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Messages - wannawin

Community Software / Re: Your operative system
March 10, 2013, 12:00:21 AM
Windows 7. I do not think that I will install windows 8 soon.
GLC is a professional. Ralph is a professional. Bally6354 is a professional.

I believe that professionalism does not has to do if they spend 24 hours in the casino every day of the week. But with the level of professionalism facing the game. Even knowing that you can lose.

It is a daunting task. Congratulations to each and everyone who has the courage to do it.
Meta-selection / Re: System Randomization
March 08, 2013, 10:11:08 PM
I think it can go either way.

I prefer to have a single good system than many bad. Shuffling many bad systems I do not think that makes a difference. That is my personal opinion. Everyone does as he likes with his game.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Roulette Thinking
March 08, 2013, 09:58:50 PM
I hate to be the devil's advocate but are we not all sharing what we feel like it? We keep what we feel like it too.

If so this would be the only forum that implements such a rule. What will they do? Send a moderator to the house or the casino of the person posting to see what is keeping to himself?

Let's face it. Nobody can actually know what is kept secret or forcing someone to say.
March 01, 2013, 10:08:11 PM
Thank you. Insightful information.
Straight-up / Re: Predicting the outcome of roulette
March 01, 2013, 12:51:19 PM
now I feel like I am posting for a newspaper. I will do the paragraphs.
Straight-up / Re: Predicting the outcome of roulette
February 28, 2013, 07:59:30 PM
A pair of university researchers has managed to duplicate the efforts of Doyne Farmer, who as a graduate student in the 1970's devised a means for tilting the odds in favor of a gambler playing roulette at a casino using a small hidden computer that ran statistical and probability algorithms.

The two new researchers, Michael Small and Chi Kong Tse, describe their approach in a paper uploaded to the preprint server arXiv.

Because of this, Farmer has written a paper describing his own work which he has submitted to Chaos for publication.

Straight-up / Predicting the outcome of roulette
February 28, 2013, 07:58:46 PM
There have been several popular reports of various groups exploiting the deterministic nature of the game of roulette for profit.

Moreover, through its history the inherent determinism in the game of roulette has attracted the attention of many luminaries of chaos theory.

In this paper we provide a short review of that history and then set out to determine to what extent that determinism can really be exploited for profit.

To do this, we provide a very simple model for the motion of a roulette wheel and ball and demonstrate that knowledge of initial position, velocity and acceleration is sufficient to predict the outcome with adequate certainty to achieve a positive expected return.

We describe two physically realizable systems to obtain this knowledge both incognito and in situ.

The first system relies only on a mechanical count of rotation of the ball and the wheel to measure the relevant parameters.

By applying this techniques to a standard casino-grade European roulette wheel we demonstrate an expected return of at least 18%, well above the -2.7% expected of a random bet. With a more sophisticated, albeit more intrusive, system (mounting a digital camera above the wheel) we demonstrate a range of systematic and statistically significant biases which can be exploited to provide an improved guess of the outcome.

Finally, our analysis demonstrates that even a very slight slant in the roulette table leads to a very pronounced bias which could be further exploited to substantially enhance returns.

Hello friends. Will we be able to compile a list for the player with limited resources?

Not everyone is going to play with $ 5 chip. Not even with $ 1 chip. The advantage of online casinos is that there are low denomination venues.

We can write the list together to share the information. If you see a casino with a little chip denomination please add it.

Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Wikipedia and gambling
February 28, 2013, 07:03:14 PM
General Discussion / Re: News section?
February 28, 2013, 06:32:55 PM
Newsbot is the spammer now.

Last topics space has too many news.  Please correct it.