Forums => Sports Betting Forum => Topic started by: esoito on January 01, 2013, 05:10:18 AM

Post by: esoito on January 01, 2013, 05:10:18 AM
This is a common strategy. 

Basically you bet several horses to win the race. Bets are structured so that whichever one wins delivers your profit AND returns all the bets.

Generally 2 or 3 carefully selected horses are sufficient to keep outlays to a reasonable level.

Bets are complicated to do even on a calculator, let alone pencil and paper.

So most punters use dutching software that is either standalone, or that's included as part of a bot or trading software.

Legally FREE and accurate dutching software is here: (   plus a couple of other very useful programs.

NB: You'll find it's best to use prices over 2.00 for dutching to avoid a negative bet. 

A detailed examination of dutch booking is here: (

Post by: VLS on January 01, 2013, 05:15:30 AM
Thank you dear Max, you're well versed in these topics.

We're lucky to have you here.
Post by: esoito on January 01, 2013, 06:47:32 AM
Thank you Victor.      <Curtsies and smiles modestly>

"But what if my dutch bets lose?" I hear you ask.

Well, you then have two choices:

Option 1:   Bear the loss -- and be more careful with you next few selections!!

Option 2:   Go for loss recovery

[Option 3:  Stop for the day, or even stop betting ever again]

Let's look at these more closely.

Option 1: 

A good tip is to pick the races where there are just 2 low priced favourites, with a nice big gap between, say, F2 and F3.

The market is telling you those 2 horses are expected to do well.

And to tighten up your chances even more, ensure you pick such a race with as few runners as possible. Common sense, hmmm?

Far better to bet your 2 horses in 6 or 7 runner race than one with 14 or 15.

Furthermore, by picking a relatively short distance race the jockeys are more likely to ensure a fast pace form the off because there won't be enough time for playing silly-b*ggers with stalling tactics.

Option 2:

Best done by dividing the loss by 2 or 3 and going for a staged, partial recovery over the new few bets.

Trying to recover it all in the next race is almost a guarantee that one will lose as well!!

By then your betting capital is looking decidedly iffy.