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Messages - wannawin

Quote from: wannawin on April 24, 2014, 03:26:32 AMAnyone can tell how to know which company offers internet services to betforum.cc site?
no need. A simple search in minutes on google gave:





Rica Web Services

Service providers are in Quebec, Canada. Stef is based in the euro zone. Canada routinely works with Europe and USA. Laws of personal and family privacy in the eurozone and North America, are very equal.

Quote from: esoito on April 24, 2014, 04:42:19 AMPrivacy violations of this sort are indeed serious matters.
This is a story in progress. The internet lives in the real world howbeit while inside forums are the site managers who put their rules and meet or remove them at administrator convenience, in the real world such invasions of personal and family privacy are very resoluted, as a consequence there are laws that protect it in place. Whether by phone, radio, internet or whatever.

If the violation is within the real world in planet earth laws apply. Stef is not above international law.
I am pretty sure that unlike Betforum where the rules are invalid for having more little stars under their userame, privacy laws enforcement are for everyone.

Violations of privacy affecting the family are taken quite seriously by companies in compliance with the law.
The action of international mechanisms for privacy protections also applies to Stef. Whether or not the website administrator.

Anyone can tell how to know which company offers internet services to betforum.cc site?
Rules in betforum are a sad joke, even when written by the one who is supposed to be the first line of defense against violations:


To blithely violate them himself.


And acknowledge openly without a care for the same members he demands rule conforming from:


Yes, excuse me for complaining, but I am not happy that the person who demands me to meet the forum rules he wrote is the one who publicly violates them and acknowledges his breach. The preacher who beats the parishioner for going to the brothel to go there himself. In betforum it is clear rules are for regular members only, but you forget there are many forums in which rules are for all. I would rather be in these forums without double standards. Or even with simple privacy standards.

Today you are against a member, tomorrow may be against another, and that one can be me. And you will spare to use communications, PMs and everything you have in your database. No thanks.
Quote from: wannawin on April 24, 2014, 01:14:09 AMsome members look up to Stef in admiration for doing it.

Admiration does not make things legal. serial murderers have admirers and that does not make murder any more legal.

Stef if the case is judged will neither go to Victor nor you, because for you the right to privacy and the protection of the family is a little game, which speaks more from you than anyone else. Since I can remember in these boards no forum administrator himself had come to post trusted private messages to prove his point. This reached new lows for administrators in this community.
It is said in this topic: http://betselection.cc/general-discussion/moving-forward/msg28838/#new

QuoteEven when it's my personal life aspect and I would have liked to have retained privacy in what was disclosed publicly about my family and life (plus in general with all chat logs; as mostly everybody would, in all my 1-on-1 chats I did with Stef, I chatted and PM'd with him having full expectation of privacy for the messages), now it's out there and I can safely say it isn't shameful to be laid-off. So I take no offense, it can happen to anyone.
This is a violation of personal and family privacy in all rule when there is expectation of privacy in a message.

This is not that if Stef got up that day and he thought it is right to publish the private messages in public because it is sunday or friday, or that it was deserved public punishment to people in a third world country who seek a living on the Internet, or because the reason of not getting the forum visitors in that day. Or maybe simply to make fun from the unemployed if he has steady income to use the haha smiley.

No. This is illegal and against international law to human activity that any person has to the privacy of yourself and your family. This is serious matter although Stef as the forum administrator looks at it being very good to have this published in his website pages and even some members look up to Stef in admiration for doing it.
This book is a classic. For beginning players it contains the base methods that should be known by everyone. Recommended reading.

Link to pdf: https://archive.org/download/montecarloanecdo00bethiala/montecarloanecdo00bethiala.pdf
Your answers are really appreciated.
here we have the book for all the friends present to read.

April 13, 2014, 11:18:25 PM
Free download.
Multiple locations / Triple Win Roulette System
April 12, 2014, 08:48:32 PM
The only bets used in Triple Win Roulette are wagers on a color, one
dozen and one column. These wagers are always made in the following

Color 2-units
Dozen 1-unit
Column 1-unit

The rule for placing the Triple Win bets is simple:

Always place the bet in the same positions as the previous spin.

Let's assume the outcome of the last spin was Black 13.

The color was Black.

The number is in the 2nd Dozen and 1st Column.

Your next wager will be on Black, 2nd Dozen, 1st Column.

Let's try another example.

The roulette ball lands on Red 36.

Following this outcome your next wager will be on Red, 3rd Dozen, 3rd Column.

Here's one more example.

Assume that you have a wager on Red, 2nd Dozen and 1st Column and a zero shows. You
will lose all three bets. Your next wager will be the same as before. In other words, you
will ignore a zero in terms of determining where to bet and wager in the same spots
following a zero.

Betting that the previous outcome will repeat is very effective. Roulette tends to be
streaky and it is not unusual to have numbers, dozens and columns repeat.

The Triple Win Betting Series

A Betting Series is used for each level of betting. The Betting Series has different
amounts of wagers on the three Triple Win Bets for different levels of betting.

Five Level Betting Series for $1 Base Bets

Level:   Color:   Dozen:   Column:   Total:
1   2   1   1   4
2   4   2   2   8
3   6   3   3   12
4   8   4   4   16
5   10   5   5   20

This is a five-level betting series using $1 Base Bets. The Game Bankroll for this Betting
Series is $60. You will need to buy in for at least $60 to use this betting series.

With any Betting Series the following rules apply:

1. Start a game making Level 1 bets. Using the Five Level Betting Series for $1 Base
Bets, you will make a $2 bet on a color and $1 bets each on one dozen and one column
for a total of $4 bet.

2. The outcome of each spin determines the Betting Level for the next spin, according to
these rules:

a. If you win or break-even on the spin, you will stay at the same betting level. For
example, if you break-even or win any amount on the spin, you will continue to make
Level 1 wagers, i.e. 2-1-1 for the next roulette wager.

b. If you lose an amount equal to a column bet, in this example a 1-unit wager, stay at the
same level for the next wager.

c. If you lose an amount greater than the amount of a column bet, in this case, a loss of
two or more units, raise the next roulette wager one betting level. When you are making
Level 1 bets you have the option of raising the bets one level with a loss equal to the
column bet. This special rule applies to level 1 betting only. For example, if you lose an
amount equal to a column bet when you are betting at level 2, you will not raise your
betting level on the next spin. With betting levels greater than level 1 you should have a
loss greater than the amount of your column bet to trigger raising your bets one betting

d. Any time you win an amount greater than the amount of a column bet for your current
betting level you will drop one betting level on the next spin. For example, if you are
betting Level 2 bets and win 2 or more (the value of a column bet is 2 at this level) you
will drop to Level 1 bets for the next spin.


A Betting Series is used to determine the sizes of bets made for each wager. You
will always begin a game with a Level 1 wager and increase or decrease the wagers
made in each round of play according to the outcome of each spin. In general, you
will keep the bets at the same level with a win or a slight loss. You will raise the
bet level with a loss greater than the size of a column or dozen bet. You will lower
the bet level following a win greater than the size of a column or dozen bet.

Playing to Win Coups

The goal of each game or short session of play is to win a coup. A coup is a predefined
Win Goal for each level of play.

Coup Levels for Different Betting Series:

Color-      Target
Dozen-      Coup
2-1-1      $9
4-2-2      $18
6-3-3      $27
8-4-4      $36
10-5-5      $45
14-7-7      $56
20-10-10      $90
26-13-13      $117
30-15-15      $135
40-20-20      $180
50-25-25      $225
70-35-35      $315
100-50-50   $450

With Triple Win Roulette, the object of your play is to win a coup. Each short session or
coup-based game is directed towards winning a coup.

You will play in accordance with the rules of raising and lowering the level of bets in the
Betting Series you are using until one of the following occurs:

1. Your winnings reach or exceed the Target Coup for the Betting Series you are using,
2. You stop the coup attempt after reducing a loss because of a large win. For example,
assume that you had a loss for the game of -15 and just won +18 for the spin. You may
elect to call this game completed with a win of just +18. An alternative in this case is to
drop back to Level 1 betting and continue playing. If the game is getting long, you may
elect to stop the game even though you have not hit your Target Coup

The object of Triple Win Roulette is to win a Target Coup. Each level of play has
its own predefined Target Coup. After winning a Coup you can continue playing
by resetting your bets to Level 1 and in effect starting over.

You can also call a game over and stop playing after wining a Coup.

Whenever your losses are so large that you can't make the next set of wagers the
game is over. You will never add more funds in a losing game. If your bankroll is
depleted you will accept the loss and stop play.

Triple Win Roulette Tips

We stop a game under the following conditions:
a. We won a coup.
b. Our losses became large enough that we could not make the next bet in the Betting
c. We reduce the amount of loss from a larger loss to a small loss or a small win after
winning a large amount.
General Discussion / More Casino Comps
April 12, 2014, 07:02:49 PM
Information about comps:

Whether you chose to become a rated player at the casino table games, join a slot
club or both, once you get into the system, you can start getting your share of
comps. There are a number of tried and proven ways to multiply the number of
comps you get. Here are some pointers.

Chose a primary casino and then play there.

A basic premise of the whole comp system is to reward loyal players. Casinos offer
comps to lure new players to their casino and to make sure that their current
customers remain their customers. If you think you have it tough trying to use the
comp system to your advantage, just think what the casinos are up against with new
competition springing up every day.

If you are a whale, you can ignore my advice. Just plan on either bringing or
setting up a credit line of $100,000 or larger, and wherever you decide to land will
be glad to comp you. If you are in the million dollar plus range, the casino will
not only comp you, but anyone else you chose to bring with you. They'll even
charter a 737 and fly in as many of your friends as you want to bring along.

If you are not quite in this range, then it will pay to find a primary casino
and reward it with your patronage. A player with as little as $1,000 can get
RFB treatment in some of the downtown casinos in Las Vegas. A player
with a $2,500 bankroll will have an even greater choice of hotel casinos.
Move up to the $5,000 to $10,000 range, and a whole other batch of casinos
become available.

But, in order to get noticed and adequately comped with a bankroll from $1,000 to
$10,000, you have to be willing to reward a casino with your playing time.

A friend of mine visits Las Vegas about ten times a year. He usually takes $5,000
to $10,000 and manages to lose between half and three quarters of it per trip. I
won't comment on his approach to gambling. Quite frankly, it stinks. Anyway, the
subject is comps.

Believe it or not, he doesn't get any. He stays at a different casino every trip. I
think he believes the constant changes might improve his luck. This is not
necessarily bad, if he would play at the casino where he stays. He invariably
changes casinos every hour or two and ends up playing in ten to twelve different
establishments over the course of two or three days.

Because of the size of his buy-ins, he is constantly asked if he wants to be rated. He
always declines. He confesses that he doesn't want the casinos to know how much
he is losing. I think that he is trying to kid himself about his losses.

I have explained the comp system to him. As long as he is losing, he might as well
have the casinos kick in $750 to $1,000 per trip. This money is there for the asking
if he would only pick a primary casino and give it a reasonable amount of play.

I can't convince him to change his ways. But, maybe I can influence you.

There are many other benefits to playing more in a primary casino. The first benefit
is the application of the old saw, "If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

The casino will accelerate the rewards offered you the more you play. Some
casinos formalize this process and actually accelerate the comps to slot club
members as their total number of points increases. Many casinos offer more and
more free rooms and entertainment the more you patronize them.

The key to maximizing your benefits from this whole process is to find a casino that
matches your needs and then start playing there. If you have picked correctly, your
loyalty will be well rewarded.

Join a slot club and/or get a VIP card.

The start of getting comps is to be into the casino comp system. If you bet $25,000
a hand, the host will find you. If you bet $5 to $25 a pop, you have to get the
casino's attention. And the easiest way to do this is with a little piece of plastic
which looks just like a credit card.

Once you have a card, getting comped will become part of your routine. The first
thing you will do as a machine player is to insert your club card in the card reader.

When you sit down at a craps, baccarat or a roulette table you will present your VIP
card when you buy in.

Your card will go down with your cash at the roulette table when you lay five
hundred in front of the dealer and tell him, "Chips please."

Once you have the cards and use them, all of your play will count towards

Get to know your casino host.

The casino host or the slot host will be your key to getting the most comps in most

If you are a member of the casino's slot club, you will get nearly all of your comps
by asking the casino slot host. Many times comps for food, rooms, shows and
merchandise are built right into the slot club payoffs. If you have just joined a slot
club, try giving them some play for an hour or two and then asking the slot host for
a buffet comp.

My experience with comps from playing slots or video poker is that the slot hosts
are much more likely to be generous with comps than the personnel at the slot club
booths. If you want brochures on the slot clubs or general information on the slot
club, talk to the clerks at the booth. If you want a particular comp, ask the slot host.

Casino hosts, catering to the table game players, are at the top of the casino pecking
order for granting comps. Their top priority is to cultivate new customers and to
keep the current customers happy.

The casino hostesses are the persons working for VIP Services who help you check
in, arrange your limo service, make dinner and show reservations and so forth.

The hostesses will handle most of your scheduling and reservation needs. The
casino hosts are the people you need to talk to to arrange RFB and airfare

You can meet a casino host a number of ways. One way is to call a casino before
coming and ask to speak to a host. This is a good way to ask about the casino's
comp policy and to tell the host that you are interested in playing there.

If you are playing with front money, you should meet your host after depositing
your money with the cage but before you begin play.

If you are a cash player and make a large enough buy-in, you may have a chance to
meet a host when the casino sets you up with a VIP card.

After you have played in a casino, you can make reservations through the casino
host. Making a reservation through a host who knows you is a good way to get a
room even if the front desk claims that no rooms are available. Casinos always
reserve a block of rooms for their best customers, and a casino host can get you a
room when a reservation clerk can't.

I recommend taking a little time to develop a relationship with a host. Part of
developing a relationship is consistency. If you make one casino your primary
casino and visit several times a year, it will be easier to become known to a host
than if he only sees you every other year.

If you are using a casino credit line, the host will introduce himself to you. With
front money or cash, you will want to make a point of meeting the host.

Treat your host with respect and nurture the relationship. He can shower you with
all kinds of freebies, including gifts, food, a free room and VIP treatment. And he
is paid to do this. For your part, you have to convince your host that your action is
sufficient to justify the comps you want. And being a nice person won't hurt either.

Be a nice person.

You can get enormous leverage out of maintaining friendly relationships with the
people who work in casinos.

Start with the dealers and cocktail waitresses. These people have a couple of the
hardest jobs in the casino and are at the bottom of the casino hierarchy. A smile and
a reasonable tipping policy will do wonders to get these folks on your side. I
believe that creating a positive atmosphere starts with how you act towards the
casino personnel. A positive atmosphere is conducive to winning as well as to
getting your fair share of comps.

You might look at it this way. If you are a grump, the dealer will probably
reciprocate. This is contagious behavior, and soon the whole table will act the same
way. The pit personnel not only will not be impressed with your play, the wholef
scene at your table probably will put them off. Not only will your rating likely
suffer, you won't have nearly as much fun.

You can't always control how dealers and other customers act. If I join a table
where no one is talking, and the dealer barely grunts when spoken to, I will make
my departure very quickly. Usually a few cheerful words followed by a toke for the
dealer will turn the atmosphere around. However, if this fails, you can't be faulted
for not trying. Life is too short to play under miserable conditions. It is always
better to change tables than to continue to play with an out of sorts dealer and
crabby complaining customers. Under these conditions, you should just leave.

Visit the casino at off times.
I nearly always schedule my casino trips for the middle of the week. I will typically
arrive on a Monday afternoon and stay until Thursday afternoon. The benefits of
visiting during the week are many. If there are any drawbacks to avoiding the
weekend crowds, I haven't found them.

I don't like waiting and I hate lines. By timing my visits to the middle of the week, I
can usually walk into any coffee shop, make reservations for a gourmet restaurant
just about any time I chose and get show tickets to the shows I want to see.

If you want to really reduce the size of the crowds, travel in the middle of the week
during off-season. Las Vegas is slower during the middle of summer when it is hot
and in the late fall and early winter when it's colder. The slowest time in Vegas is
usually between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But watch out for conventions. If a
large convention is in town, it may be impossible to get a room (unless you are a
rated player or belong to a slot club).

If you like to visit Atlantic City, try visiting during the middle of the week in the
dead of winter. You'll not only avoid the larger crowds, but you'll find that the
minimum wagers on many tables have been reduced.

Visiting during an off time is also an excellent way to get noticed for purposes of
getting rated and getting your comp career off to a roaring start.

With fewer players to contend with, a host or a floor person is easier to meet and to
visit with. Also, during slow times, casinos tend to be more generous with comps.
After all, they are more likely to have a slew of vacant rooms just waiting to be
given away to qualified players on a Wednesday night in December.

Ask for comps.

If you play $1000 a hand at roulette, you do not have to ask for comps. The casino
will shower you with them. If you are like the rest of us wagering anywhere from
$5 to several hundred a hand, you need to ask for comps.

Slot players have the more systematic approach as the card readers on the machines
are tied into a centralized computer system, and comps are based on points. If you
are a slots or video poker player, getting a comp is pretty straightforward with this

Table game players have to deal more with people. And unless you are a whale, a
boss will almost never offer you a comp unless you have just won big in a smaller
casino which watches every loss. Facing a player who might walk out with their
money in hand, some casinos will start throwing comps at the player. But most of
the time, even rated players can play and play and never be offered a comp unless
they ask for it.

My advice? Always ask for the comp. I have given you several examples of how to
do it.

Maximize your comps.

Anyone who follows the steps I have described can get comps. Your first step is to
pick your primary casino and give it most of your business. Before you pick your
casino you want to make sure that the casino has a reasonable comp policy and that
it has beatable games. You should also like the casino, as you will be receiving a lot
of invitations there once you get into their comp system.

After picking your primary casino, you need to join its slot club and get a VIP card.
I usually do both. Some casinos, like Rio in Las Vegas, combine rating slot, video
poker and table players on one card. Others track machine and table action
separately. However, it usually pays to join the slot club, even if you are mostly a
table game player.

In many ways, slot club players have an advantage over the table game players.
Their rating is automatic; they don't have to get the attention of some boss. By
joining the slot club, they start receiving mailing from the casino. I have received
offers of free rooms from casinos where I had never played a slot machine, but had
joined their slot club.

If you are just establishing your rating and want to get a room on a crowded
weekend, your slot club membership can be invaluable. After the reservation clerk
tells you there are no rooms available, tell her you are a member of the slot club or
ask to speak to a slot host. Chances are, the casino will find a room for you.

Getting to know the casino personal is critical. The more the casino personnel know
and like you, the more comps are likely to flow your way. This is even true for slot
players with their automated rating system. A slot host can easily "bump up" your
comp from a buffet for two to a coffee shop comp for two, even if your rating is not
quite there.

With table players, interacting with the pit personnel is critical. A boss can make or
break you in terms of your rating. If your average wager is $25, your goal is to be
rated as at least a $50 to $75 player. It is not enough to increase your wagers when
the boss is looking; you need to be a nice person.

Playing with front money gives the casino a real shot at beating you. When you
deposit the money in the cage, the casino knows that they have a shot at winning all
of your front money. If you are willing to risk $10,000, this will open the door to
full RFB at most establishments.

When you play with front money, be sure to put it all in play. If you deposit
$10,000, draw markers for the full ten grand. This doesn't mean you should lose the
money. If you look like a loser and the casino sees that you have put all of your
front money into play, your rating will increase.

Remember to look like a loser. You can save your bragging for when you get
home. Appear to lose, but lose gracefully. Dealers and bosses hear players gripe
about losing every day. Look like a loser but don't complain.

If you run into a fantastic winning streak, don't worry about disguising the fact that
you are a winner. The bosses will know that you are winning. If you try to hide
enough chips to turn a big win into a loss, they'll know. When you have a big win,
act like a winner. Go ahead and tip a little more. If you are playing craps, shouting
is not out of line. I have had some of my best comps come out of big wins as
casinos hate to see winners walk out the door with their money.

Once you know how to play the comps game, you will be able to milk the casinos
for every dime your action entitles you to
Quote from: Archie on April 12, 2014, 06:19:24 PM
Nathan knows the 11th!
If you would share we will be grateful.
Many thanks.
Something I liked.
For educational purposes in your gambling subject learning only:

One of our most important rules to help you leave a winner is the 90% Rule. This
rule says very simply that if you are close to hitting a target profit or a daily profit,
that sometimes 90% or so is close enough.

I recall very well an acquaintance of mine who had a monster roll at a craps table.
When I walked up to the table, Joe was rolling the dice and playing with $500 chips
scattered all over the layout. By the time he sevened out, he was up over $48,000.
This is not bad considering he bought in less than an hour earlier for a grand. I
strongly urged him to come with me and take a break. I reminded him how badly he
needed this score and how good he would feel walking out with his winnings intact.
He nodded and smiled and then gave some lame excuse about wanting to bet with
just a couple of more shooters.

I had more than made my nut for that day. In fact, catching the last ten minutes of
his hot craps roll had put me way ahead. I decided to take a break in the coffee shop
and try some of the coconut cream pie, which was reputed to be the best in town.

I ran into another friend and talked for over an hour. When I came back out, Joe was
still at the same table. I walked up and noticed his pitiful little pile of green chips.
Joe gave me a lame look and continued to play. I saw him the next day and asked
him how he ended up. "Tapped out," were his words. "You didn't drop the
whole 50 grand did you?" I asked.

"It was only 48 thousand," he responded. "The reason I kept playing is
because I wanted to hit 50 thousand."

As I walked away, I wondered to myself what in the hell is the difference
between 48 thousand and 50 thousand when you are that much ahead?

I think 48 thousand should have been close enough, don't you? Any time you are
struggling to hit a target profit, are playing on a short time schedule or just start to
hear that little nagging voice somewhere in the back of your skull telling you to
watch out, you can remember Joe. He should have known that 48 grand was close
enough. Don't ever get hung up on exact amounts. If you are trying to win $50 and
hit $48, you can call it close enough and take a break. Remember, you will never go
broke by taking a break early and walking off with your profits intact.
The Ten Commandments of Online Gambling

#1: Thou Shalt Know the Local Law

Sad to say, but in some places it's illegal to gamble on the Web. Know your legal
status in your home state, province, territory or country before wagering cash.
Online gambling laws are constantly changing and the best way to definitively
determine the current laws that apply to you is by contacting your local authorities.
Here's another item to consider. While many states say they prohibit online
gambling, they never bother individuals who engage in online gambling. The
online gambling prohibitions as they stand now, apply to the operators of online
As a bettor, your risk of running afoul of anti-gambling laws are almost nil.

#2: Thou Shalt Know Thy Casino

Good online casinos provide extensive info pages that tell you where they are
licensed, who is behind the operation, what their game rules and cash policies are,
and how to contact them for help. One of my favorite casinos has over 30 pages of
details on their operation, policies, and so on. Use that as a benchmark.Do your research. Check out message boards to see if your casino has been stiffing
its players.
The risk of getting involved with a dishonest online casino is very low. There
were many more fly-by-night operators several years ago. Time and self-policing
by the industry has driven most of the shady operators off the web.
One simple test that is nearly 100% accurate is to check the site itself. If the
casino has cheesy graphics and uses java based software rather than downloadable
software, you should probably avoid playing there.

#3: Thou Shalt Play For Free

Almost every casino offers a "Play for Free" option and if they don't, go
elsewhere. Playing for free is the first thing you should do since it's your way of
giving the casino a test drive. This will help you uncover unexpected problems or
snafus that are part-and-parcel of the online experience.
For example, it's better to know that the betting mechanism at Casino X drives you
up the wall before they have your money. Or maybe you can't access their site
through your local network. Maybe their games just plain won't run on your
machine. There are hundreds of casino sites online so there's no reason to rush into
Playing for Free is your first option for trying out one of our gambling strategies
online. What I usually do before risking money in any online casino is play
several games in exactly the same manner I will use when I am playing with real
money. Not only is this good practice, but it will generally alert you to any
aspects of the online game that you consider questionable.

#4: Thou Shalt Demand Adequate Customer Support

The better casinos offer toll-free telephone support 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. Other customer support options include 24/7 chat, local phone numbers, fax
lines, and lastly, email. How available are they making themselves to you? Try out
the site's service by calling to ask a question, or just call to chat and see if anyone
is actually there. As a prospective customer, it's your right to see if anybody's
home. Because, if you do have a problem, you're damned sure going to want them
to be available and as helpful as humanly possible.
Keep in mind that a one-size-fits-all email address is the lowest level of service
going because their box could be clogged with messages, they may or may not be
there, they might not get your email, etc.

#5: Thou Shalt Know Thy Payout Options

The best payout plan I've heard of is UPS Express of any amount to any place in
the world, free of charge -- usually arriving at your door within 1 to 3 days. That's
exceptional, but worth keeping in mind. Most online casinos will credit your credit
card up to the amount you originally deposited, then send the remainder of your
winnings to you by check in the mail, which you'll usually receive in 1 to 2 weeks.
Often you can request a wire transfer for a small fee.
I'd suggest saying "pass" on a casino that places a charge on basic withdrawals.
Why should you pay them to give you your own money? A good casino treats its
winners (and losers) with respect.

#6: Thou Shalt Check Out the Bonuses

Bonuses have become a standard means of attracting and keeping players. These
range from sign-on and referral bonuses to frequent-player "comp" programs. The
bottom line is that a good casino will thank its players for their patronage with
these small gifts and gratuities and that means your dollar will go a little further
when you play with them. A no-bonus casino is a rare thing these days and
generally deserves all the special attention it offers.
You will only play when the casino is offering you a bonus greater than $100.
Fortunately, with over 1,800 online casinos, all competing for the same customers,
larger bonuses are becoming easier to find.

#7: Thou Shalt Know That All Games Are Not Created Equal

The Internet is a world of software and that means that the payouts, house
commissions, number of decks in play, number of zeros on the Roulette wheel,
and just about everything else can be set to whatever the software designers like.
Please note that I'm not saying that casino managers sit there and mess with the
games whenever they feel like it. What I am saying is that some online casinos
have better odds than others.
If roulette is your game, why play a double-zero game when you can play single-
zero? Prefer craps? Find casinos that let you plunk down double or triple free
odds, or better. This information is generally published in the casino's "rules and
info" section. If it isn't, feel free to contact their support people and ask. If they
won't tell you, find another casino.Some casinos go so far as to publish their payout tables right on their site. To be
taken seriously, these figures should be audited and certified by a reputable
accounting firm.

#8: Thou Shalt Protect Thy Data

When it comes time to actually sign up to "Play for Real", there are a few things
you should watch out for. For the sign-on process the casino should open a secure,
data-encrypted link to protect your personal info from being scooped up by the
bad guys.
Believe it, it's no joke. You must protect yourself by ensuring the security of your
While the browser people will tell you to check the little lock (Internet Explorer)
or key (Netscape) symbol at the bottom of your browser, there's more that you can
do to ensure your safety. In the address box of your browser check that the sign-on
page begins with "https://" instead of the usual "http://". And don't assume that the
casino will just "do it".
We've seen one case where the casino made all the assurances that a secure link
would be provided and then they just gave us a plain old Web page to fill in the
data. This "over-sight" could've cost us a lot of aggravation if someone scooped
our credit card number, or got our home address and phone numbers. If there's one
golden rule of online gambling it's caveat emptor, which is Latin for "watch your

#9: Thou Shalt Play To Win

Since you're playing online you can take your time to make your decisions. This is
the number one reason I prefer online games. You can play on your own schedule
and only play when you feel like it. Unfortunately, the easy access to these games
makes them treacherous for persons without a firm game plan.
If you decide to play online, then you should play to win. In order to do so, you
need to use a perfected system that has been tested and proven to work in online

#10: Thou Shalt Enjoy Thyself

When you choose to gamble on the Internet, you're forsaking the smoke, the free
drinks, the hangers-on and all the charms of the casino staff so you might as well
do whatever you can to get the most out of it. Light up a cigar, play "The Good,
the Bad, and The Ugly" soundtrack, have a croissant, whatever. You're the floor
manager when you play at home so make it good. Who better to pamper the player
than you?
One aspect I enjoy is "score keeping." When you use a winning strategy, a part of
the system will entail keeping score. This can be a simple as just recording the
game number, the amount you wagered and your net winnings. The part I really
enjoy is adding up a series of winning sessions and seeing my total winnings
When you play online, you can relax, take your time or play as fast as you want.
And, as your winnings mount up, this can provide the greater pleasure of all.
Here are some more things I like to consider besides the "Ten Commandments of
Online Gambling."On the surface, playing against anonymous persons over the Internet sounds way
too risky. However, there are important rules you can use to reduce your risk
of loss -

• You will only play at online casinos that meet my tests for "suitability." With
one of these casinos, you know that you will not be ripped off, because, in
most cases, the online casino is regulated and owned by a publicly held
company, often traded in our own NASDAQ markets.

• You will only buy in using procedures that give you "100% protection" should
a casino ever decide to unfairly keep your money. This one rule alone allows
you to play online anywhere in the world with little fear of ever being
General Discussion / Re: A word of solidarity
April 05, 2014, 02:52:09 PM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on April 05, 2014, 02:42:06 PM
What is  this  walter wannawin talking about. Could  anyone  please  enlighten me.

This in reference to " recalcitrant  nathan detroit".

Who died  and made  him a judge of character as  stated  in his incoherent   reproduced  PM.  By the way to whom was he talking to ?

Nathan Detroit

There is nothing personal. I meant the comments. Stef as administrator is using open violation of privacy . My comment is to mention that you have maintained your composure and not done as Stef
even as you are known to not be sweet but rather care little about authority in your comments and style.
General Discussion / to Victor and the forum staff
April 05, 2014, 02:23:55 PM
my opinion is this looks like a mess.
Steve Hourmouzis is cleared despite looking to defraud honest people simply by saying openly that his intention is to defraud selling systems .

I thought Stef was honest and high quality staff until I saw the methods which is capable of using . I do not want to deal with the kind of person that justifies it so I retreat.

But I do not approve of things there were on the messages. At other times if we had heard that you are unemployed, and that your wife and son are in a delicate situation , I ensure we would have extended help immediately.

please be sure I hate the fact that you have been stripped of your family's privacy in violation by Stef . Stef was a hero to some people hailed for having stripped your personal situation in public (I do not want to deal with such people either ) .

now we have on one hand a confessed swindler forum (Steve ) . A forum full of people capable of anything ( Stef ) and you.

what can we expect from you ?? You will stop offering the sections? clearly others have made a decision, but others like me do not have yet made it. We can always do more and more new forums but it is not the solution , we can guess you realized now for what happened with Stef, A Known Devil is better.

all the forum staff can respond to closed threads . please leave it closed to avoid a flea market bickering . I want answers that will help me determine if I am still here .