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Messages - VLS

Thanks for sharing with us dear Max  :thumbsup:
Quote from: sqzbox on January 11, 2013, 12:18:44 PM
[...]tackling the "game", not the "odds". 

I like the sound of that.

It reminds of what a fellow poster said. You must act as if spins weren't independent.

Independent spins mentality is clearly that of the game being 1-spin long, past outcomes being detached from anything in the future as well as regarding every bet in every moment of the numerical stream as the same... but if you pretend the game does keep a correlation, that it paints an "statistical picture" where past, present and future correlate, then you might devise bets that make sense, as long as the game behaves within the boundaries it usually does.

If I recall right, even if "anything can happen" in an independent trials game, in practice not everything happens, the game does keep itself within certain "statistical walls" or "boundaries". always with the possibility of breaking them to unlimited amounts (i.e. 100 reds and more), but in reality behaving as if past spins and future spins could communicate up to a point (less than 40 reds); leading to the expected "painting" or "picture", made out of officially non-correlated happenings, bearing no sense of boundaries by itself due to its independence, but yet presenting a set of boundaries in practice.

I like to think of it as throwing a fist of sand to the air with all your strength. Given the wind is random "anything can happen". Your grains of sand could be picked by an air stream and end up in the middle of the Sahara desert. But in reality, chances are it lands within the boundaries of your eyesight.
General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 11, 2013, 03:55:21 AM
Quote from: XXVV on January 10, 2013, 11:49:50 PMComing out of this is Clumping Theory.
The solution to the short-term, long-term dichotomy is simple and well known:

- The short-term is all about imbalance.

- The long-term is all about balance.

Take for instance the splitting in 37-spin cycles. There will be around 24 numbers in most samples, there will be gaps with unhit numbers on the wheel unique to each cycle... but when you superpose all cycles, you get an evened-out picture of a wheel with no discernible pattern. All samples of 1,000,000 spins should be somewhat the same. There shall not be an skewed gap in such an amount of sets.

The skewed 37-spin sample is what the player plays.

The evened-out overall sample is what the casino plays.

The punter plays in the short term. Hence it's the short term which he has to beat. The smart punter catches the events unfolding within a time-frame he can cope with realistically, within the boundaries of his session bankroll.

The probability of beating the "long term for the casino" is: 0.

But on the other hand, there is a possibility of beating the short term imbalances, riding them as they unfold.

Then it comes the paradox-like scenario: beating the short terms we would be beating the long term. The sum of enough winning trams necessarily means a winning overall balance.

This looks like a paradox on its own, but it isn't.

The reason is simple, because no matter how many spins we play in our lifetime it is still "short term"; everything we win in life is scheduled to "even-out in the long term". But there's a chance we won't be there as meek ​​lambs. Imagine you catch -say- a 30 series of red with a positive progression. You are "scheduled" to give it all back "in the future": in fact, by means of the game remaining faithfully even in the long term, a series of 30 blacks is scheduled to appear, which should be certain to take it away... if you play like a robot for the rest of your whole life backing RED. In real-life we don't act that way. In fact, the smart bettor wise enough to catch such a long series of Red as it unfolded would also catch the series of 30 Blacks as it unfolds too. Paradox or not, mind you!.
General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 11, 2013, 03:36:57 AM
Quote from: Juiced91 on January 11, 2013, 03:29:03 AMGood thing I started the topic, posted the graphs and a story of a possible winner.

Thanks Juiced  :thumbsup: :)

We're a TEAM in here :nod:
Actuals/Hands / Re: 4000 DB Table 1 Spins
January 10, 2013, 07:36:46 AM
+1! Thanks TC  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

They do help  :love:
Quote from: Juiced91 on January 09, 2013, 07:41:58 PM
Didn't mean it in a bad way.
No offence taken  :)
Thank you John.

I'll actually use any monies to pay for hours for coding the framework. So yes, it's aiming to be a tester, clicker and bot  :nod:
General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 09, 2013, 08:56:58 PM
*: By dynamically I mean re-counting with each and every single spin.

Throughout the 37-spin numerical cycle you'll see how this dynamic half changes.

On the American wheel you use 19 numbers as a even half.

On the European wheel, you use 18 numbers and deal with the uneven half problem by counting ONLY within areas of 18 numbers and selecting the one which has the most numbers on it. The other half immediately becomes the 19-number opposite one.
It might be the short side of uneven, but it's better to use 18 than giving yourself the advantage of the 19er. You get a better picture of the stronger area this way :)
General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 09, 2013, 08:54:21 PM
I once talked about the difference between TRIGGERS and FILTERS.

Triggers add numbers to the pool. Filters refine those numbers.

In this case of wheel targeting, filters can be applied to it such as the simple one of splitting the wheel in two; DYNAMICALLY* identifying which half has the most numbers spun on it currently (simple count). Then you filter-out the numbers activated by triggers in the dryer half and focus on the enabled ones from the loaded half.
General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 09, 2013, 08:46:26 PM
It isn't wrong to remember "anything will happen".

Sure, you'll find cycles with numbers spread-out tending to being even, but if you take into account how the short-term works, clumps are inevitable. We have around 24 spun numbers in a cycle as a general rule, which means there are likely to be some empty areas as a general rule too.

As to identifying and attacking where the loaded zones are forming... well: A zone of 5 numbers spun is first a zone of 4, or a zone of 3 with a number gap.

A zone of 6 numbers is first a zone of 5, or a zone of 4 with a number gap.

Larger zones form from smaller areas. They are distinguishable.
General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 09, 2013, 08:39:11 PM
Quote from: XXVV on January 09, 2013, 08:05:14 PM
You have stated a wonderful and very helpful principle in the clustering of 37 spin data.

Whatever bet you're playing you can help yourself by taking the wheel's current state in consideration, within the current cycle..

The most obvious corollary:

- Do not bet any zone which doesn't have hits. Gaps of two or more contiguous numbers without hits are immediately discarded.

- Bet within zones and neighbors of loaded areas. Read that again, WITHIN the boundaries of spun zones and neighbors of loaded areas.

You basically want to filter out the dry's and focus on where the gold is right now. Granted, it'll even-out towards no recognizable loaded area in "gazillion" spins, but next cycle you start afresh, with a sharp eye to the forming zones again, trying to tap where the loaded section forms. Analyzing an exploiting the cycle is the player's suitable way to exploit these short imbalances. The casinos have all the time in the world for it to even-out, we must stay always on the edge of the numerical stream, only concerning ourselves with the recent events, with what's happening... what will happen in the largest numerical samples we all know for sure.
General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 09, 2013, 07:45:39 PM
My Juiced friend, my first instinct being it's all about betting the inevitable clumping patterns on wheel zones.

If you ran the game in 37-spin chunks, you'll notice most of the time each cycle has its own take for a "loaded" area.

Long-term it's granted to be fully evened-out, but within a numerical cycle you'll likely see the loaded area clearly.

If you notice a short-term imbalance towards the 24 to 4 area, then you might want to back columns 1 & 3.

If you notice a short-term imbalance towards the 16 to 34 area, then you might want to back columns 1 & 2.

"Short term" is up to you. It might be 9, 12, 18, 24 spins...

If someone tells me they have a wheel-based method targeting like this, I'd go for a clumping method. If you can identify the clumping, then you can "dance to the tune of the game". Necessarily collecting your hits in those short-term sprouts, since in the longer term it's only evened-out casino game.
I'm the something... something...

I'm so embedded in so many things (on and offline) I'm just not able to put up enough hours in this.

I dream about being able to make my life online one day. In the mean time, snail coding pace it is :-X
General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year 2013!!
January 08, 2013, 03:59:42 AM
Welcome back.

We're actually detached from the old forums' management. We are an endeavor of our own  :nod:

Enjoy interacting with us and have a great time around  :thumbsup:
Archive / Re: [RC] LastXSplits Release Candidate 1
January 08, 2013, 02:50:21 AM
Quote from: Ophis on January 07, 2013, 10:57:52 PM
if you would be counting each line as 0.01 euro...  :whistle:

then this should be around 10 euro :)
and MST around 2500 :D

but that's just a proposition.

Hauling 25,000 LOC =  :thumbsup:

You are a great coder mate. I wish you much success with MST  :nod: