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The Most Important Thing. A Money Management Method.

Started by alrelax, June 25, 2022, 08:22:37 PM

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One way or another, no matter what your volume play is, as well as the dollar value you should seriously consider the following.

Be Super Smart In Your Money Management Method.

You must reinvest your win money back with your bank roll from your independent sessions. If you are not and only building your buy in with great hopes and dreams to clean out the casino and get rich, your time is extremely limited until you go bust.

Once you have a workable solid and real Money Management Method, you have a chance to really venture down the path as a series player and be able to hold winnings.

One of your first tasks is to find a source of income to fuel your initial bank roll. Once you do you should without a second thought subscribe to a Money Management Method that will assist you to protect and grow your bank roll. It does not make your wagering decisions what so many think, that a Money Management Method does. I have written about this in other parts of the forum where you'll find my thoughts and excellent Money Management Methods that work.

Growing Your Bank Roll.

Remember that buy ins are always and have to be a percentage of your bank roll. Buy ins and bank rolls are two separate and two very different items.

You must adhere to buy in amounts off your bank roll, that will allow you to level and plateau yourself to add comfort and security to your play. If you can do that, you just put yourself leaps and bounds ahead of the highest amount of players attempting to win money.

You will be developing skills to allow you to fuel your bankroll, protect your buy in and have the chance to wager with the smallest chance of loss.

You Must Prepare For Adversity.

Winning and profits are not a one-way street, NEVER. If you are finished reading, subscribing to and believing drama driven attempts to discredit by others on forums or the junk sources such as newbie system sellers and YouTube infomercials, all junk, you must understand the following.

Unexpected situations and events will occur in play. They do and they have to and they always will. I personally feel if you are ready and you are researching this, you have already lost previous bank rolls . After all, newbies and inexperienced people playing would never be here if they continued winning and found the holy grail that does not exist.

No experienced player, successful or not, can foresee if adversity  and negativity will occur when sitting down and buying in.  Re-read that a couple of times.

I will say, strategies and the real-time application of those, will have to be developed and believed by each of us, the strategies consist of your Money Management Method, strict adherence to it, optimizing the wins within a session and the ability to not be overcome by the numerous emotional events that will happen. You will be challenged consistently with wins as well as losses while playing. But, this is where a real Money Management Method will 100% protect you.

You Cannot Risk What You Are Not Willing To Lose.

No matter what all those infomercials, system sellers and forum drama experts will swear by, it is not true.  There are no mechanical systems or triggers in play that will guarantee winning. Period.  Once you understand and subscribe to that, you have potential to be a serious player.

Gambling is Gambling. No matter what you want to believe or not. Same as owning a business, at times you will make great profits, other times you will make small profits, other times you will break even and yes, other times you will lose money, no matter how hard and how well you serve your clients/customers. Business owners have a bank roll as well and it is always at risk and they are constantly adding to it or removing from it for their business survival. When their bank roll goes away, they go out of business. Casino gaming is no different.

There is really only one sentence here to factually describe what is 100% true and will never change in casino play. Wager with the money that you are willing to lose.

Note:  There are certainly ways you can give yourself a very large advantage and if you couple a good Money Management Method with extreme emotional control of your winning and losing, you will be able to realize the benefits, advantages and skills that will earn you win money and be able to retain it and use it.

Note:  I have written about and detailed out M.M.M.'s on the board here.  Here is one thread that will give you some insight to a M.M.M. and its intricacies.


My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Bump this essay by alrelax.

Good to read or reread. Novice or veteran this is so important for all of us. Make sure you click on the link at the end too.
I really like the sentence at the very end.

A business plan of action or Money Management Method is so very important for all things gambling.


IMO we should design a gambling plan/ it should be similar to running a small business. It has one employee (Me) and should have a predetermined business model or plan. One of the main criteria for my business is to buy inventory and sell said inventory for more than I paid. This is obviously a top criterion for any business regardless of if one is selling gold bars, burgers, hammers, computers, ...etc.

If I go to the local casino, hand the dealer $2000 dollars in hundreds, they count out 20 black chips, then I just bought my inventory. My main criteria are: How can I sell these 20 black chips back to the casino for greater than $100 each and totaling more than $2000.
Our business model (wager size, pressing, regressing, ...etc.) should be mostly automated and predetermined. The main variable that often can't (or shouldn't) be predetermined is bet selection. Our experience(skillset) and this specific shoe profile should primarily dictate how/where we make our bet selection. 

The casino will immediately buy back my inventory for exactly what I purchased: $2000. However, I can't make a living buying inventory for $2000 and selling for $2000. I have overhead (gas, auto maintenance, food,etc, also my time has value). So, my objective is to figure out a method for selling all of my chips back individually for more than my avg cost, or sell maybe 4-5 back to them for a total >Cost($2000), or sell at least one back to them for greater than my initial cost of $2000. This is a good deal for me as I get some options.

The casino has agreed to buy my chips(inventory) 24/7 so I get to choose when to sell. They will buy back in any form, though this form is preset by casino (Green,white,red,orange,black,purple,...etc). This is also a good deal for me as I get some options on how to package my inventory--e.g., I can make one wager for $2000, 20 wagers @ $100, 80 @ $25,...etc, Whatever I want.
Advantage KungFuBac.

The cas will get to buy some back for basically ($0) when that black chip lost on its first attempt, a good deal for them (as all they had to do is show they have matching collateral or credit), matching the value written on that little wood chip. Now after only one transaction(attempt) they get to resell that same chip to someone else for the exact same price. A good deal for them.

The longer I play the cas will get to buy some back for approx. ($98.80), when I win on first attempt and lose the same exact bet on second attempt, over just a few transactions they will get them back at this little discount. A good deal for them.

However, what if I get 5/20 of the black chips to generate a total of say $2500(500 avg)  prior to losing and going back to the dealer's rack. Maybe I can get one black chip to generate say $4500 prior to losing and going back to the dealer's rack. :thumbsup:

Now let's say I now decide to use 25/45 of these won black chips out of the 45 chips (some have to be used for expenses, surprises, addition to bankroll, addendum buyins, ...etc.). So now I have 25 black chips(inventory--warriors) going out to do battle on my next shoe. Each $100 warrior will have one goal and assignment: Go out and do battle and bring back more than $100, or die trying. Then as I send them out individually, I give the command: Go Bold or Don't Go at All). :nod:

So regardless of how my business model produces a profit it must produce a +profit more times than not or my store will be forced to close. So, I better have sufficient start-up cash(inventory), coupled with a proven business model (i.e., Money Management). Because I know with great certainty, I will have slow days and slow weeks, and I'm optimistic that I won't have many (or any) slow month(s).

"When it is there, realize it; when it is not do not attempt to make it happen.  That is where we all have gone and go wrong".

Continued Success To All, kfb

"There are many large numbers smaller than one."