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Topics - 8OR9

if you have any illusions of "making a living" betting on sports, then I suggest you listen to the comments of this CEO in this video...and this situation is probably true of all sports books everywhere.


This video is also very informative
Off-topic / Yes..... this is real....hard to believe
April 19, 2024, 09:30:34 PM

I realize most of have read this story........but I could not resist posting again in case spme of you haven't read about it.....................has to be my favorite story of the decade.:

General Discussion / caught red handed
March 20, 2024, 10:42:10 PM
Just can't trust anyone when filthy lucre is involved

General Discussion / $10.000 deposits
March 05, 2024, 11:42:40 PM
There are probably some other posts regarding depositing or withdrawing $10,000 or more from your bank account,,......but if you missed those posts. the link below  may refresh your memory if you are thinking of depositing or withdrawing $10,000 or more from your bank account...... money obtained from gambling winnings or other financial transactions..............     

 I have a feeling that there is alot of money hidden in mattresses or buried in the back yard in the USA as well as the rest of the world.

Sports Betting Forum / bye bye CEO
January 25, 2024, 10:39:18 PM
Looks like another Las Vegas scandal


Click on the X  to be able to read the article. 

You can only read the article once and then the paywall kicks in.

If you are travelling and carrying alot of cash, be careful as the following link from
Yahoo News will show you.

General Discussion / Check washing
December 12, 2023, 10:32:40 PM
Maybe you should think twice before you write your next personal check,

Seems like everything nowadays is a scam.

If you are considering playing poker for a living, this is what you are dealing with when you play poker for high stakes.


I love the part where they put a "special" deck into the game........also it seems that there are decks imported from China that are marked and you can see the actual cards being held by all the players, and are all but impossible to be detected.........probably you need special contact lenses to see the cards.
General Discussion / legal thievery
November 30, 2023, 09:16:24 PM
 If you are carrying alot of cash in the USA to play poker, baccarat etc etc ...these articles may be of interest to you ( I'm not sure what the laws are in other countries )




A good  idea is to buy some Travelers checks and/or money orders and hide them in your shoes if you are planning on taking a long car or train ride to a casino or somewhere else.
General Discussion / Baccarat cheats
November 09, 2023, 04:59:13 AM
If you use your players card, the casino can tell if something not right is going on. 

Online Casinos / Important Quiz for all gamblers
November 09, 2023, 12:30:11 AM
This is a little off-topic but since this is an election year in the USA, I thought this quiz may be of interest

The American Psychiatric Association lists 10 Personality Disorders which can develop into severe and dangerous mental illness.

The link below describes one of these 10 mental health illnesses.

The quiz is for you to pick one of the 3 individuals listed below whom you think best describes this illness. If you can not choose one of the three listed below, then post the person  you think qualifies in this thread.

a. Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
b. Abrahm Lincoln (1809-1865)
c, Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)

d, If none of the three are your choice, then post the person of your choice in this thread.

Your choice can be a person living or deceased.


Only citizens of the USA can participate in the quiz,
General Discussion / bank account cancelled
November 05, 2023, 05:46:37 PM
Here is some info as to some people having their bank accounts cancelled for seemingly unfair reasons.


Also be careful if you carry large amounts of cash travelling to or from a casino if you play poker, baccarat,   sports betting etc etc etc    and you get stopped by police for speeding in a car or are in an airport ....it is possible the police can confiscate all your cash and, hiring a lawyer may cost more than  the cash you lost.

It's a wall street journal article...if you see  a paywall screen, just click on the X in the upper right hand corner and you will see the article

General Discussion / casino safety deposit boxes
June 02, 2023, 10:15:22 PM
Maybe casino safety deposit boxes are really not that "safe"

Good article on how vegas casinos are screwing their customers....and most visitors don't realize it......they just go to vegas to have a good time.

I wonder how long it will go on before customers start to get tired about getting ripped off and will stop going to vegas.

If the Journal paywall shoe up, just click on the X button in the right hand corner and the article will appear.

General Discussion / interesting web site
March 02, 2023, 11:50:46 PM
Not sure if I am  allowed to post a web site, so delete this post if its not allowed.

1. This is not my web site
2. I do not receive any commissions for referrals to the site.
3. I do not know and have never met the individual who owns
    this web site,
4. I found to link to the site from a Las Vegas newsletter I receive.

Maybe some of you already know about the site.....may be  of interest to some of you.

General Discussion / crypto
May 27, 2022, 02:05:54 PM
I think there were some posts about speculating in crypto currencies......maybe you should read this article in the wall street journal before you risk your hard  earned dollars in a crypto currency.


Sorry.......I tried the link and there is a pay wall for the Journal ( have to subscribe to the Journal to read the article)  so you probably will not be able to read the article.

The article said that numerous people lost their life savings trading crypto.  Classic example of a herd mentality bubble.

Nothing comes easy in life.......unless you have rich parents who leave you a lot of money when they die.
General Discussion / Blackjack team
April 29, 2022, 12:47:23 AM
Looks like the BJ teams are still trying to make a dent in the casino's profits.

30 minute video below..... about one such team who played just before the virus started in 2020.

Make sure you watch the whole video because the last 2 minutes are the most interesting........it shows how
the variance in the profits and losses can be very brutal whether it's roulette, blackjack, poker, sports betting
or baccarat.

General Discussion / Dragon bet
December 18, 2021, 03:40:52 PM
Here is a post from the Two Plus Two Poker Forum which may be of interest:

General Discussion / the life of a whale
October 11, 2020, 05:46:22 PM

Here is an article about gambling whales.......are you a whale?
