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Messages - wannawin

General Discussion / Re: Too funny
September 21, 2013, 12:26:16 AM
Quote from: Mr J on September 19, 2013, 08:50:57 PM
Pure comedy.
Crazy I have seen is people with chips covering almost the entire table. Win many successes only to leave empty handed in the end.

I think they are playing just to find a thrill with a try to gain something but the reality is that they lose. seems to me they have an empty life so they are turning to the game for the feeling of winning something.

Nothing different from a junkie who consume to feel the king of the world but in fact life is a total mess. In contrast people who are already looking for a method to play show signs of more awareness.

Better a method than without any method. If you play orderly you have many advantages with psychological advantages too that the game without reason does not provide.

To me to know when to stop is important. it is more important to act on a bad day. Maybe there will be something called "luck management"?
Quote from: 6th-sense on September 19, 2013, 06:43:13 PMwannawin i like that pic where did you get it from?

There are many hilarious cartoons on that website.
You really can make money selling anything these days.

August 08, 2013, 03:39:05 AM

The well-known Martingale-progression follows an arithmetical row:
1 - 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 - etc. pp .
This is a double up progression. The danger of the Martingale is the table maximum. After 11 consecutive losses, usually the table maximum has been reached and the Martingale is now unable to recover the previous losses.

The progression Deance is a Multi-martingale,
based on the principle of cancellation.
Gain target is 4 units!

Objective of the Deance is to win a total of 4 units. These 4 units are considered
a fictive loss and shall be regained.
The 4 units are evenly distributed to 4 columns, as in Table 1.
The first bet is almost the number of units in column 4, the second bet
is the number of units in column 3, etc .

If a bet wins, this bet is cancelled in the appropriate column.
If a 1-unit-bet loses, this unit is entered in the far left empty column
or added to the columns from left to right.
If a 2 or more unit bet loses, the units of this bet are split evenly
and added from left to right to the units of the 4 columns in the next bet line.

By splitting the lost bets and distributing them evenly, the best size rises
more slowly and more than 40 consecutive losses are necessary to bring the
bet size to the table maximum.

Table 1:

This is the progression table before the first bet.
The unit from progression column 4 is bet.

This is the progression table after the first bet.
The 1 unit from column 4 has won and is cancelled.
Now the remaining 3 1-unit-bets are noted in the next row.

This is the progression table after
4 consecutive won bets.
Every bet was won and all numbers in the 4 columns
have been cancelled.
Now what happens if a bet is lost?

The first bet from column 4 is lost.
It cannot be cancelled, but still it shall be won back.
Therefore this lost unit is added to the 1 unit in column 1.
Bet size of column 1 is now 2 units.
Next bet is again the 1 unit from column 4.

Again the bet from column 4 is lost.
This lost unit is added to the 1 unit in column 2.
Bet size of columns 1 and 2 are now 2 units.
Next bet is again the 1 unit from column 4.

Table 2:

This is a complete progression-run:
the gain target of 4 units is reached after
11 lost and 10 won bets!

Table 3:

It is possible to stretch the Deance progression further, however this makes
the session longer.
For example:

Target gain 6 units

Target gain 8 units

The Beresford Progression is very flexible and can be used in many variations.
With the Beresford good profits can be realized, whereby possible losses are within
reasonable limits.
The Beresford Progression is a "variation" of the Labouchere.

While however with the original Labouchere cancellations take place after won bets, the Beresford Progression goes the reverse way: here cancellations are made after lost bets!

The development of the Beresford Progression is as follows:
First some units are noted in a row, for example:

These 5 units are the number of units we want to risk at maximum!

The first bet size is calculated by adding the 1 unit to the far left
and the 1 unit on the far right, so the first bet is 2 units.
These 2 units are noted to the original row on the right side:

If the first bet of 2 units wins, the next bet is calculated by
adding the 1 unit to the far left and the 2 units to the far right, bet size
of the second bet is 3 units. These 3 units are noted at the right side of
our row:

If this bet is lost, the left 1, the 2 and the 3 are cancelled,
again the 1 unit on the far left and the 1 unit on the far right are added
and the sum of 2 units is noted to the right of our row for the next bet:

If this bet wins, the far left 1 and the 2 are added for the next bet: 3 units.
The 3 is noted to the right of the row:

If this bet wins, the far left 1 and the 3 are added for the next bet: 4 units.
The 4 is noted to the right of the row:

If this bet is lost, the left 1, the 3 and the 4 are cancelled,
again the 1 unit on the far left and the 2 units on the far right are added
and the sum of 3 units is noted to the right of our row for the next bet:

If this bet is lost also, the left 1, the 2 and the 3 are cancelled,
now only 1 unit on the far left and the 1 unit on the far right are left.
These remaining units are added and the sum of 2 units is noted to the right of our row for the next bet: 2 units.

If this bet is lost also, the left 1, the right 1 and the 2 are cancelled.
All 5 starting units are now cancelled and the progression is terminated.
We have lost exactly 5 units.

The number of starting units determines the maximum possible loss.

The gain target should be in close relationship to the max. possible loss.
If you look at the previous example we have the following development of results:

Here after the 4th bet we have a gain of 80% of the starting units and
the progression should be terminated and reset.
Our recommendation is to terminate the progression after a gain of 50% of your starting units.
Depending on your bet selection and your bankroll you can adjust the
Beresford Progression easily. For short attacks 5 starting units is a good value.
If you prefer longer attacks up to 10 or even 15 units may be your starting row.

Here is an adaptation of the Whittacker progression for dozen and column bets
( twelve number bets ).

If the Whittaker progression is applied to twelve number bets, the following starting sequence is used:
1. bet 1 unit
2. bet 1 unit
3. bet 2 units

If the first bet wins, profit: 2 units.
If the second bet wins, profit: 1 unit.
If the third bet wins, profit: 2 units.
In each of these cases the progression begins new with the sequence: 1 - 1 - 2!

If the first 3 bets are lost, the next bet is determined as follows:
with a negative balance between 4 to 9 units the balance is divided by 2,
with a negative balance between 10 to 21 units the balance is divided by 3,
with a negative balance between 22 to 100 units the balance is divided by 4,
With a negative balance over 100 units the balance is divided by 5.
If the result of the division is not a whole number, then this number is always rounded up.

The progression starts always with a bet size of 1 unit!

  Bet No. 1: 1 unit, in case of a win next bet 1 unit, in case of a loss:
  Bet No. 2: 1 unit, in case of a win next bet 1 unit, in case of a loss:
  Bet No. 3: 2 units, in case of a win next bet 1 unit, in case of a loss: 4 : 2 = 2
  Bet No. 4: 2 units, in case of a win next bet 1 unit, in case of a loss 6 : 2 = 3
  Bet No. 5: 3 units, in case of a win next bet 1 unit, in case of a loss 9 : 2 = 4.5 =5
  Bet No. 6: 5 units, in case of a win next bet 1 unit, in case of a loss 14 : 3 = 4.66 = 5
  Bet No. 7: 5 units, in case of a win next bet 4 : 2 = 2 units, in case of a loss 19 : 3 = 6.33 = 7
  Bet No. 8: and so fourth...

Example 1, from Table No.1, Spielbank Hamburg, 2003-04-03, Dozens (spin 1 - spin 40), betting selection: before last (we do not recommend this betting selection, it is solely to demonstrate the progression).
Highest bet size in this demo is 2 units.
Net result for the progression after 40 spins: + 13 units.
Net result for flat betting after 40 spins: + 4 units.

Example 2, from Table No.1, Spielbank Hamburg, 2003-04-05, Columns (spin 1 - spin 60), betting selection: last (we do not recommend this betting selection, it is solely to demonstrate the progression).
Highest bet size in this session is 14 units.
Net result for the progression after 60 spins: + 7 units.
Net result for flat betting after 60 spins: - 8 units.

As you can see in example 2 we need only a couple of bets to recover after a bad spin run. However, this example is a good demonstration not to use the bet on last for twelve number bets.

If you lose a bet due to zero /double zero, repeat the bet. The amount lost due to the zero appearance has to be subtracted from the session balance.

The Whittaker progression should be used in no case without a good betting selection.

Both, the selection "bet on last" and "bet before last" are in no way good betting selections for 12 number bets. They, once again, they were only used to make the progression clear!
Friends, for the first time in a while I managed to close the month with a positive gain.

My method is to go to the casino looking to catch one good run in one betting location to leave it when just ends.

In the course of 100 spins there is always a stretch of spins which can make a profit. You can be positive in the beginning or more commonly after a set of spins but it sure happens that one is the sticky location to make a win for the visit.

At the end the very simple methods are the best. The methods I use they are mechanical bets.

Which is it? search the repetitive positions from last 18, last 12, last 9 with progression. Like I have told here: http://betselection.cc/split/1-splits-method/
Positive / Good article on Positive Betting Systems
June 24, 2013, 12:47:17 PM
What is your opinion about the One Half Up betting system?

One Half Up

This is a very popular positive progression system. You do not increase your bet until you win two bets in a row, then you keep increasing your bet by one half of your original bet. Here is an example.

You make a $10 bet and win. You are now even so you don't progress yet. You make another $10 bet and win. You are now ahead $10. Your next bet is $15. You are progressing but you still have a profit of $5. If you win the $15 bet your next bet is $20. If you lose you go back to $10. You still have a profit of $15.

The article: http://casinogambling.about.com/od/moneymanagement/a/positive.htm
For me one of the most volatile is baseball.
I do not think there is any option entirely predictable. Perhaps the individual games such as tennis where there are only two people to analyze.

Horse racing with a good knowledge of all the horses can be predictable too except when the new horses arrive.
From my point of view to predict sports betting is an art and a science without neglecting its share of intuition.

This is a good topic.
Thank you for sharing your creative system friend pda. Please keep us abreast of the execution in Betclic and other places where you bet.
I wish others had the delicacy to do so. I am sure many do not even play many of the methods of their own creation.
Double-street / Re: One step to the right or left
June 18, 2013, 10:11:46 AM
Thank you friends.  This system looks like it is promising.
These tips should be taken not by sports bettors alone but for all bettors.

Sports betting money management skills information.

Sports Betting Forum / sports betting software
June 14, 2013, 06:23:30 PM
Friends, someone has a data extraction software to do search on sports betting chances? Can you recommend some free software for sports betting that is capable or all are paid?

Thank you.
Off-topic / Re: @Gizmotron
June 14, 2013, 06:18:04 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on June 14, 2013, 06:00:51 PM

As far as I'm concerned, this matter is closed.


It is very good to hear. Fights never solve anything.