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The 123-Move

Started by ignatus, January 25, 2013, 11:34:17 AM

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This was one Live session playing with all the combinations of the same 123-pattern/move:132, 321, 213, 312, ,231,132




All i can say and being honest, that is one very tight LW-Registry.
That is why i get back to your first post to see what its all about.

1. I can see that you use the wheel layout (the number ring) that is a good sign.

Now i have a Huxley wheel at home and will try this with some spins to see if i can get the same    results.

2. I am not so sure i understand the bet selection do.
I see 12 then bet 3 for three attempts or any other combination using the previos two.
Is that correct.


Quote from: Sputnik on January 26, 2013, 11:24:59 AM

All i can say and being honest, that is one very tight LW-Registry.
That is why i get back to your first post to see what its all about.

1. I can see that you use the wheel layout (the number ring) that is a good sign.

Now i have a Huxley wheel at home and will try this with some spins to see if i can get the same    results.

2. I am not so sure i understand the bet selection do.
I see 12 then bet 3 for three attempts or any other combination using the previos two.
Is that correct.

"I see 12 then bet 3 for three attempts or any other combination using the previos two. Is that correct."

Yes, and use +1 progression for each session (one session is 3 spins) Reset at two sessions won in a row.

Try betting on all patterns (same move) 132,321,213,231,312,132

I look forward to your results!



Wheel dozen numbers with all possible splits

Dozen One: 4,6,13,15,17,19,21,25,27,32,34 Split 0/2

Dozen Two: 1,16,20,30 Split 5/8, 10/11, 23/24, 33/36

Dozen Three: 3,7,14,18,22,35 Split 9/12, 26/29, 28/31


Ignatus why do you think wheel based dozens should and will  "behave" different then carpet ones?

Becasue you played jus few spins and it worked?  :'(

I can tell you one thing. I have seen simulations of few different dozen methods, where first were used carpet and then wheel dozens.
Concerning any, even slightest significant difference in behaving, results were like this yellow fellow tells you... :yuck:

But I agree with you in one thing for sure: Never give up! (but don't victoriously claim something what isn't true, and tested on no more then 10 spins)


Common sense has become so rare it should be classified as a superpower.


I think it's strange some people saying this won't work, yada yada yada... ??

These result speak for themselves. One session played just now at DublinBet Table 1:


So, please stop talking s**t about something you have no idea about! Something you never seen (the patterns reccuring) and something you have never played!

Thank you


Everything in roulette recurrs, true. But unfortunately not so ideal as you would like to. don't worry soon you ll spot that also.

Good luck


Common sense has become so rare it should be classified as a superpower.


To anyone who thinks wheel based groups of numbers are the same as carpet based groups of numbers, I strongly disagree.

Ignatus:  Break your spins down into CW and CCW directions and you may learn even more!!  What you are doing here has a basis in physics and logic. 

So many new ideas are met with ridicule--until they work.  Then the naysayers come forward.  Here's what a lot of them say:

Why, I thought of that years ago.  I just never had time to do it.

I wrote all that down on paper years ago and the dog chewed it up.

If I had the money, I would have patented that idea.

My wife and I talked about that for ages.  Don't know why we didn't just do it.

Let me give you a paraphrase of wisdom I once read:  The man who tries and fails in infinitely better than the thousands who sit on the sidelines telling him it won't work.

It's the one out of a thousand that actually does something in this world.

You could be the one; don't give up!


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


TCS i alredy mention that he could add physical paramters towards it.
Like raping a wheel into parmeters that show cause and effect.
You can take release, crossovers and rotor and final drop - works with tilted and level wheels.


I'll bet you could tilt a wheel at a 10% incline, record 10,000 spins and then do the same with a perfectly level wheel and no one could tell the difference.

A level wheel is a straw man!

Think about it from a physics point of view.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Thanks Sam  :D

+1000 from this session played just now at DublinBet


Quote from: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 10:33:25 AM
You will be talking until the end. Like me or hate me.

I don't do either. I dismiss you as irrelevant.

Sorry to break it to you..


Quote from: ignatus on January 26, 2013, 11:29:47 AM

"I see 12 then bet 3 for three attempts or any other combination using the previos two. Is that correct."

Yes, and use +1 progression for each session (one session is 3 spins) Reset at two sessions won in a row.

Try betting on all patterns (same move) 132,321,213,231,312,132

I look forward to your results!


Can you explain what you mean by reset at two sessions in a row?
You mean 12 3Won 1Won re track?



Quote from: JohnLegend on January 27, 2013, 08:25:25 AM
But it makes no difference success is success.

Exactly!   :thumbsup:   The scoffers and naysayers will perhaps never experience the golden dawn of this realisation.


Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on January 27, 2013, 02:15:30 PM

Can you explain what you mean by reset at two sessions in a row?
You mean 12 3Won 1Won re track?


One session is three spins. So +1 After one session is lost: next session +1. When 2 session in a row is won Reset (win within 3+3 spins in sequence)

The other option is play four step progression: 1, 1, 2 3 (Suggested by Spin4fun)