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Messages - wannawin

Quote from: Mike on May 01, 2014, 03:30:26 PM
You are not seriously going to let this guy have that signature!

I thought spammers weren't allowed in this forum?  ??? ??? ???
I agree with Mike. it says above so the community can have a say. well this smells like a scam in progress. this is what we say.
Every time I press the tab key it goes to the post button. is not my computer because I tried it with another and is still the same. Other users can start with space why I can not? Fix this.
Quote from: iplayforaliving on May 01, 2014, 08:36:44 AMTsk. Tsk. Tsk.
Where are your manners man?
We have a different culture here.
Nevertheless, enjoy your stay here!  ;)

Anabelle welcome to this forum. Very quickly you will realize that here there are mostly gentlemen on board, with a small group of agitators present , including members walking a fine line between the two. Anyway then they have their messages crossed-out and everything goes smoothly again. I think the others had gone to other forums more relaxed.
I have so many things in my personal notes collected over the years. In any case: excerpt of a small amount for nonprofit educational purposes = fair use.

For peace of mind I will not give removal to posts, so do not call me wannawin the tyrant or wannawin the muffler of personal expression. Incidentally what about posting on forums without rules? It is best for posts where you know intention is rowdy. is not very smart because the same person knows what he does when he gets to post. The Moderator will chop publications to another thread.
All right people. After this post I shall return to the normal publications of methods and other informations I do, although some are of the belief that wannawin is a very bad poster and a nosy. they have let me know that already. But I can not turn the page without comment on some things, even obvious things.

And excuse me Victor if you do not want to continue, let me say my last things I have thought of this character who there is no need to say the name more.

He should hang his face in shame if after he talked about you so bad he dreams of being like you. Earning his life from Internet community members. And the greatest irony would be that he was not being honest from the start and he seek a living in the Internet like you, before all this. And not depend on having more a job, after all his haha mocks about him having a job to afford things. I can imagine him to be struggling every day by making efforts to be right as you are now.

I am very nasty-minded about things like this. "Think wrong and be right" goes the saying. Would not be the first time I hit. It always makes me suspicious when someone hates to be compared with another. And the more it bothers him, the more it seems to me it is because he wants to be like it. Happens a lot with movie stars receiving criticism from budding actors: "That bad actor", "the cats pajamas, big deal what they do, I do better," and the like. The more hatred by the comparison, is because they feel more envious for the success and for what it is seen the other to be capable of achieving.

It is that the same people itself closes doors for themselves. Now this guy can not read your code nor use your ideas ever, not to be embarrassed in front of the same people who he turns against you. The comparison is automatic. Just like Victor did, copied it from Victor's product, Victor's idea. Imagine it as the recognition for who he calls an a**. if one is not able to create what an a** does then one is an a** x2

Whoever said you are only good for making up nice stories but that's it, with each release of your programmes  you will be making him shut up his mouth.

My prediction is in line with that of Archie, in a couple years you will be a successful worker in the Internet, and this man will continue to say "yes boss".

Or even if he can make a living online, and says it publicly, it is immediate the comparison: "look, does just as he criticized so harshly in Victor", "Following exactly the same steps as he bitterly mocked" that hypocritical and other comparisons like that.

He will know if he fits the title of hypocrite to himself. I draw my own conclusions when he requires members to obey laws he writes and he does not comply.

That is his consciousness and life. And I really do have every intention that I am not going to say more after this thread, but I need to vent it all to terminate this and start writing about other things.

It is okay to post it here for the consideration of others who may think alike. I have also received words of encouragement after this, even by members with much more trajectory than myself , for which I am grateful and happy to know I am not alone in my thinking. Only maybe others do not want to risk pointing the obvious in public and I am the voice of many more so I speak more calmly at the memory.

In this world where mathematics and statistics are searched in 1 minute on google and wikipedia, where professional players keep silent on what they do to win exactly, and absolutely everything that is discussed in public is a loser in the long run. To members all we have left to decide a forum over another is the atmosphere by the forum rules ensuring considerate treatment to members, the forum features that are in place to help the discussion and because things are like their owners, the administrator to be in line with what one expects.

Without standards any administrator and forum is seen as very good, but put a little standards to filter out to less as we ask each best rules by which to abide, better features and better human quality from the administrator.

Personally I think we are on the winning horse with BetSelection. Those who left have confidence that their site manager and his forum is better than the one here, but it is to be decided over time and achievements.

I have no doubt that Victor is wiser and better programmer in his personal capacity and that here we will always have some sensible rules for the proper development of the discussion.

There are small causes that one is passionate about and small rewards that make one feel worthwhile for others even a little. I give the case closed and no more would I think about it, because the facts tell the truth to everyone. I close this thread.
Quote from: Albalaha on April 26, 2014, 01:34:27 AMThere is still peace and harmony among the common members of both forums. Let's try to preserve that.
Great post. truly what matters. We agree on the need to preserve these above all.
Quote from: Kav on April 25, 2014, 05:23:17 PMI do not understand what is your (legal) interest in this.
I saw a clear violation of privacy when reading about expectation of privacy in the messages and did my bit.

It would take maybe 10 minutes of action in total in finding the site of the provider "Rica" and then send an email to the abuse department with a link.

Quote from: Kav on April 25, 2014, 05:23:17 PMIf you want to leave a better world to your kids go plan a tree instead of messing with other peoples affairs and probably making matters worse for the community and even for this forum.
In any given year I plant more trees than you could imagine.

I am not a fortune teller and could not foresee they were going to change the terms of service which could affect here.

Maybe for you it is bad what I did and makes matters worse to act on abuses. To me this is improvement and I think any sensible person will agree.

Quote from: Kav on April 25, 2014, 05:23:17 PMYou seem to get great pleasure from this unfortunate situation for the community.
Not pleasure, sometimes what I get is grief to see I may be the only one who sees things in normal standards many times.

By the way right now this site is still hosted by Rica Web Services:


How many days of outage would be reasonable to expect if the new terms of service are affecting operations?
Quote from: Albalaha on April 25, 2014, 11:36:54 AM
                    Wannawin.You simply lack Locus Standi to do any complain to anyone on the behalf of anybody unless you get a power of attorney/authorization by Victor.  :no:
Albalaha, you would know the legal system where you exercise your profession, but in the rest of legal systems the authorities must act upon what is called to their attention when verified there is ill.  Regardless of who makes the complaint

Quote from: Sputnik on April 25, 2014, 12:51:55 PM
Ignore things is the best medicin.

Have a nice day :-)

Very nice, in this way surely we will all leave our legacy of a better world for our children.
Quote from: wannawin on April 24, 2014, 06:09:22 AMService providers are in Quebec, Canada.
More service provider news.

Triggered by my report the legal department of Rica Web Services has updated their terms of service to expel betforum.cc without entailing further liabilities to them.

Serious companies have access to paid lawyers who advice them how to protect their interests. I already did due diligence to search archive.org plus google cache and there is truly no mention of "gambling related websites" prior to this.

First time I make a company change its terms! Unfortunately I see that betselection.cc is also served by them: http://www.whoishostingthis.com/?q=betselection.cc So the possibility is this website will be discharged soon due to the new updated terms.

I do not know if Victor has money available for hiring a new server immediately and if it affects operations here I apologize fairly for starting all this.

The good thing is that the legal system works. Only one complaint from a normal citizen and actions are taken. Nobody enjoys special privileges in these matters.
Here are thus forewarned, so do not say that the user wannawin is the bad one for reporting the actions of betforum administrator, and I went under the ropes without warning. They are the same users who read here and there.

See if you start using your community decisions to talk about the important topic of personal privacy respect in your forum to add to your rules.
You have more important things to worry about in the next days than the chip sizes in your game:

Betforum.cc is to be forcefully expelled from servers of Rica Web Services in the next few days.

Read this topic from start to finish. To the last post:
General Discussion / Re: Tab of Discord
April 24, 2014, 09:59:41 PM
Quote from: Archie on April 23, 2014, 07:39:11 PMOn a personal note, you appear to be a good programmer, but a lousy manager.

Victor is a good programmer but he needs to grow a pair. This is not the world of fairies.
Quote from: wannawin on April 24, 2014, 06:09:22 AMService providers are in Quebec, Canada.
Service provider responded. Betforum.cc is to be forcefully expelled from servers of Rica Web Services in the next few days.

This is the first time in the history of these forums where they cut the service after a report of actions committed by the administrator himself. Usually these reports are initiated by user violations.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 01:17:51 PMToo much fuss about nothing.
Curiously enough as a lawyer you see it as "nothing" publishing of personal messages having expectation of privacy.

As a simple advocate I hate to see all invasions of privacy. No matter if abuse is committed by executive officers or other individuals alike. Those I despise and condemn.

Let us only get it this far. Time to close this thread.
Quote from: wannawin on April 24, 2014, 09:41:35 AMOK. lets leave it up to here.
Speaking with a cool head and to promote peace.

Ideally Stef edit-out messages in good will to honor all privacy expectations instead of showing Macho attitude to the end. Maybe he can earn points in the community for doing so.

Really, these things are not little things like violating a website rule for which they ban your username to come back later as another.

Stef has chosen to leave that posted: since the beginning of April soon to be for a full month. Just think that Victor complains claiming because of those messages he lost business opportunities for the necessary support of his family or his child may not eat well because of it. Another set of laws beyond privacy trigger and he would have a legal case against Stef . The Internet service provider in Canada presumably has all the information necessary to forward to authorities.

These things go hand in hand with libel damages.


One might think that is little, but such violations in some countries , especially in the first world, are paid very expensive.

In australia I read $7000 for inadvertent disclosure affecting a person's job. We can wonder how much for willful disclosure would be claimed.


Each time more time passes showing messages as is, more exposure to risks Stef damages. I have not heard of any country in the European Union where personal privacy is waived .
Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AMBuddy Wannawin,
Buddy albalaha.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AM
                     Why are you writing so many topic blaming Stef? Because you hate what he did.
I say yes Exactly.

You said:

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AMWhen you start hating someone, even good deeds of that person look like gimmics and we ignore the wrongdoings of the person that we like.
It fits perfectly:


You ignored the fact that Stef had clearly published messages disclosing parts of other person family life without permission . Many personal elements were involved too.
No posts full where all words are mentioned are copied out of respect, but many published words in the post such as: "right now, UNEMPLOYED", "husband-wife relationship", "impact for my family", "head of household", "chance of income/help in unemployed times", "talk about with your partner", "wanted to give her the good news", "wife was next".

They can hint evidence of giving references to personal family life with issues that concern.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AM
                     Victor promised a migration without any cost and later, in the process of the migration from bs.cc to bf.cc, he suddenly demanded money from Stef. That stirred Stef and whatever he did was outburst of his anger towards Victor.
Stef himself said: "Because i'm someone that learns a lot on my own i gently neglected the offer."

Even Stef understood as you can see it was not a financial offer for the transfer of the website to be read. I too only see one offer about learning.
The declined offer I saw in posted message reads to me for: forum maintenance, server tricks with moderation tip and other unlike site transfer sale. Maybe I need an outsider to approach the computer to read it out loud but I think I read good what is written there.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AMYou can see yourself that even Steve has alleged Victor of same greed and family concerns stories repeatedly. You are a member of rouletteforum.cc too. Go and try to talk same thing to Steve. You will most likely get much more bitter answers.
Steve is not my cup of tea but yes. most likely.

Quote from: Albalaha on April 24, 2014, 06:45:07 AMBetter focus on constructive stuffs.
OK. lets leave it up to here.