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Messages - wannawin

Archive / Re: [DEV] LastXSplits 2012-12-23
December 22, 2012, 12:31:46 PM
It is reaching complete fruition point.

Another petition. Putting on an option prompt before exiting. This will be useful if I close the program by accident. It can be disabled initially for those who do not want to use it.

Rest assured that I will fulfill my part of the deal when the program is finished. It is almost there. Thank you.
Best wishes to the Mrs. to recover in the shortest time possible.
Playing without a method is like playing blindfolded.

The first step is to study the game. The second step is to see what happens together with how to identify them. The third step is to take advantage with good bankroll management with special attention to personal discipline.

If someone is going to play just for playing better stay at home. The player must use the game as a trading activity. Nobody makes trading blindly.
What I wanted to know is if there is a difference between leaving the casino and do it on the computer as a pause. Thank you very much to all for your input.

About the question. How is the live person to replicate the periods to one hundred percent? Once traffic was bad on the way to the casino and was late for his game. The other day the wife sent him on an errand and arrived late. Another time he left early preventing traffic but he was hitchhiked by a friend in a Ferrari through a shortcut. He arrived early this time.

One can say that the periods of run are not static. This is the point of entering random times to try to avoid the inevitable.

If it works or not is in the arena. I suppose it is up to each punter to answer sincerely to himself.

Greetings and many thanks.
Why do many people say the hit and run technique can not be programmed? In the casino you have a hit and walk out the door. When on your computer you have a hit for you to make a pause.

The program can make pauses to miss any number of sets without playing. It simulates not being present in the casino as the game continues. If it is a bot it can surely be made to stop for a few hours betting dummy bets. If it is a test with a file using past numbers then the entire file is to be discarded when you hit to pass to the next file as if it is the next day in the casino again.

If is not too much to ask you can tell me your opinion. I just think it should not be hard to make a program to pause without betting. This simulates the run.

If you tell me there is a difference between leaving the casino through the door as opposed to pause the computer then I have no case.

Thank you.
It is intended for the best method with better chances in agreement with the opinion of the forum. The survey can be done the first week of the following month.

If communal manual testing is promising for the system maybe we can ask a programmer to make an automated software for it.

To expect that each published system is to be programmed is too much to ask. This way forum programmers have easier work. It only takes a moment of their time for the willing group. All voluntarily. Initial efforts made by the people interested in the promising system.

It can be a good way to benefit members here.
It can be a way to work on group testing with several people involved with the same system for publishing their results?

Maybe this month a system. next month another system. Perhaps choice by a poll to see which system promises from those published in the month. We can go see what promising systems are working. I see many systems published and few systems being tested in the forum.

If we assign a calendar month to each promising system at least we can move forward with something by the end of next year. This is an idea which intrigues me. Maybe other people is the same.

You can see the list of dates here:


still under future predictions.
Quote from: Bally6354 on December 20, 2012, 05:23:31 PM
It's well into the 21st down under and they are still all there!  :(

The end of the world 1999-2000 was GMT time. I have no knowledge of this time.
General Discussion / Re: Suggest sections
December 17, 2012, 12:45:38 AM
Another good idea may be stock market investment. It can also be Forex.

Please do not incur in HYIP.
General Discussion / Re: Suggest sections
December 17, 2012, 12:33:05 AM
You can not leave blackjack and dice games unmentioned.
Why fear? If you have something solid why be afraid of competition. Those forums are not the world of internet. There are plenty of opportunities elsewhere to publish. Email, chat, other forums.

The censorship of words is also very funny. it breaks easily with placing an image.

Simply use www.text2image.com or any other text generator to create a text image. Then upload to any free image server.


Will they prohibit all free image servers too?

Online Casinos / No Deposit Casino Bonuses???
December 12, 2012, 06:55:43 PM
Has anyone withdrawn money from these non-deposit deals?

If so please share.

It is interesting because it would be something like play safely without risk.

If you win you collect but nothing happens if you lose.

Why they do not have more coverage if such a proposition is so interesting for the players?

Google search: no deposit casino bonus
Hello esteemed Ralph.

I see that the bot programs are made ​​in javascript. Any chance of making scripts in another programming language?

I can use a little of Basic256. I do not know how much is it possible to interact ​​bots with limited languages such as basic. Just wondering.

Homepage: www.basic256.org

Thank you for your response.