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Topics - VLS

Mixed / Staggered mixed progression
October 17, 2012, 03:05:58 AM
The most basic mixed progression is the staggered one.

You start with a limited negative progression line.

Shall you reach this limited negative progression's end, you start another one, with the base unit risen.

Example for even chances:

Stage one: 1, 2, 3.

Stage two: 2, 4, 6

Stage three: 3, 6, 9

Stage four: 4, 8, 12

And so on.

It is usually used with very limited progression lines and some like to throw in a parlay, a la "Risque".
Straight-up / Wheel Mirror techniques
October 11, 2012, 11:01:55 PM
This thread is devoted to a compilation of techniques on the "Wheel mirror" tracking way.

First let's recreate a "Wheel mirror".

In order to create a wheel mirror tracking sheet, you need to split the disc both vertically and horizontally, discarding the zero. Like this:



Obtaining the following columns:


Where each half would act as a complimentary side, with formations being resolved by mirroring zones, repeats, etc.; most often looking for the same formation shown on one side to repeat on the other side.
Meta-selection / Time Dimension
October 11, 2012, 09:43:59 PM
Time dimension methods are those which only focus in what occurs to the tracked betting locations over locations in the timeline.

A good example of this approach is the "Time Wheel" technique, where you look for wheel patterns in "spots" across the timeline.
One thing I want this place to feature is a great signal-to-noise ratio.

Signal being the actual roulette systems/methods discussion. What we want to keep and foster.

The "forum noise" is the non-called-for discussion (you most likely know what this mean! Chances are you've already read topics with a gazillion off-topic messages versus little actual discussion on the system). We don't want such a thing in here.

We reserve the right to split off-topic discussion out of our threads.

Even if the original poster disagrees, I'm certain the fellows reading the topics being kept focused to the studied method will appreciate it (and eventually, the poster will realize that he's also a reader who happens to enjoy the focused discussion in other threads too).

Our forum has a general board, let's all use it when wanting to discuss non-roulette topics and chit-chat; the actual study threads are better kept on-topic for the benefit of everyone.
It refers to the amount of advantage over all the other locations/zones/triggers tracked.

"2 points up" mean the currently tracked trigger has 2 shows/appearances above every other.

Examples below.


A method betting on numbers with "2 points up" has an eligible bet when a number already has one show above the others, so a hit on it would make it have two shows above.

i.e. When all the other numbers have 1 show, and a number gets 2 shows, this number is one point above the others.
If your bet for "2 points up" on such a number, you are effectively betting for it to reach 3 shows, while the other numbers are still featuring only 1 show.


If the currenly larger zones are having 3 numbers, then a "1 point up" bet focuses on every number which would make a zone larger than 3.

It could be zone 4, zone 5, zone 6, etc.

As long as it surpasses the other zones by at least one.
Meta-selection / BACK and FORTH
October 04, 2012, 04:47:22 AM
- Look history backwards until there are numbers to bet for your selection/trigger.

- Start your new cycle from this spin window on.
Meta-selection / Full BACKWARDS looking
October 04, 2012, 04:45:19 AM
- Look backwards in history until there is a condition realized.

- When a condition is realized, drop the latest number included.

- Use this "almost there" state as the spin window for your new bets.
Meta-selection / Repeater zone(s)
October 03, 2012, 09:46:23 PM
Zones and super-zones filtering singles as noise; only accounting for repeaters.

The nomenclature is SZX@YR

As you can see, it is the same as Super Zone, with the letter "R" appended.

Super zone 3 @ 1 on Repeaters (SZ3@1R):


Super Zone 3 @ 3 on Repeaters (SZ3@3R):


Super Zone 3 @ 6 on Repeaters (SZ3@6R):


Super Zone 4 @ 1 on repeaters (SZ4@1R) and Super Zone 3 @ 4 on repeaters (SZ3@4R):

General Discussion / Why "Bet Selection"?
October 03, 2012, 05:30:00 PM

...Why "Bet Selection"?

Because this is the true quid of the matter in gambling.

You could have the best positive, negative, mixed, layered or compounding staking plan, but it isn't the true "engine" that fuels your game. It is only complementary.

The true "motor" of the gambling operation are your picks. Your bet selection.

What and *WHEN* to bet is where the smart bettor differentiates from the regular birthday numbers / chip scattering player.

It is where the smart gambler is bound to place the gross of his attention.

In our forum, we aim to put our main focus in Bet Selections, hence the name.

In here, our goal and mission is to help you find the best combination that suits you and improves your game the most.

Your success at the betting table is the utmost achievement for the site.
Please feel free to post selections and systems too  :)

Hopefully there'll be some interaction from free members around. We don't bite ;)

Meta-selection / Street-wheel
October 02, 2012, 11:46:45 PM
The 12 streets from the layout folded into a circle:


Useful to extrapolate regular wheel-based selections.
Street / Super Zone 4 @ 12
October 02, 2012, 11:43:13 PM
The concept of Super Zone 4, extrapolated to a Street-wheel:




Using a rolling window comprised by the last 12 spins (discarding zero).

Every street which could form a Super Zone 4 in such a window is eligible.
Meta-selection / Zone and "Super zone"
October 02, 2012, 08:11:25 PM

Any contiguous numerical group with hits.


Zone of 3 (Z3):


Zone of 5 (Z5):


Super zone:

Any group of hit numbers with the same amount of spaces in between.


Super zone 3 @ 1 (SZ3@1):


Super zone 4 @ 2 (SZ4@2):


Super zone 3 @ 4 (SZ3@4):


When referring to ANY of such formations as a whole, we simply use: Super zone X.

So, saying something forms "Super zone 3" can mean any group of 3 hit numbers, separated by the same amount of spaces in between. i.e. all of Super Zone 3 @ 1, @ 2, @3, @4, etc.
Meta-selection / Savant felt
October 02, 2012, 04:22:14 PM
How would a Savant person tackle roulette?

Would the Savant observe the events happening on the felt at another level being non-obvious to the casual observer?

Would the numbers "light-up" in his head? What possible patterns would appear in front of his savant mind's eyes?

I made myself these questions and came with a very particular way of tracking and using triggers, perfectly disguised with a simple roulette felt (in land based).
General Discussion / What's this site about?
October 02, 2012, 06:36:15 AM
In short:

- A private study group, open to subscribers.

- An effort towards creating a compilation of triggers and tweaks, including those collected throughout years of gambling experience by seasoned players.

- A project to coordinate the creation and maintenance of a set of accompanying software modules for members to try their own combination(s), using the triggers of their choice.

A $5.99 subscription is in place to help in supporting the environment and paying the hours for the creation of the software modules.

Subscribed members unlock of all the content in the forum as well as accessing all of the software, without restrictions.

Enjoy your stay here!
