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Messages - VLS


While the search is oriented toward a "system" people will remain a Perfect Loser.

Does this mean that the systems are useless? No, but they are only part of what it takes to win.
Like the anatomy to a doctor, you need to know one or more systems, like a doctor needs to know a lot of anatomy to practice successfully. A professional will need to master more than systems to win.

What separates the professionals from the great professionals, is not so much the domain of knowledge, but the approach to implement such knowledge.

Do not give me a system, give me a concept. Always said my great teacher (Nono Santelli)

Street / Re: Complete Street System
February 13, 2013, 03:36:24 PM
Good one Biff  :thumbsup: . Thanks for sharing it with us.

May the fantastic outcomes hold  :nod:
Online Casinos / Re: Prism Casino for U.S. Players
February 12, 2013, 01:54:18 AM

I've edited-out a little from your post for ti to stay. It's a good rant  :cheer:

Online Casinos / Re: Prism Casino for U.S. Players
February 11, 2013, 03:20:25 PM
Thanks for advicing Sam.

If the winds continue blowing the correct way, chances are the US is going to regain the ability to let residents enjoy betting online. Tax the thing, keep 'em happy.

Curious how american residents can buy many sorts of extreme materials from their home (digital and physical; some bordering the illegality) yet what a scandal for an US person to put money on watching a bowl with a white ball spinning...
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: Won another no deposit bonus
February 11, 2013, 03:19:34 PM
 :thumbsup: Congrats on the win dear Sumit.

No-deposit bonuses are quite a thing to earn. They are supposed to be the hardest! It's literally beating the casino with their own money, so for a player that's a double sweet win.

General Discussion / Regarding Forum Re-install
February 11, 2013, 03:03:17 PM
Hello dear fellows  :rose:

Just wanted to comment about the currently scheduled forum re-install's process.

As the forum's admin it's my duty to devote the hours, yet I'm currently doing what could be considered the equivalent to manual labor in the IT world with my current contract.


In short: I get home beaten and don't want to touch a computer anymore for the day :no: ...But still...I'll make an effort to keep us on schedule, doing the re-install within the week as announced since we need it to move the community forward  :nod:

Work will be done at random intervals, which means it's going to be SLOW and the whole process will span through several days. So we'll have a short-handed place for a while. Some features WILL be missing in the base install until brought back; yet on the brighter side the fresh set of sources eliminates current software cruft and opens the door to new features. i.e.  enhanced tags support (disc, matrix, chart, felt, session, etc.), a custom subscription system to welcome and reward coders who join us to serve the community, new smiley browser, as well as other extra goodies [attachimg=2].

The forum re-install gets started anytime now. If you see the site unavailable, please retry later. Some efforts from yours truly plus some downtime coping from you guys will get us through the week; for us to have a lovely, enhanced place for the year 2013  :love:

General Discussion / Re: User Warning System enabled
February 07, 2013, 05:02:55 PM
What happens with a 100% warned (muted) user?

He'll be muted for 4 days.

His posts will be moderated for 3 days.

He'll be in the mods' watch list for 3 days (i.e. all his posts will be monitored, but they will pass).

In total, it's a process lasting 10 days.
Good ideas dear Walter. They are possible but will have to wait until next forum re-install. It's not too much longer, it is scheduled for the week of the 10th to 16th of this month.

"Ping" me once the re-install is done regarding your request.

Chances are they will materialize; all of them :nod:
General Discussion / Re: User Warning System enabled
February 06, 2013, 01:51:38 AM
...We're trying to find some middle ground in here.

Inaction = The offenses will repeat, in a worse note each time. It ends in a Full-blown Boiler.

Plain ol' banning = (This is how several other forums deal with these issues) I see it as the sledgehammer approach. The offense is granted not to repeat, simply because the user is "killed out".

By taking a middle-ground stand here with warns we're trying to educate our users, without losing the faith in them.

The offending user sees a direct consequence of his actions, and has a certain time out to re-think.

I do believe we're mature enough to exercise self-restrain when addressing another fellow poster. These warns support the notion of us having confidence on it being a "slip" in the posters' self-control, but still considering the person good enough to mend his path after the brief time given to re-consider.

Guys; our rules are conscious and balanced, like they say:

QuoteIf you use your common sense you'll notice by reading around we are trying to maintain a top-notch space for bet selection discussion

Nobody gets a warn for sticking to common sense rules, and -paraphrasing what you mentioned Sam- considering saying the same to an ol' harmless granny as well as to a big bad keeper/security hunky guy.

When we happen to think about our reaction should the very message we send being addressed to us, then I'm certain we will all live in peace and bearing with each other just fine, since we will treat others as we'd like being treated ourselves.
General Discussion / Re: User Warning System enabled
February 06, 2013, 01:35:13 AM
General Discussion / Re: User Warning System enabled
February 06, 2013, 12:10:21 AM
The reason being reports from the topic:


--That topic really "triggered this" (warnings).

Unfortunately, as long as people don't follow your finely expressed common-sense guidelines, measures must be taken. We really want to foster a clean environment for all members involved in the discussion.

Quote from: Bally6354 on February 06, 2013, 12:01:11 AM
However it's also a shame that people just can't get on with one another or just ignore anyone they don't like.

We are all adults.
I too would prefer people not to recur to personal insults in the first place.

Also, the idea of having every user as a proactive watcher is appealing from an administrative point of view.

Remember the mods are the only ones who can issues warns right now.
General Discussion / User Warning System enabled
February 05, 2013, 11:54:08 PM
Our forum now implements an user warning system.

It's point-based.

The warning range is 0-100%

10-30% = Result: User will be added to moderator watch list.

35-55% = Result: All user's posts will be moderated.

60 - 100% = Result: User will not be able to post. (user is Muted)

Warned user gets 10% decremented per day after receiving the warn. This means the warning level slowly fades out of the account, gradually.

All moderators can issue warns right now.

The discussion is open regarding the possibility for any regular user to be able to issue warns (i.e. max. 10 points) in order to bring people to mods attention; as well as -in case there is public outrage- for the community to mute an offending user on their own.

Feel free to post your views on this.

Wonderful news for those wanting a 0.10 real-life casino bet.

With a sensitive way of betting it shouldn't be too hard to adapt.

Compound locations benefit from those lower limits too with a reasonable itemization.

i.e. Double-Streets have 0.10 - 10, a x100 multiple on base bet which should be enough for most down-to-earth strategies.

You let the first 37 spins pass without betting.

From now on, you use a ROLLING WINDOW comprised by the last 37 spins.

This means on each new spin incoming number is added and number in the 38th position (38 spins back) is discarded. You always consider the latest 37 spins only.

Your bet is comprised by every unhit NEIGHBOR number in the spin window.

This is a Wheel-based bet, hence you need to use wheel layout.


This is a sensitive topic I wanted to write -at least a little- about.

Lifetime is limited. We can only ever get to make a finite number of things during our time on Earth. It is important for a person to follow his/her vocation and do his/her best to earn a living with something fulfilling.

These days in our internet age there are ways for people to actually make a living in forms which weren't possible only a handful of years ago. if you have a vocation for it, then go ahead!

If you believe you can do great to the world, then by all means transform your life to do it. Now more than ever your work can reach the whole globe.

Don't be a Picasso hired to paint the walls white. Explode your potential, be great.

Vic :rose: