Forums => Roulette Forum => Topic started by: CasinoJohn on January 02, 2015, 07:01:54 PM

Title: Sections with DS
Post by: CasinoJohn on January 02, 2015, 07:01:54 PM
I was playing the roulette the other day for fun. I haven't played the game in years. Back in the day I only stuck to red/black..then I eventually switched to columns on the American wheel.

I decided to play the wheel and focus on sections. I didn't concern myself with the numbers on the screen or the board. I sat right next to the wheel and only looked at the pocket where the ball landed. I played the number that last hit then 7-10 numbers around that number. So if the ball landed in the 7 pocket then I played the numbers in the section around the 7.

Surprisingly this worked. I hit my numbers 1 in every 4 spins, sometimes twice in a row. If a dealer switched then I sat out a spin. I did better with some dealers as they seemed to hit the same sections of the wheel over and over again.

One guy was waiting 1 day for the 11 to hit. I noticed that the dealer got near the 11 pocket twice in a row. So I bet the 11 section and 11 hit haha.

So is there anything to this method? Or did I just get lucky?
Title: Re: Sections with DS
Post by: CasinoJohn on January 03, 2015, 08:27:04 PM
When will this be approved!!!!!!!