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Messages - AsymBacGuy

That's real interesting, but I guess that in order to recover any deficit you need W's coming in short intervals after the strongest L bad situations happened.

But say the "enemy" knows in detail your plan, thus rigging the game you're playing at.
Do you have any escape plans?



AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
May 05, 2020, 09:13:40 PM
Hi Rickk!

Obviously patterns are the direct product of either math and card distribution.
To be consistent winners on long terms we need both.

For example there's no point to bet Banker if we have reasons to think that no asym hands will come out shortly or, it's the same, that many previous asym hands got the Player side winning.
We can't get a shoe featuring 20 or zero asym hands, anyway naturals and standing points must show up at a value well exceeding 1/3 of the total hands dealt. Those situations are the math advantaged hands, even though a favorite standing 7 will lose to a natural 8 or to a miracle 6 falling to the opposite underdog 2 point.
How much those "unfortunate" (or mistakenly considered "lucky") events will impact over the long run? I guess at a lesser degree than what the most likely course is going to take along the way. 

Therefore a valuable betting method must be set up onto two different levels: math advantaged situations or card distributions so polarized that even the Player side may be slight advantaged.

We see that it's more difficult to spot or concentrate real Banker advantaged situations as the asym general probability is 8.4%, whereas Player side can be underdog just on those asym hands.
Of course Player side never get the astounding math advantage of 15.86% working on its asym hands, even knowing that the asym impact is a well finite factor.


We set up a mechanical plan dictating to bet one time Player side after any asym hand was produced. If a couple of asym hands were formed we'll stop the betting (that is we are trying to isolate asym math advantaged hands)
On average we'll bet 6 or 7 times, we will be hugely underdog only when consecutive asym hands will be formed. In the remaining cases we are at least playing a 0.5 no negative edge game (as linear card counting is a bighornshit).
Naturally itlr we'll expect to get the same asym-sym and asym-asym ratios, yet the asym/total hands dealt ratio is quite restricted.
And altogether naturally is that post asym hands situations are 50% dealt but one side is payed 0.95:1 and the other one 1:1.

Our new random walk wagering 6 or 7 hands per shoe is moving around two very different probabilities: the first probability is to get or not get another strong math advantaged situation favoring B, second probability is surely set up around the 0.5 value. It's the simplest example of 'probability after events' feature.
Think that we can take into account what happens after two or more hands after an asym hand happened or after a couple of consecutive asym hands, thus building infinite random walks.

Now it's the actual card distribution that plays the decisive role as symmetricity cannot exist at all at baccarat.

The idea to restrict the succession of outcomes within simple categories working under specific circumstances tries to approximate at best the actual card distribution.
Imo and according to our long term data, 1-2, 1-3 and B2-B1/B3 are among the best indicators of the actual card distribution.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 28, 2020, 10:22:17 PM
The "alignment" curiosity

Suppose we want to arrange cards forming a shoe which provides all Banker or Player hands.
For simplicity we use just one deck.

One of the numerous card distribution producing all banker hands (and no ties) is:

A, A, K, 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, K, 4, 10, 3, 9, 6, Q, J, 7, 5, 8, 5, 8, 5, 8, J, 10, 9, 7, A, Q, A, 6, 6, 4, 10, 4, J, 9, J, 2, 10, K, 4, K, 3, 8, Q, Q, 7, 9. (6,7 left as they can't produce a hand)

Such sequence provides 11 straight Banker hands and no tie:


Now let's remove from the play the first card (A) from the play and see what happens:


Or the first two cards (A, A):


Finally the first three cards (A, A, K):


We see that results are not much affected by burning one, two o three cards and such thing happens with a lot of decks. In a sense we could deduce that this card distribution is Banker polarized; it's just a matter of time that results will be aligned with the original untouched sequence.

Even when multiple decks are utilized or no substantial card clumping is present (as 2-3 and 5-8 in the example),  things go quite in the same way, at least on the vast majority of the shoes dealt.

Excellent job.

Now consider that in no fkng way some strategies won't reach dispersion values higher than 1.5 SD.
What's your higher bet amount here, knowing that standard unit is $1000?


I trust Nevada authorities so much that I think a reopening by May 15 would be impossible.


AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 27, 2020, 09:44:37 PM
A deck of cards shuffled decently is asymmetrical by definition.
Let's shuffle numerous times a simple 52 cards deck and register how many times three or four same suit cards are coming out consecutively. Of course after something had happened (say many spades were turned out), the future probability to get those consecutive suited cards on diamonds, clubs and hearts is enlarged in some way.
But no one would be so naive to think that after any single diamonds, clubs or hearts card coming out the future probability will be always enlarged or at least included within playable terms (assuming the game is EV-).
We could easily get a lot of decks with a low spades impact producing many D,C and H consecutive sequences not belonging to the 3 or 4 same suit occurence we are looking for.

Of course one could think that a possible strategic plan may be oriented  NOT to get long same suit sequences up to a point and naturally based upon the partial aknowledge of the removed cards nature as we've seen about the spades example.
And one could think that same suit cards on next decks may be "clumped" in some way as a physically perfect shuffle doesn't exist at all.

At baccarat things work differently as removed cards cannot sensibly affect future outcomes, yet baccarat is an asymmetrical proposition at the start and at every single point even without the natural asymmetrical cards impact.
Anyway the asym-asym value is so high that it's impossible any single deck dealt in the universe will be symmetrically placed as, simply put, symmetricity at baccarat cannot exist.

Now the problem is to spot the situations where a constant asymmetrical proposition made on two different levels (bac rules and card distribution) will reach very low dispersion values as something is "more due" no matter what.

Suppose casinos know the B doubles vulnerability and start arranging shoes to produce a lot of consecutive B doubles.
Who cares?
The B double plan is just one random walk, for example many B doubles will entice the probability to get many 1-2 B situations and we need just one to be ahead.
Casinos will arrange shoes to get a lot of B doubles and B 3+ streaks without any B single trigger thus destroying one half of my ub #1? Perfect, the vast majority of baccarat players will wager to follow the consecutive B streaks line.

Since almost no one bac shoe won't present at least one B single, we know that either plan #1 or #2 will get at least one win, more often (say everytime) multiple wins.

More on that tomorrow.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 23, 2020, 02:57:27 PM
Hi Rick and thanks!

I know the suggestions I'm disorderly posting cannot give the reader precise betting guidelines, it's made on purpose.

Yep, you took one of the fundamental points to beat bac.
Instead of wagering hoping for this or that or, even worse, to play general probabilities, we should focus to understand the asymmetrical level of the actual shoe.
To do that we need to put into action several r.w.'s, setting up the actual relative probability compared to the general 0.5068/0.4932 proposition.
If the dispersion values taken from a place selection point of view remain unchanged, baccarat is not beatable.

In a sense, we do not want to simply bet toward asymmetricity but instead toward certain different levels of asymmetricity that are present per each shoe dealt.
And of course the most favourable situation to look for is 1.

I'll write more on that in few days.


AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 21, 2020, 10:21:00 PM
Start thinking that any bac shoe dealt is asymmetrically placed as cards cannot be symmetrically placed along any single shoe, moreover as bac rules are not symmetrically intended. 
It's up to us to spot the situations where such asymmetricity gets a valuable strenght capable to invert the fkng house edge. And to be consistent long term winners we need just few spots to be ahead. 

It's intuitive that such asymmetricity cannot last for long or, better sayed, that this asym factor works at different degrees per any shoe dealt.

Notice that I'm not talking about Banker advantage, to get such advantage we need precise situations to appear as P drawing and B getting a 3,4,5 or 6 initial point.

Whenever a given asym level is surpassed (whatever intended), no one prediction is possible as the asym strenght will be "randomly" placed more often than not.

That's why is important to play shoes where asym levels won't reach huge values at the start.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Best Vegas casino to play Bac
April 21, 2020, 09:06:18 PM
Imo best casinos to play at are those offering multiple tables getting affordable min limits.
If I'm playing at a $1000 min table, I want more tables offering limits no higher than this.
I do not want to get the feeling of being tied on that table.

Obviously most "affordable" tables are set up to face $5000 maximum bets, often without the "privilege" to peek at cards. Thus many HS players won't look at those tables.

In some sense "normal" players will get better opportunities than HS players, especially those HS gullibles who are setting up the minimum limit so high that nobody will enter their table.

Moreover, huge min limit tables offer a ridicolous max betting limit, very often set up at 4x or 10x.

Math & Statistics / Re: Statistical Strangeness
April 21, 2020, 08:27:41 PM
Sometimes I wonder how the fk Alrelax can provide interesting threads here like this.


AsymBacGuy / Re: Best Vegas casino to play Bac
April 14, 2020, 10:06:46 PM
We (we) can't believe you put CP at the top of your list.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Best Vegas casino to play Bac
April 14, 2020, 01:44:46 AM
My "best  (or not) Vegas casinos to play bac" list is based before this fkng Covid-19 infection. Just curious to see what will happen afterwards.


Nothing special about the two tables put in the main room. Minimum bet is $100 and no peeking at cards is allowed.
Better is the high stakes room but the action is generally low.
Cocktail waitresses are the Vegas cutest (and now we know why)


Pretty place to play bac and personnel is very courteous there.


Along with Palazzo and Palms, Venetian offers the best bac Theater action in Vegas but there's just one bac table outside the hs room. Do not know why but many bac players prefer Palazzo's theater.


Astounding number of live tables over there but many offering the fkng "tiger bet" that increases the house edge.
The P. bac theater is the best in Vegas and I guess most pros like to play here. I've seen players wagering up to $2000 and being right more often than not. No one smiles or tries to be emphatic. They just wait and wait and wait and wait.....

Palace Station

One of the best places to play baccarat situated in West Sahara av. very close to I-15. Several tables and a small theater. True is that most players do not know what they are doing, thus a good solid strategy would be to bet the opposite side. Try the "Salud" mexican food. 


Only hs room offers baccarat. Nice environment but generally very low action (that is low opportunities to make money).

Caesar's Palace

It's the only place in Vegas (probably around the world) where a "old" double side table stands directly after the lavish hs room entrance. Generally a good action with $200 or more min limits. Hs room restrooms are the most luxury toilets in the history of gambling (Montecarlo super privee apart).
There's one (or two) bac tables outside the hs room (min bet $25 or $50) where I've met the most unpleasant employeers ever.
(Probably CP casino likes to set many records...not forgetting the most expensive buffet in Vegas is CP Bacchanal)       


For some reasons I like this casino and its lavish hs bac room too. Especially if they keep dealing shoes containing unidirectional patterns :-)
Some bac tables in the main room.


One of the very best places to play baccarat in Vegas. A couple of bac tables having a minimum betting range going from $25 to $100 depending upon the hour and the day, mostly working by late afternoon. Almost always the hs room provides plenty of action on their main 11 (hope to recall rightly) bac tables.
Unfortunately it seems that Bellagio bac customers are not accustomated to flush the toilet after use. No jokes, odds you'll join a unfleshed w.c. are higher than 50%. Speaking about asymmetricity... 


I've never seen any action on their $300 minimum bet bac tables. Time to lower the minimum bet?


Another wonderful place to play hs baccarat in Vegas. One of the few which offers a free snack pit. A couple of bac tables stand in the main room having a $25 or $50 minimum bet almost always opened.


I was invited to play there but, lol, I couldn't find in the infinite MGM space where the fkg hs bac room was.   


I think there are 5 or so bac tables getting a quite interesting action. It's not infrequent to see players wagering fair sums over there. Definitely a good place to play baccarat.
Hs room is always empty.

Gold Coast

There's no other Vegas casino getting more bac action then GC anytime and at any day of the week. A paradise for any live bac player providing anyone have solid lungs to endure the dense cigarettes smoke. Most serious players like to play here.


Another off Strip casino where baccarat is baccarat. Many live tables and a huge Theater. Do not forget Palms buffet, one of the best in Vegas.

Red Rock

Located at Summerlin, a west LV community, it's a nice and pretty well frequented casino.
Not a huge bac action, despite several bac tables are offered.


It's another Summerlin casino that offers an astounding entrance surrounded by palms and plants and that has recently added two or three bac tables having a $25 minimum bet. Even though the clientele average age is around 75 y.o., the air is so filled with cig smoke that sometimes it's difficult to breath.

Related But Not Related / Re: Hanging out.
April 13, 2020, 10:59:16 PM
From a guy having an italian genome I'd expect better than that.  ^-^

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 13, 2020, 10:55:03 PM
Exactly and it's not a coincidence that I've started this thread mentioning Kashiwagi and not only because he was one of the biggest high stakes bac player ever.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
April 12, 2020, 09:00:52 PM
Imo it's only the connection of various patterns happening along any shoe that can make this game beatable.
Connection means the relationship working among different situations (r.w.'s) that show up along any shoe.
In this way we are not betting toward getting a steady state for long, instead to get a given state change after certain states not belonging to our multiple r.w.'s plan had occurred.

Nothing wrong to "ride" homogeneuos or shifted patterns, providing we have a solid reason to do that.
For example, if many asymmetrical hands provided only Player hands (thus inverting a sure general math advantage favoring B) future hands will be more likely to be symmetrically placed, hence any P bet payed 1:1 will be better than any B bet payed 0.95:1.
The argument by which future hands will be more likely placed on B side as "it is more due" is ridiculous. Any missed math opportunity having a low frequency of apparition is a missed opportunity for B side, period.
But we know that such situations arise by a quite low frequency thus we need more frequent occasions to put our money at risk.

Any shoe that baccarat's gods can provide is formed by multiple pattern steps, name them as runs, homogeneous patterns or whatever.
Now casinos will make their business by knowing that itlr our plans will get a lesser amount of homogeneous (easily detectable) patterns than any other situation. Moreover and from a strict math point of view every our bet is EV-, thus we'll surely go broke.

Sometimes shoes will provide easy betting situations (long runs, long chops, strong predominance, etc) and that's the main strategy 99.9% of bac players rely upon.
Unfortunately this is a short term favourable occurence.

More interesting is the fact that no matter what will be the future results distribution, some random walks will get an advantage or, better sayed, that some r.w.'s do not dictate to bet anything unless certain conditions are met. Some conditions are easily detcetable and others are more intricated.
If this way of thinking would be flawed, dispersion values wouldn't be affected by such kind of selection.

To get a practical example, think about how many 1-2 and 1-3 situations or BB consecutive doubles are coming or not after a given amount of hands dealt.
