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COINCIDENCE, the theory.

Started by BEAT-THE-WHEEL, October 15, 2018, 02:57:40 PM

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Ah, so.  The walking con-job is back once it was clear the forum changed owners again.

You base your arguments on your own unsubstantiated claims. Basically devoting endless hours to your own well-known circular reasoning (or circular logic). But then we have seen a lot of this nonsense from you lately. Has your self-confessed schizophrenia got worse?

If you really think I would devote any time soon making you eat your own words by investing energy in rather simple math the reason roulette is memoryless, or the simple physics of bodies in motion explaining why certain sectors appear in waveforms possible to calculate in terms of basic probability where vectoring of the wheel is more important than the numbers themselves,  then you are deluding yourself.

I don�t waste time on liars, narcissists, and conmen like yourself, feeding on the desperate and hopeful. That's a job for attentive moderators.

Quote from: Gizmotron on October 20, 2018, 06:10:53 PM

It's magical thinking to think that is true. There are patterns and they have unique characteristics beyond the suspension of disbelief. They have beginnings, duration, quality towards perfection, and ending types. And most important of all, probability can't forecast or predict when they will occur.

All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


BTW, perhaps you should read this before you go on with your reasoning:


Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on October 21, 2018, 03:47:27 AM
Thanks Gizmotron and Kattila.


hi Kattila,
below is your numbers arrangge as matrix of three.

This is what random give us ....random,

R      B      B
B      R      B
R     B       B
R     R      B
B     R       B
R     B       B
B      R


This is what random give us ....random,

R      B      B
B      R      B
R     B       B.......(RBB FOLLOW BRB)
R     R      B
B     R       B
R     B       B.....(RBB FOLLOW BRB.....again, a coincidence)
B      R

Above coincidence two in row...

when BRB hit again,  will RBB follow?
if RBB hit, then that coincidence three in row.

This is what random give us ....random,

R      B      B
B      R      B.......(BRB FOLLOW RBB)
R     B       B
R     R      B......(No repeat after RBB)
B     R       B
R     B       B
B      R

No repeat of coincidence.
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


thanks magician for your kind words.

The wheel, the 37 european, if we leaves out the zero, 36no. divided by 6=6 division or section...
the probability same as double street, that 1/6 albeit zero.

From the zero, count 123456, 123456, 123456, 123456, 123456, 123456...
that six section.
or simply named them as ABCDEF.

what the probability of each section hit in next six spins?
About once in 200spins averages.

if you see all six hit in past six spins, will all six section hit, again, in next six spins?

if the wheel is heavily tilted, then, half of the wheel, will hit more than the other half.
if the wheel well balanced, then all sections,
will have almost equal hit , in. .... long run.

if the wheel wobbles,  then certain sections will hit more....

the wheel also could divided into three sector, that also has probability as the dozen bet.
zero,12, 12, 12, ...

what the probability only two section, hit in next three spins?

what the probability that all three sections hit in next three spins?
if  all three section hit  in past three spins,
what the probability, all three hit again, in next three spins, and hit again, in next three spins?


Quote from: TheMagician on October 21, 2018, 08:23:57 AM
Ah, so.  The walking con-job is back once it was clear the forum changed owners again.


Pot Kettle Black.

You are not qualified to dismiss coincidence caused patterns and trends. That is self confessed too. Knowing that you would ignore a sleeping dozen that sleeps for 30 spins in a row makes me happy.

You have a huge attitude problem with anyone that disagrees with you. Yep, it's a trend. You are so angry that you can't hide it. You need people to target. You need the forum. You can't make an argument without making a personal attack. I believe you think that tolerance is only something that you claim is a positive trait that you have while completely keeping it as useless to only people superior like yourself. You can't tolerate me and so you must attempt to ridicule me. Still not answering how probability negates trends and patterns. Why can't you and the other mathNazies out there ever deal with this question? It is you that depends on prediction. It is you that can't or won't see patterns and trends. You are the blind one. Since you can't see them there is know way that you can know if they work at times or not. You can't deal with not having a mathematical or physical edge. So you spew your unsubstantiated dogma as if you are pontificating Newton. All you have succeeded in doing is pointing out your hate. I'm glad you are miserable. You are stuck with it. Keep up the good trend.

Any more conversation with you is like being caught in your flypaper trap. You are condescending, egotistical, and basically poison to normal discussion. If you are so smart then why are you also so blind to your own imperfections? The angry member. The math expert of all things randomness. You don't fit well. It comes off as anti-social. And the most blinding of all, why are you here? Are you a spandex boy come to save the unwashed? We have been tolerating the mathBoyz for decades. We can tolerate you too.



Quote from: Gizmotron on October 21, 2018, 02:40:12 PM


You have a huge attitude problem with anyone that disagrees with you. Yep, it's a trend. You are so angry that you can't hide it. You need people to target. You need the forum. You can't make an argument without making a personal attack. I believe you think that tolerance is only something that you claim is a positive trait that you have while completely keeping it as useless to only people superior like yourself. You can't tolerate me and so you must attempt to ridicule me.

I see you are talking with yourself again. I can understand if your self-confessed schizophrenia would force you to do that in front of a mirror at home, but here in public? C�mon... Guess it must be in its late stages before the guys in white come knocking on that door of yours.

I remember when you applied to become a test pilot in my forum some years ago. It didn't take much to see you were basically a basket case with no visible skills warranting a participation in said forum. The ones that have been there for years now have made it quite well from what was offered based on pure math and physics.

You on the other hand, and I am referring back to some old posts of yours here  (I could bring them out to you in case u suffer from temporary amnesia), have been suffering from bouts of desperation, suicidal thoughts and some other more serious mano-depressive states of sheer mental degradation that shouldn't be mentioned here.

You are gravely mistaken if I attack such mental disorders. What I do approach in your case with what you may have experienced as personal attacks, is your well documented dishonesty, where the amounts of accusations of fraud and mere confidence crimes against individuals on this forum and others ones too are sufficient to conclude that you are a simple con man, and from what I have witnessed myself, intelligent to a certain degree, allowing you to present a reasoning sufficient enough to con your objects of choice as long as they do not turn your ignorance against you and laugh straight in your face, in which case you play the indignation card, which of course all con artists do as a last defense.

Any further facts about you are merely superfluous as the currently available facts are archived for all to see should they do some research on you and realize there are more than enough revealing your pathological inclination to lie and con people.  I suspect this ability and mental weakness has been with you since childhood. The reason probably to be established by a professional psychiatrist and not me or any other member here.

All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Quote from: TheMagician on October 21, 2018, 03:08:12 PM

I see you are talking with yourself again. I can understand if your self-confessed schizophrenia would force you to do that in front of a mirror at home, but here in public? C�mon... Guess it must be in its late stages before the guys in white come knocking on that door of yours.

I remember when you applied to become a test pilot in my forum some years ago. It didn't take much to see you were basically a basket case with no visible skills warranting a participation in said forum. The ones that have been there for years now have made it quite well from what was offered based on pure math and physics.

You on the other hand, and I am referring back to some old posts of yours here  (I could bring them out to you in case u suffer from temporary amnesia), have been suffering from bouts of desperation, suicidal thoughts and some other more serious mano-depressive states of sheer mental degradation that shouldn't be mentioned here.

You are gravely mistaken if I attack such mental disorders. What I do approach in your case with what you may have experienced as personal attacks, is your well documented dishonesty, where the amounts of accusations of fraud and mere confidence crimes against individuals on this forum and others ones too are sufficient to conclude that you are a simple con man, and from what I have witnessed myself, intelligent to a certain degree, allowing you to present a reasoning sufficient enough to con your objects of choice as long as they do not turn your ignorance against you and laugh straight in your face, in which case you play the indignation card, which of course all con artists do as a last defense.

Any further facts about you are merely superfluous as the currently available facts are archived for all to see should they do some research on you and realize there are more than enough revealing your pathological inclination to lie and con people.  I suspect this ability and mental weakness has been with you since childhood. The reason probably to be established by a professional psychiatrist and not me or any other member here.

Didn't even finish reading this. Have a football game on. I see you are not attacking me again. Wonderful how that equates.


Yes, that was rewarding knowing that I'm in your head again. You know that phrase? I'm living there rent free.


Quote from: TheMagician on October 19, 2018, 01:24:03 PM

Ignorance does not excuse error, and error is inevitable from any supposition risen from the absence of immutable facts. Roulette is game surrounded by such facts and cannot be pushed aside either by emotion or notion.

You are the only reason I responded to this thread. When you said that I had to say something if nobody else did.

What immutable facts?" You got facts on the nature of randomness, variance, and with regards to trends and patterns? I don't think so. All you have is accusations of prediction where none is claimed. And don't give me that Zen at the mountaintop crud either. You are not enlightened enough to share any "immutable facts." Why don't you suppose something that includes facts about trends and patterns. You have made yourself out to be a target of your own axiom. Do you get that?


Thanks Gizmotron and Magician, 
for your lively argument.

The coincidence could also applied to missing dz in matrix
of three.
oversimplified example

say you see...
when you look at upper and lower matrix,
you see that 132 are the missing matrix.

thus when  323 hit again, you bet ,
single dozen...

you lose when  211 and 323 hit as the following matrix.

thus we bet the coincidence won't repeat itself, or two in row.

wait for a repeat of a matrix...
323..(a coincidence)
211...(a pattern of 323 followed by 211)

thus the probability remained unchanged,
we bet the coincidence won't coincide.
we lose when 323


Whether you have to find something which you would risk less money in order to win more, or something which its limits are definable, either way you have a profit situation.
To find events which happen more than their odds/payouts is something which happens all the time, it could happen from any number and group of numbers.
Therefore no need to find something rare in order to bet against it, bet instead for what is already available all the time.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


thanks BlueAngel for your thought.

oversimplified example,
when we sit at the roulette table, past three spins=231,
we may bet next three spins won't be 231, again..

of course it may hit ...who knows the future?

or wait for..
231....then bet won't hit again.

or wait for another 231 to appear, then bet 231 won't hit again...
double coincidence in a row...


oversimplified example.

we can bet matrix three of EC

red vs black in matrix three

when you see

brb. ..that a pattern, what the probability that a coincidence, will happen, or repeat...?

when after numerous matrix,

rbr........will next three spins be brb..?


Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on October 22, 2018, 02:06:28 PM
oversimplified example.

we can bet matrix three of EC

red vs black in matrix three

when you see

brb. ..that a pattern, what the probability that a coincidence, will happen, or repeat...?

when after numerous matrix,

rbr........will next three spins be brb..?

All it takes is this sequence: RBRBRBRBRBRBRBRB to kill your matrix, likewise for FTL.
Reoccurring patterns is happening all the time, for example the thirds 1/3, 2/3 is the most persistent pattern in the roulette history, why?
It is because it uses any number to reach the same total ratio, a pattern which includes only black or only red numbers has an overall half probability to form in the first place since your definition of it restricts the numbers which it could combine.
But if it has less ways to happen this also means less bets for you to win, you are not reducing only the possibility to lose, but to win as well!
Variance is a two edged sword, don't focus only on 1 side...!
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


thanks BlueAngel for your view.

BRB...1st coincidence
BRB...2nd coincidence

wonder how many more coincidence will persist...


What so many (countless) players do not even consider is, "The event I am wagering for or told to wager, does it even actually exist or just occasionally happen"? 

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