Forums => Roulette Forum => Straight-up => Topic started by: TheLaw on February 15, 2016, 10:25:51 PM

Title: Flat 4
Post by: TheLaw on February 15, 2016, 10:25:51 PM
The following is a method that the Mods over @ are actively trying to keep suppressed..........not sure why. The author has also deleted it from other forums.:nope:

Credit to Ken from

Easy to play and flat betting. Only 4 numbers to bet. I have great results at Dublin, only practice money. Also great results playing at the casino, 00 wheel. What bugs the hell out of me? Are the nay-sayers that will play it anyways or at minimum, will test it out. I debated FOR WEEKS, if I wanted to post it but what the heck!

I'll list the 9 sets of numbers >>

0 wheel

A) 5-6-22-32
B) 15-18-24-27
C) 13-16-19-29
D) 4-7-33-36
E) 1-11-21-28
H) 2-12-20-30
J) 8-14-25-35
K) 3-17-23-31
L) 9-10-26-34....(No 0 in the mix)

9 sets for the 00 wheel >>
A) 0-00-17-18
B) 5-6-27-28
C) 9-10-21-22
D) 25-26-33-34
E) 15-16-29-30
H) 3-4-11-12
J)  7-8-23-24
K) 19-20-35-36
L) 13-14-31-32  (No 1 or 2 in the mix)

Notice something with the sets of numbers (either wheel), the numbers are all spaced out evenly. To start off >> Track the first 18 spins. I will use the SINGLE zero wheel for this example. 20 hits: write H.

32 hits: write A
34 hits: write L
1 hits: write E
0 hits: write...nothing. etc etc until you have 18 tracked NOT counting if a 0 hits OR a 1 or 2 on the 00 wheel.

We have read, perhaps played methods regarding a TREND for the outside bets, correct? Well, this is TREND betting for the inside, 4 numbers.

I use to bet on the furthest back unhit set but lost too much so I CORRECTED the mistake, just like you're suppose to. If the spins are fast, you must always be looking at your list of 18 so you can DECIDE fast enough.

We will be betting on the 'letter' (4 numbers) that have appeared the MOST in the last 18 recorded, real simple. In other words.....what is temporarily HOT at the time. Flat bet those 4 numbers with the *SAME* unit sizes per spin. I do it at $15 per, $60 per spin.

As each NEW 'letter' you jot down, cross off the furthest back hit 'letter'. You will always have 18. Never more, never less. What about a tie? Usually (not always) it will be 4 hits within the 18 recorded.

Sometimes it might be a TIE with 3 or even 4. Take either one as a tie breaker (base it on nothing) but NOT both sets of 4. In terms of averages, we only need one hit in 9 spins...which means 2 hits within the 18 spins.

Anything over the 2 hits, is profit. Quite a few times you will have 5-6 hits within the 18. What I like about this one set is becoming cold (dropping out of the 18) a DIFFERENT set is now becoming hot and you will be on it. I also like the idea of spreading out the 4 numbers evenly. As soon as that ball passes one of your bet numbers, its coming up in only a few more pockets on another one of your bets! When to leave/quit? Its up to you. This method has NOTHING to do with sessions.

SIDENOTE: You noticed I skipped a couple letters. The 'F' and the 'G'. But why?

Again, I corrected a problem. The C and G look too much alike, I was making mistakes if I was looking too fast. The E and F look too much alike, I was making mistakes if I was looking too fast.

4 in one group, 4 in another group? I would SKIP betting until the tie is broken, it won't take long! Like I said, I NOW track the last 13 hit, not 18. It cuts down alot on ties.


"meanwhile other numbers/letters becoming hot" >>> BINGO, this is the POINT of the method. As one group may start to fade, another group really takes off. There are quite a few times I see 7 of the same letter within the 13 recorded. Of course all 7 of those you most likely would not be on but perhaps 3-4 of those spins, YES, you would be betting on those four numbers. After THAT group kind of fades, usually (not always) something else takes its place and don't forget, all four numbers are spread out on the wheel perfectly.

Credit to Tuddilue:

I found one tweak of the number 4 that a user here on the forum named Side B did.

I thinks it really interesting tweak:

"What I do is that I not only look at the last 20-30 spins or so, I continually look at the sector that's appeared the most in the whole game. I pick a sector and I stick to it. In any session, there are always 2 to 4 sectors that are strong and keep reappearing. If my sector becomes too sleepy, I pick another one and stick to the new one. I flat bet only, recovery powers are phenomenal in the rare cases that you start going onto the red.

All based on the way Ken divided the wheel, so thank you again Ken!! Those 9 sectors you came up with are just magical. Now my only worry is being booted out of my casino for winning too much, I've been withdrawing money once or twice a day for a few 100s each time!

I don't really care if anyone takes an interest in this, or if anyone thinks I'm just lucky and that it won't last. The only reason for me posting this is to thank Ken and give people who have missed this thread the chance to give his method a look.

When he later was asked if he was playing his tweak he answered:
"Hi all, yes I'm still playing the same way. I tend to stick to one sector for at least 40 spins, then switch to hottest sector for another 40 spins etc"

Love to get some feedback on this. The author is refusing to comment any further on this method. He claims to have tweaks that improve the method. Thanks! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: NathanDetroit on February 15, 2016, 11:48:51 PM
Maybe  the wise men have decided the method was ready for  the coup de grace.

They might be wise  men but they  have a long way to go to be "Wise Guys" .
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: RouletteGhost on February 16, 2016, 12:13:28 AM
here is how i have temporarily tweaked it

when a section hits bet that section. that's it. lol
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: tdx on February 16, 2016, 11:31:08 AM
Before risking real money, I would try a virtual 50 spin test.

Just record the 50 spins in an on online casino or brick and mortar and see how you do.

If you can hit 6 winners out of 50 spins ( 6/50 =12% winners ) I would risk real money

44  losses x 4 units a bet = -176 units

Plus you lose 3 units on the 6 spins you win since you are betting 4 units a spin.  So 3 x 6 = -18 units

You win 35 units x 6 on the 6 spins you win so 35 x 6 = + 210

So you win 210 - 176 - 18 = + +16 units

You bet 4 units x 50 spins so total investment = 200 units

You won 16 units  so return on investment = 16 / 200 = 8 % ROI

Which is huge ROI. Las Vegas built a whole city on a house ROI of  1% to 5 %

If you only hit 5 winners out of 50, you will have a losing ROI which I think is about -10% ROI.
That extra win from 5 wins to 6 wins means the difference between losing and winning.

Sine you are only betting 4 numbers, be prepared for long losing streaks of 10 to 15 losing bets in a row.......
and of course the hardest part is knowing when to quit betting.

Of course 50 spins is not a good sample size since you need about 6,000 or 7,000 actual spins to get a good feel for the drawdowns and losing streaks........but 50 spins will give you some kind of idea you can work with.

If you play at a brick and mortar casino, there is no problem with getting your bets down since it takes the dealer a long time to clear the table and pay the winners....but of course the casino can see you are betting on sectors, and you are also keeping track of the numbers on a piece of paper, and depending on how much you bet, they may ask you to take a hike if you start winning too much....but of course there is a way around this.

Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: Denzie on February 16, 2016, 05:03:37 PM
This can win big and recover fast but....I've seen 30 and  more spins in a row without a single hit. If I wait 10-15 non hits then I come out ahead each session.
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: tdx on February 17, 2016, 01:31:05 AM
I did a quick test on some real brick and mortar wheels

1. The 2 wheels are American wheels (OO)
2. I only looked at last 18 spins
3. If there was a tie, then there was NO bet
4. The method.......I only used the last 18 spins. I used a column baccarat sheet with the A B  C D E F G H I  on top as columns.  If a number fell in a sector, I put a check mark in that sector (so  if a number 5 hit I put a check mark in the B column - America wheel )
5. When the next number hit, I erased the check mark in the 18th number back and replaced that number with the current number so I was always looking at the last 18 numbers.
6. Then I just count the check marks in each ABCDEFGHI column and whichever column had the most check marks I bet those 4 numbers.

I used the F and I  whereas the original poster didn't...........doesn't make a difference.

Wheel #1

8  losses
1  win

losses = 32 -3 = 35
Wins   = +35

Break even wheel

Wheel #2

10 losses and 3 winners

10 losses =    - 40 - 9 = -49

Wins = 3 x 35 = 105

Profit = 105 - 49 = 56 units

Total invested = 13 spins x 4 units a spin = 52 units

ROI = 56/52 =  107 %  ( home run wheel ....keep hitting like this and you will own the casino)

Obviously need a lot of testing.

Maybe best way to play is with 1 or 2 partners on different wheels and split the bankroll evenly ......might have a better chance to catch the hot wheel if you have more people playing more wheels.

Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: Denzie on February 17, 2016, 09:47:39 AM
From the sessions I've done  (17) it showed me that if you win , you can win fast and big. But when they just don't hit it can give you a serious problem.

That's why I play it with 100u br. So far I'm way up. (Waiting 10-15 non hits in a row before I go in.

Another idea is to devide the groups different. Use 4 numbers next to each other on the wheel. This way we advantage hot area's. Or 2 pockets next to each other,  then 2 pockets another group and next to that the final 2 pockets of our group. Shout out to Ray  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: ayamas on February 17, 2016, 02:21:02 PM
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: RouletteGhost on February 17, 2016, 02:54:19 PM
that's gonna leave a mark
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: TheLaw on February 17, 2016, 03:16:41 PM
Careful............brand new member with only 2 posts.

Love to know who this is............Ken..........or someone who would like to keep this method honest? ???

Hopefully, it's the latter. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: ayamas on February 17, 2016, 03:30:02 PM
Hi thelaw, im an avid reader of and i obtained these deleted pages from google's cache
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: TheLaw on February 17, 2016, 03:33:44 PM
Quote from: ayamas on February 17, 2016, 03:30:02 PM
Hi thelaw, im an avid reader of and i obtained these deleted pages from google's cache

Are you a member over @

If you can pm me over @, then I can verify your identity privately.

At least then we know that this isn't another rabbit hole. We've seen Mods already trying to keep this method private, hence the skepticism.

Thanks! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: RouletteGhost on February 17, 2016, 03:43:31 PM
Computer savvy
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: RouletteFan on February 17, 2016, 05:44:45 PM
@ayamas why you want to delete those pages ?
somthing so important in there ?
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: TheLaw on February 17, 2016, 05:52:24 PM
Quote from: RouletteFan on February 17, 2016, 05:44:45 PM
@ayamas why you want to delete those pages ?
somthing so important in there ?

Ayamas did not write those posts as far as I was Ken.

For more info, see thread of similar name over @ :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: Denzie on February 18, 2016, 04:06:39 PM
Ah dear old Ken....what a guy :applause:

Anyway I did get some dd from it. I think Side B his tweak is bit better. And after that thread he vanished forever. .... ..... :cheer:
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: TheLaw on February 18, 2016, 08:50:11 PM
Just a heads-up: I removed a bunch of posts from MrJ (Ken) because they were just personal attacks toward other members.

I also removed those responses from other members. I appreciate you guys defending yourselves, but I want to keep this thread all about the method itself.

Not sure why MrJ is all riled-up about this, but maybe there's something to this method.

Keep testing!!! :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: RouletteGhost on February 18, 2016, 08:58:55 PM
Quote from: TheLaw on February 18, 2016, 08:50:11 PM
Just a heads-up: I removed a bunch of posts from MrJ (Ken) because they were just personal attacks toward other members.

I also removed those responses from other members. I appreciate you guys defending yourselves, but I want to keep this thread all about the method itself.

Not sure why MrJ is all riled-up about this, but maybe there's something to this method.

Keep testing!!! :thumbsup:


Stay on topic and do what we are here to do. Formulate ideas

Obviously this worked for him and that's why he plays it

So lets discuss it and or tweak it. 6 to 8 years behind comments means nothin to me not sure bout u guys
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: RouletteGhost on February 18, 2016, 09:04:48 PM
The law-
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: celescliff on February 18, 2016, 09:49:35 PM
First test from me.

Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: Denzie on February 18, 2016, 10:24:33 PM
Lol...the deleting came from the other side for a change. Didn't saw the rest though as I was in the casino. Probably better.

So are we still testing? Maybe we could try Side B his way ....I saw it to many times when I go to a new group that the old one hits and hits...anyway I'll keep my updates here .....happy testings
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: NathanDetroit on February 18, 2016, 11:13:13 PM
Remember after testing comes a time  when " the tochas  has to be put on the table".

For recreational purposes only.
By all means  also at your own risk.
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: RouletteGhost on February 18, 2016, 11:27:38 PM
Quote from: NathanDetroit on February 18, 2016, 11:13:13 PM
Remember after testing comes a time  when " the tochas  has to be put on the table".

For recreational purposes only.
By all means  also at your own risk.

If you want to dance, you've got to pay the fiddler ;)
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: TheLaw on February 18, 2016, 11:33:46 PM
Quote from: Denzie on February 18, 2016, 10:24:33 PM
Lol...the deleting came from the other side for a change. Didn't saw the rest though as I was in the casino. Probably better.

So are we still testing? Maybe we could try Side B his way ....I saw it to many times when I go to a new group that the old one hits and hits...anyway I'll keep my updates here .....happy testings

I'm in the middle of another project right now, but I'll put some time in on this over the weekend and list my results on Monday.

Thanks for the great testing, and feel free to post any tweaks you like to move this forward!!! :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: Bally6354 on February 19, 2016, 12:12:16 AM
I did come up with a tweak after some thought.

Let's take the 0 wheel groups. They start at A. 5-6-22-32. So let's add numbers 1,2,3,4 to the original numbers.

This leaves....


Here are all the numbers.


Use the 1,2,3,4 numbers the same as you would use the A,B,C,D,E,H,J,K,L.

What this does is reduce the bets to sometimes just 1 or 2 bets and also means you can play all numbers if there is a tie because it should still only leave a few numbers to bet.

Thanks to Ken for the original idea and I hope this tweak is useful.
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: Bally6354 on February 19, 2016, 01:15:28 AM
Easy to track and easy to play.

After 18 spins.....

H had 5 hits.
2 had 8 hits.

So a bet on H2 on the 19th spin.
Bet H2 on 20th spin.
Bet H2 on 21st spin.
Bet H2 on 22nd spin. HIT!! +32.

H2 was leading all the way for those 4 spins and so it was a nice win just betting the single number.
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: celescliff on February 19, 2016, 01:59:45 PM
Nice tweak. Tried it out myself and got +24 with a win on the 12th spin. No tie (H3 dominant) so I only bet the single number.

Will look further into this.

Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: TheLaw on February 22, 2016, 09:41:44 PM
Tested this over the weekend with lackluster results. Came out ahead, but I'm concerned about a possible dd.

This would need testing over at least 25,000 spins min, and unfortunately, I don't have the time right now.

I now have a new understanding of what it means to actually test a system properly, and I completely see how many members think they have a winning system over 100s of hours of play.....................but then the hammer falls!!!

You play 40hrs per week for 3 months winning each and every day...........then it tanks.... :fight:

Thanks to all who continue to test, and best of luck!!! :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Flat 4
Post by: Denzie on February 23, 2016, 03:02:25 AM
I stop testing it as it goes deep in the hole. As most his methods. Didn't need 6-8 years to figure that out. The law you was right why he deleted them. Just think how you would feel after all that big talk about real men and experience. They tank and that's it. Anyway moving on ....

Ooo and Ken...I couldn't care less what you try to do with those posts. It shows me you care and got nothing. Or you wouldn't go in the attack like you . All best for you in the big building with lights and your 1-4 numbers.  :cheer:

For testers...onion and liberty tanks too