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Messages - wannawin

General Discussion / Re: What free systems testers exist?
November 23, 2012, 12:01:47 PM
Quote from: Bayes on November 23, 2012, 09:43:49 AM
The Staking Machine is specifically for sports betting, but it incorporates a lot of staking plans and so could be used together with the built in RNG to test some MM strategies. It's not free, but the trial version lets you use the RNG to generate up to 4000 bets at a time:
Obviously, no good for testing bet selections, but it might be fun to play around with the various staking plans.
Maybe something can be derived from extrapolating sports betting systems to casino games.

I know there are people who extrapolates stock market skills to them.

Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: What free systems testers exist?
November 23, 2012, 11:57:03 AM
Quote from: Superman on November 22, 2012, 09:04:21 AM
RX is going to be the cheapest way for YOU to do all your own testing, I can't see anyone (coder/programer) outhere spending many months developing something and offering it totally free, I wouldn't, especially if it is able to be programmed to do anything you want it to.
Right. It's just that in other areas of life there are people who give away their work. Why not casino gambling?
Quote from: Superman on November 22, 2012, 09:04:21 AM2) it saves you the time of hand testing and/or learning to code yourself.
I would like to learn to program. Hail to the people who do it because I find it especially difficult to do anything more than a silly program text.

Basically I'm a fool or, or programming languages ​​are not designed for people like me. I have no intentions of making a career in computer science, so learning a complex language is beyond my intentions.

I have not found one for me yet. The closest has been Basic256 www.basic256.org and it is not particularly able to do a normal program for windows.

Quote from: Superman on November 22, 2012, 09:04:21 AMWhat exactly would you want/expect for a "system tester" as you call it
A system tester must have the functionality to take a directory with numbers and try them one by one. Or a large file with more than 1,000,000 sets.

You must have a balance chart. You should be able to save this data easily.

A systems tester should assist the player to determine the feasibility of establishing a betting system to become eligible for real money bets.

Many thanks.
General Discussion / Re: What free systems testers exist?
November 21, 2012, 11:41:21 PM
Please only add trust-able programs.

When I look for free roulette programs online many want money or are a scam like this: logiciel-roulette.net/free-roulette-beater-software-1/

QuoteStep 1: Register to an online Casino

Register in the following Casino: Duel 5 casino
We've chosen this casino because its farely recent and the algorithm used for gaming is not as advanced as in other bigger online Casinos.

Step 2: Open the Roulette on Demo Mode

Go to Table Games then select the Roulette
Then, you will have the choose between « Table 1 », « Table 2 » and « DEMO ». You may choose the mode DEMO waiting to master the software to see its effectiveness.

Step 3: Use the free roulette software

Unfortunately I am not able to find not many resources and programs of quality for roulette at no cost.

It would be good to find those that can be used with confidence.
General Discussion / What free systems testers exist?
November 21, 2012, 11:32:17 PM
The truth is that the idea of ​​paying for system tester programs is not very attractive. There are simply too many systems. I wonder what free system testers are already out there on the internet.

Has anyone collected those links? Then maybe they can be posted here in this thread?

Thank you.

Negative / Re: ATILA progression
November 21, 2012, 11:24:27 PM
Is there a system tester program for attila?

I am not at all surprised by this. This is deja vu.

With such a forum administrator to choose between the old vls forum and CC is like choosing to support the brightest of two *****. Both belong to the same person and both benefit the same wallet. He made it clear in his last post about Johnlegend that he does not care for people just anything but their messages to help bring visitors from search sites. Well, not exactly people were they called by him.

I am glad I ended my accounts with both sites long ago.

If he wants to have anything to do here beyond advertising please count me as another that leaves.

While nothing more than advertising and he does not get in our daily do we are better here anyway.
Freedom of speech should not be abused.

Unfortunately there is a global trend for freedom of expression to be constantly abused. I recommend caution.

Forums where they allow everything that can be written all quickly degenerate. Insults are not to be protected by freedom. It is my humble opinion.
General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 21, 2012, 05:46:55 PM
Very good topic.

I have been a victim of magical belief myself.

This should be required reading for all beginners.

Thanks for bringing it to the fore.
November 20, 2012, 12:07:35 AM
• The aggressive strategy: The player strides confidently up to the table and places
a single bet of $30.00 on the first spin of the wheel. He either wins or loses. If he loses
he smiles bravely and leaves. If he wins he smiles triumphantly, pockets his $60.00,
and leaves. With this strategy his chances of winning are 18/38 or 47.37%.

• The conservative strategy: The player walks hesitantly up to the table and places
a bet of $10.00 on the first spin of the wheel. Whatever happens, he places another
bet of $10.00 on the next spin of the wheel. He continues in this way, betting $10.00
on each spin of the wheel, until he either reaches his goal of $60.00 or he goes broke.
This is an example of a common kind of choice that people often face. For example,
investors must often decide whether to place all their money in a single investment or to
diversify their holdings, placing smaller amounts in each of several investments.

Do you think the player is more likely to win using the aggressive strategy,
using the conservative strategy, or that it makes no difference which strategy is used?

See PDF in attachment.
yes, what I meant exactly. Answer is completely understandable.

Thank you.

It is very much appreciated. Bravo.

This section can thrive. What a joy to see a developer publishing his programs.
What confuses users of a system is simply that when you keep playing it for long the expected happens: you lose the limited bank of the session. Then when you make it a habit to stop playing in profit you have money sitting in your pocket with your bank there and perhaps with some important benefit.

It is misleading. So right. But even so the player gets used to leave the table with something and while the game in the future is expected to take it all that future might not come for the player. An example is he can die or stop playing on religious claims or family.

Our goal should be to find gaming systems that could give thousands of possible sets in advantage, although in the simulation then they lose everything. Say the player is not going to play more than 100,000 sets in his life and say there is a system that overcomes 900.000 sets won and lost everything in a single set of 100,000.

This gives at least 9 out of 10 players the chance to live his entire life in a positive game and does not violate the long term expectancy for the math of the game to happen as proven in the simulation.

Thank you.
General Discussion / Roulette Autoplay
November 18, 2012, 07:00:40 PM
Allows you to play in automated way, using pre-written game systems, the game of roulette of some on-line casinos.

* Automatically play roulette with prewritten game systems.
* Possibility of selection of famous online casino on wich play.
* Several game systems for roulette.
* General statistical informations.
* Game simulation mode.


In defense of those without roulette xtreme.

Roulette xtreme is just one of many programs in the roulette market.

Granted, it is one of the most popular but by no means it is a prerequisite to know it from top to bottom.

I do not see any shame when someone does not know it.

Thank you.

[attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2] [attachthumb=3] [attachthumb=4]
Bravo! Is there are an estimated date for release to the public?  Do you also attend free requests?

Thank you.