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Messages - VLS

General Discussion / Online List Color key
January 08, 2013, 02:13:47 AM
This is our current color key for online members:

This has spawned its own section in the private area!


I personally thank esoito for giving us a boost in moving together towards the common goal of winning more.

I'm certain good posts are going to born from this. Some would agree we're seeing some good posting already :)
Mixed / AAO (Against All Odds) from GG's archives
January 07, 2013, 06:32:55 PM
Author: TurboGenius
Topic: AAO-2007
Posted: 18-Aug-07 09:47

Used and abused at the casino and works very well.

*Bago disclaimer : this is not a holy grail, it will fail long term.
Do not risk money that you cannot afford to lose...
*end of disclaimer*

AAO (Against All Odds) was a method that goes from location to locati
on - from the outside to the inside in an attempt to profit.
Some changes I've made since it was posted improve it slightly.
Instead - now I'm looking at finding a "temporary" hot location and
sticking with it, allowing the winnings to make up for the losing
spins from other locations.

Simple explanation :

Let's break the table down into sections, none of which are part of o
ne another :

Dozen 1 / 12 numbers
Line (13-18) / 6 numbers
corner (19/20/22/23) / 4 numbers
street (25/26/27) / 3 numbers
split (28/29) / 2 numbers
straight up 30 / 1 number

for a total 28 numbers covered during the progression.

Now - you can run off any number of spins and see that it is very ver
y rare to have each of these locations showing at - standard deviation

For example, I'll run 1,000 spins and post the results of each locati
on below.

Dozen 1 / +0.49 std dev
Line (13-18) / -1.55 std dev
corner (19/20/22/23) / +0.39 std dev
street (25/26/27) / +0.12 std dev
split (28/29) / +1.33 std dev
straight up 30 / +0.73 std dev

So, there are obviously profitable sections to play and not so
profitable ones  The key is getting off of the bad ones and staying
on the good ones to make profit during the progression.


How it's played :

Allow each section to run through it's "expected" number of
spins to show. If it doesn't - then move on to the next.
But if it does, stay on it until either profit is made, or
it goes to the end and you need to move locations again.

How many spins for each location ?

Dozen (3 spins)
Line (6 spins)
Corner (9 spins)
Street (12 spins)
Split (18 spins)
Straight up (36 spins) <yes you could use 37 or 38.


Progression is a simple +1 unit per move from location to

Dozen = 1 unit each spin
Line = 2 units each spin
Corner = 3 units each spin
Street = 4 units each spin
Split = 5 units each spin
Straight up = 6 units each spin.


Example of play :

note, we are on dozen 1 most of the time unless the
progression is needed.
5.00 chip used as a "unit"

spin...location...units used...win/loss...balance
(note : dozen 1 is doing great and we are playing it - that's
the purpose of the method)
(note : 3 losses for the dozen so we move on)
(note: profit reached so we move back to the dozen)
14...dozen...1...loss...+15 (move)
20...line...2...loss...-45 (6 loss / move)
(note: profit reached so we move back to the dozen)

You should have the jist of it now.

Now, let's assume that the corner went 6 or so spins
and then showed up. The win wouldn't have been enough to
make profit - but as long as it won within 9 spins, we
stay on it at the same chip size and continue.


What happens is - and it may take a while sometimes -
You end up on a location that is hitting above expected
and the multiple wins will pull the balance back up to
Thanks for your input Mark,

It is true this is a short-circuited game:


Meta-selection / Roulette is a Short-Circuited game
January 07, 2013, 06:19:44 PM
Roulette is a Short-Circuited game on which AT ALL TIMES something is happening.

When your bet selection isn\'t in the spotlight, it means something else is.

Be clever. Have several (preferably opposite) events and adapt to whatever pattern/event/tendency is currently at present.

If you can\'t find an extant trend in this short-circuited game, then you need to fine-tune your strategy until every spin is playable, because you must have enough range in your triggers to spot what\'s presently \"on\" in any set of actuals.

Remember: \"Every set of actuals bears its own winning method\" -It\'s our duty to have our triggers sharp and our eyes wide open to match it out.

Meta-selection / Re: The foundations for a WINNER
January 07, 2013, 05:43:31 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on January 07, 2013, 05:37:04 PM
So what do you hope to accomplish with this thread.
No agenda. Just "venting" some ideas if you please :)

Contributions and personal takes on the subject from other fellow members who want to share their ways are welcome.
Meta-selection / Re: The foundations for a WINNER
January 07, 2013, 05:42:40 PM
Quote from: Bayes on January 07, 2013, 05:33:43 PM
Vic, I agree with you on all points except the positive progressions. :thumbsup:

I believe I can make a good case for CONTROLLED negative progressions being superior, but to some extent it depends on the probability of your bet winning. If you're covering 30 numbers, a purely positive progression is probably the better option.

There are certainly negative progression schemes which can hold a lot, but as a rule of thumb, the lesser exposure for your bank is achieved by positive ones. Kindly see the edits, they give room to other approaches.
Meta-selection / Re: The foundations for a WINNER
January 07, 2013, 05:41:07 PM
As you might have gotten from the first version's typos and truncated sentences, this isn't completed. I'm missing several  instances of"ideally" and "possibly" too.

I just want to give my take on what COULD, POSSIBLY, MAYBE, etc. would take a winner to be drawn to existence. We know the large numbers as in the compound gross of all punter's bets is the realm of the house, we are only left with our "ins and out of the game" i.e. with our sessions, as in the short term.

I'm seasoned enough not to declare anything as 100%.
Meta-selection / Re: The foundations for a WINNER
January 07, 2013, 05:09:29 PM
Other points to consider:

- If possible do not use negative progressions, try to recoup with positive progressions.

- After a successful session, you must split in a three-way:

1. First session bankroll: this is the single bank you take to the casino, this is what you inflate to grow your unit VALUE. The larger the unit VALUE on this bankroll, the more "regular" units go to the other two below.

2. Reserve banks: This stack is made out of MINIMAL BASE UNIT bankrolls. These are used after a losing session as first session bankrolls. YOUR GOAL IS TO HAVE AS MANY OF THESE BASE-UNIT RESERVE BANKS AS POSSIBLE. They are your oxygen. A single winning session with an engorged first-session unit size can mean several new ones of these reserve banks. If you are successful, you might end up having so many BASE UNITS on these banks it would take more than your chronological lifetime to have the casino getting them back. Then you can be certain to end your gambling career a winner.

3. NET GAINS: this is what you take for your personal expenses. This is your personal reward. This clearly defines "When your money is your money", this should be used, invested, locked away and never used again into a casino game. The casino can't take what you don't put again in the game. This amount of the split you can call 100% yours.

In doubt: 33%, 33%, 33% for each one of them.
Meta-selection / The foundations for a WINNER
January 07, 2013, 05:07:33 PM
It is my personal belief a long-term winner needs to be harvested from the short term. The long term is -after all- only the net concatenation of many shorter terms. If you focus in beating these shorter spans/frames and succeed, you beat the long term, without even worrying about it.

Foundations to this task:
1) Must be adaptative.

Over the years, the accepted conclusion is there is simply no stiff bet you can plug-in and beat the game.

The only thing that is accepted -even by the casinos- is there are winning time-frames for punters.

If you would have a way to identify and back those lucky punters' bets when they are having their winning run, you could sum 'em all. Likewise, you could substitute "punter" for "bet/method/trigger" in order to make the same. Nobody is putting a gun in your head for you to lose it all stiffly with one single trigger. You have the ability to stop and re-evaluate current conditions.

2) It must be a STRATEGY, comprehending several bet/triggers.

No single trigger can work.

The best trigger for your time-line strategy gets to be the one that clumps the most.

This enables you to identify such bets the easiest.

When they aren't getting hits at the rate probability would dictate for the current cycle, you disable them and put them to sleep for as long as they wish to be a sleeper. On the other hand, when your monitored bet is having one of its good runs at the expected rate for the cycle or better, you stick to it and leech it for everything it's worth.

3) Money management must be focused on bankroll preservation AND bankroll compounding at the same time.

Your money management must have two modes:

1) First mode should be oriented to bankroll preservation.

After a losing session you should ideally reduce your unit to the minimal/base unit available, in order to let evening-out concatenated bad sessions take the least in actual chip value.

2) Second mode, after a winning session, must be oriented to BANKROLL COMPOUNDING.

Your aim needs to be to lose pennies on concatenated bad times and win dollars, fivers and as much as possible in concatenated good sessions.

Even as the game "matches" your net units to the expected rate, the management of your unit value according to negative and positive trams needs to give you a remainder after the base raw units (in number) get evened-out. Remember the wheel and the felt are inanimate objects and don't communicate. The wheel doesn't know anything about how much is there of the felt on any place. The raw unit numbers are scheduled to even-out, but the VALUE of those units in the positive and negative trams is completely up to you. They don't need to be static. You can use this to your benefit.

Lose less when losing and win more when winning, in a practical way.
General Discussion / Incomplete Image for you?
January 06, 2013, 03:05:13 PM
There are two images in the opening message in this topic:


Can you see the BetVoyager table in full? How about the betvoyager balance one?

Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: hitting at a 200 odds bet
January 06, 2013, 02:45:43 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 06, 2013, 02:27:14 PM
I can see all of the white sheet he posted but only the top inch of the colored one.
Hmm, we'll need to run a poll to know if others are experiencing a similar behavior with the two images.

It is interesting indeed. If it's our (server) side it sure will help to debug this.
General Discussion / Re: The Challenges of English !!
January 06, 2013, 01:58:56 AM
Quote from: sqzbox on January 06, 2013, 01:24:32 AM
Thanks for splitting this off from the other thread [...]

It was a fellow moderator!
Would the real thread splitter please stand up?! please stand up... please stand up :D
General Discussion / Re: The Challenges of English !!
January 05, 2013, 04:58:21 PM

Quote from: sqzbox on January 04, 2013, 06:00:11 AM
Is there really any difference?

Long-term = no, according to math.

Short-term = yes, it can be the difference between a winning session and a disastrous one.

Remember the true long term is "infinity" (because regardless of previous success, there will always be a vigintillion more spins which the system must pass to be sure --the never-ending story!).
In the end, we're ultimately trying to beat a short term: the spins in our own limited lives :)