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Messages - wannawin

Online Casinos / Re: Which Betvoyager games to play?
April 18, 2013, 04:05:22 PM
Friend. I believe that deviations necessary to match the moves in a game without zero are becoming so very large over time. The truth is you would pump more and more money to match them. All efforts should be directed to win an advantage not just break even by pumping more money over time.

It is more efficient to have a system that works in roulette with a zero because their advantage is overcame and you can play anywhere.

Latter advantage is the most important. If you only play a game and you are kicked out of it or the establishment that has the one wheel you play has closed it really ended your world.

Every effort is better directed to beat the house edge game. Many more avenues of game available and the winning method is probably strong enough to beat zero if you so want.

My opinion. Receive affectionate greetings.
General Discussion / something about even chances
April 18, 2013, 03:54:15 PM
Hello friends my question is simple. Is anyone winning the even chances?

With so little pay I guess progressions are the greatest with the returns by spin the smallest. I was greatly surprised by the obsession of many such locations with so little pay.

At the casino I see that almost nobody plays the even chances. They mostly play numbers and inside bets. In manual roulette it is common to see the empty boxes outside in comparison but in the forums I see a constant obsession with the even bets.

Does anyone really win in them?

Thank you.
Why owners of forums will end up being sellers?

Steve with the method of genuinewinner, Forester from rouletteplace with FF computers and now unfortunately Victor with the mysterious program that promises wealthy earnings but no one knows how.

A word of advice to Victor. Friend. Please do not put yourself to sell to enter the league. As with all game systems some will win and others will lose. Those who win will love you while earnings last but the losers will accuse you of scammer. Is it really worth it? Please remember once you enter the club of scammers it is for life.
First let me clarify that I am not questioning the sale of a particular system over another.

My question is completely honest and is derived from natural curiosity. It is aimed at all those who sell systems.

Why sell if it is only a matter of using that system to win? Is there any specific reason for which you see selling systems a better alternative to get the money directly through betting with the system? Besides of the obvious answer that it is not working.

Hopefully people are selling convinced that their product works. this is where the curiosity comes naturally. Why not use the system they are convinced that it works and stop selling?

As much as I analyze it it does not make sense.

Thanks for the replies.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I find both to be interesting answers.
Friends. Again I am just thinking out loud.

How much money is a money machine worth in your opinion?

The answer is obvious. Why not just use such a money maker machine to make all the money expected to be received from buyers?

A winning roulette system is a money machine. The only conclusion from this is that anything sold as a winning system is not working.

The best thing people can do is put aside laziness and get to investigate themselves. Nobody is going to sell the money making machine. If so that person is a big stupid or is the most generous person on the planet. Which is highly unlikely. It is more likely to be only another system seller scammer.

The moral is not to buy systems. Be suspicious of anyone who asks for money to sell you the machine to print money.

Please be smart. Live and learn.
Street / Anti-Sleeper Street Roulette System
April 13, 2013, 08:24:59 PM
The Anti-Sleeper Street System is one that requires a little effort of front for potential big rewards. To start you will need to record the results of 37 or 38 spins, this is best accomplished using a table layout card

Once you have recorded your numbers you will need to identify the numbers that did not show during your recording period. With the non showing numbers identified you will place your wagers on the numbers in the same street as the number(s) that did not so. For example if after 38 spins one of the numbers that did not show was 2, you would place wagers on 1 and 3 as they are on the same street as 2.

Using this system we will be playing the hot numbers only on streets that have sleepers on them but now playing the sleepers. This last point is important to remember when using this system.

Since there is no natural exit to this system you will want to keep track of your bankroll and exit the game when you are hopefully on a positive swing.
Street / 3 Streets Roulette System
April 13, 2013, 08:23:43 PM
The 3 Streets Roulette system is a very easy system to learn and play. The easier a system is to play the greater the chance of you implementing the system properly which is very important. If you cannot use a system properly because it is so complicated it isn't worth using because unless used properly no system is going to work.

You will notice that the numbers on a Roulette table are broken down into 3 sections. In fact you can wager on these sections if you wish. These sections are referred to as 1st 12, 2nd 12, and 3rd 12. The 3 Streets Roulette System will use these sections but not the betting options.

You need only one spin to start this system. The only rule to keep in mind is that you will not have more than one street in action in any given section. This means you will have a maximum of 3 street wagers in action at any one time, 1 street in the 1st 12, 1 in the 2nd 12 and 1 in the 3rd 12.

To start wait for a spin and note which street the resulting number is in and place a bet on that number. At an online casino you will need to make one even numbered wager (I like to place a wager on Red). Let's say the resulting number was 9, you will then place a wager on the 3rd street which is in the 1st 12. Our next spin results in a 33 which is in the 3rd 12. Since we do not have an active street in that section we place a wager on the 11th street. Our third spin results in a double zero (00) so we do nothing and continue with our wagers on the 3rd and 11th streets. Spin four was a zero (0) and like the double zero (00) we change nothing and continue with our wagers. Our next spin is an 18 and since we have no streets active in the 2nd 12 we place a unit on 6th street.

Now we have 3 active street wagers, one in each section. Things will change a little bit with spins from here on out. Our next spin is a 35 which is located in the 3rd 12 on 12th street. Since we have an active street in the 3rd 12 already we cannot place a wager on 12th street. Instead we will place a second unit on 11th street. In this example we happened to get three numbers in different sections very quickly so we haven't seen this part of the system yet. At any point that you have a active street in a section and another number on in that section hits you add one unit to your active wager in that section. So right now we have one unit on 3rd street, one unit on 6th street and 2 units on 11th street. Our next spin is a 31 which is on 11th street so we have a winner.

Once we have a winner you remove from each street the number of units on the winning street. In this example 11th street had 2 units so we would remove 2 units from each street wager. Since our other street wagers are only 1 unit all our wager are removed and we start the system over again with a fresh spin.

If in this example the winning number was on the 3rd street we would remove 1 unit from each active street wager. This mean that 3rd street and 6th street wagers would be removed from the table and the 11th street wager would be reduced by one, from two units to one unit. This would leave only one active street wager of one unit on the 11th street and you would continue the system as normal adding streets or units as required.

The act of reducing the wagers on non winning streets reduces the losses on non-productive streets and maximizes your winnings.

As you can see the 3 Street Roulette System is very easy to use and is quite fun.
General Discussion / What is a good gaming system?
April 13, 2013, 08:19:24 PM
Friends. Can you really assert there are better and worse systems to tackle the game?

Recently I read the article about system in wizard of odds. You can find it here http://wizardofodds.com/gambling/betting-systems/

This made ​​me wonder how some people make claims of better systems. I myself have fallen into them.

The only possibility that comes to mind is what a player wins the other loses. But it would be like to play at random too. You can be the lucky one for the day or not but nonetheless luck can not be a system.

In my last visits to the casino I won something but I have started to ask for sure if that is just luck and my system has nothing to do with it.

Your opinions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Off-topic / Re: Still snowing here!
April 13, 2013, 08:01:21 PM
It is a personal decision. I guess.

I never publish my personal details. I think I will never do it.

It amazes me how people get to use facebook or other internet websites with their profiles open to the public.
The new town scammer is called Rouler.


The steps are too obvious. It amazes me that is not banned already.

Post how good your system is then ask for more information by private messages.

Please use the marshall bing bell anti-scammer system: Do not separate yourself from your money. Much less with these characters that make market through private messages so they stay lengthens by not publishing their offer in public. Only until one of those scammed talk something is done.

Please do not let these open scams operate here.

Thank you.
The forum is more recovered. I like the new theme.

Is there opportunity to bring back the prev and next buttons?

Thank you very much.
General Discussion / Fantasy sports.
April 08, 2013, 02:06:12 AM
Fantasy sports are legal because they are games of skill and apparently have a large following.

Anyone here who has experience with it?



Thank you.
As the one who came to move the nest badly is here from today I bet there will not be improvements to the forum, right?

Steve this, Steve that. Best we will recover our forum. Put it back as it was and People will follow. If you want an air of normality place it as normal again.