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Messages - wannawin

Quote from: SamNL on February 17, 2013, 03:44:53 PM
Here is why:
Quote from: TwoCatSam on Today at 03:13:49 PM
I wish a bunch of you guys would come forward, quote both my posts and post them.  Let's see how many he will delete!
I would think that this post will not be deleted either. If erased we know what kind of censorship is here.

I wish I could say something good but I also paid for programs that take too long.

This thread is also talking about the same in the previous forum:


I do not publish there to not support the sale of systems but I read from time to time.

I do not give my respect because I think publishing a private software without consent was not the way to go. But I do support the notion that paying for something should be promptly rewarded. I hope we all learn something from this.

For my part I will continue posting here because apart from the software fiasco the community is still good. But what I ask our administrator is to stop making programs to people and only be limited to manage the forum.

Thank you.
Do you think you can win anywhere? Can you affirm you believe that your profitable system is tied to a single location or you can say that winning in one location is enough to win with all locations. I mean to adapt the proportions of bets to any location payouts.

Thank you.
General Discussion / Wikipedia and gambling
February 10, 2013, 09:57:55 PM
Today I got the idea of ​​gathering traditional knowledge of gambling. Studying the past at least we know where we stand.
My hobby of searching for casino information often leads me to Wikipedia so why not make a compilation of Wikipedia links?


Have fun reading. If you want to add one you can do it.
Quote from: Cristal2000 on February 05, 2013, 09:05:22 AM
In wich forum you saw him?
The truth is that I do not know where it came from.
I see as a hobby too to find all kinds of information about gaming.
I download a lot of things before I go to sleep. The next day of reviewing is another discovery.

To me this is more entertaining than other hobbies.
Go figure yourself.
Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
February 04, 2013, 11:20:04 PM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on February 04, 2013, 04:33:01 PM

That means no   live dealer 0/00 wheel is  available. Do you include with  automated also  airball or even better touch bet roulette ?


Exactly. Then to be honest I prefer the automated roulette. It also has a real wheel so I do not think there is a difference to play the game as such. But of course you can not play the dealer.

The manual chips are inconvenient for me. For many years I have tried many systems for which I carry a game book for my annotations. To keep notes and count casino chips at the same time is an extra burden. In the machine the counts are all automated. Besides the fact that the draws are executed at a predictable time.

Also I prefer automated roulette for the simple reason that it is much cheaper. For the higher price of the chips at manual roulette I got to lose much more per visit with less entertainment and playtime for the same amount of allocated casino money.

Yes. I go to the casino with an allocation of the money destined for gambling in the month. And I lose like everyone I know. I use the game as a distraction and only remain hopeful of a second income over time. It isn't so hard to admit.

I do not know any professional player in real life casino. I have seen people earning well once at times but then everyone knows they are well into the well. You see asians that are winning and celebrating but all casino staff and players that see them when they leave the gaming machines often silently after several purchases know that they lose heavy too. Much more than they earn on the lucky day.

In my personal preference I do not want to take that into account the overall gains and losses. I know I have lost over the years. Still there have been good months in which the gain of my game has helped me pay debts.

I see it as a loan on my previous losses. Then I see my new losses as a loan to myself in the future. At a high rate of interest.

I do not ask a magic formula because I know nobody is going to give it to me on these forums, but at least I hope I can receive something entertaining with a reasonable likelihood of positive exit if things go well in terms of luck. Nobody wins when luck does not not accompany him.

The reality of the game on the casino floor is that there are days when you can not win regardless of the method or strategy you take. For all those who say to always win and win all the time chances are they are lying. I do not want to venture to say names but with so many winning players who post in these forums is rare anyone to make a comment on the difference between the number of professional players in real casinos and on Internet forums.

It is really refreshing to see your traditional disclaimer. The game should be first and foremost seen as entertainment. If you bring a win for the night then welcome. If not then the player must not complain because it is assumed that he eventually will be at loss. It is ok to be happy when you win but the night when the player returns from the casino without the invested allowance then he should know that it is only the expected that has happened.

No reason to feel torn.

Anyway those who are still in this game year after year know that it has ups and downs. More downs than ups in real life but still if we keep doing it is because we enjoy it.

I will study the the 22 numbers system further.

Thank you very much for your advice.
I hope this is the right section. The Matrix is a gaming concept that can be used in many ways.

I share with Dane the belief that the arrangement of the numbers does not matter.

I think you can use the same prime pattern with many types of matrix and monitor patterns being made.

This image is from an Italian forum:


Maybe here we have forum friends that want to use the many matrix charts at a time and see the same patterns no matter what.

If something is beneficial in a matrix then it must be beneficial to all.

Interesting field of study.
I would like to see more information in this area:

An icon that says unread topics. As the orange icon with the word new coming out in other sections.

Perhaps display as a mini-section with information on the topic as it appears in the main section. First poster, total views, last reply. This would give a better look to the space than only the single topic link.

The improvement of this area is important because it is the reason to scroll to the bottom and is utilized as a quick guide to read the forum for all.

Also please bring the news section as the old forum. Casino and online news.

Thanks if the requests materialize.
Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
February 04, 2013, 03:38:05 PM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on February 04, 2013, 11:44:16 AM

Are you playing roulette in  a single   0 wheel  or a 0/00 wheel jurisdiction ?


In the local casino I have access to both. I can use double-zero in automated roulette and a single zero  in manual dealer roulette.

I prefer the cheap 00.

You can call me Walter.
Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
February 03, 2013, 10:35:36 PM
ONe question. What is the least amount of numbers you should play? In your opinion.

Do you subscribe to the idea that there are better chances with few numbers because it improves the pay?

Thank you.
Off-topic / Google search tutorial
February 02, 2013, 06:14:43 PM
Google is a wonderful means with many advanced capabilities often unheard by the common people.

Here is a thorough information on how to use many of the facilities to search the world's best search website:


Study it for many surprises.
Straight-up / Re: Humble but Real
February 02, 2013, 06:07:11 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on February 02, 2013, 08:34:42 AM

@ Victor and all ...

Like the idea very much.
I find it to be a very good sign how he mention how to deal with loses.

I wounder if you could use levels of attacks to define high and lower odds, so we could apply Marias Staking Plan.
Lets say the first bets has the highest return, middel return and low return as in high odds, middel odds and low odds.

   Maria Staking Plan So called after a username on a forum thread that turned £3000 into £100,000 in only 303 days in real-time. In total there were 3547 wins from 4131 selections = 85.88% strike rate. Like all staking plans which are essentially mathematical formulas, The Maria staking plan can be broken down into rules.
1) - There are 3 distinct odds ranges to be aware of. The following is based on a starting bank of £3000

  • Prices below 3.5: lay to 1% of bank - backer's stake £30 (liability is always under £75 in this price range)
  • Prices from 3.6 to 7.4: lay to 0.6% of bank - backer's stake £18 (liability is always between £46.80 - £115.20 in this price range)
  • Prices from 7.5 to 11: lay to 0.4% of bank - backer's stake £12 (liability is always between £78 - £132 in this price range)
  • Anything above 11 or 10/1 is left alone.
2) - If making profits, the stakes are increased on a daily basis in proportion to the betting bank on a daily basis. For instance, if after day 1 the betting bank is at £3300 then 1% would now be £33 rather than £30.
3) - If after a days betting the cumulative betting bank has decreased the stakes are left alone unless 35% of the highest level of the bank is lost, when the stakes are re-calculated based on the new "65%-sized bank" For example if your using £3000 as your starting betting bank, you would keep the same stakes used until your betting bank went below £1,950 when those backer's stakes would become £19.50, £11.70 and £7.80 until the bank gets back up to £3,000 again (or - even down to £1267.50 - a further 35% loss). The 35% drop is always worked out from the highest point of the bank. The image below shows how you signify the last bet of the day when entering your bet data in the software. More details can be found from within in the software.

Thank you very much for the information.

Where can we locate the original publication?. It seems an interesting topic to read. Tremendous story to go unnoticed.
Is it possible to use the bot of Mr. Ralph for this purpose?
Math & Statistics / Roulette draws to see all numbers?
January 25, 2013, 11:03:46 PM
Friends of the Forum. How many draws are needed to see all the numbers appear in roulette?

I know that the answer varies but I would like to know an approximate. Is there a mathematical formula to calculate the amount?

Thank you very much for your assistance.
