already knew that it's a
one sided game where all will
lose when a long streaks come..
and when players keep running
in a squeezing circle that
depleted their bankroll....
AND he must realised that
if one think and play OUTSIDE
the equation, then one
will win perpetually!
Then why he just abandoned
the ideas of grail, simply because
he did not want the casino
industry to COLLAPSE!!!!!HAHAHAA!!!


THEY say, U won't be the next genius
to find the solution to beat roulette!.
they are wrong, with the assault of internet,
even a village bum, with little English
and flunked math education like me,
can  reap the benefit of this very forum!

I believe a few of this forum member ,
already have the grail, but choose to zip up.
A few have the grail, but choose to make
MONEY, out of suckers , by making them
running around, chasing the wild goose,
and and selling some useless stuff...
after enticing that with promising carrot,
till they seem to have an AURA
of mystic around them.
And a few moron here, with huge ego ,
keeps criticizing
others, that people feel they should be
kicks out from this respected forum.
NO! I never sell or
promote ANYTHING for money!
Previously as newbie PATTERNANALYS,
I diligently trying to seek the grail,
I post what I learn then,
the kindergarten stuff,
for SHARING, expecting others
will mutually respect and guiding,
but sadly people lost the
simple respect and enjoy ridiculing others.
and some try to sell me their spread!
To them, I say,
keep on going...running in circle!
I BOLDLY predict that in the
next 5 years,
ALL online casino
Because more and more
people have found grail,
that can win the online
start from 1cent bet to
high limit, and connect
to computer too!
AND in the next 20 years,
ALL BM casino will file
for bankruptcy when
more educated player
will win with their own
grail or leaked grail,
or sold by grail holder,
when the grail spread,
casino will busily
BANNING people
till they have no
customers left! HAHAHAA!!!
U will never hear from me again.

How nice, GOOG BYE to you too. you enjoy it entirely.

I was kind enough to save this masterpiece of thread so that future generations see the immense quality of these writings.
Sorry but here I am more radical. Quoted:

"By extension, a snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods or who is himself or herself a fraud, quack, charlatan, and the like."

I do not find a single difference between the snake oil salesman to who sells systems knowing that it is not working (or he would use it and would not sell anything to the public).

No doubt they have to have the system tested by the same system vendors first. Them after seeing that their method is a loser , then yes, after proven it has no value as a method now time to find the value in the pockets of the unwary.
Quote from: superrickAnytime somebody's trying to sell you a system you can almost bet that somewhere along the line it's going to fail. If it never failed, why in the world would would he be selling it to you?

When you're thinking about buying a system, think about this, there's a sucker born every minute, are YOU one of those suckers?
Quote from: Mike on May 04, 2014, 08:26:15 AM"if it's so good, why are you selling it"
Come on, if we have a factory of dollars we do not sell it for a dime.

For your personal consideration.
Thanks esoito. Sometimes listening to those men with a normal mind and see their over-reactions is quite pitiful.

That the man who lives in the third world with a wife and child to support and just lost the job is seeking money. Oh! It's not natural. It is the big shock, the big family greed.

If public links were posted that anyone in the world can see and publish without permission, is the great conspiracy.

And their lack of reaction on other issues that do deserve attention.
Quote from: Kav on May 01, 2014, 04:34:33 PM
I think it is still under construction.
In a word document when you press the TAB key you get space to start writing. That is what I mean. I see that there are users who do it with no problem but when I attempt it exits the editor and go down to the post button.

This post editor is rather bad. Adds unwelcome spaces between lines. Changes the words to fine print without cause or reason. Why still use it here? They must have better solutions on the market already. One should be able to fit the best one to use , not having to fight so that messages will look moderately as one wishes.